The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 90

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Wyatt was almost drooling. “That was some sick shit, but the molester deserved it. I hope you know what happened to him.”

  “Of course. That’s why I strapped the camera to him. It was a wireless long-range spy camera with built in infrared for the dark. When I got back to my car I turned on the monitor, then started laughing my ass off. Richard was walking stiff legged, arms motionless, and bitching about what I had done to his penis. Over the next two hours he walked around like a zombie, occasionally leaning against a tree to inspect his dick. It now looked like a curled pigs tail covered in blood from bumping into stuff. He started to panic when the sun was setting and tried to pick up the pace, but the effects of the morphine had weakened. Now that he was feeling the pain, he was making a moaning sound with each step.” Seth looked at Wyatt. “The next part was thanks to Murphy’s Law.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You know. It’s when shit happens at the worst possible time. Like if you decide to run outside and get your newspaper in the nude, thinking you will be back in the house in a flash before anyone sees you, then find that your damn door is locked. That kind of shit.”

  “I know what it is. I was referring to the molester.”

  “Oh. Thanks for letting me explain it.”

  “You’re welcome. Now tell me what happened.”

  “Numb nuts saw a light flickering and thought it was a house or something, but it turned out to be some hikers hanging out around a campfire. He was shot when he came walking up looking and sounding like a zombie.”

  Wyatt was laughing. “That fucker has some shitty luck.”

  “I would say it was karma.”

  “So, did he die?”

  “No, but he probably wishes he did though. He wound up getting a severe infection from the rusted wire and had to have both of his legs, one arm and his penis amputated. The fucker got off easy.”

  “I don’t know if he got off easy or not. He only suffered for a short time, but at least he’s alive.”

  “Death would have been better than having to live all fucked up without a dick. He’s also lucky that I do the fuck and go now. Back when I was in the chamber I would have used sterilized stainless steel wire and made the fucker do calisthenics every morning until he died of old age.”

  Scuba Diving in Hell

  Seth drove through a set of open gates, then through a junkyard filled with old boats.

  Wyatt was looking out the window. “Why are we here?”

  “This is the place that rents the boats. There’s an office and boat dock around the corner.”

  “It’s kind of a shithole.”

  “Yeah, but the owner is a cool dude, and it’s off the beaten path.” Seth parked a little way from a small building that was next to a boat dock. He noticed it looked different. “I was here a few years ago, but it looks like someone new owns the property. Go in and rent a boat. If it doesn’t come with fishing gear, buy us some.” Seth handed Wyatt some money.

  “You’re not coming in with me?”

  Seth pointed. “They’ve installed cameras. I don’t want to be recorded—I’m not wearing a disguise. Also, don’t give them your driver’s license if they ask for it. Tell them you left it at home or something.”

  “Why would they ask for it?”

  “Because they might be gay and want to come to your house tonight to play hide the snake.”

  Wyatt shook his head. “Don’t start.”

  Seth laughed. “Just pokin’ at ya, pal. But they might want it for their records or insurance or something. We can’t risk it going into a database with Jim looking for us.”

  “What if they won’t rent us a boat without it?”

  “Then see if they have a cheap flat bottom for sale.”

  “That’s kind of wasting money just to go fishing.”

  “You only live once. And besides, we might as well do something fun on this trip. So far all we’ve done is talk about blood and guts; I need a break from it.” Wyatt got out, and as he walked across the parking lot Seth yelled out the window, “And don’t forget the bait.”

  A few minutes later Wyatt came stomping across the parking lot. He got in the car and slammed the door. Seth could tell he was acting strange. “What’s wrong?”

  “Fucking assholes were rude! Let’s go.”

  “What the fuck did you do?”

  “I didn’t do shit! Let’s get out of here.

  “I’m not moving until you tell me what’s going on.”

  Wyatt looked distraught. “When I asked about the boat they started making fun of me. Then I almost got into it with this big asshole. Then the other asshole pulled out a baseball bat and said he was going to crack my bitch-ass head open. I was so mad that I wanted to do something, but there were two of them.”

