Chapter 9--Phebe's Secret
"Why do you keep smiling to yourself, Phebe?" asked Rose, as they wereworking together one morning, for Dr. Alec considered house-work thebest sort of gymnastics for girls; so Rose took lessons of Phebe insweeping, dusting and bed-making.
"I was thinking about a nice little secret I know, and couldn't helpsmiling."
"Shall I know it, sometime?"
"Guess you will."
"Shall I like it?"
"Oh, won't you, though!"
"Will it happen soon?"
"Sometime this week."
"I know what it is! The boys are going to have fireworks on the fourth,and have got some surprise for me. Haven't they?"
"That's telling."
"Well, I can wait; only tell me one thing is uncle in it?"
"Of course he is; there's never any fun without him."
"Then it's all right, and sure to be nice."
Rose went out on the balcony to shake the rugs, and, having given thema vigorous beating, hung them on the balustrade to air, while she took alook at her plants. Several tall vases and jars stood there, and a monthof June sun and rain had worked wonders with the seeds and slips she hadplanted. Morning-glories and nasturtiums ran all over the bars, makinghaste to bloom. Scarlet beans and honeysuckles were climbing up frombelow to meet their pretty neighbours, and the woodbine was hanging itsgreen festoons wherever it could cling.
The waters of the bay were dancing in the sunshine, a fresh wind stirredthe chestnut-trees with a pleasant sound, and the garden below was fullof roses, butterflies and bees. A great chirping and twittering went onamong the birds, busy with their summer house-keeping, and, far away,the white-winged gulls were dipping and diving in the sea, where ships,like larger birds, went sailing to and fro.
"Oh, Phebe, it's such a lovely day, I do wish your fine secret was goingto happen right away! I feel just like having a good time; don't you?"said Rose, waving her arms as if she was going to fly.
"I often feel that way, but I have to wait for my good times, and don'tstop working to wish for 'em. There, now you can finish as soon as thedust settles; I must go do my stairs," and Phebe trudged away with thebroom, singing as she went.
Rose leaned where she was, and fell to thinking how many good timesshe had had lately, for the gardening had prospered finely, and she waslearning to swim and row, and there were drives and walks, and quiethours of reading and talk with Uncle Alec, and, best of all, the oldpain and ennui seldom troubled her now. She could work and play allday, sleep sweetly all night, and enjoy life with the zest of a healthy,happy child. She was far from being as strong and hearty as Phebe, butshe was getting on; the once pale cheeks had colour in them now, thehands were growing plump and brown, and the belt was not much too loose.No one talked to her about her health, and she forgot that she had "noconstitution." She took no medicine but Dr. Alec's three great remedies,and they seemed to suit her excellently. Aunt Plenty said it was thepills; but, as no second batch had ever followed the first, I think theold lady was mistaken.
Rose looked worthy of her name as she stood smiling to herself overa happier secret than any Phebe had a secret which she did not knowherself till she found out, some years later, the magic of good health.
"'Look only,' said the brownie, 'At the pretty gown of blue, At the kerchief pinned about her head, And at her little shoe,"'
said a voice from below, as a great cabbage-rose came flying against hercheek.
"What is the princess dreaming about up there in her hanging-garden?"added Dr. Alec as she flung back a morning-glory.
"I was wishing I could do something pleasant this fine day; somethingvery new and interesting, for the wind makes me feel frisky and gay."
"Suppose we take a pull over to the Island? I intended to go thisafternoon; but if you feel more like it now, we can be off at once."
"I do! I do! I'll come in fifteen minutes, uncle. I must just scrabblemy room to rights, for Phebe has got a great deal to do."
Rose caught up the rugs and vanished as she spoke, while Dr. Alec wentin, saying to himself, with an indulgent smile,
"It may upset things a trifle, but half a child's pleasure consists inhaving their fun when they want it."
Never did duster flap more briskly than the one Rose used that day, andnever was a room "scrabbled" to rights in such haste as hers. Tables andchairs flew into their places as if alive; curtains shook as if a galewas blowing; china rattled and small articles tumbled about as if ayoung earthquake was playing with them. The boating suit went on in atwinkling, and Rose was off with a hop and a skip, little dreaming howmany hours it would be before she saw her pretty room again.
Uncle Alec was putting a large basket into the boat when she arrived,and before they were off Phebe came running down with a queer, knobbybundle done up in a water-proof.
"We can't eat half that luncheon, and I know we shall not need so manywraps. I wouldn't lumber the boat up so," said Rose, who still hadsecret scares when on the water.
