by Alan Bennett
Cranmer, Thomas 93
Cream Cracker Under the Settee, A (Bennett) 91, 362
Crittall, Ariel: puts age limit for knickers at eighty 189
Crolla, Anthony 253, 299, 321, 334
Crompton, Richmal 382–3
Cromwell, Oliver 458, 477
Cromwell, Thomas 214–15
Crowley, Bob 509
Crozier, Eric 63, 89, 427
Cryer, Barry 5, 204, 253, 350
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) 292, 453
Cumberland Market 175
Daniel (AB’s neighbour) 285, 327
Daniels, Elaine 334–5
Daniels, John 335
Darwin, Charles 118, 184
Davidman, Joy 234, 235
Davies, Anne (AB’s neighbour) 114, 116, 117, 128, 137–8, 172, 173: church packed at funeral of, 174, 246
Davis, Bette 165
Day Out, A (Bennett) 37, 115, 420–1, 451
Daylsford Organic Farm Shop, Oxfordshire 12–13
de la Tour, Frances 18, 198, 317, 345, 407, 414, 415
de Menezes, Jean Charles 26–7, 53, 69, 322
Death in Venice (Britten opera) 103–4, 427
Debo (Deborah Mitford, Dowager Duchess of Devonshire) 118, 167–8, 183, 203–4, 225, 234, 265–6, 291, 318–19, 337–8
Dench, Judi ix, 131, 317, 505
Denmark Hill (Bennett) 517–18, 519
Der Rosenkavalier (Strauss) 486
Desert Island Discs (radio programme) 174, 259–60, 369
Devonshire, Dowager Duchess of see Debo
Dhawan, Sacha 56–7, 417, 420
Diaries (Lees-Milne) 154
Dilworth, Niamh 216
Dombey, Norman 110
Donaldson, Willie 22–3
Dorchester Hotel 81, 227–8
Dorset 102–3
‘Dorsetshire Labourer, The’ (Hardy) 34
Douglas-Home, Alec 507
Down Cemetery Road (Larkin readings, Cottesloe Theatre) 505
Dream of Gerontius (Elgar) xiii
Drucker, Gerald 212–13
‘Drummer Hodge’ (Hardy) 415
Drury Lane Theatre, London 153–4
Duggan, Mark 322
Dundee, Scotland 133, 502
Dunn, Andrew 415, 420
Durham Cathedral 204–5
Eagleton, Terry 112
Easington, Oxfordshire 164
East Coast rail franchise 146
Easter Island 362
Eddington, Paul 154
Edensor, Derbyshire 203, 318, 337
Edgelands (Farley/Roberts) 242
Edlington, near Doncaster 201
Education and the Working Class (Jackson/Marsden) 449, 450
Edward VIII 155
Egerton, Judy 260, 269
Eliot, T. S. 295–6
Eliot, Valerie 296
Elizabeth I 172, 388
Elizabeth II (HMQ) 26, 38, 70, 75, 76, 83, 113, 124, 126–7, 133, 144, 182–3, 278, 313, 502, 508
Elland, West Yorkshire 274
Ely, Cambridgeshire 83, 124
Empson, William 19
End of the Line, The (Cobb) 149
English Heritage 186, 219, 299
Englishman Abroad, An (Bennett) 166, 264, 434, 500, 501, 502
Enjoy (Bennett) 89–90, 151, 432, 460, 699, 700–1
Enright, D. J. 342
Entertaining Mr Sloane (Orton) 173–4
‘Epistle to a Godson’ (Auden) 143
Epsom Road, Guildford: home of the Bennett family in 168–9, 382–3
Eton/Etonians 40, 41, 123, 190, 329
EU referendum 376
European Court of Human Rights 148
Evans, Norman 452
Evelyn Waugh 13, 129–30
Evening With …, An (television programme) ix
Everyman (Roth) 60
Ewart, Gavin 265
