The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 26

by Garrett, Wade H.

  She screamed, begged and cried as I dragged her into a cell. I ignored her pleas as I walked out of the chamber.

  The next morning Sandy was sitting in the corner of her cell, staring at all the gruesome sights in the chamber, and as she sat with a terrified look on her face I walked up to her. “I told you that you were going to live.”

  Over the course of several days she watched in horror as I built another glass tank. She knew that it was for her because I had a box of rubber ducks and frogs sitting next to it. When I was done, the tank resembled a glass coffin. It was six-feet long, three-feet wide and three-feet tall, and it had short legs so it sat slightly off the floor. The tank was made of glass except for the angle iron that lined the corners and edges. The lid was also made of glass and angle iron, and it was secured to the tank with large hinges. There were leather straps that were secured to the bottom of the tank by large bolts that were inserted through holes in the bottom. The tank sealant needed to dry for a while, so I tossed her a half-inch diameter by one-foot long piece of PVC pipe. “Get acquainted with that, tonight you’re going snorkelling.” I had something urgent to take care of so I left the chamber.

  Around 11:30 PM when I came back I found Sandy lifeless. She had tried to commit suicide by biting through her wrist. She was lying on her side in a puddle of blood. I quickly bandaged her wound, then pulled her from the cell and strapped her to a table so she couldn’t hurt herself anymore. I checked her blood type and started a blood transfusion. If I had waited a little longer to enter the chamber she probably would have been successful at her attempt. Unlucky for her she didn’t rupture any major veins, but only ravaged surface vessels, which still caused a lot of bleeding.

  Three days later, she was ready to go snorkelling, so I sedated her so I wouldn’t have to drag her kicking and screaming over to the tank. I secured her to the bottom using the straps. They held her head, legs, arms, and torso tightly to the bottom of the tank so she couldn’t move an inch. I was going to be in and out of the chamber and I didn’t want her to drown when I wasn’t around, so I connected her to a heart monitor that would alert me when I was away.

  She awoke an hour or so later, and as she fought at her restraints, I cracked open a water valve, which allowed water to slowly flow into the tank. I could have opened the valve all the way and filled it quickly, but that wouldn’t be as intense and terrifying to her as it would have been with the water level rising at an extremely slow rate.”

  Seth noticed Dicky had fallen asleep. He walked to the other side of the chamber and disappeared into the dark.

  A Thousand Ways to Drown

  A few minutes later, Seth walked over to the cesspool with a long pole that had a hook on the end. He looked over and noticed Dicky was still asleep. He pulled a knife from his sheath and cut a rope tied to an anchor in the wall. The rope shot up in the air towards a pulley that was above the cesspool the same time Sandy’s body began to sink into the sludge. Before her head went under the rancid smelling waste, Seth took the long pole and snagged the rope that was tied between her hands. He walked backwards until he pulled her out of the sludge and onto the stone floor. He took his knife and cut off the excess rope that ran up to the pulley, then dragged the corpse over to Dicky. He unlocked and opened the cell door, and with the stick, he lifted the rotted corpse up into the air, then tossed it onto him. Dicky screamed as he threw the shit-covered corpse off his body. He hysterically tried to wipe off the grotesque sludge with his hands.

  Seth locked the door. “Fall asleep again and I will sew that ruthless bitch to your flesh.”

  Dicky ran to where the water had pooled in his cell and started splashing water onto his body and clothing to wash off the sludge.

  “Hey Einstein, you know you’re going to have to drink out of that later.”

  After he thought for a moment, he dropped his arms to his sides and held his head down as he stared at the floor.

  Seth leaned up against the bars. “A lot of people who believe in the death penalty don’t like the fact our death row inmates sit on death row for years before they are actually executed, but the next best thing to actually torturing the flesh is torturing the mind, so I personally don’t have a problem with a lowlife sitting in a small cell for years as he is scared shitless and wondering when his last day will be. The anticipation of the unknown can be a very painful emotional experience. I could have quickly drowned Sandy and been done with it, but the actual drowning isn’t as terrifying as the anticipation of drowning. I’ve always heard general comments from friends that if someone harmed their family that they would make them pay by killing them. When you kill someone, they don’t know it because they’re dead, so how is that making them pay? I think letting them live is more of a proper punishment, of course after you poke out their eyes, bust their ear drums, rip their tongue out, and cut off their arms and legs. What would be more agonizing than having to live for many, many years as a deaf, mute and blind slug, especially if the one who did it to you taunted you first so you would be forced to live with those images until you died?”

  Dicky had a very disgusted look on his face as he sat on the floor next to Sandy’s rotted corpse. Flies were swarming around the stench that was covering his body.

  Seth nodded towards him. “Hey stinky, you better pay attention from here on out.”

