The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 128

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Elmer looked at Seth. “Really? That is so fucked up.”

  Seth ignored Elmer. “I want y’all to sew them together by running stitching all the way around their torsos. And I want y’all to put their arms back to back and stitch them together, including their hands and fingers. Then I want y’all to place the bottom of Buddy’s feet on the back of Jamal’s calves and sew them in place. Now get to it.”

  They overtook Jamal like a pack of wild animals. Abbas and Hui were holding him down as Thiago did the stitching. Jamal screamed out with every prick of the needle. It took about thirty minutes for Thiago to get all the skins sewn in place since the other two were holding Jamal down and couldn’t help. When they were done, they flipped him over onto his stomach, then laid Buddy on top of him.

  Jamal and Buddy were screaming in unison as they were being sewn together. Twenty minutes later they were done.

  Seth spoke into the mic. “Help Jamal stand up.”

  They lifted him to his feet.

  “Jamal. Come to the window.”

  He limped over, then just stared at Seth. He was having to hold his arms straight since Buddy’s arms were sewn to them, preventing all forward movement.

  “Spin around so we can see your new backpack.”

  Jamal was staring at Seth. “I will get my revenge, in this life or the next.”

  “Yeah, whatever, but for now you’re my bitch, so spin your ass around.”

  He became angry. “You’re going to pay for this.” He started pumping his muscles and tried to close his hands. Buddy started yelling for him to stop as his fingers were being bent backwards. At first, it looked like they were playing a twisted game of backwards finger wrestling as they fought each other. Jamal was larger and a lot stronger and was able to overtake him. Buddy screamed as his fingers bent backwards, breaking his bones like twigs. Jamal clenched his fist as he glared at Seth. “I cannot be defeated!”

  Seth laughed. “Look in the mirror, you fool. What the hell would you call that?”

  He started beating on the window. “I’m going to kill you!” Then he looked at Elmer. “And I’m going to cut off your fucking head.”

  Elmer looked at Seth. “Why is he acting this way?”

  “It’s the drugs. They can make the person feel indestructible.”

  “Tell him to stop.”

  “Unfortunately, the drugs can also make them act unpredictable.”

  “You told me earlier not to worry because you could control them.”

  “I still can resort to shocking the fuck out of him if need be.”

  “But if he can’t feel pain, that’s not going to work.”

  “Even if he can’t feel it, the current will give him an attitude adjustment.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes. It will immobilize him when every muscle in his body constricts. Then when that happens, he’ll feel vulnerable and go back into a controllable mode.”

  Jamal beat on the window again as he stared at Elmer. “I’m also going to fuck you before cutting off your head.”

  Elmer was starting to panic. “Do something before he breaks the glass.”

  Jamal started slamming his head against the window as he shouted, “I’m going to dance on your fucking graves!”

  Seth spoke into the mic. “You’re gonna dance alright.” He flipped through some CDs, then put one in a CD player. “The pain will stop when you show me your moves.” He turned up the music. The song Footloose was so loud in the other room that the window was shaking.

  Jamal was gritting his teeth as he pumped up his muscles, then with all his strength he started bending his arms forward, forcing Buddy’s elbows to hyperextend. He pressed the palms of Buddy’s hands against the glass, then flipped off Seth with both hands. “You can go fuck yourself! You cannot control me anymore.”

  Seth looked at Elmer. “Turn his knob to ninety percent, then keep lighting his ass up until he dances.”

  It didn’t take too many zaps to get Jamal moving. He was doing a tribal type dance, which was probably the only thing he was familiar with. Seth laughed. “I told you the current would change his attitude.”

  Elmer couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched the gruesome sight of two men with different colored limbs, privates and faces dancing around. As Jamal moved, Buddy mimicked him since he was attached to his torso, arms and legs. “This is very disturbing.”

  Seth turned down the music. “I want everyone to join in.” He turned the music back up, then looked at Elmer. “Give them a quick jolt for motivation.”