Exeter College, Oxford 82, 193, 313, 314, 332, 386, 425, 449, 491, 492
Exit Ghost (Roth) 126
Expresso Bongo (musical) 350
Exton Church, Rutland 171–2
Eyre, Richard 514
Eyre, Ronald 506
Faber and Faber 10, 28, 270, 296, 389
Families Against the War 82
Family Guy (television programme) 273
Fanny Hill (BBC adaptation) 104–5
Farley, Paul 242
Farrer, Reginald 132
Fatal Englishman, The (Faulks) 39–43
Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk 466–7
Fenton, George 67, 141, 154, 179, 182, 238, 275, 321, 439
Fenton, James 125, 151
Ferguson, Niall 244, 347
Fernando, Olga (translator) 6
Ferrara, Italy 97
Ferrier, Kathleen 369–70, 428
Festival of Britain (1951) 70, 71, 107–8, 162, 178, 364, 478, 485–6
Festival of Remembrance 82
Finch, Peter 502
Finchale Priory, Co Durham 205
Fincham, Paul 44, 45
First World War 46, 73, 82, 218, 257, 308, 340, 381, 404, 699
Fisher, Geoffrey 328
Fisher, Sylvia 486
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge 11, 118–19, 201–2, 300, 435
Flash Gordon (film) 194
Focus (Miller) 9
Forster, E. M. 44, 229, 302, 379
Fort Belvedere, Surrey 155
Fortune, John 78–9, 87, 143–4, 169, 177, 320, 322, 391
Fortune Theatre, London 21, 453
Forty Years On (Bennett) 75, 105–6, 153–4, 179, 257, 293, 315, 321, 402–3, 434, 439, 451
Foster, Norman 323–4
Fountains Abbey 420–1, 478, 480, 482
Four Feathers, The (film) 251–2
France 71–2, 297–8, 352, 353, 480
Frankland, Mark 474
Frayn, Michael 334, 365
Frears, Stephen 420
French, Philip 360
Freud, Lucian 253, 480
Frost, David 113, 138
Fry, Stephen 107, 225
Gambon, Michael 8, 190, 317, 506
Garland, Patrick 68, 88, 505
Garsington Manor, Oxfordshire 294
Gascoigne, Bamber 266
Gatiss, Mark 259–60
Gay Night at Bangs (Bennett, unfinished) 45
Genet, Jean 182–3, 265
Gentleman, David 161–3
George VI 418
Gerard (Debo’s chauffeur) 167
Getting On (Bennett) 219, 280, 314, 433, 451, 459–60
Gibbons, Grinling 171
Gibbs, James 81, 386
Gielgud, John 75, 100, 105, 178, 395
Giggleswick School 232, 268
Gill, Eric 257
Gill, Peter 123
Gilliatt, Penelope 501
Gilly P. (AB’s reflexologist) 61, 67
Gilpin Place, Leeds: No. 7 home of the Peel family 35, 227, 250, 369, 699–700
‘Gimmer, The’ (AB’s father’s stepmother) 237, 441
Glossop, William 273–4
Gloucester Crescent, Camden: no 23, home of AB x, 48, 50, 101, 104, 116, 137, 147, 253, 321, 322–3, 334, 340, 342–3, 345
Goebbels, Joseph 258, 259
Goldsworthy, Andy 206
‘Goodbye to the Villa Piranha’ (Hope) 145
Gore, Spencer 175
Gothenburg, Sweden 157–8
Gove, Michael 217, 218, 289, 383
Grand Theatre, Leeds 395, 451, 452, 485–6
Granger, Derek 161
Gray, Charles 133
Greene, Graham 329
Greene, Hugh Carleton 123
‘Greening of Mrs Donaldson, The’ (Bennett) 14
Gresham’s School, Holt 88
Griffiths, Richard 18, 195, 304, 307, 415
