The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 143

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “So he can’t reach his fuse. Go ahead and do the other two the same way. Also, remove their cables and unstrap them from the tables.”

  When Kenneth was done, they were in too much pain to move. Their crotches were extremely sore and oozing blood. Their abdomens were swollen and their insides ached like as if they had to take the shit of all shits, except for Douglas—his insides felt like they were filled with acid. His tongue was also swollen from being sewn to his neck. Their gashes and burn marks from the whip were inflamed and bright red. They were covered from head to toe with blood, feces and other indescribable body fluids.

  Seth lit three torches on long wooden shafts. He leaned one against each of their tables. “You fuckers are going to fight with these. If you can light your opponent’s fuse, their insides will turn into a large pile of molten shit. The last man standing gets to leave the room and join the others. If you don’t fight, I’m going to do shit to you that made all this look like a tea party.” Seth nodded towards Kenneth. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  “Where’re we going?”

  “I’m going out to my van, turn on the air conditioner and take a nap. You can join me, or do whatever.” He looked at the group above. “I’ll see all ya fuckers after I rest up.” Seth put a leash on Aaron and Kim, then made them leave the room with him. Kenneth stopped at the doorway, stared at everyone for a moment, then shut and locked the door.


  Jim stood up, holding onto the handrail to keep his balance since he was still in a lot of pain. “We’re dealing with one sick bastard.”

  The others were so grossed out from watching Aaron and Kim they were speechless. Michael looked at Jim. “What do you want to do?”

  “Go check to see if that fuckin’ animal is still out there.”

  Michael started to open the door, but something growled. He came back. “It’s still there.”

  “We might have to jump onto the bed.”

  Paul was looking down. “It could be a trick to get us down there.”

  Jim agreed. “Possibly.”

  Arul and Rajat wanted to stay on the balcony.

  Jim wanted to take a vote. “Whoever wants to stay up here raise your hands.”

  Arul, Rajat, Paul, Brad, Amanda and Kerri raised their hands.

  Jim sat back down. “Okay. We’ll stay up here a little longer.”

  Michael nudged Jim. “Check it out. They’re getting off their tables.”

  Everyone lined up along the handrail. Casey and Brian were standing by their tables. They could barely stand due to the trauma to their bodies. Douglas was still lying on his bed. The men were holding their torches as they kept an eye on each other. They didn’t want to fight—they had been friends since grade school, but in this situation, it was now about survival.

  Jim yelled to them. “See if the door is unlocked!”

  Brian took his torch as he kept an eye on Casey and Douglas. He could barely walk as he eased to the door. He tried to turn the knob. “It’s locked.”

  Casey started walking towards Douglas with his torch.

  Douglas jumped to his feet. He was in a great deal of pain and his stomach was extremely swollen, but he still had a little fight left in him. He pointed his torch at him and grunted since he couldn’t speak.

  Casey noticed Brian was sneaking up behind him. He moved out of the way so he could watch both of them. It turned into a standoff as the three men started poking and swinging their torches at each other.

  Jim shouted to them. “Hold up! There’s no need in fighting. We’ll jump down there. They can’t take on all of us.”

  Casey yelled at Douglas. “This motherfucker started it!” He swung his torch at him. “Stay away from me!”

  Casey noticed Brian was getting closer. He swung at him too. “Get the fuck back, asshole!”

  Brian and Casey started swinging their torches at each other. It looked like they were sword fighting. Suddenly, Casey screamed out, “Oh fuck! My fuse is lit!” He tried to reach it with his hands, but the chains weren’t long enough. He fell to the floor and started rolling around to put it out. The flame was burning his leg as it traveled upwards. Brian and Douglas showed no mercy as they started hitting him in the head with their torches. The flames caught his hair and beard on fire. Casey stumbled to his feet and took off running. Before he was able to take his fourth step, the flame went inside him. A huge fire ball blew out his ass as his entire abdomen expanded. He fell to the floor screaming as his skin turned red. Within seconds, his abdomen became so huge he looked like the Michelin Man. Before anyone had a chance to react, his skin ruptured from below his chest to his lower abdomen, blowing feces and pieces of intestines all over the floor. Fire and huge amounts of smoke were billowing out of his open cavity and as he lay on the floor screaming at the top of his lungs.

