Rock Me: Sexy (New Adult Rockstar Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Erotic Romance)

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Rock Me: Sexy (New Adult Rockstar Romance) (New Adult Rock Star Erotic Romance) Page 14

by Quinn, Arabella

  The sex was wall-banging fantastic, even more intense and delicious than the first time. When I lay, wrapped in his arms afterwards, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking, my feelings were bittersweet. I loved him. When the time came, and he inevitably moved on, how would I ever get over this guy?

  Tyler kissed my shoulder and groaned. “Katie, I’ve got to get back to the bus before it leaves.”

  I glanced at the clock. “You still have a half-hour. Don’t leave me just yet.”

  Tyler pulled me against him. “Mmmm. A few more minutes.”

  I cuddled up against him, my hand sliding across his chest.

  A few minutes later, Tyler mumbled sleepily, “Everything is always changing.”

  “Change is good, Tyler.” I whispered into his chest.

  He was asleep within seconds. Ten minutes later, I sat up and pulled my phone off the shelf. I texted Tyler’s bodyguard, Sam. Tell the bus driver to leave on time. Tyler is with me on my bus. I waited a few seconds until I got the reply, Okay, will do, and then snuggled up with Tyler again. There was no way in hell I was going to kick this rock star out of my bed.


  Tyler awoke only minutes after I did. I had been reveling in waking up in his arms, feeling his body next to mine. My heart was near bursting with happiness.

  “It’s morning… I guess I fell asleep.” Tyler grinned sheepishly.

  I smiled back at him. “You did. We’re in Washington State.”

  Tyler made a goofy face. “So your staff is gonna know. How can I sneak out of here?”

  I laughed. “It’s called the walk of shame.”

  “I have no shame. I’m only worried about you.”

  I picked at invisible lint on the comforter. “It’s only Michael out there right now. I don’t really care what he thinks. He might be super efficient and capable, but I’m thinking of hiring a new assistant for the next season anyway.”

  Tyler’s eyes widened. “So you’re thinking of re-signing as the producer?”

  I smoothed the comforter and then raised my eyes to look directly into his. “I guess it depends on what the perks are.”

  The look in his eyes had my blood boiling. In a second, he had my body pinned beneath his and he was kissing me breathless.

  He pulled up on his elbows. “I only had one condom with me. Do you have any?”

  I bit my lip and shook my head no.

  “You mean in all those muffin runs you did, you never thought to pick up a box of condoms?”

  My lower lip pouted out. “I didn’t have a need for them before now.”

  Tyler sucked on my lip and then teased, “Maybe we could ask Michael for one.”

  “God, no!” I gasped. Then I smiled innocently. “I can think of a few things we can do without needing condoms.”

  “I like the way you’re thinking. Now if you could just keep all that moaning and groaning down…”

  I slapped at him playfully, but with lightning-quick speed, he caught my wrist and pinned it above my head. His lips crashed into mine and I could feel his rock-hard cock pressing against my thigh. My body ached to be filled by him again. I was burning for his touch.

  Tyler dragged my other hand above my head and trapped it with the first, all while he kissed me senseless. When he shifted off me, I missed the weight of his warm body pressing into me.

  While he still held my arms captive, his other hand traveled up and down my body leaving fiery trails of desire all across my skin. I shivered under his masterful touch. My nipples grew hard as his fingertips slid closer and closer.

  I waited impatiently; he was driving me crazy, never quite touching me where I was aching to be touched, until I was throbbing with unmet need.

  I was breathing heavily. I managed to gasp, “Mmmm, Tyler. Please…”

  “You look so sexy right now.” His voice was raspy with desire.

  His fingers continued the sweet torture until I was writhing under his touch. With the anticipation heightened to the straining point, I actually moaned with relief when his fingers finally teased a taut nipple, while his mouth simultaneously descended on the other.

  The relief was short-lived. As Tyler’s teeth tugged at my nipple, electric jolts of pleasure rippled through my body and the focused assault began to magnify the poignant ache in my pussy, until I was whimpering with demand. I yanked my arms trying to free them in order to satisfy the swirling, throbbing tension between my legs, but Tyler’s grip was too strong.

