The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 46

by Garrett, Wade H.

  The next day I caught him banging his head against the wall to cause damage, so I ran a wire from the bottom end of the T to a handful of fishhooks that I had inserted into his scrotum sack and dick. A few weeks later, I noticed he was getting pressure ulcers from being bound to the wall. I must reposition everyone from time to time to heal these types of sores, and in his case I used fishhooks and steel twine to pull him from the wall so his back could heal, and I also adjusted the chains that were holding him so they would lie across a different part of his body. After I repositioned him, I stood back to look at what a ghastly sight he had become. I was very surprised a human could endure such horrific brutality and still be alive. Over the years, he would hang on the wall and watch me bring other lowlifes into the chamber for their punishment. I would occasionally torture him by beating him with his severed arm, whipping, burning, and throwing darts at him or whatever else that came to mind. As the years went by I would put him into a cell for several months so his body and mind could heal, then would hang him back on the wall kicking and screaming. It was very torturous for him to be bound to the wall, and every time he came out of the cell he would fight at his restraints and curse me under his breath.”

  Dicky just glared at Seth after hearing the detestable story about the Reaper. Seth started to get up, but paused. “There is something else you need to know about the Reaper. Up to this point everything I had done to him has been just foreplay. His punishment hasn’t even begun yet.”

  Dicky looked sad as Seth pulled out the darts that were stuck in the Reaper’s body. Seth pulled out the last dart, then looked back at him. “Your turn is in the morning. That ought to be something you can sleep on tonight.”

  After Seth walked out of the chamber and disappeared into the dark, Dicky started crying from the fear that laid ahead. All through the night he tried to kill himself by banging his head against the stone wall, but it was no use for he would only knock himself unconscious.

  The Day of Vengeance

  Early the next morning Seth came into the chamber to find Dicky unconscious and his head and face covered in blood. He threw a bucket of water on him. “Rise and shine.”

  After Dicky stirred around for a moment, he rolled over and sat up on the floor, then scooted back so he could rest his back against the stone wall of his cell. Seth grabbed the rusted bars as he looked at the blood that covered Dicky’s face. “Death is something you have to earn in here.”

  He held his head down and started crying.

  Seth tossed a rag through the bars. “Wipe your tears. I’ve been saving something special just for you.”

  Seth walked over to the Reaper and pulled the bloodstained cloth sack off his head, then looked at Dicky. “What do you think?”

  He continued to hold his head down and wouldn’t look up. Seth parted the Reaper’s long hair and revealed his face, then yelled out. “I said look!”

  He raised his head.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  He quietly replied, “Think about what?”

  Seth looked at the Reaper’s face. “Well, I guess with all the dried blood, bruises, scars, disfigured face, and this contraption in his mouth, he would be hard to recognize.” Seth let go of the man’s hair and walked over to the table with the assortment of torture devices and grabbed the severed arm, then walked over to the cell and tossed the arm next to Dicky. “Check it out, pal.”

  Dicky just sat and looked at the discolored limb.

  “Get out of that damn corner and look at it.”

  He looked down and started staring at the floor, so with a more aggressive voice Seth yelled out, “I’m not going to tell you one more time before I get Mr. Propane Torch.”

  After he took a deep breath, he reached over and picked up the arm, then looked at Seth with confusion as what to do next.

  “Look at it closely.”

  He noticed a tattoo of a Grim Reaper on the arm. “I don’t understand.”

  “Understand what? Your worst fear.”

  Dicky started to get upset. “How did you get this arm?”

  Seth grabbed the bars. “If you were listening to my story about the Reaper, you would know I sawed it off him while he was bound to a table.”

  He became frantic as he held the arm, then jumped to his feet and stumbled over to the bars. Fear filled his eyes as he shoved his head against the bars so he could get a good look at the man called Reaper, and after a few seconds he said in a troubled voice, “It can’t be. My son died years ago. I buried him myself.”

