The Lake

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The Lake Page 34

by Richard Laymon

  Leigh closed her eyes tight. Please God let there be news. Good news.

  “ ’Fraid not, Leigh. I’m comin’ over ASAP. Tell you what I know. We can compare notes…”

  Leigh put the phone down, hoping Mattie had something constructive to say. Like she’d got a plan, had an idea—anything that’d save Deana from Mace.

  By the time Mattie showed, the bodies had been taken away. More officers were poking around. Checking doors, windows. Taking prints.

  Mattie’s eye caught the photos scattered on the coffee table.

  “Just run it by me, Leigh,” she said quietly. “What happened?”

  Leigh repeated everything she’d told the officers.

  Including the fact that Mace had already been in the house when she’d called Mattie.

  Leaving them to it, letting Leigh get on with her story, Warren went to the kitchen and made coffee. A few minutes later, he brought in three steaming mugs, and cream and sugar on a tray. He set the tray before them.

  “It’s been a terrible experience for you, Leigh,” Mattie was saying.

  Leigh remained silent, then said, “Mace implied something may have happened to you, Mattie.”

  “He did? Well, it hasn’t. Don’t intend that it should, either. As for the photographs, Leigh,” she let out a deep sigh, “what can I say—that it’s Mace up to his old tricks again? Yeah,” she said, shaking her head, her lips tight, remembering the scrapbook they’d found at his apartment. “We sure gotta find badass fuckin’ Mace in one helluva hurry.”

  Diving into her shoulder bag, she picked out a folded plastic sack and protective gloves. She drew the gloves on, easing them over her fingers.

  Glancing at the photographs, she separated them with her fingertips. Staying silent for a while. An icy chill creeping through her body. This looked like the business. She hoped they weren’t too late.

  Slowly, she gathered the prints together.

  Shook open the sack, slid them inside.

  “I’ll get these over to the lab. Have forensic check them out. Could be, apart from Mace’s dabs, some little thing—fibers, DNA, soil deposits—that might give us a lead. We gotta catch him, Leigh…”

  “Don’t I know it!” Leigh choked back a sob. “That’s my daughter out there, Mattie. Sure…we’re gonna catch him, all right. But I can’t just wait here! God, Mattie,” her voice rose, “I can’t just do nothing!”

  “What can you do, Leigh? We got trained people out there. We know what he’s up to—given his family history an’ all. He’s tracking down his sister…Meanwhile, he’s…Christ, we’re talking serial ki—” She broke off, embarrassed. “Sorry, Leigh—shouldn’t have said that. Anyhow, we brought Ava Sorensson in on the job. Maybe she’ll come up with something.”

  “Ava Sorensson?”

  “Yeah. She’s a criminal psychologist. Best in the business. If she can’t crack Mace, nobody can.”

  “Well, if she can help…,” Leigh murmured doubtfully. Then: “Mattie, it’s time Warren knew the story behind all this.” She gave him a hesitant smile.

  “It might help,” he put in wryly.

  “Sure,” Mattie said. “That figures. Let it roll, Leigh.”

  Warren settled back and listened.


  Deep in thought, Warren left for home, leaving Leigh with Mattie. And a team of cops. Wishing they’d move their asses, get out there, comb the countryside or whatever it was they were supposed to do. But just find Deana.

  He prayed she was still alive…

  Christ, she’d better be. If I knew where the hell to look, I’d find the bastard myself…Warren sat at the dining table, head down, scanning a map of the West Coast, hoping some divine hand would guide him to where Deana was hidden…

  He wasn’t having much luck.

  Frowning, he traced a finger around the Bay Area, up to Mill Valley, then San Rafael, then down again to the Santa Cruz Mountains…Sighing impatiently. Knowing he hadn’t a hope in hell of finding Deana this way…

  “I know where your girl is, Warren…At least, I think I do.”

  His head came up. He threw Sheena a sharp glance.

  Standing there, her back to the picture window, she looked pale and somehow disoriented.

  “Well?” he asked tersely. “Tell me. Right now, Deana’s probably being beaten up, abused—Christ only knows what else the bastard’s doing to her. She’s in real danger, Sheena, so whatever you think you know, let’s have it, before it’s too late.”

