The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 21

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Finally, he relaxed his arms while smoke was rising from his head. “Why are you doing this? I haven’t done anything to you.”

  “Nope, but yo ass has done plenty of shit to other muthafuckas. Now start sticking da wire up yo blow hole before I burn yo mutherfuckin’ eyes out.”

  Over the next minute or so as I stood over him, holding the controller in one hand and the blowtorch in the other, I painfully watched as he slowly inserted the wire and sobbed like a baby. When he was finished, I made him stand up and tie the string that was hanging from the light fixture above around his neck. I tossed him a pair of handcuffs and had him secure his hands behind his back. I held my sickle against the bare skin of his balls while I removed the bands of the Motivator from his ankles to ensure he wouldn’t try anything. The task was now complete. He had the hot wire from the light fixture stuck in his dick and the grounded wire secured to his ankle.

  He was standing very still as I continued to hold the blade against his sack. “Yous has three fuckin’ choices. Yo first choice is dat yous can bend or kneel down and pull da string dat is around yo fuckin’ neck, which will energize the circuit between yo little pecker and yo ankle. Dis choice will surly cook yo weenie just like yous was at a muthafuckin’ backyard weenie roast. If yous is lucky, yous will be electrocuted instead of being a fuckin’ no dick pervert. Yos second choice is a lil mo fuckin’ gruesome. Der be enough slack in da fuckin’ string and da wire around yo fuckin’ ankle dat will allow yous to back yo sorry ass away from da wall where da shorter one is secured between da water pipe and yo little brown dick. If yous pull hard enough on dat muthafucka yous might get lucky and pull it out of yo pee hole, which will remove yo muthafuckin’ ass from da electrical circuit. Da previous choice might seem da best, but da barbs on da wire slid in smoothly going in, but I promise yo ass dat yous will tear out yo piss tube from yo muthafuckin’ dick when da wire is pulled in da opposite direction. In fact, yous might tear yo dick completely off before yous get da wire out. And yo ass will still wind up being a fuckin’ no dick pervert. The last fuckin’ choice is to stand here til some muthafucka finds yo sorry ass, but yo legs will eventually get tired and der isn’t enough slack in da string for yous to sit or kneel yo lazy ass down, so yous will end up at da first fuckin’ choice anyway, or freak da fuck out and wind up with da first two muthafuckas as da end result.”

  Arnufo glared at me. “That’s all right, motherfucker. My homeboys will find me because they know where I am. Those fuckers will find you and kill you for what you have done to me.”

  “Yous must be fuckin’ retarded. It’s not bad enough to have da fuckin’ wire jabbed up yo dick, now yous fuckin’ going to have one up yo ass as well.”

  As I was walking out of the room Arnufo yelled out, “Yeah, that’s right! Fucking leave! Me and my boys will find your sorry ass!”

  Five minutes later, I came back with a piece of rusted rebar I had found, and as I stood next to him he started cussing me again. I grabbed the wire going to his dick and pulled straight up. While I held the tension, he stood on his tippy toes to reduce the pain. “Yous says another muthafuckin’ word or moves a fuckin’ inch I will drag yo sorry ass all over this building by yo dick.”

  He stood quietly as he watched me bend the rebar into the shape of a fishhook. When completed, the hook was about eight inches long, the gap width was about two inches, the point was about four inches and the eye was about a two-inch diameter loop. I grabbed the wire going to his dick, then removed the wire from his ankle. “If you move mutherfucka, I’ll tear yo dick off.”

  He didn’t move or say a word.

  I jerk on the wire. “Yous got dat shit, boy.”


  I jerked harder.

  “Fuck yeah! I got it dude!”

  “DJ, bitch!”

  “Yes, I got it, DJ.”

  “Dats better.”

  “Now, if yo ass moves I will drag yo ass all around dis place by yo dick.”

  He remained still, so I released the wire going to his dick and took the other wire that had been tied to his ankle and securely tied it to the eye of the hook that I had made.

  I put the hook in his hands that were cuffed behind him. “Shove it up yo ass.”

  “I ain’t…”

  I grabbed the wire going to his dick and almost lifted him off his feet, and as I pulled up on it I could hear his flesh ripping through his deafening screams. While he screamed, I got in his face and shouted, “Not a fuckin’ option, homeboy. Shove dat muthafucka in now or lose yo dick!”

  Over the next minute or so he cried as he worked and wiggled the dry hook into his ass. I made sure he inserted the whole thing, which allowed his pucker hole to close and conceal the connection of the wire to the hook. Tears were running down his face and he was crying as the ten-gauge wire hung out of his ass. “Now yo big mouth gave yo ass a fowth option. If yous wont, yous can trys to pull da rebar out of yo ass, which will most likely rip out yo nasty colon. Yous can also dig around in dat muthafucka and trys to untie da wire from da hook, but yous will have to really stretch out yo ass to gets to it.”

  Arnufo begged for me to let him go as I cleaned up the area. Before I left, I gagged him with duct tape and locked the door going into the storage room. I also locked the loading dock door on the way out of the building. If for some reason if he did manage to survive, the police would be looking for a nineteen seventies, foul-mouthed, Ebonics speaking, Mr. T wanna be pimp.”

