Trust I Seek

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Trust I Seek Page 18

by Laura Gates

  "I am curious. Did Evie inspire the song?" he asked. Beau hesitated to answer because he dreaded the reaction. "Yeah, she did."

  "I should have known since you started going to the gym with her and talking about Zumba, whatever that is." Beau laughed. So did Luke.

  "Beau, this is good."


  "Yeah. We were all rooting for you two. She has helped you so much, and we have seen a drastic change in the way she carries herself because of you. You compliment each other very well; very compatible," Luke said.

  Soon, Kade and Rick came back and heard what Beau and Luke were putting together. "What the…," Rick began, "is that 6/8 time?" Beau nodded his head. Rick quickly picked up his bass. "This needs a few good down beats and embellishments. What key?" Rick responded. "E minor," Beau said as he started from the beginning.

  Rick looked down at Beau's notes to follow the chord changes. Rick soon had his own part written down on his notepad. When Beau said E minor, Kade quickly picked up his guitar and started noodling himself with some arpeggios and chord changes. Beau stopped. "Hey, Kade, I love your enthusiasm, but I actually wrote the lead guitar part. Sorry, man."

  Kade was always a humble guy. "Not a problem. How does it go?"

  "Well, you weren't off by much. I played with some arpeggios and came up with this." Beau showed him how to play it as well as his notes.

  Kade caught a glimpse of the title of the song. "Really? Now that Evie is in the picture, we don't matter?" Kade said, teasing. Luke, Richard, and Kade began laughing. Beau just stared at the ground. He wasn't sure how to respond to the joke. Beau stood.

  "No, wait!" Kade said. "We think it's great. She adds an element to the band and to you that we like. Plus, Levi and Harper are super cute and fun. We need their energy, and you need Evie," Kade concluded.

  Beau observed the band's facial expressions, which were supportive. "She just does something to me, you know," Beau said. "Makes you a better man," Rick said, "as Phoebe did." Beau nodded.

  "Well," Luke said, "Rick, I know we were working on your song, but let's get Nothing Else Matters recorded. This is definitely going on our next album. Kade, can Beau play both lead and rhythm while recording?" Kade nodded. "Yes, how about I go listen to you guys and help mix the sound?" Kade said as he stood up and walked to the audio room. Death Toll agreed.

  It took two hours to record, but soon Beau's song was recorded and ready to be added to their new album besides the vocals. Beau suddenly had an idea. "Hey, Luke, when the Longs get back, could you watch the kids? I want to take Evie out on our official first date," Beau said. "Sure. I will double-check with Jetta." "Thanks," Beau said.

  Chapter 14

  The First Date

  Evie and Beau talked every night through video calls. He would sing the lullaby Evie would sing to the kids before she tucked them into bed at her parents' house. Then Evie and Beau would end up talking for four hours. "So, anything new happen today?" Beau asked. "Nothing really. We went to the Smithsonian and the White House today to see the Christmas lights," Evie responded. "That's cool. Has Jude tried to make contact?" "He called once, but I ignored it. Eventually, he started texting me the same old stuff, so I blocked his number. I'm going to need the number to Death Toll's lawyer," Evie said.

  Beau nodded his head, very pleased with her decision. "I will send it to you when we end the call."

  "Thank you."

  "Hey, Evie?" "Yeah, Beau?" "The suspense is killing me. Have you thought about us at all during your trip?” he asked.

  “I have, actually,” she said, smiling, trying to add to the suspense.

  “Well, what did you decide?”

  Evie took a deep breath before saying, “Having you around even before you kissed me felt so natural. It was almost like you should have been with us the entire time; Like you are a part of our family.”

  “Okay, but how do you feel about me?” Beau asked.

  “If I said it out loud, it might sound stupid.”

  “Evie, like you, I am dense, what’s the verdict?”

  “Okay, fine. I like you. I like the frontman of Death Toll,” Evie said, blushing.

  Beau realized why Evie was afraid to say it aloud and laughed. "Now I understand why you wanted to keep it to yourself," Beau said, “but you know me better than most of those fans or roadies, so I think it makes it less stupid.”