  “Y’ain’t gonna like it, bro.” Sheena’s pallor made him wonder what the hell she’d “seen.” Usually, he didn’t set much store by her “feelings,” but right now, any lead was better than none—and by the way she looked, she may, just may, have hit on a clue.

  “She’s in a dark place…could be underground. Whatever, wherever, she’s in a dark, enclosed space. And,” she added quietly, studying his face, not liking the haunted look in his eyes. “She hasn’t long to go, Warren. She knows it, too.”

  Warren leapt up and raced to the window. He grabbed her shoulder.

  “Can you tell me where this…dark place is? Can you see any landmarks—anything?”

  She shook him off. Going quiet again, before resuming her story. “I keep getting these deep, desperate fear feelings. It’s dark, and I can’t see…I just know she’s in danger. Someone’s aiming to kill her. But not before he’s…done things to her…”

  “Christ—anything else?”

  “She’s in the wilderness, Warren. Metaphorically and physically…D’ya know what I mean?”

  “Jesus, sis. We’ve gotta tell Mattie about this!”

  “She’s a cop?”

  “Sure. She knows the sicko who’s doing all this stuff to Deana. In fact, Leigh, Deana’s mom just told me the whole story. Sounded far-fetched, but it’s all kinda linked in with Deana’s disappearance.”

  “A story, huh?” Sheena frowned. “A ‘far-fetched’ story…You better tell me about it…”

  “So Ma Payne got rid of her kids? ’Cept Charlie. Jess turned into Mace and now Mace wants to kill Deana, because he can’t find sister Tania—meanwhile, any black-haired gal, but especially Deana, will do.

  “Jess, aka Mace, can’t forgive Mom for killing Pa—and for giving him away like that…Am I right?”

  “That’s about it, sis. This guy Mace is one fucked-up psycho. He does things to women. Then carves them up, apparently. Leigh said she and Mattie found a scrapbook at his apartment with pictures and press cuttings of his gruesome deeds…God only knows what he’s doing to Deana right now. At this very moment…” He faltered. “Maybe you can figure it out, Sheena. I certainly can’t!”

  Warren paced up and down. Working things out. He’d go find Deana himself. But first, he had to decide which route to take.

  Sabre sat, ears pricked, watching from the doorway.

  Sheena’s eyes leveled with Warren’s. Sending him a cool glance, she said, “I know how this Mace character feels, Warren.”

  “You WHAT? What the hell are you saying, Sheena? You can understand why this sick fuck is doing the things he does?”

  “No, not that, bro. All I’m sayin’ is, I understand this Mace character hatin’ his mom for givin’ him away. Remember, Warren, I’ve been in the same position myself. I was adopted, too, don’t forget!” She turned, stared out the window, her anger showing. He could tell that by the way she squared her shoulders, held her back ramrod straight.

  Sure, he remembered she’d been adopted. They both had. Just that he’d never felt the need to discuss it with her before. Far as he was concerned, Sheena was his big sister. Had been for as long as he could remember. And they’d both been treated equally by Mom and Dad—that had been their way.

  Sheena turned from the window, her face harsh with concern. “Understandin’ the feelings of this guy is the only thing that strikes me right now, bro. I’m sorry, believe me. And sure, if you think it’ll help, I’ll talk to your Mattie woman.”


  The door opened.

  Deana flinched, twisting away from the blast of light.

  She stumbled, tripped. Fell backward onto the mattress.

  “That pleased to see me, huh?”

  “Mace. I need water. Please lemme me have some water…”

  “Hey. That’s nice. I like to hear my li’l girl saying pretty ‘please.’”

  “Screw you, Mace.”

  “Now, now. Don’t you go blottin’ your copybook. Say sorry, Deana—or do I have to smack your butt?” He put down his holdall and swaggered slowly toward her. A vague gray light snaked in through the dirt-streaked window, lifting the gloom, filtering across the grimy mattress. Deana crouched back in the shadows, hands clasping her drawn-up knees. Hugging them tight to her chest.

  Mace bent down. He peered at her, smiling, his teeth a white slash against the dark of his face.

  “Saw your mom today.”