  “Slow down. Who made fun of you?”

  Wyatt’s hands were shaking. “I don’t know who they were; just two assholes.” He looked at Seth. “I’ve never been treated like that, but it’s over, so let’s get going before they come out here.”

  Seth motioned with his hand. “Calm down. Now tell me what happened.”

  Wyatt lit a cigarette as he stared at the door to the building. He seemed worried. “They started asking where I was from because of my accent.” Wyatt looked at Seth. “Do I sound like a fucking Yankee?”

  “You don’t have a southern accent if that’s what you’re asking. And what the fuck does that have to do with anything?”

  “They fucking called me one.” Wyatt looked troubled. “Am I a Yankee?”

  “What? I don’t know. I think Yankees are from the northeastern states or something. What the fuck happened in there? Did you do anything to piss them off?”

  “No. I just asked if they rented boats, then they started in on me.” Wyatt motioned with his thumb. “Come on, let’s take off.”

  “Why didn’t you punch them in the grill for running their mouths?”

  “They’re a lot bigger than me.”

  “You’re going to have to learn to stick up for yourself.”

  “I… I did. I got the taller asshole back. Now can we go?”

  Seth was curious. “What did you do to him?”

  Wyatt looked around the parking lot. “No one has seen us. I will tell you when we take off.”

  “What the fuck did you do?”

  “I’ll tell you after we leave.”

  “No, not until you tell me.”

  “You’re going to get mad.”

  “I won’t get mad.”

  “You promise?”

  “Yes. Now spill it.”

  “After the fuckers made fun of me I told them they were fucking dumbasses. The taller dude told me he was going to beat my ass. He pulled out a bat and pointed it at me. When I was backing away I knocked over a display of fishing lures. The big dude grabbed a hold of me from behind while the other fucker said I was going to have to pay the piper or take an ass whooping.”


  “I paid him.”

  Seth was getting angry. “How much did you pay the assholes?”

  “Not sure. I gave them my wallet, then came out here.”

  Seth looked confused. “Why would you do that?” He looked at the building. “Fuck them bastards! I’m going in there to get it back.”

  Wyatt grabbed Seth’s arm as he opened the door. “I didn’t give them mine.”

  Seth looked at him for a moment, then at his bag in the backseat. “You didn’t give him one of my wallets, did you?”

  Wyatt looked down. “Maybe.”

  “Why in the fuck would you have one of those with you?”

  “I don’t know. I thought it would be cool to walk around with it.” Wyatt looked down. “Are you mad?”

  Seth laughed as he closed the door. “Why would I be? The fuckers were asking for it.” He put the car in reverse. “I guess we do need to get out of here before they realize what you did.”

  About that time, Wyatt noticed the two men had come out of the bu
ilding and were looking at him and Seth. “Look! They’re coming.” His eyes got big. “That dude still has the bat. Oh shit! The other dude has a shotgun.”

  Seth noticed the man with the bat was tall and skinny, and the other one was big and burly. “Damn! That one dude is big.” Seth put the car in reverse and started backing up. The man threw the bat, breaking the windshield. Seth stopped, then looked at Wyatt. “Was there anyone else in the building?”

  Suddenly a gun blast echoed out the same time the car was struck by pellets. Wyatt was panicking. “Fucking go! They’re shooting at us!”

  Seth had a serious expression. “Answer me! Was there anyone else in the building?”


  Seth noticed there were only two trucks in the parking lot and no one was at the boat docks. He put the car in drive and slammed the accelerator to the floor, heading straight for the men. The tall man jumped out of the way, but the other one stood his ground as he fired a second shot. Seth ran him over as he rammed into the building. The car busted through the front wall, plowed through the interior, then came to a stop when it hit the back wall. Wyatt was terrified as he looked at all the destruction. The front of the car was smashed and covered with debris. The engine was making a loud knocking sound, then died a few seconds later. The tall man came running into the building the same time Seth rolled down his window. Seth noticed he was middle aged and looked like an old-school surfer. He was wearing a white muscle shirt, Hawaiian shorts, his skin was tan and his long, bleached blond hair was frazzled and sun-damaged. He was wearing a puka shell necklace and hemp bracelets, and his bleached teeth seemed to radiate from his dark skin. The man looked horrified as he looked at all the damage. “You ignorant motherfucker! Look what the fuck you did to my building. I’m going to have your ass for this.”