  Tyler’s finger brushed my lips. “Shh. I’ll have to stop if you can’t keep quiet.”

  My eyes flew open. I panted, “No! Don’t stop. I’ll behave.”

  He smiled wickedly as his hand started sliding slowly downward, tickling my stomach and gliding lower. My chest was heaving with shallow breaths as Tyler’s fingers arrived at their destination. My hips jolted as a finger pressed through my folds and caressed the center of my raging need.

  “Ohhhh God,” I gasped on a raggedy breath.

  His fingers stroked me intimately, building a pressure so intense; it felt unbearable.

  I struggled against the exquisite torture, desperate for release. “Tyler, please,” I begged.

  He stopped and smiled teasingly. “Not so loud! Do you want the whole bus to hear? Believe me, I know how thin these walls are.”

  “I don’t care. Just don’t stop.”

  Tyler popped his finger into his mouth and licked my juices off it. “Mmm. No, I can’t stop,” he mumbled as his mouth began working its way down my body, kissing slowly down my stomach.

  “Tyler,” I begged, “I want to taste you, too.”

  “Fuck, yeah.” He swung himself around before he went down on me.

  His very intimate and thorough kiss had me moaning and groaning with abandon, but this time my cries of pleasure were muted by the sweet mouthful of cock that I had discovered.

  When I surrendered to my climax, I saw stars. That feeling was only matched by the satisfaction I felt when I brought Tyler to the same exact place. Orgasms were always good. Experiencing an orgasm with Tyler Matthews was a hundred times more intoxicating. I knew I was addicted for life.

  Chapter 16

  Tyler was a satisfied man. Everything seemed to be falling into place. Hailey was still recovering, but doing so well. Cold Fusions’ concerts were bigger and better than ever before. The Vibe had made the band a huge offer to re-sign with Rock Star Diaries. And then there was Katie. He was obsessed with her.

  Obsessed in a good way. He thought about her constantly. He still visited her every day in the production bus, but he began visiting her at other times, too. He smiled to himself as he thought about it.

  He was sexing her up every chance he could get. In every way he could imagine. Sometimes it was hot, fast, urgent sex. Other times it was sweet, slow and sweaty. Yesterday it had been rough and wild.

  They never spoke about feelings. There were no cheesy declarations of love. He was perfectly content with the status quo. Why fuck with a good thing? Talk was going to get him in trouble and he was too scared to lose it all.

  Katie liked to watch his concerts from the front row. Sometimes he would get so horny for her during the show he’d pop wood. Then he’d go backstage, while his adrenaline was still pumping, and have sex with her in the bathroom or somewhere private in the concert venue. Sometimes they showered together. The guys must have known what was going on, but nobody was saying anything to him. Maybe having cameras in their faces and on the tour bus all the time was helping him avoid the ribbing that he so deserved.

  So why did he feel this impending sense of doom? Nothing good in his life lasted forever. Something always came along to fuck it up. And he had a feeling that his unease had to do with Katie. He was trying desperately to give his all to her, but he knew it wasn’t enough. Eventually, she’d get tired of waiting and move on. She had told him as much way back when they first met. She was looking for commitment.

  And he struggled with that. What did it mean? He
hadn’t slept with another girl since the first time he’d slept with Katie, the night before Hailey’s operation. He didn’t even want to. Wasn’t that enough? Wasn’t that commitment?

  Chapter 17

  It was a wet and windy day. I had three more days worth of filming left before location production was shut down for Season 1 of Rock Star Diaries. Half of Episode 6 was already produced, featuring the love triangle, but I still didn’t have a decent closing. I had combed through hours of footage looking for something, anything, that could be weaved into an exciting season-ending cliffhanger. If something didn’t fall into my lap in the next three days, I was looking at a mediocre ending for the last episode, despite my constant assurances of the exact opposite to Thornton.