  Her eyes widened. Her breath quickened.

  “Wanna know how your mother is, sweetheart?”

  She gulped back a sob.

  “How is my mother, Mace?”

  “Frightened, sugar. Your mom’s one very frightened lady.”

  Tears welled up. Hearing him say “mom” like that made her want to cry.

  Mom, oh Mom…You gotta come an’ get me. Please!

  Despair, and a seering desolation swept over her. She broke down, blurting shuddering sobs into her hands.

  “Come, come. Here, I got you somethin’.”

  She glared at him with red, swollen eyes.

  He held up a film-wrapped sandwich. Shook it in her face. “C’mon. Eat. Don’t want y’dyin’ on me now. Eat like a good girl.”

  “I want water. Gimme some water, Mace!”

  “You’ll get your water when you’ve had this.”

  She reached out, grabbed the sandwich, peeled the film from the bread, and stuffed one end into her mouth. She started chewing, then choking, her throat was so dry.

  “Hold it!” He held up his hand. “Now, wouldn’t that make a pretty picture for your everlovin’ mom to see? Her little girl eating up her food?

  “Stay like that, sweetheart. Don’t ya move, now.” He rummaged inside the holdall, bringing up the Nikon.

  Lifting it to his eye.

  Playing around with the lens.

  Adjusting the flash.

  Squinting into the viewfinder, firing off a few shots.

  Done with that, Mace straightened his back. A wide beam lit his face. “Y’take a good photo, sugar, I’ll say that for ya. Your mom’s gonna be real pleased to see these.”

  “Where d’you get off, Mace? If y’think Mom’s gonna break down before your eyes, you better think again, shit-face. She’s one tough lady, and don’t you forget it.”

  “Mmm-huh. Know what? Y’could be right, honey. But let me tell you one thing…You’re bad blood. Y’know that? Only one thing to do with bad blood, an’ that’s git rid of it.” He dropped the Nikon into the holdall and zippered it shut.

  Deana shuddered. The bread stuck in her gullet. She began to choke again.

  Careful, now. Don’t rile him any more…

  “Yeah, you’re bad blood, sweetheart,” he went on in a calm, conversational tone. “Pa wanted you dead, Mom saved you and then hacked him, killed him, for doin’ what he knew was right. After that, y’could say most of us Paynes came to a bad end. Pa murdered. Me farmed out to those good, God-fearin’ folk in Duluth…Charlie dead after fornicatin’ with that whorin’ slut. An’ you…” His eyes accused her. His face was a dark, wild mask. Spittle hung from the side of his mouth.

  Terrified, still coughing, Deana edged back into her corner.

  Change the subject. Attract his attention. Anything—just make him stop this crazy goddamn crap…It’s driving me nuts…

  “Mace. I want some water, please. I need water.” She coughed some more.

  “Water? WATER? I ain’t got no water.” Mace shook his head, trying to clear it, shut out the memory of his mother’s face, the superstitious fears…The dark, desperate feelings of anger.

  He’d avenge Pa’s murder, all right.

  Rid his soul of Tania.

  He glared at Deana. His eyes taking in her long dark hair. Her white shoulders. Remembering how she’d looked half-naked, that day in her room. How her breasts heaved and wrestled, tumbling out of that too-tight bra of hers.


  Taunting him.

  Laughing at him.

  Bawling at him to go away.

  You BASTARD, she’d screamed.

  Yeah. Tania has ta go…She brought a curse on us Paynes…Pa shoulda killed her right at the start…

  “Mace…What’re you gonna do?”

  Stupid damnfool question, but she had to keep him talking. Keep his mind on the straight and narrow. Keep it from wandering. She’d seen this film—what was it called? She couldn’t remember now, but the girl in it kept talking to this crazy guy, to stop him from throwing her over the cliff. She’d talked and talked till the cops came an’ took the crazy guy away.

  In her mind, she pictured this happening to her.

  Mace’d have his hands around her throat, squeezing the life outta her…Then she’d start talking. Maybe arguing. For hours on end. Mace’d give up, go away, an’ then Warren an’ Mattie and a gang of cops’d show up and take her home…

  As if…

  Her blood ran cold.

