The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 120

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “Why in the fuck would you want to do that?”

  “I just told you; to make a point. If other scumbags don’t know what can happen to them, then this was done in vain.” Seth pulled Elmer to the side so no one could hear him. “After you take the pictures, go ahead and fry Bruce’s cock, bust his nuts and rip out his intestines since he lost. Then I want you to do something really fucked up to him. Something that would make me proud.”

  Elmer looked irritated. “I really don’t want to do that.”

  “You don’t have any fucking choice.” Seth noticed Glen and Scott were getting close to finishing up. “When Glen and Scott are done, tie them and Chester back to the wall.” He looked at Lisa and Maryanne, noticing they were unconscious. “You can drag their asses out back. There’s an old well back there. Throw them into it.” Kim was still alive. Bruce had only torn off her outer flesh and part of her vagina, so she hadn’t bled much. “I guess just leave her there for now. I’ll figure out what to do with her when I get back.”

  Elmer looked aggravated. “Don’t tell me you’re leaving me here to do this shit by myself.”

  “I am, so don’t disappoint me again.” Seth looked at his watch. “It’s almost sunrise, so I need to get rollin’.”

  “Where the fuck are you going?”

  “None of your business.”

  “When are you coming back?”

  “I’ll be back when I get back. Just do what I ask, then hang tight. And if the police show up, I wasn’t here.”

  Elmer’s eyes got big. “What?”

  “Just fucking with you. But I would like to be a fly on the wall if they did just to see how you would explain this shit.”

  “You wouldn’t set me up like that, would you?”

  “Hell no. Then I would have to clean this mess up myself.”

  “That’s fucked up.” Elmer was pissed as Seth walked off into the darkness.

  Dirty Dancing

  Seth arrived around 10 PM. When he walked into the building, Bruce came charging out of the dark while wielding a club and shouting he was going to fuck him up. Seth pulled out an XD-S .45 and started to pull the trigger, but Bruce slid to a stop and raised his hands, yelling, “Don’t shoot! It’s me!”

  Seth noticed Bruce looked shorter. He was also wearing white pants and a grey jacket. “You’re a fucking idiot! I almost shot you in the face.”

  Elmer was wearing Bruce’s face and head-skin like a mask. He pulled it off and tossed it on the floor. “I wasn’t expecting you to be carrying.”

  Seth holstered his gun. “You should know better than that.”

  He took a deep breath as he leaned forward while resting his hands on his knees. “My heart feels like it’s going to bust out of my chest. And I think I shit my pants.”

  “You deserved it if you did.” Seth noticed Elmer was covered in blood, feces, urine and other grotesque body fluids. “How in the fuck did you get so much shit on yourself?”

  “Who gives a rat’s ass?”

  “I do. I don’t want to get a reputation that my sidekick is a filthy bastard.”

  “So now I’m your sidekick? I thought I was your bitch?”

  “Sidekick… Bitch… Whatever.”

  Elmer slid his hand down the back of his pants, then pulled it out and smelled his finger. “False alarm.”

  Seth shook his head. He knew Elmer was in one of his moods. “Why couldn’t I have picked someone with a little more couth?”

  “You have no room to talk considering the gross shit you made these fuckers do yesterday.”

  “This morning.”


  “It was this morning.”

  “Whatever. You know what I mean. And who gives a shit what I smell like. We fucking pull off dicks and rip out assholes.”

  “Stop trying to push my buttons. I know what you’re doing.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Don’t start your shit again. There is nothing you can do or say that’s going to get you out of doing this. You can even start eating your shit and rubbing it all over yourself and it still wouldn’t happen.”

  “That’s fucked up. I didn’t ask for this. You have no right forcing me to do this.”

  “I told you if you told on me that I would come back for you. So stop whining and crying and take your medicine.”

  “I’m not whining and crying. And I wasn’t in the right state of mind when I went to the police. You shouldn’t hold that against me.”

  “We’re not having this conversation again.”

  “At least tell me how much longer I have to do this.”