  Brian and Douglas were staring in horror. Jim was angry. “You stupid fuckers! Look what you did! We could have used him!”

  As Douglas was looking up, Brian stuck the torch to his leg, lighting his fuse, then took off running. Without thinking, Douglas threw his torch at Brian, hitting him in the back of the head. Brian stumbled, then tripped over his own feet, causing him to fall. Horror overcame him when he noticed he had accidently caught his fuse on fire when he fell on top of his torch. He shouted at Douglas in a state of panic. “Help me put mine out and I will put yours out!”

  Douglas couldn’t speak with his tongue sewn to his neck. He ran over to him and turned around, suggesting that Casey put his out first.

  “No! Put mine out first, then I’ll do you.”

  Douglas shook his head. As the two idiots argued, the flames went into their asses at the same time. The group on the balcony were horrified as Brian and Douglas blew apart. The white phosphorus lit up the room down below like a thousand sparklers going off at the same time. When the smoke dissipated, there wasn’t much left of their torsos.

  Jim was frustrated. “Fucking Nimrods.” He looked at the others. “Listen. We have to work together if we’re going to have a chance to get out of here.”

  Brad laughed sarcastically. “Stick together my ass. Sure, buddy. That’s why you had Aaron and Wayne thrown over the fucking balcony.”

  “We didn’t have a choice.”

  “You always have a choice. Just like when you tattooed me. Sounds like you’re just using us.”

  Jim started getting upset. “Screw you, you little punk! You don’t know shit!”

  “I know I’m not risking my neck for your ass anymore.” He walked to the hand railing. “You can go fuck yourself.” He jumped onto the bed down below.

  Jim was looking down. “Hey, dumbass, the door is locked. Now you’re trapped.”

  “I’d rather be locked in here than be stuck with you.”

  Michael had checked the door again. “Hey, I don’t hear the animal.” He walked out, then came back in a few minutes. “Yeah, it’s gone.”

  Jim laughed as he looked at Brad. “Guess what numb nuts? We’re outta here.” He walked to the door and looked out. There was no sign of the animal. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Kerri was in too much pain to continue. “I’m staying.”

  Jim started walking towards her. “No. You’re coming with us.”

  She jumped from the balcony, landing onto the bed. She knew Jim didn’t care if she made it or not. He was willing to sacrifice anyone if it saved his own ass. At least she had a place she could rest comfortably until help arrived.

  Jim looked down. “You’re fucking ignorant!”

  She was lying on the bed looking up. “And you’re just a weenie ass bastard. You can go fuck yourself.”

  “Stupid bitch!” He turned and walked to the door. Jim motioned to the others. “Fuck her too. She was just going to slow us down.”

  Michael was standing in the hallway. One end was dark and at the other end was a faint light. “Which way should we go?”

  Jim pointed to the lighted end. “Let’s go this w

  Paul was concerned. “Maybe the light is on so we will go that way.”

  “Just do what the fuck I say!” Jim started walking that direction. He turned around when he noticed no one was following him. He was standing slightly in the dark. “I said let’s go!”

  Suddenly, something jerked him down the hall. His screams were echoing as he disappeared into the darkness.

  The group ran the other direction. A little way down, they turned down another corridor. It was lined with rooms that had large windows like the previous floor, but they looked like they had been used for examinations and procedures instead of labs. They each had a bed and cabinets filled with supplies. Some of them had old lights burning that were dim and flickering. They tried each door as they moved along, trying to find one unlocked. When they came to a staircase, the door was open. Michael eased down the steps slowly. When he got to the next level, the second floor, the staircase going on down had been covered with razor wire.

  Arul walked up beside him. “We’re being led.”

  “I know. Between the door being open and this wire, he wants us to go to the second floor.”