  “Do?” Mace asked, surprised. “Why, go a-callin’ on that whorin’ slut, sugar. After I’ve rid me of sister Tania…”

  Reaching down into the holdall, he drew out a hunting knife.

  Drawing it from its sheath, he held it up to the window. Then, smiling softly, he wiped it on the seat of his pants.


  Saturday, August 14

  The girl up ahead caught his eye.

  She was stacked—tall, athletic-looking, with long dark hair caught up in bunches. The bunches bounced jauntily against her candy-pink sweatshirt. A tennis racquet swung in her hands. He eyed her long, shapely legs swinging down the sidewalk.

  Her feet, in white socks and sneakers, almost danced in her hurry.

  A glimpse of tight white shorts peeking out from beneath the sweatshirt got him going. He felt himself rise, go hard.

  “All right,” he murmured to himself, a loose smile playing around his lips. “The kid’s a honey; a real live dancin’ queen. Most likely gaggin’ for it, too.”

  Already wreckin’ lives, spreading her filthy evil all over town…

  His gaze fixed on the swinging bunches. Long and black, they curled a little at the ends.

  Thinking ahead to her tennis date, smiling to herself a little, the girl didn’t see the black Tornado cruise by, nor the driver slouched in the dark interior, wearing reflective shades, his left arm hanging out the window.

  The car slid to a halt some twenty yards ahead of the girl. Through his rearview mirror, the man watched her swing toward him.

  Drawing level with the parked car, she looked in the open passenger-side window. Saw the man at the wheel. Wearing a black leather biker jacket and one of those funky sports wristwatches that did everything ’cept play “The Stars and Stripes.”

  He was chewing, his jaw working around with a steady, rhythmic movement.

  Later, in one of his three rented Bay Area apartments, Mace surveyed his work. Dipping his head from side to side, appraising his latest killing, assessing the need for a little more embellishment.

  He grinned, his white teeth glistening in the soft light from the bedside lamp.

  One less evil bitch, he told himself.

  In the small cramped space the realty office had euphemistically described as a living room, the blinds were drawn. And not only against the glare of the midday sun.

  Mace eased the knife from the slit in her throat. It came away with a sharp, sucking sound. Fresh blood welled, pumping over her shoulders. Matting the long strands of hair. Making a pool on the pi
llow behind her.

  She groaned, moved slightly. Her legs made small jerky tremors. Bubbles gurgled gently from the mouth-shaped slit. Her fingers twitched, then lay still.

  Her lids fluttered gently, then opened.

  The eyes staring up at him were blank, glazed.

  Dead already.

  Mace hefted the knife like a dagger. He raised his arm, visualizing the long clean slit he’d carve from throat to pubic bone.

  His hand came down, slicing the firm white flesh, the blade juddering slightly as it hit the breastbone. Like a jacket unzipped, the torso sagged open.

  More blood seeped from the “mouth,” easing onto the pillow…till the dark hair floated in a small black lake.

  Mace paused, then hacked some more. Edging up the skin with the tip of his blade, flapping it open, peering at the hot steamy coils within.

  He could smell her evil.

  Warm, mulchy, sour.

  Sniffing, breathing it in, he grinned, then flicked the skin back again. Kneading it into place with quick, practiced fingers. Patting the breasts, hanging loose, lolling sideways, away from the incision.

  He fondled them, squeezing the soft dark nipples.


  They’d been so taut, so ready, a half hour ago. When she’d squirmed beneath him, strong and agile. Yeah. She’d given him a hard time, all right, but he’d made it, ramming her, jerking his come into her moist warmth.

  How she’d bucked, squirmed, screamed out.

  Shoulda given her a double shot…

  Not “liquid ecstasy,” though.

  This time he’d used his trusty hunting knife. “Yessir,” he muttered, panting a little, remembering. “It’d been a real pleasure, slicing that smooth white throat.”

  He’d shut her mouth, once and for all.

  And he’d made another. One guaranteed to stay open, no matter what…

  He liked that.

  A harsh laugh blurted from his lips.

  Never did catch her name…

  Probably something like Debbie, Jennifer, or Susan.

  Typical middle-class product.


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