  Evie smiled. “Very true. I cannot speak for many girls my age, but along with a few of them throughout the world, I have seen you in your underwear,” she chuckled. Beau laughed, too.

  "So, does that mean you're ready for us to start dating?" he asked. "I think so," Evie said. "Are you sure?" Beau asked for reassurance. "I'm still terrified, but throughout the whole week, it felt so effortless and natural as you stayed with us," Evie said.

  Beau smirked and said, "All right, then. I guess there is nothing more to discuss. You and I are going out tomorrow night after you and the kids get back."

  "Really? I have some unpacking to do. The kids will be cranky, laundry, the kids will need dinner, I need to go grocery shopping…."

  "Evie, I can help take care of all that. I can come pick you up from the airport like we planned, take you back to your townhouse, help clean up, feed the kids, and take them to the Jeppsen's'. I will make sure they have stuff for bedtime as well just in case…"

  "In case what?" Evie asked.

  Beau suddenly became very nervous. "Well, I think we've gotten close a few times to take our relationship to a more… intimate level," Beau said as delicately as possible, "and maybe tomorrow night could finally be that step?" Beau questioned.

  Evie smiled faintly with a chuckle, but Beau still couldn't get a read on her. "I can't tell if that's a 'yes' or a 'no.' Give me something," he said

  "Okay, fine. Definitely that first time you kissed me, I wanted to, but, again, I chickened out. When we were in the pool Halloween night, I thought about it then. And then that first night you stayed the night, we were in the kitchen, we almost kissed. I thought about it then, too. I've also been thinking about it more this past week, and I think I'm ready," Evie concluded.

  "Are you sure?"


  "Okay, so I am taking you out on our official first date. The flight gets in at 5, right?"


  "Okay. While you get ready, I will take the kids out for dinner and drop them off at Luke's. After I drop the kids off, I will pick you up at 7."

  "Okay, what are we doing?"

  "We will go to a pub, play pinball or pool, eat food, and listen to some live bands. Plus, I have a surprise for you."

  "Seriously, you don't have to do more than that. Plus, will you be okay with going to a pub?" Evie asked.

  "No, it's band-related, but it's about you. Yes, I should be fine. I've resisted the urge many times," Beau said.

  "Okay, that sounds fun. Just so you know, I hate surprises. If you're going to surprise me, don't even tell me about it. The anticipation kills me."

  "I want the anticipation to kill you," Beau smirked. Turd face, Evie joked to herself wondering what he was planning.

  "All right, I will see you tomorrow around five at the airport."

  "Okay, bye, Beau!"

  "Bye, Evie."

  They hung up the video call and went to bed. The next morning, Beau realized he had a little more to do to prepare for the day. He wasn't sure how Evie would feel about it, but Beau decided to call one of the cleaning companies who would often come clean his house, pick up his laundry, pick up groceries to come to wash Evie's laundry that evening. Beau made the arrangements for someone to be at her townhouse around 5:30 when they would be walking through the door. Evie had given a key to him since he cosigned the lease, so he decided to go to her townhouse and see what needed cleaning.

  Beau washed everybody's bedding and towels to make sure they were clean and fresh when they got home. He swept and mopped the floors, spot vacuumed, dusted, and he even decided he would have dinner rea
dy for them the day after they got home.

  Beau quickly went through the pantry and fridge to see what to throw together and freeze in the freezer, remembering what Phoebe use to make in a slow-cooker. He found some chicken still frozen and some salsa left with two days left before it expired. Beau suddenly remembered the chicken tacos Phoebe use to make. He knew there were gallon freezer bags somewhere in the kitchen since he had been cooking in it all week last week. Beau found the bags, dumped the chicken, salsa, and some taco seasoning in one, and put the bag in the freezer for chicken tacos.

  Beau looked in Evie’s fridge again to see if there were a few things from the grocery store she needed. He knew Evie was lactose intolerant, and the carton felt empty. There were about two eggs left as well as a little bit of whole milk. Beau also noticed that cereal was running low as well as Evie's protein powder. So Beau ran to Sprout's and Costco to pick up those items as well as a few things he might need for the night for the kids as well as himself.

  Beau decided to get his Camaro washed for the date and took it to the closest do-it-yourself car wash, bringing some towels with him to dry it off.