  “Maybe we should go up.”

  “There was nothing on the third floor.”

  “I mean back to the fourth floor. Maybe we can find a way to the roof.”

  Michael agreed. Everyone took off up the stairs.

  Jim awoke on a table. He was strapped down tightly. Seth and Kenneth were standing next to him wearing lab coats, latex gloves, safety glasses and hospital masks. Jim looked around, noticing he was in a morgue. He became scared. “Please don’t hurt me!”

  Seth inserted a large needle into the end of his index finger on his right hand, then taped it in place.

  Jim was shaking with fear. “What are you doing?”

  “Going to embalm your arm.”

  “Please don’t! I beg you! I’m sorry for what I’ve done.”

  Seth flipped a switch, causing embalming fluid to start pumping into his finger. Jim screamed as the veins inside of his hand burned. “Oh my God! It’s fucking killing me! Please stop!”

  When the fluid reached his wrist, he was screaming so loudly it was echoing throughout the building. His veins were swelling up and turning green as the fluid pushed his blood out of them. It looked alien like. When his veins at the inside of his elbow swelled up and turned green, he was in absolute agony as he shouted, “Please kill me! I can’t take the pain!”

  Seth waited until the veins in his bicep turned green, then took a hacksaw and started cutting his arm off at the shoulder. Jim passed out about the time his arm hit the floor. Seth cleaned the wound, stitched the larger blood vessels closed, then bandaged it. He picked up the arm. “This is going to make an awesome display piece.” He looked at Kenneth. “You can have it if you like.”

  Kenneth shook his head. “What the fuck am I going to do with an arm?”

  “Hang it on your wall.”

  “Why would I want to do that?”

  “It’s like a souvenir. Or art work.”

  “I’ll pass.”

  Seth stuck it in a duffle bag. “Suit yourself.”

  Gothic Bitch

  When the group made it to the fourth floor, the door was bricked up. Michael became frustrated. “We don’t have any choice but to go to the second floor.”

  A faint sound of a man’s screams could be heard. Amanda was scared. “That sounds like Jim.”

  Paul was angry. “Fucking bastard is torturing him! We need to help!”

  Michael disagreed. “Even if we could find him, you know Seth has him locked in a fucking room. Then we’ll be watching helplessly as we’ve done with the others. We need to stick with our plan of getting out of here.”

  Jasper came up with an idea. “What if we go back to the third floor and jump down to that room with Brad and Kerri. Seth wouldn’t expect that.”

  Marcus frowned. “Or maybe that’s exactly what he thinks we’ll do.”

  “We really don’t have a choice. But fortunately, there were a lot of items in there that we can use as weapons.”

  “You’re right. I didn’t think of that. We should go back.”

  Michael nodded. “I agree. Let’s get moving.”

  They ran down the stairs and back to the observation deck. When they looked down, they noticed the door was open and Kerri was gone. Brad was huddled in the corner with a blanket over him. Michael climbed over the handrail. “I’ll go first.” He jumped, landing onto the bed on his back. As he lay there, he noticed the others were staring down at him with horrified expressions. When he tried to get up, his body was stuck. He raised his head and noticed spikes were sticking out of his legs, one through his abdomen and one in his right arm. “Oh shit! Can someone help me?” He noticed a spike was sticking through his empty ball sack. He quickly felt of his penis to make sure it hadn’t been damaged from a spike. He was relieved when he noticed it was okay.

  Jasper looked at Michael. “I’m looking for a way down. Just hold tight!”

  “Hold tight? Where in the fuck would I be going?”

  Marcus went over to Jasper and whispered to him, then they ran over to Paul and threw him over the rail.

  He screamed as he fell. His body made a thump as he landed on his side.

  Jasper yelled down to him. “You all right?”

  He was dazed and barely moving.

  “Hey! You all right?”

  The impact dislocated his shoulder and broke his left leg. He sat up, then started rubbing the side of his head where it had hit the concrete.

  “Go push another bed over here.”