  “Until I find another bitch. Now change your attitude.”

  Elmer crossed his arms. “Whatever, dude.”

  “Don’t start pouting.”

  “I’m not.”

  Seth looked at Glen, Scott and Chester as they were chained to a wall. “Are they in any condition to move on?”

  “Not sure. They’re in bad shape. And Glen and Scott have been throwing up most of the night.”

  Seth noticed the front of their bodies were covered in vomit. “I see that. They must have eaten something bad.”

  Elmer shook his head at Seth’s dark sense of humor. “You think?”

  The men were a gruesome sight to look at. Their heads and faces were covered with blood, feces and slime from internal organs and their bodies were covered in vomit. Glen looked miserable. The rod in his penis had caused it to swell to twice its normal diameter and the outer skin had stretched so much it was starting to tear. His forehead was bruised, swollen and covered in gashes, and his eyes were almost swollen shut from when he had head-butted Maryanne. He looked like he had been beat with a baseball bat.

  Scott was in worse shape than Glen. His pelvic area was black and blue and his charred penis had cracked open and was oozing fluids. A mixture of dark blood and feces was oozing down the inside of his legs. Elmer noticed his belly was extremely swollen. “What’s wrong with his stomach?”

  “His digestive system has been dumping shit into his abdomen. And he’s probably got a bad infection.” Seth kicked him in the gut, causing a surge of fluids to come blowing out of the open cavity where his anus had been ripped out.

  Scott screamed for a moment, then started choking. After he spit up some stomach acids, he started crying. “Please just kill me and get it over with. I can’t take the pain anymore.”

  Elmer was holding his hand over his mouth as a foul odor engulfed the air. “He smells like he’s rotting from the inside out.”

  “I’m sure he is.”

  Chester was more alert than the other two. Seth stood in front of him. “How’s it hangin’, pal?”

  Chester glared at him, knowing Seth was making fun of him for not having a penis. “Ha ha. That’s real funny.”

  Seth looked at Elmer. “Good to know he still has some pep left.” He looked at Kim. She was still tied to the floor. She wasn’t moving. “Is she alive?”

  “Yep. She’s probably just worn out from yelling and cursing all night.”

  “Oh, cool. That means she still has some spunk left in her too.” He pointed at Bruce’s facial skin that was lying on the floor. “And where’s the rest of him?”

  Elmer nodded. “Over there tied to a post.”

  “Did you do what I asked?”

  “Yep; dick cooked, balls busted and intestines ripped out.”

  “Outside of cutting off his face, how did the rest of your freestyling go?”

  Elmer looked worried. “I… Uh… I’m not done yet.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I need to finish.”

  Seth was aggravated. “What the fuck have you been doing while I was gone?”

  “I’m sorry. I was really tired and fell asleep. I’ll go finish him up.”

  “There’s no need now that he’s dead.”

  “He’s not.”

  Seth’s eyes got big, thinking about Bruce being alive without a face. “No shit. I
have to see this.”

  Seth followed Elmer across the building to where Bruce was lying on the floor in the fetal position. All the skin on his head had been removed, exposing his skull and the muscles on his face. Intestines were coming out between his butt cheeks and they were going around and around his body, making a spiral pattern. His penis had been burned so severely that only a charred stub remained. Amazingly, he was still alive as he laid on the floor looking around.

  Elmer cringed. “It freaks me out how his eyes move around without any eyelids.”

  Seth was looking at how Elmer had artistically laid out Bruce’s intestines. “For someone that’s been bitching and moaning about how they’re being forced to do something against their will, it sure looks like you’re getting into this.”

  “I ain’t getting’ into nothing. I just got bored waiting on you.”

  Seth was curious as he looked at Bruce. “You said you weren’t finished with him, so what else were you planning on doing?”

  “Not sure. I got sidetracked and hadn’t thought about it.”

  “Sidetracked with what?”

  “Just stuff.”

  “I thought you said you fell asleep?”

  “That’s what I meant.”

  “Sounds like you’re not telling me everything.”

