The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 54

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Justin looked as if he had something on his mind.

  “You need something?”

  He shook his head no at first, then asked, “Why are you doing this?”

  “Do you approve of what’s going on here?”

  He looked confused. “Approve of what?”

  “The illegal shit.”

  “I don’t know anything about that.”

  “How long have you worked here?”

  “A couple of months. Rick got me the job. I run errands for Joel and Charlie.” His eyes got big. “Oh crap! I forgot about Charlie. He could come up here.”

  “He doesn’t have the guts to come up here.”

  “He comes up here several times a night.”

  “No, he literally does not have any guts in his stomach cavity and will not be making it tonight, or any time after.”

  Rick put his hand over his mouth. “Did you kill him?”

  Justin elbowed Rick. “Hush. We don’t need to get involved.”

  I looked at Justin. “You said there were four more.” I counted on my fingers. “We have your butt buddy Rick, Chaz the asshole, and Tito, who apparently didn’t like the word ‘accomplices’. Where’s the guy with no name?”

  Rick spoke up. “Tony went home for the night.”

  “If you’re lying, I’ll give you the same treatment that Joel will be receiving here in a bit.”

  “I’m not. He left right before you came back out.”

  I sat on the edge of Joel’s desk. “Justin.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What kind of errands?”

  “I get his coffee, lunch, mail. Stuff like that.”

  “What about you, Rick, what do you do here?”

  He sat forward, looked down at Chaz and Tito, then back at me. “Nothing to deserve what they got.”

  “Just tell me what the fuck you do around here. And if you lie I will cut off your dick.”

  He squeezed his legs together for a moment as he thought about what I had said. “Work the door mostly. Been doing it for about a year now.”

  “That’s it, you just work the door?”

  “Yeah, I’m supposed to weed out anyone that looks like trouble.”

  “You’re a buck seventy-five soaking wet. Why would Joel have you doing that?”

  “I just run off the riff raff. The troublemakers get to make it to the second door where Daniel can rough them up. Joel says better inside than on the streets. He didn’t want to draw attention to the place.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t want any unnecessary attention with the shit he’s doing. Do either of you know about what goes on in the basement?”

  Rick spoke up. “That’s where some of the more special clients get to go. I was never allowed to go down there.”

  “Why do they go down there?”

  “I guess to be with the girls.”

  “Which girls?”

  “The dancers.”

  Justin shrugged his shoulders indicating he didn’t know either. I had a gut feeling Rick and Justin didn’t know about the underage girls. “Here’s how it’s gonna go down. I’m gonna fuck up Joel, then you’re going to tell me how to get to the underside of the platform in the basement where I’m going to do some more fucked up shit. Do either of you want to be sedated now instead of later?”

  Their eyes got very big.

  “I don’t have a choice—I can’t risk one of you calling the police. It can be now, or before I go down there.”

  Justin shook his head. “I don’t want to be sedated.”

  Rick quickly agreed. “Me either.”

  They both threw their arms up defensively as I pointed my tranquilizer gun at them. “You sure?”

  They both spoke at the same time. “Yes, Sir!”

  I shot a dart into the woman’s thigh. “See, it’s not that bad. It’s just like getting a shot.”

  Justin looked horrified as he stared at the dart. “No, I’m good.”

  I could tell he was needle phobic. “I can use chloroform, if need be.”

  “I want to stay awake.”

  Rick was upset. “Why did you do that to her?”

  “So, she doesn’t wake up and see the gruesome shit that’s fixin’ to happen.”

  “What are you planning on doing?”

  “Not exactly sure yet.” I noticed the ceiling was made of grid and lay in tiles. I tossed him the key to his handcuffs. “Stand on a chair and remove one of the tiles.” I pointed to a wall. “Do it next to that wall.” Rick stood on a chair and removed a tile. I looked up and noticed the roof structure utilized bar-joists. I grabbed a rope from my backpack and tossed it to him. “Throw that around the bar joist.”

  “Around what?”

  “The metal thing.”


  “And keep the rope as close to the wall as you can.” It took him several attempts before he got the rope around it. I rolled Joel’s unconscious body over to the wall. “Tie one end of the rope around his chest.”

  “I… I don’t want to be a part of this.”

  “That’s fine. You can go back to the couch after you help me hoist the fucker up.” I secured the end of the rope around Joel’s chest, then started pulling on the other end. The rope was dragging against the steel bar-joist, causing too much resistance for me to simply pull him up, unlike with a pulley setup. “I need you to lift him as I pull.”

  He had a disturbed look. “I don’t want to touch him.”

  “I’m not asking you to dance with the fucker.”

  He took a deep breath as he grabbed ahold of Joel. When we had lifted him to where his feet were a few inches from the floor, I tied off the rope to his desk. “Thanks, you can go sit back on the couch.” I looked over at Justin as I pointed to Joel. “Do you think this fucker is dressed nice?”

  “I… I don’t know.”

  “What about you, Rick?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, indicating a maybe.

  I laughed. “Y’all fuckers must shop at Assholes R Us.” I was originally going to cut off Joel’s clothes, but instead I carefully removed his silk shirt and slacks. I tossed them over to Rick. “Severance pay.”