  Elmer put all the knobs at ninety percent, then lit everyone up. Within seconds, Hui started marching in circles, Thiago was doing the hat dance and Abbas was jumping up and down while flopping his arms around.

  Seth was leaning back in his chair, legs propped up and smoking a cigarette as he moved his head to the beat. He was enjoying watching the group as they danced to Footloose.

  Elmer was shaking his head. “This just keeps getting more and more disturbing. What a fucking monstrosity you’ve created.”

  A few minutes later, Seth shut off the music, then spoke into the mic. “That’s enough. We need to wrap this up. Abbas, Hui and Jamal. Go grab some skins and sew them on Thiago.”

  Thiago took off running. The others chased him around the room until they caught him. Jamal sat on his chest as the others sewed on the skins. When they were done, Seth had Abbas done next, then Hui.

  Seth got Hui’s attention. “I need you go get the boards and screws that are lying over there with the rest of the supplies. There’s also a cordless drill with a bit. Then I need you to screw a board to anyone that has a broken leg. Abbas will need one on each of his legs. Thiago will also need two since the ligaments in his knees are damaged. Jamal will only need one on his right leg. The boards are already pre-cut to length. Just make sure you hit the bones when you’re screwing them in place.”

  Elmer was confused. “Why are you doing that? They’re getting around just fine.”

  “Because when the drugs wear off the pain will be too great for them to walk.”

  “Where’re they going to be walking to?”

  “I have something in the works.”

  When Abbas was done, Seth looked at his watch. “It’s almost 11 PM. I guess that wraps it up. Let’s call it a night.”

  Elmer looked relieved. “So, that means we’re done?”

  “Yep. All that’s left is to load them into the box truck that’s backed up to a dock on the ground floor.” Seth turned off the cameras, then went into the other room and shot everyone with a tranquillizer dart. After they loaded them into the truck, Seth handed Elmer a piece of paper. “I need you to be at this address tomorrow evening at 8 PM.”

  “What is this?”

  “It’s a club called the Fashion Spot.”

  “Why am I going there?”

  “I have a special assignment for you, so make sure you’re there. And when shit hits the fan, you better not rat on me again. If you do, you won’t like the consequences. I’ve been lenient with you so far.”

  He seemed concerned. “What do you mean by ‘shit hits the fan’? What are you up to?”

  “I have everything planned out, so don’t worry. And by the way, this will be your last assignment.”

  Elmer’s eyes got big. “Seriously? I get to go home after this?”

  “It’s a little more complicated than you think, but if you keep your mouth shut, yes, you’ll get to go home. And I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but you better not rat on me in the future if you know what’s good for you.”

  “I’ve learned my lesson. I will never do that again.”

  “And by the way, you’ll be on the list for the club, so you won’t have to wait in line. Just go talk to the doorman.” Seth got into the truck and rolled down the window. “And make sure you dress nice. They won’t let you in if you look like a fuckhead.”


  The next evening when Elmer arrived at the
club, he felt out of place. It was real uppity and the people waiting in line outside were the snobbish type and into fashion. He was uncomfortable, but knew he had to do what Seth asked, especially since this was his last assignment. He walked up to the doorman who looked like Dog the Bounty Hunter. “I should be on the list.”


  “Barry Muller.”

  The man flipped through the papers on his clipboard, then shook his head. “You’re not on the list. Take a hike.”

  “I meant, Mr. Fudd.”

  “I said take a hike.”

  Elmer became upset. “Listen, Dog, I said my name is Mr. Fudd. Check the fucking list again.”

  The man stared at him for a moment as if he wanted to say something, then started flipping through the pages. When he found the name, he looked worried. “Sorry Mr. Fudd. You can go in.”

  Elmer assumed Seth must have told the man to keep an eye out for him. “That’s the right attitude, pal.”

  The man opened the door. “Enjoy your evening.”