  He stared at Seth as he rested his head against the stone wall, and after Seth sat down in a chair next to the cell, he leaned back and propped his feet up on the bars. “Like I said before, I barely opened the water valve so the tank would fill up very slowly, and as the water trickled in, I did some past due tasks in the chamber. As long as I could hear Sandy begging and whining, I knew the water hadn’t reached her mouth. Several hours later when I went and checked on her, I found the water had risen to where her face looked like an island. She was breathing erratically and her eyes were filled with fear as I showed her the piece of PVC pipe. “If you hold this pipe in the upright position, water will not enter the top.”

  She begged for me to release her as I secured a mouthpiece from a snorkel on the end of the pipe. A few minutes later, she was begging me for the homemade snorkel. She wasn’t hesitant in taking the pipe—the water level was almost to her mouth. Ten minutes later, the water had risen over her mouth and nose. She started to have a panic attack from the claustrophobia of being bound tightly in a small box filled with water. I could even hear her crying through the pipe as she tightly held her eyes closed. When the water reached two inches from the top of the pipe I closed the valve, and by this time she was lying very still and breathing calmly. She knew if she panicked now, water could slip in the top of the pipe or around the mouthpiece, or she could suck in water through her nose. She had to concentrate as she balanced the pipe with her mouth—a few degrees in any direction would allow water to enter the top of it.

  Over the course of the day she had just lain still with her eyes closed as she calmly breathed through the pipe; she had focused on nothing else. It was getting late, so I banged on the side of the tank to get her attention, but she kept her eyes closed. I reached over and covered up the end of the pipe. She immediately opened her eyes in a panic. After I released it, I tapped on the side of the tank to get her attention, but she couldn’t move her head because of the restraints, but she could cut her eyes enough to see me through the glass. I signed to her in sign language ‘goodnight’, and I then left the chamber for the night.

  The next morning I was really surprised to hear my alarm clock. I had expected the alarm from Sandy’s heart monitor to wake me in the middle of the night. The heart monitors that I have in the chamber are interconnected with a life support panel so I can monitor them throughout my home. I also have the life support tied in with my security cameras and security system. I can monitor them anywhere using my laptop or phone.

  Before I went into the chamber I read the newspaper and did some stuff around the house. It was sometime after lunch when I was finally able to check on Sandy. S
he was looking extremely tired and her skin had begun to shrivel all over her body. Her eyes were open and they were extremely swollen and blood shot, and the veins in her eyes were so huge they looked as if they were going to rupture. She had bruising around her mouth from holding the mouthpiece very tightly, and her skin was bruised where the leather straps restrained her. She was most likely a heavy smoker, because there was gross yellow and white phlegm on the end of the pipe, and large chunks were floating in the water. The portion of the glass lid that was above the pipe was also covered with the same nasty phlegm. It was apparent she must have had difficulty breathing through the night due to the large amount of lung biscuits she had coughed up, and she seemed to be in an extreme amount of discomfort and pain. I could honestly say she was most likely at the maximum threshold of anxiety that a person could withstand. I opened the glass lid and took a piss, then walked off to the other side of the chamber so I could finish up some past due tasks. Towards the end of the evening I heard a strange sound coming from Sandy. I walked over to see what the commotion was. She was gagging. She must have let water enter the pipe or around the mouthpiece, or she sucked in some through her nose, but regardless of how water entered, she was now spewing vomit and water out of the end of the pipe as she fought to clear her throat. She was having a difficult time regaining her airflow, and within seconds she started jerking around violently and her eyes got huge to the point that they looked like they could fall out of their sockets. Because she wasn’t able to clear her throat, she spit the pipe out of her mouth and screamed, and believe it or not, I could hear her scream through the water as the last breath of air in her lungs exited her mouth. I could almost feel her pain as I watched the intense jerking of her body, and I could feel my throat closing as I watched her mouth open and close erratically as she was searching for a breath. Around thirty seconds later, her body went limp, so I quickly removed a large drain plug in the tank. I didn’t hesitate getting her unstrapped and pulled out and onto the floor where I immediately started artificial respiration. After a few minutes her heart stopped and she wasn’t responding, so I quickly gave her an adrenaline injection and used a defibrillator to get her heart started again. When she regained consciousness, I strapped her down on a wooden table so she could recover. Over the next few days I monitored her closely as I treated her with oxygen, an IV solution of antibiotics to help with any lung infections and steroids to decrease lung inflammation.

  A few weeks later, I started on her next water-sport activity, and as I worked on the contraption, she begged for me to kill her and stop hurting her, but I ignored her pleas. Her next activity was a simple set-up, but just as scary as the previous two.

  She became hysterical as I secured a leather belt with wrist cuffs around her waist. “You have no fucking right! Leave me the fuck alone you fucking bastard!”

  I remained silent as I secured each of her arms in a wrist cuff.

  She was pissed as she fought at her restraints like a savage. She was just wasting her energy. She couldn’t move her arms because the belt held them to her sides, and her body and legs were still bound to the table with leather restraints.

  I tied a rope around her ankles. The other end ran through a pulley that was mounted to a ceiling beam. I unlatched the restraints around her legs. She tried to kick me.

  “You’re sure full of piss and vinegar. You must be excited about your next water event.”

  She raised her head from the table and glared at me. “You have no right to do this to me!”