  He looked troubled as he stared at Joel as he hung on the wall in his red bikini underwear and red-checkered socks. “I can’t take these. He will go nuts.”

  “Those will be the least of his worries, and I’m shutting down this place anyway.”

  “Am I fired or something?”

  “Dude, you just don’t get it.” I cut off Joel’s underwear, then tossed them over towards Justin.

  He slapped them away. “Dude, that’s nasty.”

  I laughed. “I thought you would like those.”

  He turned red.

  “Why you embarrassed? Look at Joel; he should be the one embarrassed.” Joel had a dark tan from head to toe. His chest was waxed and his pubic hair had been shaved off. He was bald on top and the remaining hair he had left around the sides of his head had been dyed jet black. He had a gold chain around his neck and several gold rings on his fingers. He had a large tattoo of a grim reaper on his chest and an eagle on his upper right arm. I rotated his body to where he was facing the wall. I looked over at Justin and Rick. “You can look, but no touchy touchy while I’m around.”

  Justin got upset. “Why you keep making wise cracks?”

  I laughed. “Cause you got cracks on your mind.”

  “You know what I mean. And that’s what I’m talking about.”

  “Sorry, dude, I’m not used to having a non-participating audience.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Usually the only ones that get to witness the shit I do have already been fucked up, or waiting their turn.” I removed Joel’s jewelry and tossed it to him. “Joel said you and Rick can divide that up later—he won’t be needing them any more.”

  “I can’t take these.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  “What did he do to you? Is this personal?”

e didn’t do anything to me.” I removed four cans from my bag and poured their contents onto the desk, then started mixing them together with a stick.

  “What is that stuff?”

  “It’s industrial strength epoxy. I have to get it mixed quickly and applied before it dries.”

  “What’s it for?”

  He got his answer when I started applying the epoxy to Joel’s back with a trowel. I coated the entire backside of his body, including his arms, legs, fingers and head. The epoxy was getting tacky, so I pulled him outwards, spun his body around, then stuck his back to the wall. I pulled his arms perpendicular to his body and stuck them to the wall. I spread his legs apart as far as they would go and stuck them to the wall. I shoved his head backwards, then pressed the backside of each of his fingers to the wall. A few minutes later, I was able to remove the rope. I noticed Justin and Rick looked troubled. “What’s wrong, fellas?”

  Justin spoke first. “Why would you do such a thing?”

  “To make him feel vulnerable so he will know who’s in control.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “You will later.”

  “Are you going to kill him?”



  “Did you know he has under-aged girls working in the basement?”

  Justin looked confused. “Of course, not.”

  “What about you Rick; did you know about the girls?”

  He sat forward. “No, I didn’t.”

  “That’s good. And that’s why this fucker is gonna get what’s coming to him.”

  “Why don’t you just call the police?”

  “Where would be the fun in that? And besides, I want this fucker to suffer.”

  His eyes opened wide. “What are you going to do?”

  “Like I said, I’m not sure yet, but it’s definitely going to get medieval up in here.”

  Pole Smoker

  Joel was still out and I didn’t have all night waiting for him to awake, so I injected him with adrenaline. A few minutes later he was staring at me as I was sitting at his desk looking at him. “Welcome back, Sunshine.”

  “What the fuck!” He looked across the room and noticed Chaz, Daniel and Tito lying on the floor. He glared back at me. He was so angry that his eyes were bulging from their sockets and his face was red as a beet. He looked like the devil hanging on the wall. “I am going to fucking kill everyone you know!” He couldn’t move his head much, but he was able to cut his eyes enough to see Justin and Rick as they sat on the couch. “You two fuckers are going to pay as well.”

  Rick stood up. “Sir, I had no choice.”

  “Fucking cowards! I’m going to bury you both on top of your mothers.” He jerked his eyes back towards me. “I’m going to do shit to you that you can’t imagine.”

  I walked over and stood in front of him, smiling. “That’s funny—I said the same damn thing about you.”

  “Fuck you! You’re nothing but street trash.” He cut his eyes, noticing he was buck-naked. “What are you, a fucking pole smoker? I’ll fuck your moth…”

  Before he finished his sentence, I grabbed his tongue with a pair of pliers, then pulled it out of his mouth as far as it would go without tearing. The hair on the back of his head was being pulled as I pulled his head forward by his tongue. To his horror, I shoved a long rod with a pointed tip through his left cheek, through his tongue and out his other cheek. When I released the pliers, his tongue remained sticking out of his mouth. He didn’t make a sound as he stared at me with hate. He seemed to be a very aggressive and temperamental person. I could tell that he wasn’t going to give me the satisfaction of seeing him beg or plead—he was used to being the aggressor in life, always getting his way, intimidating all that he’s encountered.

  I tossed the pliers on the desk, then looked over at Rick. “Sit down, suck ass.”

  He plopped down on the couch. “Yes, Sir.”

  I looked at Joel. “Nice tan and wax job, gay wad.”