  Elmer felt even more out of place on the inside. It was a real fancy joint and everyone was dressed in stylish clothes. There was a stage on one side of the building and tables on the other side. Half of the people were sitting at the tables and the other half were standing around mingling.

  A few minutes later a voice came over an intercom and said the show was about to start and for everyone to take a seat. Elmer made his way through the crowd and sat at a table in the back. He noticed there were two men with large cameras. It looked as if they were going to record the show. He was nervous, not knowing what his assignment was. Maybe Seth was just messing with him and there was no assignment. Maybe all he had to do was sit through whatever boring show was coming up. Seth does have a strange sense of humor, he thought.

  A few minutes later, Elmer flagged down a preppy man walking by. “Excuse me.”


  “What kind of show is this?”



  “It’s a fashion show by this up-and-coming designer, Peter Gosenya.”


  He handed him a program.

  Elmer scratched his head as he looked at the name Peter Gosenya. He thought to himself, Gosenya. Gos en ya. Goes in ya. He laughed. “Peter goes in ya. That’s funny.”

  “That’s juvenile. And Mr. Gosenya deserves more respect than that.”

  Elmer was still laughing. “Sorry, dude, but it’s still funny.”

  The man shook his head. “You probably need to patronize some other club. Perhaps the Ridin’ Dirty bar a few blocks down would suit you better.”

  Elmer looked around for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders. “Naw, I like this place. Get lost, bud.”

  “You’re a barbarian.” He walked away.

  The main lights went off, then a spotlight lit up the stage. The song Sweet Child O’ Mine by Guns N’ Roses started playing at the same time fog came bellowing out from the stage. Different colored lights were dancing around in the fog, creating a spectacular sight.

  Elmer was on the edge of his seat, waiting impatiently for the act. Between the music, fog and light show, his heart was pounding with excitement. Ol’ Gosenya might want to stick his peter in ya, but he definitely knows how to start a show, Elmer thought as he watched the spectacle. Then someone came out of the fog. It was a midget dressed in a black tuxedo, top hat and using a cane. He walked to the side of the stage, then spoke into the mic. “This is Transformation by Peter Gosenya. Please enjoy the show ladies and gentlemen.”

  Elmer looked closer as another person came out of the fog. They walked across the stage in an odd way. They were walking without bending their knees. His heart seemed to stop when he noticed that it was Abbas. The only thing he had on was his keffiyeh and the boards on his legs. The midget introduced him. “This is Abbas Abdul Rahman. He’s from Pakistan. His hobbies are beheading people and blowing up parades.”

  Abbas walked stiff-legged to the edge of the stage, then spun around like he was modeling.

  The midget pointed his cane at him. “This terrorist is sporting a traditional keffiyeh. His limbs, face and private parts have been transformed to show the different ethnic skin tones from around the world.”

  Abbas headed away, and half-way across the stage, Hui came out and passed him by. He came to the edge of the stage.

  “This is Hui Jang. He’s from China and was the leader of the Red Dragons. His hobbies are bombing shit and murdering people.”

  Hui spun around a few times showing off his different colored limbs and face.

  “Just like with Abbas, he’s been transformed into a multi-ethnic piece of shit… I mean, multi-ethnic piece of art.”

  Everyone looked confused, not sure what was going on. Some people were horrified, some were offended that the men were nude, others were getting up and leaving and some were laughing.

  Thiago came out next. He was also walking stiff legged since he had boards screwed to his legs. He walked to the edge of the stage while wearing a diaper and a hat with a propeller on top. He held his hands up and waved them in the air like a monkey while making grunting sounds.

  “This is Thiago Sanchez from Mexico. His hobbies are dealing drugs, kidnapping American tourists and killing border patrol agents.”

  Thiago spun around for everyone to see his body.

  “As you can see, his patchwork body is something to be admired, and the hat tops it all off.” He pointed his cane at his waist. “This nasty fucker is sporting a diaper since he’s got an infection in his abdomen and his ass is full of maggots.”