  He got a haircut since his hair was getting long again. He got it cut and styled where it was really short on the bottom, but the top was long with a shaved part on his right side.

  He called Luke to make sure everything was all set for him and Jetta to watch Levi and Harper. "So, will the kids be staying the night, or are you going to pick them up?" Luke asked. "They will probably stay the night," Beau said. "Ah, finally taking that plunge. What else are you guys doing tonight?" Luke asked. "We are going to dinner at Gallager's. We will listen to live bands, play pool, pinball, that sort of thing. Then afterward, I am going to take her to the studio and show her Nothing Else Matters."

  "You still need to finish the vocals."

  "I know. That's why I'm going there."

  "But you'll be on your date."

  "I know."

  "So, are you trying to work on your date? I don't understand what you are trying to do."

  "I want the vocals to be raw and real. What better way than to bring the woman who inspired the song to listen in on the recording?" Beau asked.

  "Bruh, nice touch," Luke said.

  "Thanks." Beau felt both invigorated and terrified at the same time.

  Beau looked at the time on his phone and realized it was 4:30. "I gotta go pick them up now. I will drop Harper and Levi off in about an hour and a half," Beau said. "Okay, see ya later, man!" Luke said. "Bye, brotha," Beau said before hanging up and climbing into his Range Rover.

  He drove to the airport, parked the car, and climbed out. Beau walked inside and waited on a bench in the baggage claim. He even checked to make sure the flight was on time. The flight from Annapolis said it had arrived, so he waited.


  Beau smiled as an enthusiastic Levi ran through the baggage claim. Beau wrapped his arms around Levi. Beau missed Levi so much it hurt. Soon, he heard little footprints approach him and saw Harper's incredible curly blond hair in his peripheral vision. She gave him the biggest hug, too. He held the kids tightly in his arms before setting them down. "You both grew. You need to stop!" he teased. Both kids giggled.

  Suddenly, the woman he wanted to see for three days came into his view. Evie wore a beanie with a Death Toll logo over her long brown hair, which made Beau smile. Evie wore an oversized grey sweater, skinny jeans, and booties with a duffle bag around her shoulder and her backpack on. She looked positively radiant. "Hi," she said. "Hey," he said. He hugged her and inhaled the rose smell of her hair.

  When Evie heard him breathe in, her heart began racing. She missed Beau more than she realized. She wrapped her arms around Beau's waist. He had more of a musky smell that day, but he was always clean. Levi and Harper were each hugging Beau's legs. "So, let's get the bags," Beau said as the carousel began to turn. Beau immediately grabbed the bags and picked Harper up. She felt denser than three days ago.

  "How was visiting your grandparents?" he asked the kids. "Super fun! We had Thanksgiving dinner there, I got to play with my cousins, we went for a ride in Grandpa's boat, and we saw the White House Christmas lights," Levi said.

  Beau was impressed. "That sounds like a lot of fun. You forgot to tell me in some of your videos, dude!" Beau said, teasing Levi. "Oh, I'm sorry. We were always just so tired," Levi said.

  Beau smiled. "It's okay, Buddy. Well, guess what we're doing tonight?" Beau asked. "What?!" both kids said. "I am going to take your mom to dinner, and you are going to go play at the Jeppsen's' and have a sleepover. What do you say?" Beau asked the kids.

  "Can you play with us, first?" Harper said in her cute broken toddler talk. Beau missed this little girl so much his heart was going to burst. "Absolutely. We could give your mom some alone time, and we get pizza for you if that's okay with her." Beau, Levi, and Harper looked at Evie. She smiled. "All of this sounds fine to me," she said. "Yay!" the kids cheered.

  By then, they had reached Beau's car. He loaded Harper into her car seat, put the bags in the car, and walked to the passenger's side. Evie helped Levi climb in and buckle himself. Beau opened the door for her. "You are quite the gentleman today," she said, feeling extra happy. "I missed you," he whispered. "I missed you, too." Evie and Beau stared at each other for a while. "You can kiss her if you want. She likes it," Levi said from inside the car. "Levi!" Evie turned to her son and scolded. "Well, you do! That's what you told Aunt Jennifer," Levi said. She felt very embarrassed.

