The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 82

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Everyone started laughing, even the spectators who had been grossed out. Of course, they had no idea he was yelling at me. I wound up having to light his ass up quite a bit before he picked up the tampon with his teeth. The spectacle of him bucking around on all fours had also caused the traffic to come to a stop. People were getting out of their cars to see what this idiot was up to. Over the course of several minutes, he attempted to swallow it whole. His facial expression and gagging sounds had some of the spectators dry heaving. When he realized he wasn’t going to be able to swallow it whole, he started chewing the shit out of it. Within seconds he vomited. He was so humiliated that he sat on the curb and put his head down. When I gave him a quick zap, he jerked his head up, looking as if I had awoken the devil. He was so enraged that he picked the tampon up with his fingers and started tearing it apart with his teeth so he could swallow the smaller pieces. I let him roll with it even though I had told him not to use his hands. The absorbent material was hard to swallow and he wound up choking. Lucky for him a good Samaritan handed him a bottle of water.

  I was ready to call it a night when a large burly man walked over and hocked up a big loogie, spitting it on the ground next to him. Spitter looked at me, not knowing what to do. I shrugged my shoulders, then nodded, indicating to get after it. He started crying as he sucked up the snot. By now everyone was plenty grossed out and were yelling at him to stop. When he was done, he sat on the curb looking as if he had lost his best friend. About that time, I heard sirens, so I pointed to my neck. He shook his head. I showed him the transmitter as I held the back of my thumb to my neck, moving it as if it was a knife. The crowd backed away as he shoved the needle into the side of his neck. Within seconds he laid over on his side sporting a big smile. I walked off as some of the spectators were leaving. About a hundred feet down I heard him yelling out incoherently as the cops were arresting him. I went back to the hotel and woke up Missy, then we hauled ass out of Nevada.

  Creepy-Ass Cracker Show

  Wyatt was shaking his head. “That’s fucking sick.”

  “I bet he won’t spit on the sidewalk again.”

  “I’m sure. Did Missy know what you had done?”

  “Yeah, I told her.”

  “What did she say?”

  “Nothing really. She’s used to it by now. But she did get on my ass about making him inject the heroin in his neck. She said that could have killed him.”

  “Did you not think that through?”

  “You know how I get.”

  “What came of it?”

  “I read online that Spitter had been taken to the hospital, then released shortly after. The rest of the article basically covered everything that had happened. The police verified his story when they examined the belt and found his friends.”

  “Oh yeah. What happened to them?”

  “They were found the next morning by some construction workers.”

  “Were they okay?”

  “Physically they were. But I’m sure they were pissed about having to spend the night with their face in the other one’s crotch. The whole thing turned out to be better than I would have ever imagined. It was awesome having an audience. I should have my own show.”

  Wyatt laughed. “Yeah, you could call it The Freak Show.”

  “You wanna hear about a damn freak show? I can tell you a good one.”

  “What’s it about?”

  “A crooked-ass cop named Nate Farley. He was on the Los Angeles Police Department and was your typical lying piece of shit that used his authority to harass and take advantage of people. Over the years, he had numerous complaints filed against him for misconduct, from writing bogus tickets to having sex with women in exchange for not arresting them. He primarily targeted prostitutes and underprivileged women, knowing no one would believe them since he was an officer of the law. He was eventually busted when one of the women had recorded the incident and posted it on Facebook. It became a media circus after that.”

  “I think I remember something about that now. Wasn’t there like a bunch of protests on and they were calling him a creepy cop or something?”

  “That’s him. But they were calling him a creepy-ass cracker.”

  Wyatt’s eyes opened big. “Wait a minute. I remember something about how this guy had been tied nude to a car or something. There was also something about a mannequin and he had been sexually assaulted.”

  Seth laughed. “You’re kinda close. He wasn’t tied to a car; he was tied to an ass jacker.”

  “A what?”

  “It was something that I had seen on the Internet that gave me the idea. I had wanted to build it and this fucker gave me the motivation to do it. The thing that aggravated me the most was nothing ever came of it even though I saw the damn video myself right along with half America.”

  “Why did nothing come of it?”

  “Because his department was just as corrupt as he was and covered it up.”

  “She could have set him up.”

  Seth pulled out his phone and opened a video. He handed it to Wyatt. “Check it out.”

  Wyatt noticed it was the video of the cop and woman as they were sitting in his patrol car. When it was over he shook his head. “Wow! What a piece of shit.”

  “Telling her to suck his dick or else, can only be interrupted one way, don’t you think?”

  “Sure does. So, what did you actually do to him?”

  Seth motioned with his finger. “Look at my list of videos and find the one that says Nate.”

  Wyatt flipped through the list. “What’s this one; Meat cleaver massacre.” He turned the phone so Seth could see it.

  “It’s where I went after some punks with a meat cleaver. You’ll get pissed off about that one.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “You’re too PC for it.”

  “I want to watch it.”

  “Maybe later. Find the other one first.”

  Wyatt started the Nate video. He was grossed out as he watched. When it finished, he felt nauseated. “Why did you show me that? It’s perverted.”