  Thiago bent over, facing his rear towards the crowd, then farted real loudly.

  The midget motioned for him to move on.

  Thiago flipped everyone off, then walked away.

  “And that, folks, is the product of doing too many drugs.”

  When Jamal came out with Buddy on his back, people started freaking out.

  “This creation is called Yin and Yang. Appropriately named due to their faces having a combination of black and white skin.” Jamel had a white face except for the black skin around his eyes and mouth, and Buddy had a black face except for the white skin around his eyes and mouth.

  “The big black man is Jamal Keyon Madaki. He’s from Zimbabwe, and was the leader of the Black Crusaders. His hobbies are killing anything alive, being a slave driver and stealing shit. The white man is Buddy Lee Thompson. He’s from Arkansas. His hobbies are fucking people up, burning churches, blowing up buildings and killing children.”

  Jamal started turning.

  “As you can see, they have been sewn together as one. Their limbs and private parts have also been transformed to create a unique blend of skin tones.” The midget laughed. “No one will sneak up on this duo and pick pocket ‘em.”

  As Jamal walked off the stage, Buddy was screaming for help. The midget got everyone’s attention. “Now we have a special performance. I hope you all enjoy the show.” As the midget walked off the stage, the men came back out wearing cowboy hats, boots and chaps. Their asses were hanging out the back of the chaps and their penises were flopping out of the front. They got in a line, then the song Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) by Big and Rich started playing. The men began to line dance to the music. Buddy was screaming as Jamal did the moves.

  Everyone was sitting petrified as they tried to comprehend what they were witnessing. Some were speechless, not knowing what to think. Half of the people believed that the men had been barbarically tortured. The other half thought that the whole thing was fake and was nothing more than a disturbing performance created by Mr. Gosenya so he could push the limits and make a name for himself.

  When the song was done, the men ran off stage. Some people were thinking Mr. Gosenya was crazy while some praised him for pushing the boundaries.

  The midget returned. He started clapping. “How about that folks? Was that the best show you’ve ever seen?”

  Just a fe
w people were clapping.

  The midget removed his hat and bowed, then started to walk away. He stopped halfway across the stage and turned around. “Oh yeah. I forgot about the encore. Let’s bring out our stars one more time.”

  A few seconds later, Abbas, Hui, Thiago and Jamal came back out and stood at the edge of the stage. They were holding swords, machetes and hammers. Everyone was frozen as they stared at them, unsure if it was part of the act. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The men bowed to the crowd for a moment, then without warning, started stabbing, beating and cutting each other like savages on crack. The crowd panicked and started rushing for the exits. People were being pushed down and trampled. It was pure chaos.

  Elmer was panicking as well and was storming out of the building with everyone else. Before he reached the door, several men in suits tackled him and cuffed his arms behind his back. He wasn’t sure who they were and started fighting back, then he felt a hit on the back of his head, causing him to pass out.

  Sock Monkey

  Later that evening he awoke in the hospital. His room was filled with doctors, nurses and two FBI agents. His eyes were still blurry as he looked at them. “What’s going on?”

  One of the doctors approached. “I’m Doctor Stokes. You’re in good hands, so relax.”

  Elmer remembered his explosive pack. He felt his abdomen, noticing it was covered with a large bandage. “Oh my God! You can’t mess with this. It will blow up.”

  “You’re fine.”

  “You don’t understand. The person that put it in me made sure it was tamperproof. You can’t mess with it.”

  The doctor looked confused. “There was nothing explosive inside you. We removed….”

  Elmer was panicking. “You’re mistaken.”

  The doctor motioned to a nurse. “Bring the contents over here.” She handed him a sealed bag, then he held it up. “We removed this from you and I can assure you it’s harmless, outside of causing a minor infection.”

  Elmer noticed an item in the bag. It looked to be made of cloth, but he couldn’t tell what it was. “What is that?”


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