"Couldn't you make a smaller parcel, Phebe?" asked Dr. Alec, eyeing thebundle suspiciously.
"No, sir, not in such a hurry," and Phebe laughed as she gave aparticularly large knob a good poke.
"Well, it will do for ballast. Don't forget the note to Mrs. Jessie, Ibeg of you."
"No, sir. I'll send it right off," and Phebe ran up the bank as if shehad wings to her feet.
"We'll take a look at the lighthouse first, for you have not been thereyet, and it is worth seeing. By the time we have done that it will bepretty warm, and we will have lunch under the trees on the Island."
Rose was ready for anything, and enjoyed her visit to the lighthouse onthe Point very much, especially climbing up the narrow stairs and goinginside the great lantern. They made a long stay, for Dr. Alec seemed inno hurry to go, and kept looking through his spy-glass as if he expectedto discover something remarkable on sea or land. It was past twelvebefore they reached the Island, and Rose was ready for her lunch longbefore she got it.
"Now this is lovely! I do wish the boys were here. Won't it be nice tohave them with us all their vacation? Why, it begins to-day, doesn't it?Oh, I wish I'd remembered it sooner, and perhaps they would have comewith us," she said, as they lay luxuriously eating sandwiches under theold apple-tree.
"So we might. Next time we won't be in such a hurry. I expect the ladswill take our heads off when they find us out," answered Dr. Alec,placidly drinking cold tea.
"Uncle, I smell a frying sort of a smell," Rose said, pausing suddenlyas she was putting away the remains of the lunch half an hour later.
"So do I; it is fish, I think."
For a moment they both sat with their noses in the air, sniffing likehounds; then Dr. Alec sprang up, saying with great decision,
"Now, this won't do! No one is permitted on this island without askingleave. I must see who dares to fry fish on my private property."
Taking the basket on one arm and the bundle on the other, he strode awaytowards the traitorous smell, looking as fierce as a lion, while Rosemarched behind under her umbrella.
"We are Robinson Crusoe and his man Friday going to see if the savageshave come," she said presently, for her fancy was full of the dear oldstories that all children love so well.
"And there they are! Two tents and two boats, as I live! These rascalsmean to enjoy themselves, that's evident."
"There ought to be more boats and no tents. I wonder where the prisonersare?"
"There are traces of them," and Dr. Alec pointed to the heads and tailsof fishes strewn on the grass.
"And there are more," said Rose, laughing, as she pointed to a scarletheap of what looked like lobsters.
"The savages are probably eating their victims now; don't you hear theknives rattle in that tent?"
"We ought to creep up and peep; Crusoe was cautious, you know, andFriday scared out of his wits," added Rose, still keeping up the joke.
"But this Crusoe is going to pounce upon the
m, regardless ofconsequences. If I am killed and eaten, you seize the basket and run forthe boat; there are provisions enough for your voyage home."
With that Uncle Alec slipped round to the front of the tent and, castingin the big bundle like a bomb-shell, roared out, in a voice of thunder,
"Pirates, surrender!"
A crash, a shout, a laugh, and out came the savages, brandishing knivesand forks, chicken bones, and tin mugs, and all fell upon the intruder,pommelling him unmercifully as they cried,
"You came too soon! We are not half ready! You've spoilt it all! Whereis Rose?"
"Here I am," answered a half-stifled voice, and Rose was discoveredsitting on the pile of red flannel bathing clothes, which she hadmistaken for lobsters, and where she had fallen in a fit of merrimentwhen she discovered that the cannibals were her merry cousins.
"You good-for-nothing boys! You are always bursting out upon me in someridiculous way, and I always get taken in because I'm not used to suchpranks. Uncle is as bad as the rest, and it's great fun," she said,as the lads came round her, half scolding, half welcoming, and whollyenjoying the double surprise.
"You were not to come till afternoon, and mamma was to be here toreceive you. Everything is in a mess now, except your tent; we got thatin order the first thing, and you can sit there and see us work," saidArchie, doing the honours as usual.
"Rose felt it in her bones, as Dolly says, that something was in thewind, and wanted to be off at once. So I let her come, and shouldhave kept her away an hour longer if your fish had not betrayed you,"explained Uncle Alec, subsiding from a ferocious Crusoe into hisgood-natured self again.
"As this seat is rather damp, I think I'll rise," said Rose, as theexcitement lessened a little.
