Enfold (Thornhill Trilogy Book 3)

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Enfold (Thornhill Trilogy Book 3) Page 2

by J. J. Sorel

  Her face brightened. “I’d love to.”

  “Okay, then. But only if we can get something to eat on the way. What do you say to a cheeseburger on the beach?”

  She nodded. “I could eat one for sure, I’m hungry, and it’s such a lovely night.”

  I nipped at Clarissa’s swanlike neck. Her thick black hair tickled my nose, so I brushed it away. My hand lingered over it. It was soft and silken as I tucked it behind her ear. Her pretty elfin face gave me a shy smile. She was still bashful after all we’d done to each other. Her nipples were hard. And so was my cock. I leaned her against the wall. My hand travelled up her leg. Her panties were damp. “Clarissa, we need to go, now.”

  “Okay,” she said with that cock-swelling breathy voice. She floated along in my arm, and we left out the back without fanfare. My favorite type of departure.

  I rummaged around the back of my car, looking for a sweater. I found one and held it up to Clarissa.

  She scrunched her nose. “Oh, Aidan, I can’t wear that.”

  “Well, I’m as sure as hell not going in there with your tits hanging out like that. And those nipples that could poke out an eye. Do they ever go down?”

  “Not around you, Aidan.”

  Hmm… good answer.

  She pulled the sweater over her head, messing up her hair and making her look even sexier.

  The garment swam over her little frame. Her little scowl made me laugh. Nevertheless, I rolled up the sleeves. “There, it doesn’t look too bad.”

  “Aidan, it looks ridiculous.”

  I held my chin and studied her. “You look hot.”

  “No, I don’t.” She rummaged around in the trunk and found a scarf. “How about this?”

  I shook my head and chuckled, taking it off her. “Forget it. Come as you are. You’ll just have every man in there salivating. That’s all.”

  As we walked to the rear of the building, I held her tightly against me. I was still flushed with endorphins from having made love. There was something special about fucking in a car with my girl straddling me, her delectable tits in my mouth, while she scratched into my arms and moaned sweetly as she creamed all over my cock.

  I punched the number sequence and pushed the door. There was Bob and Jack, my trusty security guys to greet me. “Hey, guys. How’s it going?”

  “Yeah, good, Aidan. How are you? Long time no see.”

  “I’m great. I’ve just been busy.” I flashed a smile at Clarissa.

  After Clarissa greeted the pair, we headed down the hallway and discovered that the band was on a break.

  Without thinking, I opened the door to the band room. Doubling back, I wished I had knocked. My father had Tabitha balancing on his knees, his hand down her blouse as they smooched noisily.

  Clarissa and I went to turn away when Grant, who was facing us, looked up. His glistening lips made me recoil. Tabitha quickly zipped up her jeans. Fuck, that was awkward for me.

  “Guys… great to see you here,” said my father, jumping up.

  Tabitha squealed with joy at seeing Clarissa.

  “I think it’s time you got a lock on this door, Dad,” I said, creeped out at seeing my father with a woman young enough to be his daughter.

  He was all smiles and light in mood, just as I’d seen him the other day, punching the air, driven, and blissed out. There was no doubt he was flying high, literally, for his eyes had that discernible glassy film he got following a spliff.

  We left the girls to it. They were lost in their weird little world, chatting and giggling, Tabitha stroking Clarissa’s dress and purring. I had to admit it was heart-lifting to see Clarissa buoyant and giggly, acting like a schoolgirl. Although I could never trust Tabitha where men were involved, I understood their closeness. I liked it. If it made Clarissa happy, it made me happy.



  Aidan looked totally natural on stage clasping his guitar. It was so erotic the way he held his instrument and the expression on his face—those hooded eyes and that mouth-slightly-apart look that he got whenever he filled me.

  As I watched him, a pleasant little ache pulsed between my legs.

  With Grant by his side, both father and son had that rock-star allure about them.

  Biting his bottom lip, Aidan ripped out a tune, his back arched, his bulging biceps flexed as his fingers ran up and down the fretboard. It was so carnal I imagined that was my body he was fluttering over.