  “I have. I fell asleep.”

  “That’s fine. You don’t have to tell me. I’ll look at the recording later.”

  Elmer’s eyes got big. “What recording? What are you talking about?”

  Seth pointed to a camera that was mounted on a wall. “I put up a camera.”

  Elmer looked worried. “Did you, uh… Have you seen….”

  Seth shook his head. “What the fuck did you do?”


  “Now I’m going to have to check out the recording to see what you did.”

  “That’s an invasion of my privacy.”

  “You didn’t fuck any of the girls, did you?”

  “Of course, not.”

  “You know I’ll cut off your dick if you did.”

  “I didn’t. But that’s kind of being a hypocrite.”


  “Look at the shit you do.”

  “Punishing a rapist and being one are two different things, asshole.”

  “That’s another issue; you think it’s your duty to humanity to punish criminals, but in reality, I think you do it for the fun of it.”

  Seth’s expression changed to sadness, then he started getting teary-eyed. He covered his face with his hand as he softly spoke in a troubled voice, “You’re right. I do enjoy it. What’s wrong with me?”

  Elmer had never seen Seth get emotional. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry.”

  Seth laughed. “You’re a fucking idiot.”

  Elmer gritted his teeth when he realized Seth was messing with him. “You’re fucked up in the head.”

  Seth pulled out his cell phone and opened an app. “No, you’re going to be fucked up if you stuck your dick in someone.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “The camera’s recording is automatically uploaded to the internet through a wireless connection. I’m going to the site where the recording is stored so I can see what the fuck you were doing while I was gone.”

  Elmer looked worried. “Please don’t watch it.”

  “Why? If you were only sleeping like you said you have nothing to worry about.”

  “I… Uh… I might have done some stuff.”

  “Stop talking. I’ll see it for myself.” Seth started watching the playback in fast forward. At first, Elmer was doing what Seth had asked him to do; he chained the men to the wall, moved Lisa and Maryanne out back, then fucked up Bruce. A moment later Seth’s mouth fell open. He rewound the recording a little bit, then held his phone so Elmer could see it. He was shaking his head as he watched Elmer dancing around in his underwear and socks while wearing Bruce’s face. “What the fuck is this?”

  “You can turn it off now.”

  “I don’t think so.” Seth watched as Elmer started taunting Glen, Scott and Chester by thrusting his hips towards them while doing dance moves. “Are you fucking grinding up on them?”

  Elmer was red as a beet. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  “Really? Then tell me what the fuck you’re doing?”

  “I, uh… Just messin’ with them.”

  “Is there something you want to tell me before I see it?”


  “I was worried about you fucking the girls. Now I’m worried you did something worse.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “You better tell me if you violated one of the men before I see it.”

  “I’m not fucking gay.”

  Seth looked at him for a moment. “Uh, okay.” He looked back at his phone. “Then what the hell would you call this shit?” Elmer was now lying on the floor on his back in front of the men while thrusting his hips in the air as if he was having sex.

  “Please turn it off.”

  Seth started fast-forwarding the recording. Elmer danced around for a little while longer, then sat on the floor while leaning against a wall. Shortly after that he fell asleep. “I can see why your ass took a nap.” Seth looked at him. “After all that dirty dancing, anyone would be tired.”

  Elmer was looking down. “I wasn’t dirty dancing. I was just blowing off some steam.”

  Seth watched the rest of the recording in fast-forward, then put his phone away. “Even though you’re gay, I’m still relieved—I thought I was going to have to add you to the wall with the other perverts.”

  Elmer was so embarrassed that he didn’t want to look up. “I’m not gay. I was just goofing off.”

  “It’s not a big deal. I do some really stupid shit myself sometimes.” Seth pointed at Bruce. “Move him over with the other assholes.”

  Bruce could barely speak as he looked at Seth. “Please just kill me.”

  “That’s the plan, so be patient.”

  Elmer started to grab Bruce by the ankles, but he yelled out, “Stay the fuck away from me!” He started kicking.