  “That was fucking Nate on the ass jacker.”

  His eyes opened wide. “No shit. How in the fuck did you manage to do that to him and get by with it?”

  “It just worked out. I had already built the ass jacker, so I disassembled it, loaded it in my car, then headed to California. Nate’s wife had kicked him out of the house and he was living in a hotel. That night I snuck into his room and dragged his ass out of bed, then made him leave with me. I took him to an abandoned warehouse…”

  Wyatt raised his hand. “Hold up. How did you get him to come with you?”

  “Held a gun on him.”

  “Was he pissed?”

  “Of course.”

  “Did no one notice you?”

  “I was disguised as a Mexican janitor—those fuckers are like camouflage in a hotel. I simply found a uniform in the laundry area, bought an access card off one of the janitors, then went and woke up Nate at 4 AM. When he got to the parking garage he became uncooperative and I had to shoot him with a tranquilizer dart. From there I dragged him to my car, then drove to an abandoned building about a mile away. I had the ass jacker set up and ready to go, and since he was unconscious, I went ahead and ripped off his pajamas and underwear, then mounted him in it.

  Around 5 AM Nate awakened. He looked around in a panic, cutting his eyes, trying to figure out where he was. He could only see a short distance by a dim light hanging from the ceiling. He was restrained in the all fours position and his head was strapped to a cradle that forced him to look straight, but he still could yell out. “Hello! I need help! I’m stuck in something.” He squirmed a little, feeling pressure in his anus. “What the fuck! There’s something in my ass.” Suddenly he started moving. “Oh shit! What’s going on?” He moved across the building, then stopped at a mirror that was leaning up against a wall. He stared in horror at his reflection. He could see that he was strapped nude to a four-whee
led cart with a flat top. Steel braces with straps secured his torso, legs and arms in the all fours position. Behind him was positioned a blow-up doll on its knees. The doll had a large cardboard sign hanging from its neck that read, Crooked Ass Cop. On each side of the cart hung a sign that read, Nate Farley and his Creepy-Ass Cracker Show. His right hand was secured to a joystick, but nothing was happening as he jerked it around. The front of the cart had lights, sirens and a horn. Nate was in shock as he screamed out, “Is this some type of sick joke! Get me the fuck out of here!” He jerked around and tried to get loose, but the restraints securely held him in place. “I said get me the fuck out of this thing! The joke is fucking over!” He glared at the doll. “Ha ha, motherfuckers! I’m going to shove that doll up your…” Suddenly his eyes got huge and his body tensed up. “Oh my God! What the fuck is that?” His cart automatically turned a little so he could see what was happening to him. To his horror, he noticed there was a mechanical arm behind him and it was sliding a large rubber dildo in and out of his ass. The doll was mounted behind the arm, and as the mechanism moved, it caused the doll to chaotically bounce around. The mechanics of the arm was also making a loud squeaking sound in conjunction with the motion of the dildo. Nate didn’t know what to think as shame overcame him while he stared at the horrific sight in the mirror.

  A short moment later the dildo stopped, then I came walking out of the dark with a brown paper bag over my head that had holes cut out for my eyes and mouth. “What’s crackalackin, fucknuts?”

  He had a confused look. “What… Who are you? Why…”

  I stopped a few feet from him and lit a cigarette. “Nice ride ya got there, Pal.”

  He instantly became angry. “You… You fucking did this to me. You’re not going to get away with this, you sorry motherfucker!”

  I pulled a remote out of my pocket. “Maybe, but let’s see if you can follow directions.”

  “Fuck you!”

  I pressed a button on the remote. The dildo started pounding his ass again. “Sounds like you’re the one getting fucked.”

  He made a painful expression for a bit, then gritted his teeth. “Do you know who you’re fucking with?”

  I shut off the ass pounder. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you over the squeaking.”

  He gave me a go-to-hell look. “I’m a fucking cop, asshole! You’re going down for this.”

  “That’s nice.”

  He glared at me with a serious look. “This is an assault of a police officer. You’re already in a serious amount of trouble. You need to let me out of this right now before you get in deeper.”

  “I don’t think so. I think getting humiliated in front of all your superiors is the route I’m leaning towards. This will definitely make an example out of you to the rest of the crooked ass cops.”

  “What? What are you fucking talking about?”

  “You’re going to drive this scooter up and down the street so the whole world can see you.”

  “You’re fucking nuts. You’re crazy. I’m not driving shit.”

  I looked at the mechanical arm. “You’re right. The big black dildo is.”

  “Screw you, you twisted piece of shit!”

  “I don’t have time to argue with you—this fucking bag is getting hot.” I extinguished my cigarette on his forehead. “I will make this…”

  He interrupted me. “Get the fuck away from me! I ain’t doin’ a fucking thing! And take off that fucking bag. I already saw your face back at the hotel.”

  “Maybe you did, maybe you didn’t, but what you need to be concerned about is…” I pointed to a button on the remote. “What this button does.”