  With his pelvis thrusting against the back of his guitar, Aidan was a force of nature. His sexy allure was so thick it was splashing off the walls. I’m certain I felt the collective shudder amongst all the women in the audience. The atmosphere was awash with female hormones. How could it not be with Aidan looking like that, as if he were having sex with his instrument. Mm… I’d seen that look so many times while he played with my body that I found myself envying his guitar.

  Tabitha was swaying by my side. Every now and then, turning and smiling at me. She was happier than ever.

  She screamed in my ear, “Isn’t he hot? Isn’t he sexy? He’s so yummy.” She’d also been bewitched by Thornhill magic. Of course, she was referring to Grant. And I had to admit, for a fifty-three-year-old, Aidan’s dad cut a fine figure up there. He was as tall as his son, and he still managed a strong physique. His light-brown hair was long and graying, and with those entrancing blue eyes, I could understand Tabitha’s attraction.

  I wished I’d worn more suitable clothes, however. My green silk dress was a little dressy for the room. But it was impossible to resist Tabitha, who made me dance with her nonstop to the music. It was so much fun as we jumped about like crazy girls.

  When a couple of guys joined us, I glanced up at Aidan. With his radar on high, as always, he cast a dark, penetrating frown at the men, followed by a sharp nod to Jack, his security guy.

  The big man had been standing close, anyway. Aidan had instructed him to do so, earlier. Dwarfing our eager wannabe dance partners, Jack bent down, signalling them to leave us alone. The men shrank in defeat and left us to it.

  Tabitha looked at me and laughed. She was in her element.

  After dancing through the whole set, she whisked me off to the restroom.

  I’d worked up a real sweat. It certainly beat going to a gym, something I’d avoided so far in my short life. I figured the daily rigorous workouts I got with my insatiable lover were sufficient enough to keep me in shape.

  When I stared in the mirror, I winced. Before me was a mop of hair pathetically trying to be a bun, and eyeliner had smudged around my eyes. “Hmm… I look like I’ve been in a tornado.” I giggled.

  Tabitha grabbed her brush. “Here, let me do your hair.”

  My fatigued legs collapsed gratefully when I plonked onto a chair. After dancing forty minutes nonstop, and the deep, delicious straddling session with Aidan in the car, my body ached.

  It was heavenly having Tabitha brush my hair. I closed my eyes and floated off. No pulls or pain. Her unflinching patience with my tangled mess of hair really did seem out of character for Tabitha, considering how restless she was. But when it came to hair and make-up, she approached it with the calmness of a Buddhist monk.

  She lifted my heavy mane. “What do you want me to do with it?”

  I dragged out an elastic band from my bag. “Here, a ponytail.”

  When she finished, I remained seated. My heavy body screamed for time out. It felt so nice to have a break. I watched Tabitha studying her flawless features closely in the mirror. She applied mascara to her long, thick eyelashes. After which, she dabbed natural lip-gloss onto her fleshy pout, and fluffed her thick blond hair.

  “You look beautiful, Tabs.”

  She gazed at me through the mirror. Her lips turned up at one end. “Thanks, sweetie. So do you. That dress is seriously sexy. Most of the guys have boners.”

  I scrunched my face “Gross.”

  She laughed before changing back to serious in a blink. “I’m so in love, Clary.�

  Hmm… I’d heard that before.

  “I can see you guys are finding it hard to take your hands off each other. That’s the second time I’ve seen you in a state of…”

  “In a state of orgasmic delirium.”

  I laughed. “I suppose you can describe it that way. The first time was a little more confronting, seeing Grant’s head buried between your legs.”

  Tabitha’s eyes softened. “He’s yummy. He licks me dry. And he is so fucking well-hung. I can barely walk afterwards.”

  I recoiled. “Shit, Tabs, that’s my future father-in-law you’re talking about.”

  She placed her hands on her hips and huffed, “If I can’t talk to you about my sex life, who else is there?”

  I shrugged.

  “You know me, Clary. Part of the fun is talking about it to my best friend.” She put her arm around me and kissed my cheek. “I love you, Clary.”

  I kissed her back. “And I love you too, Tabs. It just feels weird. That’s all.”