  Seth lit a cigarette, then looked at him as the cigarette hung from his lips. “Fuck your building. Look at my car.” Seth reached out the window while moving his fingers. “Give me the keys to your truck.”

  The man pointed at him. “Fuck you, asshole! Your ass is grass, boy!”

  Seth noticed the man’s finger was swollen. “It looks like your ass is grass, from taking my friend’s cash, you fucking piece of white trash.”

  “Fuck you, smartass!” He picked up a broken board. “I’m going to fuck you up.”

  “I’ll shove that in your ass and turn you into a Popsicle.”

  “Get the fuck out and try it. I’ll bash your fucking head in.”

  A voice came from the front of the car. “Todd, help me!”

  Seth pointed to the front of the car. “I think your buddy is calling for you.”

  Todd ran over to the front of the car and started moving broken boards, sheetrock and insulation off the front of the car. “Mike, you under here?”

  “Yes. I’m hurt really bad.”

  Seth laughed. “Hey, get that fucker off my hood before he scratches it.”

  Todd looked back at Seth. “Fucking help me!”

  Seth leaned out the window. “Hey, I said don’t scratch my shit!”

  The man shook his head at Seth, not believing that he was just sitting there smoking a cigarette. After he moved some of the materials, he noticed Mike’s lower body was being crushed between the front bumper and the wall. He looked at Wyatt in a panic. “Call an ambulance.”

  Seth blew smoke out the window. “Hey, chief, looks like you need to call a hearse or something.”

  Todd became angry. “What the fuck is wrong with you two? Are y’all on drugs or something. Don’t just sit there. I need a hand getting Mike out.”

  Seth started clapping. He looked at Wyatt. “Why aren’t you clapping? Numb nuts needs a hand.”

  Wyatt was sitting dumbfounded as he looked at him. “We need to get out of here.”

  Todd was keeping an eye on Seth and Wyatt as he quickly moved debris off Mike. “Y’all are going to pay for what y’all did.”

  Wyatt was scared. He whispered to Seth. “What the fuck dude? Stop fucking around. Start the car and let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Seth flicked his cigarette butt at Todd, striking him in the side of the neck. “I can’t. The car is all fucked up.”

  “Then let’s take off on foot.”

  “I ain’t walkin’ anywhere.” Seth honked the horn, causing Todd to jump, then yelled out the window. “Which one of you fuckers owns that white Z71 out in the parking lot?”

  Todd noticed Mike had stopped moving. He felt his pulse; he was dead. He grabbed a piece of broken two by four and headed for Seth’s window. “Get the fuck out!”

  Seth pointed at him and talked in a little kid’s voice. “Mommy, mommy, look. It’s an orangutan with a wooden banana.”

  Wyatt opened his door and took off running. He ran out the hole in the front of the building then across the parking lot. When he ran behind a boat he noticed Seth wasn’t behind him. He started to panic. He looked around, picked up a pipe that was lying on the ground, then ran back to the building. He was relieved when he saw Todd laying on the floor while Seth held a gun on him. Seth noticed Wyatt’s pipe. “Smart move finding a weapon. I thought you had left me high and dry.”

  Wyatt didn’t want to tell Seth he had been scared. “It was instinct.”

  Seth handed him some keys. “We got us a new ride.”

  Wyatt looked at Todd. “What about him?”

  “I’m glad you asked.” Seth looked at Todd. “You have a problem with my friend?”

  Todd pumped his fist. “I have a problem with both of you. You killed my friend and destroyed my building.”