  Seth walked over and stood by the Reaper. “Buried whom? A burned-up body that was unidentifiable except for a tattoo and a wallet.”

  Dicky fell to his knees as his hands slid down the bars, and as he looked toward the Reaper he yelled out, “Jason, Jason my son. What has he done to you? Oh, Jason!”

  Seth walked over as he was crying. “So, Dicky, or should I say Chuck, you had no idea that I knew it was Jason that left me on that tree to die?”

  He looked up at Seth with anger and vengeance. “I know who you are now. You’re that piece of trash from the boys’ home!”

  Seth looked down at him. “I know you covered up the evidence of what your son did to Ashley. And you need to remember who you’re fucking talking to, Sheriff.”

  A strange expression came over his face. “Wait… I don’t understand. You were killed in a car wreck a few years later. How is that possible? I don’t understand.”

  “I’m glad you checked on me, pal. Maybe I was wrong about you.” Seth laughed, then threw a dart at Jason. “And how many times have I told you that things are not always what they seem?”

  Chuck jumped to his feet and grabbed the bars. “I should have killed you myself and finished what my son started! You sorry sick son of a bitch!”

  Seth reached in through the bars and grabbed Chuck around his neck, then slammed his head against the bars. He tried to pull back, but Seth was too strong. Seth leaned in towards his ear. “You robbed me of my justice. As a father, I could understand, but as an officer of the law you chose a killer over innocent victims. And one other thing, I’m not some young kid you can bully anymore.” Seth bit into Chuck’s ear, and as he pushed him backwards, he tore a piece off.

  Chuck fell to the floor, and as he held his ear he shouted out, “You will not get away with this you fucking psycho! You will die in the fucking electric chair!”

  Seth spit the piece of ear at him. “Die? I’m already dead. My spirit died on that tree years ago, and if you had been paying attention to my stories you would know what kind of predicament you’re in. And as far as getting away with this, that’s self-explanatory, you fucking idiot!”

  He jumped to his feet. “Open the door like you did for that fucking pervert and let’s finish this like men.”

  Seth unlocked and opened the door, then stepped back. “Your wish has been granted.”

  Chuck didn’t hesitate as he charged through the opening, knowing this would be the only chance he had to save his son and himself from the horrors that lay ahead, and with everything he had he swung at Seth’s throat.

  The lights above were blurry as Chuck found himself dazed and lying on the cold, stone floor. Seconds later he regained his composure and jumped to his feet, and as he looked around he saw Seth standing a little way away. Seth nodded in his direction with a facial expression of, come on, don’t be a bitch, so Chuck did a karate motion as he got into a fighting stance. When Seth saw the move, he started laughing, but he stopped when Chuck charged him, then Seth did the unexpected. To Chuck’s surprise, Seth had quickly dropped to the floor and spun around and kicked his legs out from under him, and when Chuck fell to the floor, Seth jumped on top of him, then choked him into unconsciousness with a rear naked choke.

  A few minutes later, Chuck found himself lying on the floor again, and when he regained his composure, he jumped to his feet and ran for a table covered with all kinds of tools and weapons, and right before he reached it Seth pushed him, causin
g him to fall to the floor. Chuck didn’t hesitate getting up, and as he lunged towards Seth, Seth used Chuck’s momentum to his advantage and threw him back on the floor. When Chuck lunged towards Seth again, Seth grabbed him by the neck, and as he tightly squeezed his throat, Chuck fought at Seth’s hands as he desperately tried to relieve the pressure so he could breathe. To his horror, Seth lifted his feet off the floor and carried him back to his cell, then pushed him backwards so hard that he fell to the floor. He rolled to his side as he gasped for air while holding his throat. Seth locked the door. “That was for your satisfaction.”

  Chuck crawled on the floor over to the bars, and as he laid on his side, he stared with sadness at his son. “Oh, Jason. I’m so sorry for what he has done to you. Can you hear me Jason? It’s your dad. Jason. Jason. It will be all right Jason. I’m here with you now.”