  “You’ll get used to it. You’re going to have to.” She flashed one of those ambiguous smiles that had a thousand meanings.

  I was about to step outside, when I turned. “What do you mean?”

  Tabitha’s lips curled up as her eyes danced with excitement. “He’s asked me to marry him.”

  My eyebrows drew together sharply. “What? But you’ve only been together for two weeks.”

  She laughed. “I knew you’d say that.” She looped her arm in mine. “Come on. Let’s go and get our men before those older chicks in heat do.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle as I followed my impulsive friend.

  Aidan and Grant were at the bar, talking to a couple of older women. Hmm… Tabitha was right. The cougars were circling. Aidan looked up and saw me. He bowed his head to excuse himself and approached me.

  “Baby, there you are.” He put his arm around my waist.

  Like magnets, Grant and Tabitha were all over each other.

  I stood on my toes and whispered, “Tabitha tells me they’re getting married.”

  Aidan nodded slowly, looking nonplussed. “I know, Grant just told me.”

  “And you’re cool about it?”

  He shrugged. “What can I say? They’re adults. Let them fuck up if they want to. Or it might work. Who knows? I know Dad’s totally besotted.”

  “As is Tabitha.” I peered up at Aidan. “I’m reading doubt in your words.”

  “She’s not exactly reliable, is she? I mean, she was crazy about Evan a month ago.”

  I sighed. Aidan was right. I couldn’t defend my erratic friend. I tilted my head and flashed a mock smile.

  Aidan glanced over my shoulder. His face darkened. “Fuck. Speak of the devil.” He lowered his voice. “Don’t look now, but Evan has just turned up.”

  “What do we do?” I asked, fearing the worst.

  “Leave it to me. I’ll go and have a chat with him. I’ll gauge his mood. Do me a favor. Sneak Tabitha off to the bathroom. Stay there until I come and get you, okay?”

  I nodded. A tight breath left my lips as I headed over to get her. But it was too late. Evan was standing by Tabitha. I could see alarm written on her face. He had her by the arm.

  At first, there was no sign of Grant. Then, as I turned to look, I saw him racing toward the bar. He took Evan aside and said something. Evan’s face had a brutal tightness about it as he shrugged violently out of Grant’s hold.

  They were locked in a war of words, it appeared, their faces nearly touching. Then Aidan arrived and stood in the middle of both men, separating them.

  I watched with my heart in my mouth.

  Luckily, Tabitha had the good sense to move away from them. She joined me, and I grabbed her by the hand. “Come on, quick. Let’s go to the bathroom.”

  Her dampened hand trembled in mine as we moved along briskly. My instinct was to remain, however. I was frightened for Aidan. What if Evan had a knife? Or even a gun? My teeth chattered, and my legs of lead made it difficult to walk.

  When we entered the small room, I noticed there was no lock on the door, so I shuttled Tabitha, who was shivering, into a cubicle.

  “Lock the door. And don’t move. I’ll be back in a minute. Promise me, Tabs.”

  “I will.”

  She was pale. I could see she was terrified, confirming the severity of Evan’s threats. I’d never seen Tabitha that way. “Did he threaten to kill you?”

  Her lips quivered as she broke down in tears. “He’s got a gun.”

  My heart was now beating so hard I could hardly breathe. “Shit. Wait here.”

  When I left the restroom, I saw the three of them at the bar, talking. Evan seemed to have cooled down, or so it seemed from where I stood. I decided to call Aidan rather than approach them. I didn’t want to inflame the situation, considering Tabitha was connected to me.

  I sent him a text. I saw him reach for his phone and he tapped something. It buzzed back. It’s under control. But don’t come out. I’ll be there in a moment. Wait for me there.

  My hands shook as I tapped out, Ok. Aidan, be careful. He’s got a gun.

  He replied, I know. Don’t worry. It’s under control. Just stay there.

  I went back into the little room. “Let me in, Tabs.”

  She opened the door, and I squashed into the tight cubicle, waiting for Aidan. We held hands in silence.

  Five minutes later, I asked, “Are you okay?”

  Tabitha shook her head. “I’m sorry. This is really fucked up. He threatened to kill me if I didn’t go with him.”

