Rykaur: A SciFi Alien Romance (Enigma Series Book 8)

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Rykaur: A SciFi Alien Romance (Enigma Series Book 8) Page 15

by Ditter Kellen

  Rykaur went nuts behind her, pulling his fangs free only to strike again, lower this time. She could feel his hot seed entering her body, yet still he pumped into her.

  He tilted his hips, his driving shaft changing angles, and Mary felt her orgasm return with a vengeance. It flew through her like fire, cresting with another gushing release that sent her into the abyss.

  Rykaur slammed into her with one last powerful thrust, lifting her higher, impaling her as deeply as he could go.

  His fangs slipped from her skin, and one massive arm came up to hold her upright. The sound of his breath punching in and out of his chest had to be the sexiest, most satisfying sound Mary had ever heard.

  With one last shudder, Rykaur eased from her now boneless body and carefully lowered her to her feet.

  Mary turned in his arms, attempting to catch her breath. “I don’t know what that was, but it had to be the single most exciting thing I’ve ever experienced.”

  Rykaur lowered to his knees in front of her, reached up, and touched her soaked thighs. “Incredible. I have never known a female to release as a male would.”

  “I’ve heard of it before,” Mary breathed, running her fingers through his hair. “But I never imagined it would happen to me. I’ve never even had an orgasm until you.”

  Looking up to meet her gaze, Rykaur smiled smugly. “So, it is because of me.”

  Mary playfully pulled his hair. “I guess you can take some credit for it.”

  Rykaur got up from the floor and brushed his lips across hers. “I will take what I can get.”

  “We should get back.” Mary chuckled. “I’m in desperate need of a bath.”

  With an answering grin, Rykaur began gathering her clothes. “Perhaps I will take you in the pool. I seem to recall we were interrupted the last time.”

  “Get dressed, you lusty Bracadyte,” Mary teased. “And for the record, sex in the pool sounds good to me.”

  Rykaur thrust her clothes at her and jerked on his shorts. “Hurry.”

  * * * *

  Mary woke the next morning, stretching her sore muscles and opening her eyes to find Rykaur standing next to the bed, staring down at her.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, love and concern swimming in his emerald-green eyes.

  With a sleepy smile, Mary reached up and touched his hand. “Like I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  “I do not understand why humans use that phrase. Dying would not be a pleasant experience.”

  Mary laughed. “But heaven would be. And I don’t believe you can get there unless you die first.”

  She threw her legs over the side of the bed.

  “Where are you going?” Rykaur helped her to stand.

  Mary retrieved her clothes from the back of a chair. “To check on the kids. I’m sure they’re safe, but I imagine they are wondering if I’ve abandoned them.”

  “They are in the learning center with Rauneca,” Rykaur informed her. “All of them were watching in rapt attention as Rauneca read them a story.”

  Mary’s heart swelled with love for the Bracadytes and their gentle ways. “I don’t know how to thank you enough for taking in the children. They’ve had horrible lives.”

  Rykaur looked uncomfortable with the praise. He bent and kissed her lips. “They belong to us now. And we take care of our own.”

  God, she loved Rykaur. How had she ever doubted her feelings for him? “And where are you going?”

  “To Melvin’s initiation. It begins in half an hour.”

  Mary pulled on her shorts. “How long will you be gone?”

  Rykaur shrugged. “Not long. I will return as soon as it is finished.”

  Standing on tiptoes, Mary tugged at his vest until he bent his head down. She kissed his amazing lips and made her way to the door. “I’ll see you back here for lunch.”

  She watched him go, her gaze touching on his muscular ass.


  Mary’s laughter rang out through the apartment. “Like I said, hurry back.”

  Once dressed, Mary left the apartment in search of the children. She found the learning center without any problems, stopping at the door to listen without being seen.

  Her heart twisted as she spotted Hank kneeling among the other children, his eyes big and full of wonder.

  Mary sought out the others, quickly finding Lance playing with a young Bracadyte boy, and Kelly holding hands with a girl about her age. But Liza, ah, Liza sat on Rauneca’s lap, sucking her thumb and staring at the book the female read from.