Several fishy hands helped her up, and Charlie said, as he scattered thescarlet garments over the grass with an oar,
"We had a jolly good swim before dinner, and I told the Brats to spreadthese to dry. Hope you brought your things, Rose, for you belong to theLobsters, you know, and we can have no end of fun teaching you to diveand float and tread water."
"I didn't bring anything--" began Rose, but was interrupted by the Brats(otherwise Will and Geordie), who appeared bearing the big bundle, somuch demoralised by its fall that a red flannel tunic trailed out at oneend and a little blue dressing-gown at the other, while the knobs provedto be a toilet-case, rubbers, and a silver mug.
"Oh, that sly Phebe! This was the secret, and she bundled up thosethings after I went down to the boat," cried Rose, with sparkling eyes.
"Guess something is smashed inside, for a bit of glass fell out,"observed Will, as they deposited the bundle at her feet.
"Catch a girl going anywhere without a looking-glass. We haven't got oneamong the whole lot of us," added Mac, with masculine scorn.
"Dandy has; I caught him touching up his wig behind the trees after ourswim," cut in Geordie, wagging a derisive finger at Steve, who promptlysilenced him by a smart rap on the head with the drum-stick he had justpolished off.
"Come, come, you lazy lubbers, fall to work, or we shall not be readyfor mamma. Take Rose's things to her tent, and tell her all about it,Prince. Mac and Steve, you cut away and bring up the rest of the straw;and you small chaps, clear off the table, if you have stuffed all youcan. Please, uncle, I'd like your advice about the boundary lines andthe best place for the kitchen."
Everyone obeyed the chief, and Rose was escorted to her tent by Charlie,who devoted himself to her service. She was charmed with her quarters,and still more so with the programme which he unfolded before her asthey worked.
"We always camp out somewhere in vacation, and this year we thought we'dtry the Island. It is handy, and our fireworks will show off well fromhere."
"Shall we stay over the Fourth? Three whole days! Oh, me! what a frolicit will be!"
"Bless your heart, we often camp for a week, we big fellows; but thisyear the small chaps wanted to come, so we let them. We have greatlarks, as you'll see; for we have a cave and play Captain Kidd, and haveshipwrecks, and races, and all sorts of games. Arch and I are ratherpast that kind of thing now, but we do it to please the children," addedCharlie, with a sudden recollection of his sixteen years.
"I had no idea boys had such good times. Their plays never seemed a bitinteresting before. But I suppose that was because I never knew any boysvery well, or perhaps you are unusually nice ones," observed Rose, withan artless air of appreciation that was very flattering.
"We are a pretty clever set, I fancy; but we have a good manyadvantages, you see. There are a tribe of us, to begin with; then ourfamily has been here for ages, and we have plenty of 'spondulics,' sowe can rather lord it over the other fellows, and do as we like. There,ma'am, you can hang your smashed glass on that nail and do up your backhair as fine as you please. You can have a blue blanket or a red one,and a straw pillow or an air cushion for your head, whichever you like.You can trim up to any extent, and be as free and easy as squaws in awigwam, for this corner is set apart for you ladies and we never crossthe line uncle is drawing until we ask leave. Anything more I can do foryou, cousin?"
"No, thank you. I think I'll leave the rest till auntie comes, and goand help you somewhere else, if I may."
"Yes, indeed, come on and see to the kitchen. Can you cook?" askedCharlie, as he led the way to the rocky nook where Archie was putting upa sail-cloth awning.
"I can make tea and toast bread."
"Well, we'll shew you how to fry fish, and make chowder. Now you justset these pots and pans round tastefully, and sort of tidy up a bit,for Aunt Jessie insists on doing some of the work, and I want it to bedecent here."
By four o'clock the camp was in order, and the weary workers settleddown on Lookout Rock to watch for Mrs. Jessie and Jamie, who was neverfar from mamma's apron string. They looked like a flock of blue-birds,all being in sailor rig, with blue ribbon enough flying from the sevenhats to have set up a milliner. Very tuneful blue-birds they were, too,for all the lads sang, and the echo of their happy voices reached Mrs.Jessie long before she saw them.
The moment the boat hove in sight up went the Island flag, and theblue-jackets cheered lustily, as they did on every possible occasion,like true young Americans. This welcome was answered by the flapping ofa handkerchief and the shrill "Rah! Rah! Rah!" of the one small tarwho stood in the stern waving his hat manfully, while a maternal handclutched him firmly in the rear.