  A tear ran down Jason’s face as he stared back at his dad.

  Seth walked over to Jason and kicked him in the nuts.

  Jason moaned.

  Chuck screamed out.

  Seth put his finger to his mouth as a gesture to be quiet. “I will tell the beginning of his story now that you know who he is.”

  “You get away from my son, you sick fucking bastard! You can go fuck yourself! I will not listen to you anymore!”

  “Oh, you think so.”

  “I fucking know so!”

  Seth walked over to the table with the torture devices and grabbed a long pole that had electrodes on one end and a cord that ran to an electrical control box on the other end. The electrodes were spaced about five inches apart, and after Seth pulled the trigger, a very powerful blue arc filled the air gap between the electrodes, and the sound that the arc made was almost deafening. Seth held the end of the custom-made device an inch or so from Jason’s head, and when he pulled the trigger, blue arcs completely covered Jason’s face, and after a few seconds his body started violently shaking. When Seth pulled the electrodes further away, the arcs started jumping around Jason’s head like a Tesla generator. After a few seconds, Jason had begun to scream as smoke started to pour from his flesh. When Seth released the trigger, the deafening sound of the shocker was replaced by the sound of Chuck as he was screaming for Seth to stop. Seth laid the shocker back on the table, then looked over at Chuck. “Now that I have your full attention, I will tell you the chapter that I originally skipped over.”

  Smoke was still floating around Jason’s head as Seth walked over and sat next to the cell. Chuck slid down the bars to his knees, and as he sat on the floor, he looked at his son with sadness. Seth pulled a dart out of his pocket and threw it at Jason, striking him in the chest. “I’m over here.”

  Chuck turned around with tears in his eyes as Jason let out a faint moan, and as soon as Chuck looked at Seth, a dart stuck him in the neck. He gagged while he pulled out the dart.

  “I have a pocketful to keep you from getting side tracked.”

  Chuck knew he had no choice but to listen, so he leaned over and rested his head against the bars as he looked at Seth, and as he wiped the tears from his face, Seth lit a cigarette and took a long drag. “Let’s get on with story time. And I am going to tell it from the beginning—when I was left to die in the woods. I hung on that tree until a hiker found me several days later. I was air rushed to a hospital several towns away because the small podunk town only had a small medical facility. The doctors there said I should have died from my knife wound, but the blade was still hot when Jason stuck me with it, which cauterized most of the cut blood vessels. The next day I was questioned by a few detectives on what had happened. I told them everything I could remember about the horrible night. I told them about the Grim Reaper tattoo I had seen on the taller man’s arm when his sleeve had pulled up, and I told them he had disguised his voice as he talked, but the other men didn’t, and one of them sounded familiar, but I couldn’t put a face with his voice.

  When I was released from the hospital a few weeks later, I was sent back to Saint David’s to finish recovering in the medical ward, and around this time is when I found out that Ashley’s father had already buried her at Grape Vine Cemetery next to her mom. I was very sad and distraught that I had missed her funeral, and for the next few days I stared out a window and thought about her.

  After a week or so, the detective that was investigating my case came to Saint David’s and told me they had no leads to the crime. He said the rope, knife, or any other kind of evidence could not be found at the crime scene. He said it looked like the perpetrators had come back and gotten rid of all the evidence. He stated that whoever it was knew what they were doing, for not even a shoe impression was found.

  A few days later when I was able to walk, I went to her grave to tell her good bye and that I was leaving the dreadful town. While I was sitting on the ground beside her grave, her father came out of nowhere; he was extremely drunk. He stumbled in my direction, screaming out for me to get away from her and that it was my fault she was dead. When I stood up, he grabbed my neck and tried to choke me, but I shoved him backwards and he fell onto Ashley’s headstone, knocking it over. While he laid on the ground, I pointed at him and said, “One day I’ll be back for you,” then I turned and walked off. Later that day, I went to the bus station to buy a one-way ticket out of town. Any place that I would end up would be better than that place. After the attendant at the bus station asked where I wanted to go, I handed him most of the money I had saved up. “As far as this will take me.”