  Moulding Bloody Play-Doh

  Seth noticed Andrew had tears running down his face. “Yeah, that was real fucked up what happened to your buddy.” Seth looked back at Dicky. “This fucker here probably thought there might have been a chance his butt buddy would find him one day. Everyone in here thinks there is a chance of getting out of here.”

  Dicky moved his face into the dim light. “You never know.”

  “I know one thing… You’re not getting out alive.”

  “You can’t be…….”

  “Hush! You don’t know shit.” Seth turned towards Andrew. You think Arnufo is searching for you?”

  Andrew’s tongue was being stretched from his mouth and he couldn’t speak, so he made a grunt sound.

  Seth looked at Dicky and said, “I guess he was trying to say he didn’t know.”

  Seth looked back at Andrew. “I read in the paper your buddy had been found in the warehouse a few days later. It looked as if he opted for option two, but it turned into four, then somehow turned into an option that I hadn’t even thought of. He apparently tried to back away and rip the wire out of his dick, but then something happened where he tried to pull out the hook out of his ass. Of course, I’m just putting the pieces together from what I had read in a report. The investigators found half of his dick was still on the end of the wire, and he was found thirty feet away from the room. His intestines were coming out of his ass and ran all the way back to the hook—it was still secured to the cable. All I can figure is he panicked when he tore his dick in two, and he wasn’t able to remove the hook or untie the wire going to it. He was probably bleeding and knew his only chance to live was to seek help, and the desperation for survival caused him to rip out his intestines.”

  Andrew had a look of horror across his face.

  Dicky remained silent.

  “Hey guys, no grunt or comment.”

  They remained silent.

  “Well then. Just to let you know, Arnufo didn’t die. He’s running around with a colostomy bag, half a dick and no ass.”

  Andrew grunted.

  Dicky shook his head. “You’re fucking sorry.”

  Seth looked at Andrew. “Am I fucking sorry?”

  He grunted.

  Seth looked at Dicky. “That means he would have traded places with Arnufo in a heartbeat.’

  Seth looked back at Andrew. “Yeah, it would have been a lot better to be an assless stub fucker than this shit, right?”


  Seth sat down next to t
he bird cage from hell. “Let’s get back to Andrew’s adventure. When I returned home, I dragged his unconscious body into the chamber and tied him in a heavy steel chair using barbed wire. I only secured his arms, legs and waist so he would be able to move his upper body. I hung an intravenous bag filled with nutrients and antibiotics on the back of his chair and ran a tube to his right arm. He was kind of nasty, so I removed his clothes, then sprayed him down with an alcohol solution to help prevent infections. After I sterilized his bottom lip, nose, eye lids and nut sack with iodine, I inserted two small fishing hooks in each eye lid, one in the end of his nose, four across his bottom lip and ten into his nut sack. I leaned him forward and tied stainless steel wire between the hooks in his face and sack. The wires had just enough tension where his face and nut sack were being slightly stretched towards each other. It was late and it would be a while before he awoke, so I left for the night.

  When I returned two days later, Andrew was lying on the floor asleep with the chair still attached and he was covered with blood, snot, saliva, shit and piss. He had torn most of his bottom lip off and ripped gashes in his eyelids where he had pulled on the hooks. The skin on his nut sack had been so ravaged from where he tore out the hooks that his testicles had fallen out and were grotesquely hanging by their spermatic cord. The fishhooks and wires were still attached at one of their ends, either at his sack or face, and the ones that had been ripped from his skin had pieces of torn flesh hanging from them. The barbed wire that held his arms and waist had torn large gashes in his flesh as he had apparently fought at them like a wild man. While he slept, I discreetly snuck up on him and injected him with sodium thiopental so he wouldn’t wake up. After he fell into a deeper sleep, I pulled him and the chair back into the upright position. I washed him, his chair, and the floor with a hose, washing away all the body fluids and waste into a channel in the floor.

  Over the next few hours I removed the rest of his lip and sewed the gap closed. I used glue on the gashes made by the barbs. I sewed what was left of his nut sack back together, which looked like a patchwork blanket when I was finished. When I was done cleaning and patching him up, I pulled his tongue out and inserted four large fishhooks through it, then inserted about forty tiny hooks in the outer skin of his penis. I tied ten wires to each of the hooks in his tongue, then leaned him forward and tied the other ends of the wires to the hooks in his dick. Before I left the chamber, I refilled his IV bag with antibiotics and nutrients and I connected him to a heart monitor so I could monitor his vital signs with my laptop.

  Ten hours later, Andrew’s heart monitor woke me up. His heartbeat was extremely high, so I used my laptop and zoomed in on him with one of the cameras in the chamber. He was viciously jerking around in his chair as he was apparently trying to tear himself loose from the bent over position. I really didn’t understand why he was inflicting such horrific pain and destruction to his body. For some reason, he desperately wanted out of the chair. He might have been terrified of all the horrifying things in the chamber. I really wasn’t sure, but regardless of the reason it was exciting to watch. Within a short period of time, he started throwing his head back and forth, violently jerking at the wires between his tongue and dick. His tongue and dick were being stretched four to five inches every time he thrust his head backwards. He was screaming so loud that his voice was echoing through the laptop’s speakers and it seemed he was in the same room with me. Suddenly his head and body lunged backwards as the skin from his dick completely ripped off, causing it to look like a bloody, peeled banana.

