The Forgotten Empire: Banishment: Book One

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The Forgotten Empire: Banishment: Book One Page 24

by Raymond L. Weil

  “No damage so far,” reported Lieutenant Ashen, listening to the communications between ships.

  “We’ll be in range of the first drone in twelve minutes,” Nower informed the captain.

  Derrick looked at the tactical display. “Any sign of them detecting us?”

  Nower shook her head. “No, they’re spread out and still on a direct course for Earth.”

  On the tactical display, the green icon representing the Destiny slowly closed on the drones. Behind them, the battle between the Imperial battlecruisers and the blocking Druin drones intensified.


  Inside the Pallas Command Center, Admiral Bract frowned deeply when he saw the Druin drones split apart and head in different directions. He turned to Captain Hatterson at Communications. “Have three of the battlecruisers orbiting Pallas enter hyperspace and take out those drones heading toward us.”

  “Message sent,” replied Hatterson.

  “What about the ones heading toward Earth and Mars?” asked Councilor Prest.

  “As soon as our battlecruisers have destroyed the ones attempting to block them, they’ll proceed to destroy the rest.”

  “Admiral, Captain Masters is currently pursuing the four drones heading toward Earth,” reported Rear Admiral Leeson. “He plans on engaging them one at a time.”

  Bract didn’t like risking the Destiny, but it was heavily stealthed. “Tell Captain Masters to use caution. I don’t want the Destiny damaged.”

  Councilor Prest looked over at Admiral Bract. “Can we stop all the drones?”

  Bract nodded. “Yes, we have an advantage with our hyperspace drives, whereas the drones are limited by their subspace ones.”

  Councilor Prest nodded. “I just wish this was over.”

  “It will be shortly,” promised Bract, as he returned his attention to the large tactical display showing the battle.


  The Druin drones and the Imperial battlecruisers were deadlocked in a deadly battle of attrition. The drones, discovering they could not batter down the energy screens on the battlecruisers by individual fire, were now concentrating all their fire on just one of the fourteen warships.

  Antimatter missiles struck time after time against the shield of the Argameon, causing it to steadily flare up brighter and brighter. Fusion energy beams played over the screen, searching for a weak spot.

  Suddenly one of the fusion beams penetrated, blasting a huge glowing hole in the side of the battlecruiser. The shield wavered briefly, but that was enough to allow an antimatter missile to penetrate the shield and to strike the hull of the Argameon. In a massive blast of light and energy, the Imperial battlecruiser blew apart.

  The remaining Imperial battlecruisers continued to attack with renewed fury. Two of the Druin drones had their shields battered down, and they were then annihilated by fusion energy beam fire. After this, the drones no longer had enough firepower to take down the shields of any more of the battlecruisers. The computers controlling the drones then decided to break off the attack and to head toward their targets. Six drones reversed course and headed off in different directions, all on courses that curved and would eventfully bring them to Earth.

  Orders from Pallas instructed the battlecruisers to pair up and to intercept the drones. The remaining battlecruiser was ordered to assist the Destiny.


  “Combat range on the first drone,” reported Lieutenant Breen. “I have missile lock.”

  “Hold,” ordered Captain Masters. “I want to close the range and hit them from close up.”

  “The closer we get, the more likely it is they will detect us,” warned Lieutenant Commander Banora.

  “I’m aware of that. Let’s just see how close we can get.”

  The Destiny crept closer to its target, as hatches on its missile tubes slid open, and fusion projectors pointed toward the drone.

  “Fire!” ordered Derrick, leaning forward in his command chair, his gaze focused intensely on the main viewscreen which showed the drone.

  Almost instantly massive explosions covered the drone’s energy screen, and one of the fusion energy beams managed to penetrate where an antimatter missile had detonated. The drone blew apart, sending glowing debris in all directions.

  “Target down,” reported Nower, sounding relieved.

  The Destiny made several sharp turns as it dodged some of the debris.