  Cold Fusion was busy at sound check and Michael and I were in the production bus going over our last few location shoots when a knock sounded at the door. Michael opened the door and let in a straggly-looking blonde girl. Her hair and jacket were soaked as if she’d been standing in the rain for a long time.

  Michael gasped. “Cassie! C’mon in. You’re drenched!”

  The girl, whoever she was, looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown. I glanced at Michael questioningly. “Can I get you a cup of tea or something?”

  Cassie nodded and Michael scurried over to the teapot. “Katie, this is Cassie. She’s been friends with Cold Fusion for years.”

  In other words, she was a groupie, not someone we had hired for the show. I nodded and gestured to the couch. “Cassie, why don’t you sit down?”

  Cassie walked dejectedly over to the couch and slumped down onto it. “I wasn’t sure if I should come to you guys, but I’m desperate. I hope you can help me. To tell me what I should do.”

  Michael hovered around her, acting overly concerned, but my suspicions were raised. Her body language indicated otherwise, but her eyes screamed ambition. She was play-acting the victim. She was after something.

  “How can we help you, Cassie?” I asked politely.

  Cassie took a deep breath. “Well, I don’t know how to say it without coming right out with it. Tyler got me pregnant.”

  Those words slammed into me like a crushing body blow. I couldn’t speak; I couldn’t move. My mind went numb with shock.

  “Are you sure it was Tyler?” I heard Michael ask as if he were speaking underwater.

  I vaguely heard Cassie’s answer. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ve got the sonogram to prove it. But I’m so scared of confronting him. I’m scared he’ll reject his baby. That he won’t take responsibility.”

  Michael was glancing sideways at me, as if asking for help, but I was paralyzed. Michael shrugged. “I don’t know Tyler all that well. I’m not sure how he’d react…”

  Cassie looked up at him, her eyes wide and innocent. “I thought if maybe I told him on the show, then maybe it could all work out better.”

  On the show. My head started to spin in dawning horror.

  Michael sounded surprised. “You want to confront him on the show? With millions of people watching?”

  “I don’t know.” Cassie’s hands twisted in her lap. She was doing a hell of an acting job. “Maybe that would force him to take responsibility. Then he couldn’t just walk away from it. And then we could be a part of the show. Me and the baby. Not a huge part, but like side characters. It would secure us financially. I’d do that. For my baby.”

  Michael’s eyes were glowing fervently. “It would cause a big sensation. Hell, this is just the thing we needed for the season ending. You would sign papers and everything? You’d let us film while you broke the news to him?”

  Cassie nodded.

  My utter shock was starting to wear off enough that I could feel a pit of anger swirling in my gut. “No fucking way.” I turned to Michael. “There’s no way we’re going to exploit this.”

  Michael looked at me with excitement. “Think about it, Katie. This is it! This is the thing that will make the whole fucking show. Hell, It’ll make our fucking careers!”

  I was ready to explode into a rage. I turned to the not so innocent Cassie. “I can’t believe you would do that to someone. And if you think Tyler would walk away from his responsibility, you don’t know him at all. You tell Tyler about the baby privately. And no, you and your baby will not be featured on Rock Star Diaries.”

  I was shaking by the time Cassie left. I just wanted to be left alone, but Michael was hounding me to no end.

  “This is a big mistake, Katie. We need this.”

  I felt like kicking him in the nuts. “I said no! I’m the one that makes the final decisions here and there is no fucking way that I’m going to do that to Tyler.”

  I had never seen Michael angry before, but he was now. He looked like he was about to blow his top. He jabbed his finger at me. “You’re going to sacrifice your career, my fucking career, because that mother-fucking manwhore has worked his way in between your legs? No fucking way. You don’t get to do that.”

  He stormed off the bus, slamming the door behind him. I collapsed onto the couch, my teeth chattering and my body shaking. My world had just tilted upside down. I felt like I was going to be sick.

  Chapter 18

  Tyler had a few hours to blow off before the concert, but it was raining out, so the guys were all stuck on the bus. Alex and Tommy were in the back talking on their phones, probably with their girlfriends, while Nick and Tyler watched a sit-com on television.