  “How did he know you were here?”

  “He found out I was seeing Grant,” she said.


  “He ran into us on the street. Grant and I were walking arm in arm. All lovey-dovey.” She raised a brow.


  “Yeah. And I suppose he figured I’d be here with Grant.”

  “Did he tell you he had a gun?”

  “Yep. He told me he’d use it on me and Grant if I didn’t go out and talk to him.”

  My chest felt like stone. It was taking too long out there. I needed to know what they were doing.

  A gunshot suddenly rang out, followed by screams.

  Tabitha and I blanched. Her startled fear reflected the icy terror sweeping through my veins.

  Tears filled my eyes. My heart squeezed into a tight ball. Was Aidan hurt? “Stay here, Tabs,” I said, opening the cubicle.

  Tabitha grabbed me by the arm. “No. Wait it out with me. There’s nothing you can do.”

  The next moment, we heard yelling and another gunshot. I needed the toilet, such was the visceral terror that had overtaken me. I pushed Tabitha off the seat, and a stream of nervousness cascaded down.

  “What are we going to do?” I cried.

  “Stay calm.” Her trembling hand took my equally shaky hand.

  The next thing I knew, the door swung open. “Clarissa.” It was Aidan, and I nearly collapsed from relief as I swung open the cubicle door.

  I fell into his arms. “Aidan.” He stroked my head. “It’s okay, baby.”

  “We heard shots.”

  Tabitha was in his face. “Who was shot?”

  Aidan was pale.

  My eyes enlarged. “Not Grant. Not your father?”

  He shook his head.

  Phew. I started to breathe again, and Tabitha sighed loudly.

  “The police are coming now.” He exhaled a long, jagged breath.

  “Is anyone hurt?” I asked.

  Aidan nodded. His eyes had gone dark.

  “It’s Evan, isn’t it?” Tabitha asked.

  “Yeah, he turned the gun on himself.”

  “But we heard two shots, Aidan,” I said.

  Aidan rubbed his neck. “He aimed at Grant, but I managed to push the gun upwards. Luckily, it hit the ceiling. No one was hurt. Then Jack and Bob wrestled with him to get the weapon. Evan somehow managed to turn the gun inward and fired at himself.” Aidan
sighed roughly. His eyes were dark pools of sorrow. “That was his intention all along. He whispered into my ear, ‘I’ve got two bullets: one for your father, and one for me.’”

  I held Aidan tight. “I was so scared it was you, Aidan.” Although I was relieved to be in his protective hold again, my universe had turned just as black as Aidan’s mood. I shivered in his arms.

  “We’re safe, angel. I have to stay here until the cops get here. Then we’ll go home, okay?” His voice rang with sad weariness. “Go into the band room. I’ll get one of the guys to bring you a couple of drinks. I know I need one, desperately.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I’ll join you as soon as I can.” His lips quivered as he kissed me, leaving a burning stain on my cheek.

  Tabitha and I shuffled off to the back of the venue. At least the band room was at the back, which spared us from witnessing a bloodied dead body.

  Tabitha could not speak. Her mouth hung open on a blank, bloodless face. We sat in the room, empty of thoughts and words.

  Grant entered and cast me an apologetic frown before taking Tabitha into his arms. Her body convulsed in sobs as he held her tight.

  The realization hit me as I observed the touching scene in front of me. I could see plainly that Tabitha needed an older man to support her. Something told me that this relationship would stick. I recalled older, married Steve, whom she kept going back to. Although he was unavailable, Tabitha craved him, even when she could have had the pick of any guy in her own age group.


  I sat slumped on the leather sofa. We’d decided to stay at Aidan’s penthouse in Venice. What a night it had been. From scaling the heights of success after an auction that saw every painting sell—bringing in an excess of five hundred thousand for the VHC—to scraping the gloomy depths of despair.

  Sitting with his head in his hands, Aidan was gutted.

  I uttered, “I can’t stop feeling responsible for what happened.”

  “You’re not, princess. Remove it from your thoughts. It’s tragic enough as it is without you blaming yourself.”

  “But if I hadn’t been around, Evan wouldn’t have met Tabitha.”


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