The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 150

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Kenneth dragged him across the room and tied his walker to a desk, then put tape over his mouth. He lay back on the bed, and within a few minutes he was snoring.

  By now, Seth had done the same thing to Arul’s penis and had sewn the end of it to the end of Rajat’s penis. He slid the two men closer, then cut the ends of their tongues off and sewed them end to end. Horror overcame Rajat when Seth stuck a curved needle with thread in his left eye. He then stuck Arul’s right eye and pulled the men’s faces together by tightening up the thread. He ran the needle several more times through their eyes to ensure they wouldn’t be able to pull themselves apart, then tied off the thread. He did their other eyes the same way, then sewed their noses side to side.

  Now that he was done sewing them together, he sliced open the sides of their abdomens and inserted a control box that contained a circuit board, sensors, a lithium-ion battery and an explosive charge. He cut holes throughout their bodies, then started fishing a multi-conductor cable inside them by using a long rod. Both the cable and rod were sterile to prevent infections. He would insert the rod in one hole and push it to the next, tie on the cable, then pull it through a long section of their bodies. He ran the cable through their toes that were sewn end to end, through their penises and arms. The difficult part was going to be at their heads. He carefully ran the cable through their chests, through their necks, then through their tongues. He didn’t want to run it through their eyes, so he implanted a magnet in Raul’s forehead and a magnetically activated switch in Rajat’s forehead, then connected four wires of the multi-conductor cable to the switch’s normally open and normally closed circuit to prevent it from being tampered with. Their heads were touching since their eyes were sewn together, causing the switch to be engaged. If they were separated, it would send a signal to the circuit boards in each of them, activating the explosives. He had run the cable in one continuous piece, and it had wires that were opened loop systems, and some were closed loop systems. Anyone that tried to disable the system wouldn’t know which wires they could cut or bypass. If the wrong cable was cut, or bypassed, or if the control boxes were tampered with, the explosives would detonate. The batteries needed a way to be charged, so he ran a two-conductor cable from the control boxes to the top of their heads. He mounted solar panels on their heads, then connected the wires. He also mounted a digital readout on the panels to check the battery voltage. If the voltage got too low, the explosives would detonate. This would ensure the batteries wouldn’t be purposely allowed to go dead. He switched on the unit, then sewed up their abdomens.

  The final thing now was to let others know that Rajat and Arul couldn’t be separated without the explosives detonating. He took a tattoo gun and tattooed the information on Arul’s back. It explained how the system worked. He designed it where there was no way it could be turned off or bypassed. It even had sensors that would detect X-rays, cat scans or any kind of imaging. The two men were pretty much fucked and were going to have to live in a nursing home or hospital like this for many years, unless they died from an infection or from a hardheaded doctor that tried to separate them. Unfortunately for them, even if they got an infection, or any other kind of illness, they would get treatment.

  Seth went into the other room to get Kenneth. When he walked in he covered his mouth. “Dude! How can you breathe this?”

  Kenneth sat up. “Really? This bothers you after all the shit you’ve done?”

  Seth laughed. “Just fuckin’ with ya. Come help me load the ragheads in the van.”


  Seth pointed at Jim as he was still tied to the desk. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  He was so mad he was trying to shout through the tape.

  Seth locked the door, then they went to the next room.

  Kenneth gasped when he saw Rajat and Arul. They were begging for help. “What the fuck did you do to them?”

  “Isn’t it awesome?”

  “Oh my God! This is fucking sick.”

  “Maybe to you, but it’s art to me.”

  “Fuckin’ psycho art. And what the hell are you going to do with them?”

  “Leave ‘em on the streets.”


  “So they’ll have to live like this.”

  “No, they’re not. As soon as someone sees them, the cops will be called. Then they will be taken to a hospital and separated.”

  Seth pointed to Arul’s back. “Read that.”

  Kenneth read it, then looked at Seth with a disturbed expression. “You really did that to them?”


  “This is some medieval type of shit.”

  “No, it’s not—they didn’t have the technology to do this back then. It’s more like modern psychopath type of shit.”

  “You know what I meant.”

  Seth pulled up a four-wheeled cart, then released Rajat and Arul from the contraption. “Help me get them on the dolly.”

  After they loaded them up, they went down to the parking garage and loaded them into a van.

  Dicks, Balls and Asses

  Seth shut the van’s door and locked it. “You ready to fuck up Brad?”

  Kenneth seemed eager. “Of course.” He looked at all the cars parked in the garage. “How are you going to hide all this when we’re done?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Someone will find them.”

  “I’m sure they will.”

  “Are we going to get rid of the bodies?”

  “Hell no. I’m not cleaning up that mess.”

  “The cops will find them.”


  He looked worried. “Dude, I’m going to be a suspect.”

  “It’s all good. I’ll take care of it, so don’t worry.”

  “How you going to do that?”

  “Because I’m the Angel of Death. The cleverest psychopath of modern times, or at least that’s what the newspapers say about me.”

  “You’re fucking nuts!”

  “Now let’s see how nuts you can get—Brad is waiting.”