  Sighing in happiness, Mary backed away slowly, careful not to interrupt, and made her way toward Naura’s apartment to check on her and the baby.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Rykaur arrived at the steam room to find Anthony Vaughn leaning against the wall outside the door.

  “How are your son and Naura doing this morning?”

  Tony lifted his gaze to reveal tormented eyes. “They survived, thanks to Zaureth and Abbie. I almost lost them.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I came so close to losing my whole world.”

  “But you did not lose them, Tony. They both pulled through, and Naura will be back on her feet in no time.”

  Tony attempted a laugh, a rusty sound that seemed forced. “She’s already on her feet. I can’t talk her into staying in bed even for a day.”

  “Has Zaureth been to see her?”

  “He has. Which is why she’s up and about so soon. Zaureth was a big help in speeding up the healing process.”

  Rykaur clapped Tony on the shoulder. “Well, congratulations on the birth of a healthy son. What name will you call him?”

  “His name is Tauren.”

  “That is a good, strong Bracadyte name, Anthony Vaughn.”

  Rykaur turned and entered the steam room, glancing around at some of Aukrabah’s finest warriors.

  Vaulcron met him near the door way. “Would you care to perform the ceremony?”

  Touched by Vaulcron’s show of trust, Rykaur nodded. “I would be honored, son of my king.”

  Melvin sat on the floor in the center of the crowd, his shirt and shoes removed.

  Rykaur sat in front of him as the rest of the Bracadytes took their seats in a circle surrounding the ex-CIA agent.

  A small wooden table had been situated in front of Melvin, holding two bowls and a knife.

  One bowl contained a clear, slimy substance derived from a Kyphosus bigibbus, a rare hallucinogenic-producing fish. The second bowl remained empty.

  “Let us begin,” Rykaur suggested, moving over a little to make room for Tony, who had obviously decided to join the group. He picked up the bowl containing the hallucinogenic, took a sip, and passed it to his left.

  Rykaur waited for the bowl to make its way back to him before moving on to the next step.

  Staring intently into Melvin’s eyes, Rykaur retrieved the knife from the small table. “Are you certain that you wish to do this? There is no turning back. Once it is done, you will be brother to the Bracadyte in this life as well as the next.”

  “I’m sure,” Melvin responded without looking away from Rykaur’s eyes.

  Rykaur opened his hand and slid the blade across his skin. Blood welled up to pool in his open palm.

  Leaning forward, Rykaur extended his hand over the empty bowl, allowing the blood to fill the bottom.

  He then passed the knife to Vaulcron who sat on his left and watched as the other Bracadyte repeated what Rykaur had done.

  And on it went. Each warrior cut his palm and bled into the wooden bowl in the center.

  The knife came around to Tony, who stared at it for several heartbeats before meeting the gazes of everyone in the room. “You’re all my brothers, whether Bracadyte or human. You’re the only brothers I have. The only I will ever have.” He slid the blade across his palm, spilled his blood into the bowl, and handed the knife to Melvin.

  Melvin didn’t hesitate. A muscle bunched in his jaw, whether from fighting emotion or prepar
ing for what was to come, Rykaur couldn’t be sure.

  Slicing the blade through his own palm, Melvin joined his blood in the bowl with the others and returned the knife to the table.

  “Drink,” Rykaur ordered, nodding toward the bowl containing the hallucinogenic.

  Melvin lifted the bowl without hesitation, brought it to his lips, and took a healthy sip. He then handed it to Rykaur.

  Rykaur ingested the bitter-tasting substance before passing it to Vaulcron.

  Around the group the bowl traveled, stopping at Tony, who finished it off.

  A humming sound began in Rykaur’s skull, and the steam swirling in the room turned to shadows.

  Keeping his eyes open, Rykaur let his gaze follow the shadows around the room as they slipped in and out of the crowd, taking shape in the form of ancient warriors who’d gone on before.

  They circled Melvin, the humming in Rykaur’s head growing stronger with every pass they made.

  Several shadows broke off from the others to slip through Tony’s stunned body.