  Someone banged on the door and since Nick was sitting right next to it, he reached over and pulled it open.

  Tyler was surprised to see Cassie. He couldn’t remember the last time she had been on their tour bus.

  Nick let her in. “Hey Cassie. What’s up?”

  Cassie looked around nervously. “Hey guys.”

  “I didn’t know you were around. Haven’t seen you in a while.” Tyler said.

  “Yeah. I’ve been busy.” She looked back and forth between them. “Um, Tyler? I was wondering if I could talk to you? Privately.”

  Warning bells went off inside Tyler’s head. What the fuck did she want?

  Nick’s eyebrows rose. “Yeah, I’ll go to the back, see what Alex is up to…” Nick couldn’t escape fast enough.

  “What’s going on Cassie?” Tyler asked warily.

  Cassie was looking all around the bus. “I’ve got to tell you something… Are you sure this is private? I don’t want anyone to hear.”

  Shit. What the fuck was going on? “No. There’s fucking cameras in here. Is that what you mean?”

  Cassie nodded.

  Tyler’s heart was hammering in his chest. “We can step outside for a moment.”

  Cassie frowned. “It’s pouring out there. Isn’t there someplace we can go to talk for five minutes? Where there’s no cameras or anything?”

  Tyler thought for a moment. “We can go to the production bus. They’re all busy setting up for the show. Katie might be in there though.”

  “The producer lady? I just saw her get picked up and driven away.” Cassie looked around nervously again.

  Tyler took a deep breath. “Okay. Let’s go there.”

  The quick walk to the production bus felt more like a long walk down death row to Tyler. Cassie was about to drop some shit on him, he was sure of it.

  They arrived and sure enough the bus was unlocked and empty. “I wonder why they left it unlocked?”

  Cassie shrugged. “I don’t know. Can you check the back though? Make sure no one is here?”

  Tyler even checked the bunks. They were alone. “So, you’ve got me freaked out. What the hell, Cassie?”

  Cassie looked at him. A tear streaked down her cheek. “I’m pregnant, Tyler.”

  It was impossible. In all his worry, that hadn’t even crossed his mind. “No. No way. You’re not saying it’s mine? That’s impossible.”

  Cassie nodded her head sadly. “It’s true. Remember that night right after Thanksgiving? When I gave you that ride home?”

  Tyler shook his head in denial.
“But we used a condom. I remember.”

  “Condoms aren’t a hundred percent, Tyler. I’m sorry.” Tears were streaming down her face now.

  “That was fucking last Thanksgiving. You don’t even look pregnant.” Tyler still couldn’t believe it.

  Cassie pulled something out of her purse. “Yeah, I’m just four months pregnant. I’ll start showing any day now. Here’s the sonogram. It’s a boy, Tyler.”

  She handed him the glossy black and white sonogram, but he couldn’t even look at it. “How can this be? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

  Cassie wrung her hands. “I wasn’t sure what to do. I was so scared. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I didn’t know what you would want to do. But I’m going to have this baby, Tyler.”

  Tyler ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, of course. That’s what I want too. I can’t believe this. I need time to think, Cass. But, we’ll work it out somehow.”

  A sob escaped from Cassie. “You mean you won’t abandon this baby? You’ll be there for us?”

  Tyler gave her a hug. “No, I won’t abandon him. I’m here, Cassie. You’re sure this is my baby?”

  Cassie pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. “It can’t be anyone else’s. But I’ll take a paternity test when the baby is born. Just so you don’t have any doubts.”

  Cassie flung herself back into his arms, clinging to him. He put his arms around her to give her comfort even as he felt his world crumbling around him, just like he always knew it would. Everything had fucking changed in an instant.

  The one thing Tyler did know, though, he would never abandon his son.

  Chapter 19

  In the light of a brand new day, I still hadn’t been able to properly process the news. Tyler had gotten some groupie pregnant. The night before, I had run off, desperate to get some space from prying eyes. Michael must have taken over the producer’s job for me. Hell, the crew was so used to the routine by now, they probably hadn’t even missed me.


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