  He handed me a ticket. “Sorry son. I don’t blame you for wanting to leave. This bus ride should get you far enough from here.”

  I stared out the window and watched as I left the town behind. A few miles out, a pickup truck was passing the bus. As the truck drove by, I noticed Jason was sitting on the passenger side like a punk with his arm hanging out the window, and as the wind was blowing up his sleeve, a cold chilling shock fell upon me as I noticed a Grim Reaper tattoo on his arm. When the truck passed, I held my head back against the seat and shook with anger. I tried to remain calm the rest of the trip.

  Hours later when the bus came to a large city, I immediately went to a payphone to call the detective that was investigating my case. I told him about the passing truck and that it was Jason’s tattoo that I had seen. I told him I now recognized the other man’s voice as being one of Jason’s friends. The detective said he would check into it and he would contact me when he found out something. I told him I would contact him because I had left town and I didn’t have a phone. I walked around most of the night trying to figure out what I was going to do. I only had enough money for a couple of weeks, and I had brought just a few of my belongings with me in a bag. Early the next morning I called the detective and asked him if Jason had been arrested, and as soon as I heard him say that he had a good alibi, I slammed the phone down, and when my knees hit the ground I screamed.”

  Seth looked at Chuck with anger. “I knew at that moment you had something to do with that.” Seth pulled a handful of darts out of his pocket, then started hitting Jason in the chest.

  Chuck screamed out as the darts penetrated his son’s flesh. After Seth threw the last one, he walked over to Chuck as he was lying on the floor. “How did you do it? How did you get that piece of shit off?”

  He wiped some blood off his lips. “I will tell you anything you want to know if you please don’t hurt my boy anymore.”

  Seth walked over to Jason and pulled the darts from his body. “Let’s hear it, but remember as you tell the story, Jason spilt the beans a long time ago. He told me every detail during a beating, and if you leave out or twist the truth in any way, I will punish him for it. I want you to admit what you have done.”

  Chuck sat up. He wiped his tears, and after he looked down he said, “Jason was scared he could go to prison for what he and his friends had done. He told me everything that happened the night before. He said it had gotten out of hand and one thing led to another. I told him to keep his mouth shut and to go find his friends.
I told him I wanted all three of them, and whatever they had been wearing that night, back at my house as soon as possible and to keep quiet until I got back. While Jason was rounding up his buddies, I went back to where you were hanging on the tree unconscious and cleaned up the area so nothing incriminating would be found.”

  Seth glared at Chuck. “There weren’t even footprints left behind. And what about the rope that was tied to Ashley? You must have found her, because it was missing.”

  Chuck hesitated for a second. “I got in my trolling boat and went down the creek like I was fishing. If anybody saw me they wouldn’t think anything of it because it was Saturday, and I fish on that creek almost every other weekend. I started up creek from where you were, and as I went down stream I made a stop at the crime scene. This is when I cleaned up the mess. When I was done, I used a rake and erased all the footprints as I walked backwards, towards my boat. I then went on down the creek and found, you know, Ashley, washed into some brush. After I cut the rope loose and dragged it into the boat, I went back upstream to where I had parked and loaded up my boat. When I got back home, I burned the rope, their clothes, shoes, and anything else the boys had on them, and I took the knife and melted it down with an oxygen acetylene torch. That night I sat Jason and his friends down at the table and we went over an alibi just in case anyone asked. A few days later, Ashley was found when you told the investigators what had happened in the woods. I was with them since I was the town’s sheriff. I wasn’t worried about DNA contamination, because it didn’t exist at the time, and anything that could be incriminating would have been washed away.


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