  He looked up. “You fucking assholes! Look what y’all did to me!”

  Marcus was looking down at him. “You’ll live. Go get a fucking bed so we can jump down.”

  Paul eased up on his right leg, then hopped over to a bed. He pushed it under the balcony. “Here. I hope you break your fucking necks.”

  “Check it to make sure there are no spikes.”

  Paul pushed down on the mattress in several places. “It’s good.”

  Marcus jumped, landing safely, then the others followed him.

  Jasper motioned to Arul and Rajat. “Y’all go help Michael.” He looked at Paul. “Go check the hallway to make sure it’s clear.” He pointed towards Brad as he was sitting in the corner with a blanket over him. “Go check on Brad.” Jasper looked at Marcus. “Let’s find something we can use as weapons.”

  He was holding two of the torches that Douglas and his buddies had used. “Got ours already.” He handed one to Jasper.

  Everyone was walking around the mess on the floor. It was covered in feces, intestines, blood and pieces of flesh from where Brian, Casey and Douglas had blown apart. Their bodies were putting off a foul odor of burnt flesh, rotten shit and stale blood.

  When Amanda pulled the blanket from Brad’s head, she shouted, “It’s Jim!”

  Marcus and Jasper ran over to her. Jim was leaning against the wall unconscious.

  Marcus shook him. “Jim, wake up!”

  He started coming to. “What’s going on?”

  Jasper knelt beside him. “You okay?”

  Amanda pulled the blanket off his shoulders. “Oh shit! His arm is missing.”

  Jim was feeling nauseous. “I don’t feel good.”

  Jasper stood up. “Amanda, stay here with him. We’re going to look for some more weapons.”

  Arul and Rajat had helped Michael get off the spikes. He was sitting on the edge of the bed holding the puncture wound in his abdomen. “How’s my back look?”

  Arul was holding a rag over a puncture wound. “Same as your front.”

  “This is bad.”

  “It could have been worse. The spike barely missed your spine.”

  “I’m going to bleed to death on the inside.”

  “I don’t think so. There’s not a lot of blood coming out, so I don’t think any large blood vessels were hit.”

  He looked at his hand, notici
ng it was covered in feces. “That’s good. But my intestines are leaking. I’m going to get an infection if I don’t get to a hospital soon.”

  “I know. Just try not to move around too much. Maybe your insides will clot or something.”

  “I hope so.”

  Marcus had overheard their conversation. “It doesn’t work like that with a bowel perforation. His intestinal contents are going to keep spilling out into his intraperitoneal cavity until the damage is surgically repaired.”

  Michael’s eyes got big. “Then it is bad?”

  “You’ll be fine if we can get out of here in time.”

  Jasper got everyone’s attention. “We’re going to see if we can find a way out of here.”

  Michael raised his hand. “I can’t walk.”

  “I’ve already thought of that.” He pointed to a wheelchair that was in the corner of the room. “You can use that.” He looked at Rajat. “I need you to push him.”

  Paul was getting frustrated as he sat on the floor while holding his shoulder. “Who made you our boss?”

  “Someone has to take charge.”

  “So, you elected yourself?”

  “If you don’t like it, you can go your own way.”

  “I can’t walk. My fucking leg is broken thanks to you.”

  “Then keep the fuck quiet.”

  Paul put his head down.

  Jasper looked at Arul. “I need you to help Jim walk. He’s still a little woozy. Amanda, you need to help whiney ass there since he has a broken leg.”

  Paul glared at him. “You don’t have to be such a prick.”

  “Prick? I’m trying to save your ass.”

  “You’re only thinking of yourself. Just like Jim had done. You don’t give a shit what happens to anyone but yourself and Marcus. That’s why y’all threw me off the fucking balcony. You’re nothing but a chicken shit!”

  Jasper started approaching him. “I’ll beat your fucking ass, smart mouth!”

  Marcus had been gathering some items to be used as weapons. He walked over and intervened before they got into it. “We don’t have time for this shit!”


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