  Melvin stayed completely still, allowing the shadows to move through his form at will.

  A battle cry erupted from his throat, his torso jerked forward, and his lips peeled back over his teeth.

  “Drink,” Rykaur demanded once more, this time pointing to the half-filled bowl of blood sitting on the table.

  Melvin’s hand shook, so great was the power surrounding him. He grabbed on to the bowl, brought it to his lips, and drank some of the contents.

  Rykaur retrieved the bowl from Melvin’s stiff fingers, extended his fangs, and drew the crimson liquid into his veins.

  Tony, who seemed to be in no better condition than Melvin, managed to also bring the bowl to his lips.

  Once the bowl had been drained by the warriors in the room, Rykaur closed his eyes and allowed the bonding process to begin.

  Tony groaned, his head snapping back in agony.

  Rykaur knew the process would be painful, but the pain wouldn’t last long, and the hallucinogenic would help.

  Unsure of how long they remained in that steam room, Rykaur laid his back on the floor and opened his mind.

  Tony’s emotions could be felt almost instantly. The pain of nearly losing his mate. The joy of his son’s birth. The honor he felt at being a part of the Bracadyte ritual.

  “You were already a brother to us,” Rykaur sent to Tony. “And I will honor our bond, always.”

  Tony brought his head up and looked down at Rykaur. “As will I, brother.”

  Another emotion settled in Rykaur’s mind. A feeling of camaraderie and awe.

  “I don’t know whether to laugh or shit myself.”

  Melvin’s words invaded Rykaur’s psyche, causing his lips to twitch. He slowly sat up and met Melvin’s gaze. “Though you were not born a Bracadyte, you will die one, Thrasher…”

  Thrasher didn’t respond. He didn’t have to. Rykaur could feel what he felt, see what he saw.

  “Tomorrow, we prepare to leave for Cuba,” Rykaur announced to the room at large.

  All eyes swung in his direction, glittering with vengeance.

  The shadows of the ancients came together, forming a dark swirling cloud that hovered overhead.

  Battle cries suddenly exploded, ricocheting off the walls of the steam room in deafening finality.

  “We will find the former human president,” Rykaur roared above the thundering voices. “We will find him, and we will destroy him!”

  Chapter Forty

  Mary sat on the side of the Pool of Enlightenment, her feet dangling in the water, remembering the last time she’d been there.

  She’d almost given herself to Rykaur in this very spot.

  Her lips twitched as she recalled the many interruptions they’d had at intimate moments.

  “Ah, I see I am not the only one who loves this place.”

  Startled, Mary turned her head in time to see Kaura sashay into the room.

  The Bracadyte female sent her a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Why are you here?”

  Mary shrugged. “I like the Pool of Enlightenment too. It holds fond memories for me.”

  “As it does for me,” Kaura shot back. “But that is not what I meant. Why are you here?” She waved her hand through the air. “In Aukrabah.”

  Indignation rose up in Mary’s chest. “That’s none of your business.”

  “Oh, I think it is. You see, you have something I want. Though I have nothing personal against you, your very presence down here is creating a bit of a problem for me.”

  Mary narrowed her eyes. “You mean Rykaur.”

  “Who else?” Kaura sauntered over and took a seat next to Mary. “Look. I know you want him, but he and I have a history. History that cannot simply be removed by the likes of you.”

  Too stunned for words, Mary stared back at her in disbelief. “The likes of me?”

  “Well, yes. You are a mere human. You cannot possibly satisfy someone as virile as Rykaur. I doubt you can even copulate with him without crying in pain.”

  Mary found her voice. “You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. And frankly, I don’t give a shit what you think. But I’ll tell you one thing. Rykaur belongs to me, and if you go anywhere near him, I’ll stomp your ass all over Aukrabah.”

  “We will see about that,” Kaura snapped, moving to get up.

  Rage replaced her early jealousy, spurring Mary into action. Her hand shot out before Kaura could stand and wrapped in her black hair.

  Mary gave a mighty heave, yanking the Bracadyte female into the water before going in after her.