  Elmer was having a difficult time trying to get ahold of his legs. He finally gave up and stepped back. “He kicks like a mule. I can’t believe he still has this much fight left in him.”

  “Fuck him. Make his ass walk then.”

  Elmer looked confused. “But his intestines have been pulled out.”

  “So. He can pick ‘em up or drag ‘em. I don’t give a shit.”

  Elmer started yelling at Bruce to get up, but he just laid there. He kicked him a few times, but he didn’t move. “He’s not going to do it.”

  Seth pointed to a duffle bag. “There’s a cattle prod in there. Use it on him.”

  Elmer went and got it, then pointed the electrodes at Bruce’s skinless face. “Get up, asshole, or I’ll shock the shit out of you.”

  He slapped the end of the prod away. “Get the fuck away from me!”

  When Elmer pulled the trigger, large blue arcs covered his head as the sound of electricity filled the air. Bruce started rolling around on the floor, smashing his intestines, as he desperately tried to get away from the electrodes. Elmer kept shocking him all over the body as he yelled, “Get up, you fucking prick!”

  Bruce stumbled to his feet. “Okay! Okay! I’m up!”

  Elmer laughed as he looked at the cattle prod. “Damn! I need to get me one of these.” He looked at Seth. “I can’t believe they use these on animals.”

  “They don’t. That one has been modified.”

  Elmer gave Bruce a quick zap. “Don’t just stand there.” He pointed at the intestines. “Pick that shit up and get movin’.”

  Bruce was in a strange state of mind, somewhere between don’t-give-a-shit mode and go-fuck-yourself mode. He was chaotically picking up his intestines as he yelled, “You’re gonna pay for this! Just wait and see. I hope you fucking die and go to hell, you piece of shit!”

; Elmer zapped him again. “Hurry up, smartass, I don’t have all night.”

  The intestines were slipping out of Bruce’s arms, causing him to freak out even more. He started slinging them around like a kid throwing a temper tantrum as he shouted, “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!” The end of his colon was oozing feces and he was getting it all over himself.

  Elmer stepped back. “You’re getting shit everywhere, you nasty bastard.”

  Bruce glared at him. “I hope someone kills you slowly.”

  Elmer shocked him in the mouth. “Watch your tongue.”

  He finally became so frustrated that he sat down. “Screw you. I ain’t doin’ shit. You might as well go ahead and kill me right here, right now.”

  Seth looked at Elmer. “Pull the bastard by his intestines.”

  Bruce jumped to his feet. “Don’t you fucking touch them!” He picked up as much as he could, then started walking, while dragging the rest.

  Seth started laughing. “I thought I’ve seen it all.” He pulled out his phone and started recording Bruce. It was a fucked-up thing to see a man with no skin on his face and head, no dick, covered in shit and carrying his intestines.

  Bruce noticed what Seth was doing. “You’re gonna pay for this, too. Just wait and see.” Elmer accidently stepped on some of the intestines. Bruce snapped at him. “Don’t step on them, motherfucker! You might damage them.”

  Elmer laughed. “You’re worried about that, but you have no dick and your face is lying over there on the floor.”

  Bruce stopped. “I’m tired of your mouth.”

  “Get your ass moving.”

  “Screw you!” He slung the end of his colon at Elmer, striking him across his face.

  Elmer became angry. He wiped some feces from his face and neck. “You’re gonna pay for that.”

  Bruce slung it again.

  Elmer stepped back. “Stop doing that, you fucking prick! You’re getting shit on me.”

  When he slung it again, Elmer grabbed hold of it, then they started fighting over the intestines. It looked like they were playing tug-o-war as they cursed each other.

  Seth became aggravated. “Y’all stop acting like kids!”

  When Elmer let go, Bruce swung the intestine towards Seth. Seth quickly moved, causing the intestine to miss him, then he hit Bruce in the head with the butt of his pistol, knocking him unconscious. Seth glared at Elmer. “Now your ass can drag him the rest of the way.”


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