  “I don’t give a fuck! You need…”

  When I pressed the button, he screamed at the top of his lungs. The remote had activated two electrodes that were next to his dick and balls. I shut it off before any real damage was done. “Now that I have your attention, I want to explain how this rig works.” He was crying, so I thumped him on the forehead. “You paying attention, or do I need to burn your shit off?”

  Tears were running down his cheeks. “Yes. Please don’t hurt me any more.”

  “Alrighty then. Right now, your cart is being controlled by this remote.” I dangled it in front of him. “When the Nate Farley Show starts, you will be in control of it through the joy stick. This will be your way to apologize to all the women you forced yourself on.”

  He had a look of guilt. “So, you know who I am?”

  “No dumbass. Someone else wrote your name on the side of this contraption.”

  “I was exonerated for that.”

  “Not in my court.” I knew what he was thinking by the way he was staring at me. “I know, I know. I’m getting the electric chair for harming an officer of the law.”

  He closed his eyes and whispered to himself. “Yes you are, motherfucker. Yes, you are.”

  I thumped him in the eyelid. “Pay attention. You can plot your vengeance later.”

  He opened his eyes and glared at me.

  “You need to know if you stop this contraption for any reason the electrical current will burn your package off.”

  He looked at me with a horrified expression. “What do you mean?”

  I started rapping. “Yo yo yo dog. If you stop fo’ anything, hoes, bros, or even da po po. Mr. Electricity will burn yo’ pee pee hole.”

  He looked at me as if I was an idiot. “Talk to me like you have some sense.”

  I leaned up against a wall. “The rear drive shaft has a motion sensor which is monitored by a programmable logic controller. If no motion is detected the PLC will send a signal to a relay, activating a twelve-volt actuator that raises a mechanical arm with two electrodes of opposite polarity. The mechanical arm when fully extended also engages a limit switch. The limit switch’s normally open contacts will close, allowing current to pass through it to a high voltage ignition transformer. The transformer’s secondary winding produces around ten thousand volts. That circuit is connected to the electrodes through high voltage wiring. The higher voltage will cause massive arcing between the electrodes.” I leaned down in front of him and made eye contact. “And guess what’s between the electrodes?”

  His eyes were huge. “What… You lost me.”

  “You’re right.” I stood up. “The electrodes will be in contact with each side of your balls, or balls and dick, depending on how you happen to be hanging at the time. The current flowing through your tender man parts will be very painful. The current might even cause your testicles to explode if it’s left on for too long.”

  He had a frightful look. “Please don’t do this. That could castrate my manhood.”

  I thought for a moment. “Electrical castration. I’ll have to remember that analogy. Thanks, pal.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I’ve already told you. Humiliation. You’re going to run this thing all over the city so everyone can see you get pounded in the ass. That’s why your name is on each side and your face is secured where you can’t hide it. You’re going to be on public display.”

  His attitude changed. “Like hell I am.”

  “That’s up to you. It’s your manhood, as you called it. If you stop, or allow someone to stop you, you know what will happen.”

  “I said…”

  I slapped him in the face. “Shut up! I’m not finished.”

  He went from being somewhat docile to irate. “You motherfucker! You better hope I don’t find your ass. I’m going to…”

  I started pulling out his front teeth with a pair of pliers. He screamed at the top of his lungs as I worked each one out. When I was done, he was on the verge of passing out. I tossed the pliers on the floor next to his pile of teeth. “Now keep the fuck quiet so I can explain how this thing works, or I will start pulling molars.” I tapped my watch. “We have about thirty minutes to burn before show time. I want you out and about at 8:30 so the commuters can have a morning show they won’t forget.” I grabbed his right hand and po
sitioned it on the joystick. “Forward is forward, back is back, right is right. And I’m sure you can figure what left is. The electric motor is controlled by a variable speed drive, so the further you move the stick the faster it will go. There is a button on the top of the joystick and it squirts ass lube on the dildo, but it also honks an ooga horn. FYI, I went with a quick evaporating lube, so you will need to press the button quite a bit unless you want your pucker hole torn out. The cart is powered by twelve golf cart batteries, so you will have to run this thing for about six hours before they go dead. Also, the cart has compression force weight sensors calibrated to your weight, so if someone gets on here with you, you’re going to get shocked, so keep that in mind.” I opened an overhead door that went into an alleyway, then came back and opened a control panel mounted in the floor of the ass jacker. I looked at Nate. “It’s almost show time. You ready?”

  He could barely talk as blood oozed from his mouth. “I beg you not to do this. I’m sorry for what I’ve done.”

  “Too late for apologies now.”

  “You’re not going to get away with this.”

  “Yeah I am.”

  “Fuck you! Take off that bag so I can see your fucking eyes.”

  “If I do that, then we’ll have to play a completely different type of game.”

  “You fucking worried that I will be able to find your ass?”

  “That would be nice for a change if the scumbags came to me.”


  “Shut the fuck up. Talk time is over.” I flipped a few switches in the control panel, engaging the onboard drive controls. I noticed he was looking at what I was doing. “Don’t fuck with this—you won’t like the consequences.” I closed the door to the control panel and locked it with a padlock. “When you press forward on the joystick it will activate the control system and you will be on your way.”


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