  Gripping the side of the pool for leverage, Mary held the infuriating female under with every ounce of strength she possessed.

  “Mary?” Rykaur blurted, running into the room. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like? I’m drowning this bitch!”

  The corners of his eyes crinkled in humor. “I do not think I need ask who it is you are attempting to drown.”

  “I think you know who it is,” Mary snapped, pushing Kaura’s head deeper into the pool.

  Rykaur calmly strolled over, bent, and plucked Mary up from the pool, forcing her to release her hold on the bitch’s hair.

  “You cannot drown her, Mary. She is Bracadyte.”

  In all her anger, Mary hadn’t thought of that. She wiped the water from her eyes with the backs of her hands and faced Rykaur. “I’ll think of something.”

  “What is this about?” Rykaur asked Kaura the second she stepped from the pool.

  Kaura glared at Mary before shifting her emerald greens back to Rykaur. “I did nothing. I simply came down here to swim, and she attacked me.”

  “You lie,” Rykaur growled, narrowing his eyes at the Bracadyte female. “I cannot have my mate upset and up in arms over your silliness. I want you gone from here.”

  Kaura’s face paled. “Mate? She is your mate?”

  At Rykaur’s nod, Kaura instantly became contrite. She took a hesitant step toward Mary. “Forgive me, Mary. I had no idea that you were Rykaur’s mate. I was told that you were a human prostitute. Had I known, I would never have been so disrespectful. Please accept my apology.”

  Mary glanced at Rykaur to gauge his reaction. He simply stood there, showing his support and saying without words that he would abide by any decision she made.

  “I accept your apology, Kaura. I know that you have a past with Rykaur, and I suppose I let my jealousy get the better of me.”

  Kaura’s gaze softened. “It is true that we had a past. One that I can never return to. I was young and I made a mistake, but it is a mistake I must live with. Rykaur has mated with you, and a mating is for life and beyond. He is lost to me now. You need not every concern yourself with my interference again.”

  Mary watched in silence as Kaura trailed from the room without another word.

  “You fought for me?” Rykaur growled, his arousal evident behind the lacings of his shorts.

He slowly stalked forward, removing his vest as he came.

  Mary’s gaze strayed to his erection and then back to his eyes. “I would kill for you.”

  Hopping around on one foot, he removed his boot, tossed it aside, and took off the other one. “You will never have to kill for me, Mary. You are all that I could ever want or need.”

  He slowly peeled his shorts down his legs. “Ever.”

  Mary took a shaky breath, gripped the hem of her shirt, and pulled it over her head. “Prove it.”

  Rykaur was on her before she could gasp. He jerked her off her feet, threw her over his shoulder, and carried her to the pool.

  The warmth of the water felt amazing, but nothing could top the feeling of Rykaur’s mouth closing around her aching nipple.

  He sucked the hardened tip into his mouth, unzipped her jeans, slid them down and tossed them over the ledge.

  Without breaking suction, he backed over to the stone steps, took a seat, and pulled Mary onto his lap.

  She instantly straddled him, holding the back of his head as he pleasured her tender nipple.

  Mary couldn’t imagine anything better than being loved by Rykaur. Nothing had ever felt so incredible. His scent, his touch, his kiss combined together to create a hunger in her that drove her to madness.

  And then he entered her…and Mary was lost, swept away on a tide of passion, found only in her mate’s arms. “I love you, Rykaur.”

  “I love you, Mary.” And he proceeded to show her just how much.

  * * * *

  Mary lay on a towel next to the Pool of Enlightenment, basking in the aftermath of their lovemaking. “How did Melvin’s initiation go?”

  Rykaur’s fingers lazily stroked her hair. “It was an intense experience. The ancient ones arrived, which tells me that they were pleased with our choice.”

  “The ancient ones?”

  The fingers briefly stilled in her hair. “The warriors who have gone on before.”

  She thought about that for a second. “Like ghosts?”

  “Perhaps.” He paused. “Anthony Vaughn participated in the ritual as well. I know the king will be pleased. Especially since Vaughn is mated to his daughter.”


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