  He instantly went nuts, violently jerking his body around to pull himself loose.

  “Hey, numb nuts, the shit I used to glue your ass to the wall will tear your skin off before it comes loose.”

  Even though the rod in his face was painful and made it difficult to speak, he still mumbled out, “I’ll unt ew own for tis.”

  “You can join the police if you make it out alive.”

  “Don’t mad er… Charlie ill find ew if I on’t.”

  Justin was confused. “I can’t tell what he’s saying.”

  Seth looked back at him. “Yeah, the rod does make it difficult for him to pronounce his words, but I’ve had plenty of experience in deciphering gibberish. It’s one of the downsides of the job.”

  Seth looked at Joel. “And speaking of Charlie, he’s dead.”

  “Ew beder make sure ew kill me den.”

  “Right along with the other seventeen.”

  He glared at me. “Yeah, ight, otherucker!”

  I smiled. “That was just this year alone.”

  He had an arrogant look as he laughed at me. “Ew must tink ew some ype of badass? Ew aven’t tha balls.”

  “I actually have twelve sets in the trunk of my car. One of them belonged to Curtis Wade.” I got close to his ear and whispered. “You remember ol’ Curtis, don’t you? He used to run around these streets a few years back.” I had run across Curtis the last time I was in New York, hanging him from a light pole nude after cutting off his nuts. The incident had also made the newspaper. I wasn’t sure if Joel knew the fucker or had read the story, but I threw that out there just in case he did to fuck with him.

  Joel gave me a strange look, then grinned. “Ew must think ew at Angel of eath aracter tha papers rite about?” He laughed. “Ew just a punk.”

  “First, I’m surprised you read; second, they’ll be writing about you tomorrow.” I reached down with a knife and poked his nut sack. “I’m gonna hang yours from my rear-view mirror.”

  He jerked his body around. “Get da uck way frm me, ew son of a bish!”

  Justin got upset and Rick started crying. I turned to them. “Don’t get stupid on me, fellas.” I pointed back at Joel with the knife. “You don’t want to get fucked up like this gibberish speaking dickhead.”

  Joel noticed that I was referring to him. “Uck ew!”

  “See, he just told me, fuck me.” I took my knife and cut into his flesh, cutting around the grim reaper tattoo on his chest. He fought the urge to scream as I ripped the piece of skin from his body. I looked over at Justin and Rick as I held the blood-dripping piece of flesh. “Either of you want this for your house? It will make some nice wall art.”

  They didn’t respond as they sat horrified. I hung the skin art on the wall next to Joel, then went to my backpack and started digging through it, gathering up some items.

  Joel was very angry as blood ran down the front of his body. He was using all his strength to try to pull his hands loose as he glared at me, shouting, “Ew ucking astard! I’m going to ucking ill ew!”

  “Sure, Houdini, right after you magically teleport yourself off that wall.”

  “Ew’ll be supized wat I’m apable of oing.”

  I knelt in front of him. “Speaking of surprise, I have one for you that you’re probably not going to like.” I showed him a twelve-inch long piece of braided cable that had a smooth rounded tip on one end and a loop on the other. The cable had special made barbs attached to it spaced every two inches and they faced away from the smooth tip. “I made this for assholes like you.”

  “Get the uck away from me, ew piece of shit! I’m warning ew! You’re gonna get ucked up if ew touch me again!”

  “You’re in no position to make threats.”

  “Even if ew kill me, I have loyal men that will hunt ew down.”

  “I’m sure you do.” I waved the cable. “You ready?”

  “Uck ew! I’ll shove that up ew ass!”

  I lubed up the cable. “Not the ass, but th
at’s close to where it does go.” He started to speak, but paused when I grabbed his dick. To his horror, I started inserting it into his blow hole. He might have held back his screaming when I stuck the rod through his face and ripped off his tat, but he was definitely hollering muffled screams as the cable pushed through his urethra and into his prostate. Justin and Rick were both contemplating if they should run. I stood up and looked at them as the cable hung out of Joel’s dick. “I gave you the option to be sedated, so suck it up.” They looked away as they sat on the couch. I went back to my backpack and pulled out a small, custom-made winch with a hand crank. I walked over to Justin and Rick and showed them the tool. “You wouldn’t believe how much shit I have to carry with me; if I had known, I would have chosen another trade.”

  They didn’t respond.

  “Come on… It’s better than having this shit happen to you, right?”

  Justin nodded his head. “Yes, Sir.”

  Rick looked scared. “Are you really that death angel dude, or were you just messing with Joel?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I… I really don’t know. I just want to go home.”

  Joel shouted out, “He’s ucking street rash! A ucking aggot tat likes playin’ with men’s cocks!”

  “Ignore that loudmouth. And it really doesn’t matter who I am because I’m not planning on harming either one of you.” I looked at Joel. “Speaking of cocks, I’m fixin’ to do shit with yours that’s so sadistic that it would be banned from a snuff film.”

  “Uck you, otherucker! Ew ain’t gonna do shit!”

  “You’ll be singing a different tune in a moment.”

  “I ain’t gonna be doing shit, mother ucker!”


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