  “Sorry,” said Viktor. “I didn’t want any of that debris to hit the shield.”

  “The Lankot is coming up behind us. They say they’ll take out the next drone,” reported Lieutenant Ashen.

  Derrick nodded. “Keep us behind and just above the Lankot. If the battlecruiser needs any support, we’ll be there.”


  Over the next two hours all the drones were hunted down and destroyed. None made it close to Earth, Mars, or Pallas.


  “We’re being recalled,” reported Lieutenant Ashen. “Four battlecruisers are being sent to Earth, just in case we missed a drone.”

  “A wise precaution,” said Derrick approvingly. “Set a course for Pallas at best cruising speed.” Derrick was in no hurry to get back to the asteroid. Besides, it was good for his crew to get the extra time in on board the Destiny.


  Andrew had been quiet during the entire engagement. He had thought the Druin attack on the Endeavor had been violent. That didn’t even compare to what he had just witnessed. He was very impressed by the professionalism the ship’s crew had demonstrated. He was more convinced then ever that this was something he wanted to become a part of.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Admiral Dylan Cleemorl was in the Command Center, gazing at the viewscreen. In another week they would reach the region of space that contained the star system where Earth was rumored to be. They were currently in a yellow dwarf system. The system had fourteen planets but none in the habitable zone. An asteroid field was in the habitable zone, but that was it.

  “Another dead system,” commented Captain Fulmar, sounding disappointed.

  “Too many dead systems,” replied Dylan. “It’s as if, eons ago, some powerful race swept through this portion of the galaxy and eliminated everything.”

  “Contacts!” called out Lieutenant Casella. “They just dropped out of hyperspace.”

  “Druins?” Dylan hoped the Druins hadn’t followed them this far.

  “No, sir,” replied Casella, sounding confused. “I’ve never seen ships like these.”

  Dylan turned toward the main viewscreen. “Put them up on the screen. Let’s see what they look like.”

  A ship suddenly appeared on the screen. It was long and shaped more like several boxes attached to one another. Its lines weren’t smooth but full of sharp angles.

  “Admiral, I have Cheryl Bannon on the comm. She says it’s urgent.”

  “Transfer her to me.” Dylan wondered what Cheryl could want at a time like this. “What is it, Cheryl?”

  “Keep away from those ships. I’ve seen them before. They’re scavengers. They occasionally come to Highland Station to trade. They cannot be trusted, and they are extremely dangerous.”

  Cleemorl looked at the ship on the screen. He could see no signs of weapons. “Are they armed?”

  “Heavily. Their weapons are hidden inside the hulls of their vessels. They will try to approach under the guise of trade and then attempt to take out one of our ships. Also more of them may be around. They seldom show their full force.”

  “We have an incoming message,” reported the communications officer.

  “Stay on the comm, Cheryl, so you can hear what they want. Put them through.”

  “Welcome to the Cogan Expanse. This is our territory. Why have you come here?”

  Short and sweet, thought Dylan. “We’re just passing through. We did not know anyone claimed this desolate region.”

  “Where are you heading?”

  Dylan hesitated. He did not want to reveal their eventual destination. “We�
��re just exploring, looking for resources. We will be returning to Confederation space shortly.”

  “Confederation space,” replied the Cogan. “Perhaps we can trade while you are here? Can I have one of my ships dock with one of yours, so we can show you what we have to offer? We have many items you may be interested in. We also have some interesting artifacts we have picked up on some of the worlds in this region. You might find them extremely useful.”

  “I think we’ll pass for now but thanks for the offer.”

  There was no reply as the comm line was disconnected.

  “They will attack,” predicted Cheryl. “Ready your ships. They will try to disable one, so it has to be abandoned. Then they will return and pick it clean after our fleet has left.”

  Dylan’s gaze shifted to the ship on the viewscreen. “Captain Fulmar, take the fleet to Condition One and prepare for combat.”

  “We could jump out,” suggested Fulmar.