  Beau watched Evie's cheeks turn pink. He softly caressed her cheek and jawline before leaning in and kissing her. They kissed for a few seconds before both of their heads began spinning. Once they stopped, Evie climbed into the car, Beau climbed into the driver's seat, and they all pulled out of the garage heading towards Evie's townhouse.

  Evie missed driving over the Golden Gate Bridge. She missed the smell of the West Coast, the ornate architecture, the bumps, hills, all of the Redwood trees, and the man driving her home. She thought about what would happen on the date and contemplated the surprise he had planned. It was driving her nuts. When she saw Beau sitting on the bench in the airport and Levi and Harper run to him, Evie knew she was ready for the next step in their relationship. She missed his kind smile and beautiful eyes. Evie missed his personality, dorkiness, and watching him play with her kids.

  When they got to Annapolis, Jude showed up the day after Thanksgiving to take Levi to tour the White House. After what Evie thought was a successful outing, Jude dropped Levi off, fuming. "All he did was talk about Beau. Beau this. Beau that. Why is my son talking about that low-life? Are you guys dating now? Do you honestly think he likes you? Just look at you! He won't replace me as our children's father!" Jude yelled.

  The conversation did not improve, but at least Evie, remembering Beau's words and Dr. Bennett's words, held her own when she said, "I will not be spoken to this way. If you want to see your children again, this behavior will stop. You will be hearing from my lawyer on Monday." "You have a lawyer. It's the same one I use," Jude said. "I have new representation. Good bye, Jude," Evie said before closing the door on him. She felt elated, but the kids saw the whole conversation, so she knew Levi and Harper needed to see the man who had become a father figure for them.

  Beau pulled in front of the townhouse where the cleaning lady was standing outside the door. Evie stared at her. "Who is that?" she asked Beau. "This is Greta. She works for MaidPro. While you get ready for tonight, she will be doing the laundry. I cleaned the apartment for you, and you have a meal for tomorrow night in the freezer. I will take the kids after I bring in your bags, and we will get pizza while you get ready. Does that work for you?" Beau asked.

  Evie looked at him in disbelief, but she wasn't angry. She tried working on being grateful for any type of help since talking to Dr. Bennett. "You are amazing. Thank you!" she said. Beau smiled. "You're welcome." They climbed out of the car, and Beau took Evie's bags inside. Greta followed them inside. "Wher
e is the laundry room?" Greta asked. "The first door in the hallway upstairs on your right. There are hampers with sorted laundry in it already. I will bring you the rest in a second," Evie said. "Thank you," Greta said as she walked into the hallway.

  Beau and Evie looked at each other while standing in the small living room. She wrapped both arms around Beau's waist. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just looking forward to tonight," she said. "Me, too. Okay, I will get the kids fed and take them to Luke's. I will pick you up in an hour," Beau said.

  Once everyone left, Evie hopped in the shower to make sure she got the awful smell of plane off of her. She recently purchased a pair of faux leather pants and a black leather moto-jacket to wear to concerts that she thought she could try out for her date. Evie paired them with a beaded racerback chiffon tank and some black knee-length boots with a chunky heel. Once she was dressed, she took the dirty clothes from the bags into the laundry room where Greta was.

  When it came time to do her hair and makeup, she hadn't realized how long her hair had gotten since she moved to San Francisco. Her hair used to sit on the shoulders, but now it was way past them almost to the middle of her back. She decided to wear her hair straight, sweeping her long bangs across her face. She applied a full face of makeup for the first time in months, making her eyes pop even more. She put her moto-jacket on and a blush pink scarf with some fringe.

  Since she had about twenty minutes to spare, she sat down and turned on Netflix. She watched an episode of Friends to help her relax. Her nerves were acting up for many reasons. It was her first date since her divorce, and it was with her best friend and love interest who happened to be the frontman of Death Toll. She knew that if any press got wind of their outing, they would be all over that, especially since she was Death Toll's tour manager. She tried so hard not to think about any repercussions, but it was super hard. Finally, her doorbell rang. Her heart began to beat a million miles an hour. She stood up and went to answer it.


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