  “Sure, I do.”

  She glared at me.

  I knew as soon as I unlatched the leather restraints around her torso she would go fucking nuts. I didn’t want to sedate or knock her out because she needed to be fully alert, but I also didn’t want to wrestle around with the nasty bitch either. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I am going to unlatch your restraints, and if you freak out you will wind up on your ass.”

  “Fuck you! Let me go, you motherfucker!”

  As quick as I unlatched her restraints, she jumped off the table and started hopping towards me as fast as she could. Before she knew what happened, I had pulled down on the rope that was running up to the pulley. The other end of the rope that was tied around her ankles had jerked her feet out from under her and she had fallen on her ass.

  She gritted her rotted teeth. “You sorry motherfuc…”

  I pulled on the end of the rope and hoisted her up into the air. She started cursing me again as she desperately fought at her restraints while flopping around like a fish.

  After I slid a large galvanized tub under her body, I lowered her down to where her head was in the middle of the tub. Before I filled it up I needed to explain to her how the contraption worked, so as she hung upside down I knelt to where I was eye level with her. “I mounted a modified hand water valve….”

  She interrupted me. “You fucking bastard! You have no fucking right to do this to me!”

  “I bet your kids felt the same.”

  “Fuck you!”

  I was originally going to let her hang by her feet in preparation for her next water sporting activity, but after the fuck me comment, I jerked the tub out from under her head and started swinging her back and forth. Her path was clear of obstacles, so I would give her a hard shove in each direction as she swung by. She was screaming and begging for me to stop, but I only shoved harder. Finally, she slammed into the ceiling, and when she came flying back past me the pulley fell from the ceiling and she went sliding across the floor and into a wall. The impact didn’t knock her out, but she was dazed. The rigging hardware had somehow worked loose when I was swinging her back and forth, so I quickly grabbed a ladder and reinstalled the pulley before she regained her wits. She didn’t say anything as I hoisted her back up. I centered her head in the tub and knelt. “Any comments before I explain this contraption?”

  She just glared at me with hate.

  “Okay. As I was trying to tell you earlier, there is a hand water valve that I modified attached to the ceiling. It’s about two feet over from where the pulley is secured to the beam. It’s installed so the handle moves vertically. The handle is being held open by a heavy-duty spring, which is the open position of the valve if you didn’t know that. I’ve attached a rope to the handle, and when pulled, it will close the valve.”

  She looked confused.

  I showed her the rope hanging level with her chest. “Just pull the fucking rope if you want the water to stop flowing. Also, I tied knots in the end of it so you can grasp it better with your rotted teeth.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Just getting you ready for hell.”

  She pleaded for me not to hurt her as I turned on the water that fed the valve mounted on the ceiling. When the water started flowing into the tub she pulled her head forward, and as she did a stomach crunch, she tried to grab the rope with her mouth. It took a few attempts, but she finally grabbed one of the knots. When the water stopped flowing I bent over to make eye contact. “Well lookey there, I’m surprised your seven rotted crack teeth are holding up.”

  Since she had the hang of the contraption, I sat in a chair to get comfortable. I knew she wouldn’t be able to last very long being bound upside-down in a crunch position while supporting the weight of her head and shoulders with her rotten teeth. The knot was also making breathing difficult for her as she latched onto it like a dog playing tug-a-war.

  After about five minutes her body was trembling so severely from the intense pain that she released the rope. Her head flopped into the tub as she let out a moan. Water was running into the tub below her head as she looked over at me. “I can’t do it. Just kill me.”

  I kneeled beside her. “I will grant that wish to you under one condition. If you do not pull your head out of the tub when the water reaches your mouth and drown yourself intentionally, I will not resuscitate you.”

  She closed her eyes and didn’t say a word as the water level rose in the tub with
each passing second, and as she breathed erratically, a man in one of the cells yelled out, “I bet that bitch is going to pull out.”

  I looked over at him as he was leaning against the bars of his cell smoking a cigarette. “How many?”

  “Two packs.””

  Seth walked over three cells down from Dicky, and after he unlocked the cell door he said, “You wanna meet our new guest?”

  An old man that was lying on a cot sat up. He stretched and yawned. “Sure.” The cell wasn’t like the other cells. It was furnished with a cot, toilet, sink, refrigerator, stove, a bookcase filled with books, desk and a television set. The man was about eighty-to-ninety years old, and he was dressed in a grey and white-striped jumpsuit.

  Seth and the man walked over to Dicky. “This is Ozy Vaughan. Years ago, he broke into my house after he bypassed my security system. In his day, he was a very skilled thief, but unfortunately for him he made the mistake of finding the chamber. I found Ozy in the tunnel lying on the floor. He was very disoriented and lethargic. I think he must have had a mild heart attack or a stroke. At the time, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with him because thieves aren’t on the menu, and I couldn’t release him because he knew about the chamber, so I threw him into a cell until I could decide what to do with him. Over the years Ozy has taught me a lot about a lot of different things, so in return I’ve let him live out his life in a cell.”


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