  Dylan shook his head. “No, then they might start searching for us. Best to take them on now, so we won’t have to worry about them later.” Dylan was confident his two battlecruisers could handle whatever the Cogans threw at him.

  “Admiral, I’m picking up more ships on the sensors. Seven more have just dropped out of hyperspace.”

  “I guess that pretty well tells us what they want,” said Fulmar.

  Dylan nodded. “Put our fleet into a globe formation, and let’s see what our new friends do. I want Cheryl’s yacht in the center, where it will be protected.”

  For the next several minutes, they watched as the Cogan ships slowly encircled the fleet. Panels slid open on the sides of their warships, revealing energy projectors as well as hidden missile tubes.

  “Not quite as friendly as they tried to act,” commented Captain Fulmar, gazing at a viewscreen. “Do we fire first, or wait on them to initiate hostilities?”

  Dylan hated firing first, but, if what Cheryl had told him was true, the Cogans were about to attack. “Target two of their ships and fire upon my orders. Maybe that will force the others to withdraw. If we show our teeth, maybe they will leave us alone after this.”

  “Ships targeted,” reported Lieutenant Bedell.



  Instantly fusion energy beams struck two of the ships, followed by fusion missiles. The ships must have been lightly shielded as both targeted vessels exploded in bright fireballs as their shields quickly collapsed.

  The other ships launched a few missiles and fired numerous energy beams but rapidly turned and accelerated away, making the jump into hyperspace. In moments the Cogan ships were gone.


  Admiral Cleemorl gazed at the viewscreens, showing the wreckage of the destroyed ships.

  “Targets destroyed,” confirmed Lieutenant Casella.

  “Anything on the sensors?” asked Captain Fulmar.

  “Nothing but wreckage.”

  “Let’s get out of here,” ordered Dylan. “Set a course for our next set of coordinates.”

  Dylan was determined, if they encountered any more of the Cogans, he would withdraw rather than get into a firefight. He hoped word of what had happened here would spread, and they would avoid his fleet from now on.

  A few moments later he felt the transition into hyperspace. He knew this time they had been lucky, and no ships had been damaged. That might not be the case next time.


  Cheryl was relieved that Dylan had taken such decisive action against the Cogans. Every day he revealed himself to be the man she had always hoped he would become. Cheryl was in her quarters, relaxing, as they would be in hyperspace for nearly a full day. She wished Dylan were here with her.

  Lying on her bed, she fantasized about what their life could have been like, if they had gotten married as they had originally planned. They had been childhood sweethearts and, from an early age, had decided to stay together. Then Dylan had abruptly joined the secret military, and Cheryl had fled, feeling as if she had been betrayed. She now realized her reaction had been very foolish.

  She gazed up at the ceiling, thinking about what her life could have been. Now they were much older, and she wondered if it was too late. She hoped not. For now she knew she would have to wait. Dylan was intent on finding the old Imperials, and she would not get in his way. After he completed his mission, then the two of them would have time to spend together.

  Closing her eyes, Cheryl tried to fall asleep. In her mind she kept seeing Dylan in his admiral’s uniform, with her at his side.


  The next day Admiral Cleemorl was in his quarters, studying some star maps. Several of the maps were very old and had been handed down through the generations. The map he was looking at showed a yellow dwarf star with a dim circle drawn around it. He hadn’t noticed this before, as the circle had nearly faded away. He hoped this was the star system that contained Earth. He debated going straight to it or taking a more roundabout course, just in case they were still being pursued. Of course there had been no sign of the Druins since they left Highland Station.

  Dylan leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. The faint red circle around the yellow dwarf had to be where Earth was. If he was wrong, he was prepared to search the surrounding stars. With the supplies they had, he could search for months if necessary.

  A knock came on his door, and Captain Fulmar came in. “Admiral, we’ll be dropping out of hyperspace in another hour. Have you decided on our next destination?”

  Dylan nodded. He wrote down a set of coordinates and handed them to Fulmar. These were not the coordinates for what he hoped was Earth’s star, but it would put them much nearer. “We’ll go here next.”