Cleopatra landing from her golden galley never received a heartiergreeting than "Little Mum" as she was borne to her tent by the youngfolk, for love of whom she smilingly resigned herself to three days ofdiscomfort; while Jamie immediately attached himself to Rose, assuringher of his protection from the manifold perils which might assail them.
Taught by long experience that boys are always hungry, Aunt Jessie soonproposed supper, and proceeded to get it, enveloped in an immense apron,with an old hat of Archie's stuck atop of her cap. Rose helped, andtried to be as handy as Phebe, though the peculiar style of table shehad to set made it no easy task. It was accomplished at last, and avery happy party lay about under the trees, eating and drinking out ofanyone's plate and cup, and quite untroubled by the frequent appearanceof ants and spiders in places which these interesting insects are notexpected to adorn.
"I never thought I should like to wash dishes, but I do," said Rose,as she sat in a boat after supper lazily rinsing plates in the sea, androcking luxuriously as she wiped them.
"Mum is mighty particular; we just give 'em a scrub with sand, and dust'em off with a bit of paper. It's much the best way, I think," repliedGeordie, who reposed in another boat alongside.
"How Phebe would like this! I wonder uncle did not have her come."
"I believe he tried to, but Dolly was as cross as two sticks, and saidshe couldn't spare her. I'm sorry, for we all like the Phebe bird, andshe'd chirp like a good one out here, wouldn't she?"
"She ought to have a holiday like the rest of us. It's too bad to leaveher out."
This thou
ght came back to Rose several times that evening, for Phebewould have added much to the little concert they had in the moonlight,would have enjoyed the stories told, been quick at guessing theconundrums, and laughed with all her heart at the fun. The merry goingto bed would have been the best of all, for Rose wanted someone tocuddle under the blue blanket with her, there to whisper and giggle andtell secrets, as girls delight to do.
Long after the rest were asleep, Rose lay wide awake, excited by thenovelty of all about her, and a thought that had come into her mind. Faraway she heard a city clock strike twelve; a large star like a mild eyepeeped in at the opening of the tent, and the soft plash of the wavesseemed calling her to come out. Aunt Jessie lay fast asleep, with Jamierolled up like a kitten at her feet, and neither stirred as Rose in herwrapper crept out to see how the world looked at midnight.
She found it very lovely, and sat down on a cracker keg to enjoy it witha heart full of the innocent sentiment of her years. Fortunately, Dr.Alec saw her before she had time to catch cold, for coming out to tieback the door-flap of his tent for more air, he beheld the smallfigure perched in the moonlight. Having no fear of ghosts, he quietlyapproached, and, seeing that she was wide awake, said, with a hand onher shining hair,
"What is my girl doing here?"
"Having a good time," answered Rose, not at all startled.
"I wonder what she was thinking about with such a sober look."
"The story you told of the brave sailor who gave up his place on theraft to the woman, and the last drop of water to the poor baby. Peoplewho make sacrifices are very much loved and admired, aren't they?" sheasked, earnestly.
"If the sacrifice is a true one. But many of the bravest never areknown, and get no praise. That does not lessen their beauty, thoughperhaps it makes them harder, for we all like sympathy," and Dr. Alecsighed a patient sort of sigh.
"I suppose you have made a great many? Would you mind telling me one ofthem?" asked Rose, arrested by the sigh.
"My last was to give up smoking," was the very unromantic answer to herpensive question.
"Why did you?"
"Bad example for the boys."
"That was very good of you, uncle! Was it hard?"
"I'm ashamed to say it was. But as a wise old fellow once said, 'It isnecessary to do right; it is not necessary to be happy.'"
Rose pondered over the saying as if it pleased her, and then said, witha clear, bright look,
"A real sacrifice is giving up something you want or enjoy very much,isn't it?"
"Doing it one's own self because one loves another person very much andwants her to be happy?"
"And doing it pleasantly, and being glad about it, and not minding thepraise if it doesn't come?"
"Yes, dear, that is the true spirit of self-sacrifice; you seem tounderstand it, and I dare say you will have many chances in your life totry the real thing. I hope they won't be very hard ones."
"I think they will," began Rose, and there stopped short.
"Well, make one now, and go to sleep, or my girl will be ill to-morrow,and then the aunts will say camping out was bad for her."
"I'll go good night!" and throwing him a kiss, the little ghostvanished, leaving Uncle Alec to pace the shore and think about some ofthe unsuspected sacrifices that had made him what he was.
Eight Cousins Page 9