Griffiths, Trevor 286
Grigson, Geoffrey 229, 230, 231, 271
Grimshaw, Atkinson 318, 479, 480
Guardian 23, 33, 73, 87, 89, 112, 116–17, 129, 139, 155, 210, 212, 244, 325, 348, 464
Guildford, Surrey
168–9, 382–3
Guilding, Ruth 250
Guinness, Alec 100, 105, 107, 123–4, 229, 292
Habeas Corpus (Bennett) 75, 388
Habit of Art, The (Bennett) xii, 103, 105, 121, 136, 181, 185, 190, 194–6, 198, 200, 202, 206, 220, 221, 228, 272, 298, 317, 425–35, 457, 459, 506, 509, 514
Hall, Willis 499, 500
Halliday Place, Leeds: No. 12 the first home of the Bennett family 118, 236, 255, 326
Hamilton, Ian 116, 208
Hamlet (Shakespeare) 187, 349, 518
Hamstead Marshall, Berkshire 109
Hamza, Abu 128
Hand of God, The (Bennett) 517, 518–19
Hanlon’s antique shop, Menston 230
Happy Days (Beckett) 348
Hardy, Jeremy 312
Hardy, Thomas 11, 34, 103, 193, 263, 373–4, 415
Harewood, David 459
Harewood House, West Yorkshire 93, 459, 465, 478
Harris, John 260
Harrison, Tony 37, 78, 268, 308–9
Harrogate Festival 218, 439–40
Hart, H. L. A. 75–6
Harty, Russell 55, 106, 200, 216
Have I Got News for You (television programme) 326
Hawarden, North Wales: AB’s crepuscular bath at 374
Hay Festival 358–9
Haycraft, Anna (aka Alice Thomas Ellis) 13–14
Haycraft, Colin 13, 334
Hayworth, Rita 122
Headingley, Leeds 135, 221, 233, 383, 395, 479
Healey, Denis 167, 367
Heaney, Seamus 255, 256
Heathrow Airport 54, 141, 152
Henry VIII 93, 155, 180, 189, 308, 318, 338
Henson, Nicky 64, 76
Herrick, Robert 231
Hess, Myra 281
Hibbert, Christopher 172
Hilary (owner of Gardenmakers) 287, 290, 310
Hindle, Charlotte 14, 19
Hindle, Frances 52
Hindle, Madge 14
Hindle, Michael 14
Hinton St George, Somerset 261–2
Hipkin, John 73
Hird, Thora 362, 499–500
Hislop, Ian 326
History Boys, The (Bennett) 15, 18, 34, 52, 54, 56, 70, 75, 78, 81, 133, 136, 150, 195, 221, 244, 259, 281, 293, 317, 345, 347, 360, 403, 407–21, 433, 434, 447, 457, 463, 508–9, 514
Hitchen’s (department store) 108, 153
Hockney, David 40, 269, 278, 344, 480
Hodgkin, Howard 260
Hoggart, Paul 341–2
Hoggart, Richard 259, 341–2, 448–9
Hoggart, Simon 341
Holbeck Moor, Leeds 342
Holst, Imogen 89, 308
Holt, Norfolk 88, 197, 285
Homer 359
Hope, Francis 43, 145
Hope, Richard 360
Hope, Robin 40, 474
Horder, John 279, 282
Horizon (literary magazine) 384–5
House of Commons 5, 26, 30, 53, 95, 167, 372
House, Gordon 100
House of Lords 148
Housman, A. E. 253
Hubberholme Church, North Yorkshire 404, 442
Huggins (trainee recruit): unlikely link with Professor D. W. Brogan 86–7
Hughes, Michael 334
Hughes, Ted 94, 207, 253, 279
Hunslet, Leeds 341, 449
Hunt, Jeremy 274, 312
Hymn (Bennett) xii, 404, 439–42, 509
Hytner, Nicholas xii, 52, 181, 194, 244, 317, 321, 327, 329, 334, 337, 351, 358, 368, 371, 407, 409, 414, 415, 416–17, 419, 420, 430–2, 459, 467, 507, 508, 513, 513–14, 514, 517