  They walked down some stairs and into a basement. Brad was hanging by his wrists and his feet were chained to the floor. The basement was old and dirty. It was full of antiquated medical devices, tools, instruments, machines, chemicals and furniture. There were a few lights burning around Brad, but the rest of the area was dimly-lit.

  Seth lit a cigarette. “What are you going to do to this black bastard?”

  “Not sure yet.”

  Brad’s tattooed skin had stiffened up, making it painful to move around. He was scared as he looked at Kenneth. “Come on, man! Please don’t do this! You already got me back with the tattoo.”

  “Fuck you! I haven’t even begun getting your ass back.”

  Brad looked at Seth. “Please don’t let this happen. I’m sorry fo….”

  Seth kicked him in the nuts. “Shut the fuck up! And if you say another word I’ll cut out your fucking tongue.” He looked at Kenneth. “Well, he’s not going to torture himself.”

  “I know.”

  “Don’t just stand there, do something.”

  “I’m not sure what to do.”

  “Whatever you do, make it creative.”

  “Like how?”

  Seth motioned to all the equipment laying around. “You have a ton of shit at your disposal. I wish I had this much stuff when I started out.”

  He was hesitant. “I… I don’t know. I thought I wanted to do this, but it doesn’t seem right now.”

  “What was your dog’s name?”

  “You know what her name was.”

  “I want to hear you say it.”


  “And what happened to her?”

  He became upset. “This fucker broke into my house and cut off her head.”

  “Wasn’t there a note?”

  “You know there was.”

  “Tell me what it said.”

  He was pumping his fists in anger. “Fucking jigaboos must die.”
  “So, what are you going to do to this bastard?”

  He went crazy, beating Brad like a punching bag. Brad was screaming as Kenneth busted his lips, knocked out his teeth, broke his nose, racked his jaw and blackened his eyes. After he beat his face into a bloody pulp, he starting punching him in the stomach until he vomited up some blood. Kenneth stepped back, then started kicking him in the nuts and dick. He didn’t stop until they were black and blue. He leaned over and rested his hands on his knees as he looked at Seth. “I’m freakin’ worn out.”

  He laughed. “Fuckin’ up scumbags can be hard work.”

  Brad was furious. “I ain’t a fuckin’ scumbag! And y’all are going to pay for this! My dad is going to bury y’all’s ass when he finds out what y’all have done! Even if you kill me, he has connections that will find you!”

  Seth pulled out his phone, found a video, then started it for Brad. “Check this shit out.”

  Brad noticed two men lying in a deep hole. They were naked and their bodies were secured to stakes driven in the ground around them. He looked at Seth. “Who gives a fuck!”

  “Keep watching.”

  He noticed the men were moving as someone started filling in the hole. “So what.” He laughed sarcastically. “You’re just burying a couple of helpless dudes. You like it when someone can’t fight back, you fucking piece of shit!”

  “You’re not going to find this next part funny, asshole.”

  One of the men in the video started screaming out Brad’s name. “Oh my God! That’s my dad!” He watched in horror as his dad and the other man were buried alive. He glared at Seth as he violently jerked around. “You sorry motherfucker! You murdered my dad! I’m going to fucking kill you!”

  Seth put his phone away. “That’s what he gets for not pulling out of your mother.”

  He was so angry, blood and spit were spewing from his mouth as he shouted, “I’m going to rip out your fucking heart! You’re so fucking dead, you bastard!”

  Seth put his hand up to block the spit coming from Brad’s mouth. “Say it, don’t spray it.”

  “Screw you and your stupid sayings!”

  Kenneth looked confused. “Was that really his dad?”


  “Why did you do that?”

  “Because he was a crook.”

  “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Listen. It was bad enough he got this punk off after what he did to you, then he had the nerve to let him harass you.”

  Brad shouted, “You’re not going to get away with this!”

  Seth put his finger across his lips. “Hush!”

  “You’re gonna die by lethal injection, asshole!”

  “Say another word and I’ll rip out your fucking tongue!”

  “You can….”

  Kenneth punched him in the mouth. “He said shut the fuck up, prick!” He looked at Seth. “Why didn’t you tell me you did that?”

  “It was four or five weeks ago, and it slipped my mind.”

  “What? How can you forget something like that?”

  “Do you know how many assholes I bury in a month?”

  “Uh, no.”

  “Well, too many to keep up with. And besides, it’s all good. He got what he deserved.”

  “Who was the other person?”


  “The judge that let Brad off?”


  “Man, the cops are going to be all over this shit.”

  “I wouldn’t sweat it.”

  “Now I’m really going to be a suspect when they realize Brad is missing along with his dad and Randy.”

  “I’ve taken care it, so don’t worry about it.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “All you need to know is I set up another lowlife to take the fall.”

  “How do you know it’s going to work?”

  “He’s already pleaded guilty to kidnapping and murder. He said he burned up the bodies and dumped their ashes in a lake.” Seth looked at Brad. “That’s right. You’re already considered dead.”

  He remained silent as he looked down.

  Kenneth was concerned. “I’m confused. Who is this person? And why would he do that?”