  Seth shook his head. “You caused this, numbnuts. Don’t blame us.”

  He held up his finger. “What about this shit.”

  “You caused that too.”

  “Fuck you!” He looked at Wyatt. “And fuck you too. I’m going to make sure the both of you go down.”

  Seth looked at Wyatt. “This is your rodeo. What do you want to do with him?”

  “I… I don’t know. Tie him up, I guess.”

  “This fucker will tell on us when he’s found.”

  Todd glared at Wyatt. “If you allow something to happen to me you will get the same as him. It’s called being an accessory to a crime. Be smart and don’t go down with this piece of shit.” Todd held up his hand. “I won’t even say anything about my finger.”

  Wyatt’s attitude changed. “You started it.” Wyatt noticed Todd’s finger was very swollen and blue. “And you deserved that, so fuck you.” He looked at Seth. “I see what you mean. We’re going to have to do something, but I don’t know what.” He looked at Todd for a moment, then Seth. “I don’t want you to kill him, but I also don’t want him to tell on us.”

  “I need you to take care of a few things before I decide what I’m going to do with him.”


  “First, go close the gates that we came through.” Seth nodded towards an office area. “Then go in there and find the DVR and put it in the bed of the Z71. And go ahead and move our stuff to it as well, but leave my laptop on the back of the car.”

  “What’s a DVR?”

  “It’s what the cameras are connected to.”

  Wyatt started to walk off, then stopped. “What are you going to do to him?”

  “I don’t know yet. I need to run a background check to see if he’s a molester or some shit. Or for that matter any type of punk.”

  “Why, do you think he is?”

  “A punk or a molester?”

  Wyatt was worried that if he turned out to be a sex offender Seth would do something bad. “A molester.”

  “It’s hard to say. If I had to guess, I would say he’s got some drug related stuff on his record. Maybe a rape or two.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Look at him. He looks like a punk. A man of his age that spends that much time whitening his teeth and tanning his body has some serious self-esteem issues. And who in the fuck still wears a puka shell necklace?�

  “Maybe he’s just going through a midlife crisis.”

  “Maybe the Robert Plant wannabe likes dudes, and maybe he was just liking on you earlier.”

  Wyatt looked nauseated. “What? No, way.”

  Seth laughed. “Yeah, that’s it; he was just peacocking.”

  “You’re fucking crazy. I didn’t put off any kind of vibe that I was like that.”

  “Didn’t matter. He probably wanted to plow some Yankee colon.”

  “That’s fucking nasty.”

  Todd was shaking his head. “Hey, fuckers, I’m right here. And I’m not gay.”

  Seth glared at him. “Shut the fuck up! I’m not talking to you.”

  Todd gritted his teeth. “Well, don’t act like I can’t hear you.”

  Seth nodded to the front of the car. “Look at your butt buddy over there. You want to wind up like him?”

  “Fuck you!” He started to get up.

  Seth kicked him back to the ground, then pointed the gun at him. “Chill the fuck out.” Seth looked at Wyatt. “Better get that stuff done—he’s getting antsy.”

  “Don’t do anything until I get back.” Wyatt took off towards the gate.

  Seth looked at Todd. “Give me your license.”

  “Fuck you! I ain’t givin’ you shit!”

  Seth screwed a silencer on the end of his pistol. “You can do it with or without the holes; your choice.”

  “Fuck you, dude!”

  Seth pointed the gun at the ground and pulled the trigger. The round struck two inches away from Todd’s leg. “License, please. And I won’t miss next time.”

  He put his hands out in front of him in a defensive manner. “Easy, dude.”

  “Hand it over. And why you putting your hands out; they’re not made of Kevlar.”

  “I… I don’t have it with me.”

  “Then tell me what your number is.”

  “I can’t remember it.”

  “Then what’s your social security number?”

  “I can’t remember that either.”

  “I hope you remember how to get to the hospital.” Seth shot a round into his knee.

  Todd was holding his leg as he fought the urge to scream. “Oh my God! My leg!”


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