I Haven’t Unpacked (Holt) 380
Ilkley, West Yorkshire 239, 240, 267, 335
In the Best Possible Taste (television programme) 280
Independent 33, 125, 136, 173, 185–6, 391
Independent on Sunday 180, 202–3
Indignation (Roth) 157–8
Ingham, Bernard: eyebrows of 49, 366–7
Ingrams, Leonard 294
Ingrams, Richard 14, 261
Innocent X (Velásquez) 277
Inspector Calls, An (Priestley) 366
Inverness Street market, Camden 161
Iraq War 23–4, 77, 82, 85, 87, 92, 95, 144, 371, 372
Isherwood, Christopher 207, 229
Italy 6–8, 10, 83–4, 96–8, 97, 129, 133, 161, 274–7, 331
Jackson, Brian 449, 450
James, Henry 19, 120–1
Jarrell, Randall 77
Jehovah’s Witnesses: J. Miller the scourge of 95–6
Jennings, Alex 317, 339, 368, 371, 509
Jervaulx Abbey 188–9, 324, 481
JFK Airport, New York 54, 67, 141
John Bull (magazine) 380
John, Gwen 252
Johnson, Boris 142, 326
Jonathan Cape (publishers) 389
Jones, Anthony (AB’s agent) 223, 337
Jones, Thomas 269
Journals and Diaries (Forster) 302
Journals (Powell) 154
Jowett, Benjamin (Master of Balliol) 19, 421
Judd Street, London 53
Judt, Tony 220–1
Kafka’s Dick (Bennett) 151–2, 432, 434
Kane, Sarah 347–8
Kate M. (witness at AB’s civil partnership ceremony) 52
Kathleen, Aunty see Roach, Kathleen
Kearney, Martha 348–9
Kedermister Library, Langley 152–3
Keen, Maurice 218, 284
Keepers of the Flame (Hamilton) 116
Keith, Penelope 320
Kennedy, Bobby: hairiness of 168
Kennedy, Charles 48
Kennedy, Jackie 106, 453–4
Kennedy, John F. 168, 292, 453–4
Kensal Rise Library, London 247–8, 259
Kentish Town Health Centre 281–3
Kermode, Frank 19, 135
Kettle, Arnold 135–6
Ketton-Cremer, R. W. 466–7
Kind of Loving, A (film, dir. Schlesinger) 499–500
King Lear (Shakespeare) 348
King, Mr (AB’s PE master) 418
King’s College Chapel, Cambridge xii, 131, 328–9, 395, 397
King’s Cross Station x, 26, 32, 112, 252, 330–1, 336
King’s Parade, Cambridge 119, 328
Kirkgate Market, Bradford 313
Kirkstall Abbey 179, 478
Kites’ Nest, Worcestershire 73
Knightsbridge towers 324
Knole Park, Kent 15–16
Knott, Andy 81
Knox, Ronald 257
Korean War 135–6, 339, 472
Korn, Eric 203, 365
Kramer, Jacob 384
La Campana restaurant, Rome 8
La Grillade restuarant, Leeds 139, 258, 300
Labour Party 30, 223, 244, 284, 363, 391, 399
Lacock Abbey/village, Wiltshire 52, 91
Lady of Letters, A (Bennett) 90, 362
Lady in the Van, The (Bennett) ix, 268, 279, 321, 339, 340, 356, 358, 370, 371, 372
Lancaster Castle 460
Lansley, Andrew 259, 272
Larkin, Philip ix, 43, 69, 71, 98, 132, 193, 207, 231, 241–2, 270, 302, 366, 400, 402, 415, 442, 447, 505
Last Night of the Proms (television programme) 314
Last Word (radio programme) 144, 269–70, 281
Lawnswood School see Leeds Modern Lawrence, Stephen 267