  Fulmar took the piece of paper and glanced at the coordinates. “Are we getting close?”

  “Pretty close. Another couple jumps and we’ll be there.”

  “What do you think the odds are that we’ll find a highly developed civilization?”

  Leaning forward, Dylan stared directly at the captain. “I don’t know. We took a risk coming here, but, if we had remained, the Druins would have eventually hunted us down.”

  “I’ll have Navigation plot the coordinates,” replied Fulmar, as he turned to leave. He reached the door and then stopped. Pivoting, he gazed at the admiral. “We’re in this together, no matter what happens. For what it’s worth, you made the right decision in conducting this search.”

  “Let’s hope so,” replied Dylan.

  Fulmar left, closing the door behind him.

  Dylan leaned back, folding his arms over his chest; Earth had to exist, for, if it didn’t, there would be no going back for any of them.


  The Themis and the other ships of the fleet once more dropped out of hyperspace. This system was a small white dwarf with a couple of barren planets in orbit. A quick scan of the system showed nothing of significance.

  “Another dead system,” commented Captain Fulmar. “There seems to be an abundance of those in this region.”

  Dylan nodded. “Maybe someday we’ll know what happened here.” It was one of the reasons why the Confederation had never expanded in this direction. The Bacchus Region was well-known for its dead planets and its lack of resources. “We’ll stay here for a full day. I want all ship captains to check their vessels. If I’m correct, we have two more jumps ahead of us, and then we’ll reach our destination. I want all our ships, including Cheryl’s, ready for anything.” Dylan suspected the Druins might have left some type of surveillance system around Earth. To reach Earth it might be necessary to destroy it.


  In the Solar System, work was being done to all eight of the large Command Stations of the Druins. The stations did have living quarters for Druins, and those were being modified for Humans. Marines had been assigned to each station, as well as a full crew. Several programmers were in each crew to ensure all the systems in the stations would be obedient to Human commands.

  “How soon before all the work is done?” asked C
aptain Masters. The Destiny was docked safely inside Pallas and would probably stay here for the foreseeable future. Imperial battlecruisers were now patrolling the Solar System.

  “About a month,” replied Admiral Bract. “Each will have a full crew, as well as Marines. They will act as an early warning station in case a Druin ship comes by. They’re also heavily armed and can defend themselves.”

  “What about station seven that launched all its drones?”

  Admiral Bract smiled. “We’re replacing them with drones of our own design. Matter of fact, that’s planned for all the stations.”

  They were in the Imperial Command Center, deep beneath Pallas. For the first time in over one thousand years, it was now fully activated. On one of the large viewscreens, an Imperial passenger ship, capable of carrying over 1,500 people in comfort, prepared to head to Earth. On board were nearly five hundred Imperials, who would assist in enlarging the space station and in bringing new technologies to Earth.

  Derrick gazed at the large liner. Its lines were smooth and graceful, as no weapon turrets or missile hatches dotted the hull of the vessel. It turned and then accelerated, as it began its journey to Earth. For the time being, hyperspace travel would be limited to warships. “I understand some Earth military personnel will be coming here shortly?”

  Admiral Bract nodded. “Yes, Colonel Simpson’s report was very positive. Nearly one thousand personnel from the Earth’s Marines, navy, and air force are coming to Pallas for training. I would like to activate some more battlecruisers, as well as a couple more dreadnoughts. We now have an entire Solar System to protect. I expect rapid expansion in the colonization of Mars, as well as several of the larger moons in the system.”

  On one of the viewscreens, Derrick saw an Imperial cargo ship move away from Pallas. He knew numerous passenger ships and cargo ships were in stasis in the many ship bays. “How many passenger and cargo ships will we activate?”

  “Four passenger ships and six cargo ships,” replied Admiral Bract. “There’ll be regular ship traffic between Earth and Pallas from now on. We’ve also brought another ten thousand Imperials out of cryo to help with everything.”


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