  While he laid back in the chair trembling and breathing deeply I could see that sweat was pouring off every inch of his body and blood was dripping from his crotch and mouth. The skin that was once was around his dick now lay against his chest as it was being suspended from the ends of the wires that were still attached to the hooks in his tongue. I could tell he was bleeding severely, so I quickly rushed down to the chamber. When I entered the room, I slipped up behind him and injected him in the neck with sodium thiopental. When he fell unconscious, I amputated his penis and sewed the end closed around his piss tube. I also inserted a catheter into his stub to help reduce infections and to speed up the healing process. His amputated dick looked like a shriveled-up hotdog covered with torn veins as it laid on the floor. After I cleaned him up I dragged him into a cell so he could recuperate from his wounds, then left the chamber.

  The next morning while I was incinerating Andrew’s personal belongings, I found an artificial disk replacement card in his wallet. The card explained different exercises and stretching techniques for the recipient to perform, which would maintain their disk performance. The instructions also informed the recipient of things he or she should do to prevent injury to the artificial disk. Out of curiosity I looked up the type of disk on the Internet. I found out it was a fairly new procedure in the United States. During my research, I visited a few online forums, and there was one thing that caught my attention; people were complaining they had lost up to thirty percent of forward flexibility. They stated they had severe pain when they tried to touch their toes. Some people said the pain was absolutely excruciating if they bent over for a long period of time, or if they lifted heavy items. If Andrew had this procedure done, that would explain why he tore himself apart. The long duration of being bound in the forward position must have been causing a lot of pain in his back.”

  Seth looked at Andrew. “Hey, pal, how did you fuck up your back in the first place?”


  Seth looked at Dicky. “He said from humping kids.”

  Andrew glared at Seth and made an angry sounded grunting noise.

  “Anyway, grunt fucker here hadn’t seen me up to this point. I walked straight up to his cell and grabbed the bars. “How’s it hangin’ stumpy?”

  He glared at me while sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. “R ew da uther…”

  I interrupted him when I started laughing. His mouth still had wires hanging out of it, and when he talked his dick skin bounced around on his chest. He also sounded retarded because his tongue was very swollen from the hooks.

  He got aggravated and stopped talking.

  “What’s wrong, pal, cat got your tongue?”

  “R ew da utherucker dat did dis to me? I’ll ucking kill ew!”

  He was still talking shit as I walked into his cell, and when he started to get up, I grabbed the wires that were hanging from his tongue and wrapped them around my hand and made a fist. While holding the wires tightly, I beat him in the face with the same fist, just like paddleball. Every time his head bounced back, his tongue would stretch about twice its length. Blood and spit gushed out of his mouth and nose as I continued to beat him, and with every punch he screamed out like a little bitch. After fifteen or twenty hard punches, I released the wires and he fell to his back. He held his mouth for a moment, then started to get back up, so I kicked him in his swollen and stitched up nut sack with my work boot. I walked out and shut the cell door.

  He was lying on his side cupping his nuts. “Uck ew! Uck ew! Uck ew! I ‘ll ucking kill ew!”

  I locked the cell door. “You think a handful of hooks were painful. Wait until you have thousands of them tugging at your skin.”

  He was lying curled up on the floor and moaning as I left the chamber.”

  Seth laughed as he looked at Dicky. “You realize this fucker had no dick, but still had balls. Very big balls because of the swelling. It was strange as fuck to look at. Kind of like a dickless baboon.”

  Dicky just shook his head.

  Seth looked at Andrew. “Whatcha think about that?”


  Seth nodded towards Andrew. “Monkey fucker here had the pleasure of watching me build his cage. It took several days, and I built it right here in the center of the chamber. He sat in his cell and gibbered curse words and death threats at me the entire time—he either liked pain or he was fucking retarded. When I was finally finished, I stood
back and admired it. As you can see it stands almost eight feet tall and is around eight-feet in diameter. It kind of resembles a birdcage; a very large one. The bottom is flat and the sides curve slightly inwards as they approach the rounded top. The bars are five-eighths round stock and are spaced about ten inches apart. The cage has a three-by-four-foot round stock door built in it, and it’s secured with heavy steel hinges and latches. Andrew must have known I was planning on sticking him in the cage, because when I walked up to his cell he became very upset while pacing back and forth like a wild animal. He was pumping his fist and cursing me.

  “Hey, pal. We can do this the easy way or the hard way!”

  He charged at the bars. “Ew ucking dead!”

  I laughed. “Look around you fuckin’ dickless idiot. What makes you so special?”

  He replied with an aggressive tone, “Open ta ucking door an ew’ll find out!”

  I unlocked the door and I swung it open. “Your wish is granted.”


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