Lawson, Mark 198, 345
Lead Church, Yorkshire 289–90, 301
Leader, Zachary 86
Lee, Stewart 312
Leeds x, 9, 16, 25, 53, 58–60, 67, 73, 90, 93, 106–7, 129, 130, 135–6, 139, 167, 169, 175–6, 178, 203, 204, 212, 220, 230, 241, 247, 262–3, 270, 289, 295–6, 315, 317, 334–5, 342, 365, 395–7, 448, 448–9
AB’s concert-going in xiii, 108, 127, 212–13, 370–1
Armley see Armley
Grand Theatre 395, 451, 452, 485–6
Headingley 135, 221, 233, 383, 395, 479
Hunslet 341,
libraries of 309, 379–86, 384
restaurants/cafés in 139, 240–1, 258, 298, 300, 310
Temple Newsam House 230, 458–9, 477, 479
in wartime 271, 340, 364–5, 382, 446–7
Leeds Art Gallery 60, 458, 477, 478, 479, 480
Leeds Central Library 59, 350, 383–5, 478
Leeds City Market 230, 233, 313, 458
Leeds Grammar School 78, 268, 384–5
Leeds Infirmary 448
Leeds Modern (now Lawnswood School) 33, 59, 268, 383, 385, 413, 471
Leeds Piano Competition 166, 218–19, 367
Leeds Public Libraries 380
Leeds Town Hall xiii, 60, 108, 127, 212–13
Leeds Triennial Festival (1950) 370
Leeds University 135, 384
Lees-Milne, James 154, 463–4
Leonardo da Vinci 266, 304
L’Espiessac, France: earthly paradise at 71–2, 145–6
Lesson of the Master, The (James) 120–1
l’Étoile restaurant, London 5, 204
Lewis, C. S. 75, 234, 235, 271, 332
Liberal Democrats 211, 212
Ljubljana, Slovenia 486–7
Lloyd, Innes 123, 501
Lodge, David 339
Lofting, Hugh 381–2
London 15, 48–9, 69, 203, 312, 349
London bombings (2005) 23–4, 26–7
London, City of 264
London Olympics (2012) 23, 273, 285, 286
London Review of Books (LRB) xii, 3, 17, 23–4, 87, 110, 116, 134, 231, 241, 242, 261, 296, 304, 306–7, 311, 340, 382, 391, 403, 485, 495
AB’s diary in 87, 134, 174, 263
Long Melford, Suffolk 158–60
Lott, Tim 247, 248
Loveday, Alan 127
Low, Adam 194, 373
Lucy (donkey) 187
Luscombe, Chris 89
Lutyens, Edwin 257
Lyttelton Theatre, London 506, 507, 509
Mabey, Richard 36–7
McFarlane, Bruce 43, 114, 283, 301, 333, 491–5
MacGregor, Neil 84–5, 119–20, 307
McGregor, Roy (AB’s GP) 239, 242, 282
MacGregor, Sue 281, 361, 362
Macmillan, Harold 281, 296, 453, 462
McNally, Keith 30, 179, 301, 302, 321
MacNeice, Louis 229, 389
Madison Avenue, New York 126, 127
Madness of George III, The (Bennett) 253, 257, 407, 430, 507, 508
Magdalen College, Oxford 40, 42, 43, 44, 76, 332, 491, 492, 493
Magdalene College, Cambridge 19, 119, 328
Major, John 39, 331, 343
Man with a Blue Scarf, The (Gayford) 235
Man Who Went into the West: The Life of R.S. Thomas, The (Rogers) 71
Manchester United 66
Manhattan, New York 191–2, 209, 292
Mantel, Hilary 214–15, 347
Marchant, Helen (Debo’s PA) 318, 319, 337
Marks and Spencer (M&S) 76, 137
Marquand, David 40, 41, 492
Marsden, Dennis 449, 450
Marshall, Arthur 165–6
Marshall and Snelgrove department store, Leeds 298