  “Just some lowlife. I gave him a choice of taking the rap, or I was going to fuck him up.”

  “What if he tells the truth?”

  “Then I’ll get blamed for this shit, not you. He doesn’t even know who you are or that you’re involved.”

  “I guess that makes me feel better.”

  “Then let’s get this party going.” He rolled a mirror on a stand in front of Brad so he could see himself. “You ready to be fucked up?”

  He started crying hysterically. “You have no right doing this to me. And my dad didn’t do anything to you. You’ve destroyed my family. How could you do this? You’re a very bad person. And you’re going to pay for this.”

  “I might pay for the shit I do one day, but it’s not going to be by your hands. And where’s the tough guy? The smart ass? The animal killer? The racist? I thought you had some balls. The way you’re acting now I would have thought you had lost the dog fight.” He thumped his nut sack. “Nope. You got four in there. You need to act like it. And by the way, your dad cried like a little bitch too.”

  His attitude changed. “Fuck you! I’ll see you in Hell, you fucking piece of shit!” He looked at Kenneth. “And fuck you too, jigaboo! And your fucking mutt!”

  Kenneth pulled out a knife. “I’m going to cut out your fucking eyes!”

  Seth stopped him. “I would save that for last.”

  “I want to do it now!”

  “If you do, he won’t be able to see the shit you’re doing to him.”


  “He needs to see the shiny knife blades, the needles, the weapons. All of it. The anticipation of pain is crucial. And he needs to see what you’ve already done to him. This is a key aspect in torture. That’s why the mirror is in front of him.”

  He pointed the knife at his crotch. “Then I’ll cut off his fucking dick.”

  “That’s a bad idea too. You want to save that for last.”


  “Once you do that, these fuckers have no desire to live, so torturing them isn’t as fun.”

  “I told you already this isn’t fun to me. That’s your thing. I just want to make this bastard pay.”

  “Then calm down and take your time. You don’t want to kill him too soon or have him lose his desire to live.”

  “Okay, okay. Then what should I do?”

  “First, I’d cut out his fucking tongue for calling you that name.”

  Kenneth tried to reach in Brad’s mouth, but he was holding it closed and throwing his head around. “I can’t get it.”

  Seth handed him a pair of pliers. “Make him.”

  He started hitting him in the mouth with the tool as he shouted, “Open up!”

  Brad was still refusing.

  Kenneth stuck the knife up his nose. “Do it now!”

  Seth was getting excited. “There you go! Show that motherfucker who’s the boss!”

  Brad was pushing his head back. “Get off me, you fucking piece of shit!”

  He shoved the knife in deeper, cutting his septum. “I said do it, asshole!”

  “Okay, okay!” He opened his mouth.

  “Stick out your fucking tongue!” Kenneth grabbed it with the pliers, pulled back on it, then cut it in half. Blood was spewing out of Brad’s mouth and running down the front of his body as he screamed. Kenneth stepped back. “That’ll teach you to call me a fucking jigaboo! And your ass is blacker than mine, dipshit.” He stuck the knife to his neck. “And say something racist again and I’ll cut your fucking throat.”

  Seth laughed. “That would be doing him a favor.”

  Kenneth looked at Seth. “You have any firecrackers left?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I want to stick some in his mouth.”

>   “That’s boring.”

  “You did it to Amanda.”

  “Exactly. Come up with something we haven’t done today.”

  “What do you think I should do?”

  “You don’t need my help. Just come up with something creative and exciting.”

  “Should I cut off his fingers and toes?”

  “Still boring. And too close to what I did to Michael.”

  “What if I burn him with the torch?”

  “I’ve cooked more flesh today than a barbeque cook-off.”

  He became frustrated. “Then give me some ideas.”

  “You could cut off one of his arms, then sodomize him with it. Or cut off his ball sack and pull it over his head.” Seth got excited. “I know. You could pull the intestines out of his ass and jump rope with them. That way you can get in some cardio. That’s a win-win for everyone. Or you could pull his testicles out through his dick. That’s like trying to pass a golf-ball-sized kidney stone. Splitting his dick in half is also an option. Or you could….”

  “Hold up! What the hell is wrong with you? Why does everything have to be so sick? And why does everything have to do with the dick, balls or ass?”

  “Would you rather have your dick split in half, or be burned with a torch?”


  “Pick one.”

  “The torch then?”


  “The other is fucking gross.”

  “Exactly. Fucking up dicks, balls and asses grosses out every man.”

  “Now you’re being contradictive.”

  “How’s that?”

  “You said I should save his dick for last.”

  “That’s cutting it off. Even though it can be reattached, they usually don’t work afterwards. All men know that. If you just fuck up their dick a little, there’s still hope it can be fixed. That’s the key to torture. Don’t take away their hope, at least not right away.”

  “I would rather not play games and just make him suffer.”

  “Listen. There’s more to torture than just causing the body pain. The psychological portion is just as important. In fact, it makes the physical part more painful.”

  “You take this shit way too serious.”

  “Why did you seek me out?”


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