The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 160

by Garrett, Wade H.

Barry had noticed Andrew’s large cock, but hadn’t said anything. “That makes it even more disgusting.”

  “A murdering rapist ass raping another murdering rapist is poetic justice.”

  Andrew became upset. “Hold up! You’re making me do this because of that mishap?”

  “No. I’m making you do this because you refused to do what Barry asked. And I wouldn’t call raping, then cutting a woman’s throat, a mishap, you fucking scumbag!”

  “Y’all are making a big mistake! I was blamed for something I didn’t do.”

  “If you’re lying, I’m going to cut off your dick.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You sure?”


  Seth held up his folder. “Let me check to see if I made a mistake.”

  His eyes got big. “What is that?”

  “Your criminal record.”

  “Hold up! I might be wrong. I was thinking about another time I went to the pen.”

  Seth lowered the folder, knowing he was full of shit. “Oh. So, now you did rape and murder that woman.”

  “Uh… I might of.”

  “Either you did or you didn’t.”

  “I did, but I served my time for that.”

  “And now you’re going to be serving Gus some tube steak.”

  Buck Dich

  Andrew was irate. “What gives you the right to do this?”

  “The same right you used to murder someone.”

  “Fuck you, smart-ass! You wanna see a murder? Drop that fuckin’ gun and fight like a man!”

  “Speaking of murder, get over there and murder that ass before I give you something to really bitch about.”

  “Fuck you! You can’t make me do shit!”

  Seth looked at Barry. “Give Gus a shot of that magical cock juice.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “My Viagra concoction.”


  “Because he’s going to pound Andrew’s ass since he wants to be difficult.”

  “Okay, okay! I’ll do it!” Andrew changed his attitude and walked up behind Gus.

  Seth laughed. “That got your attention, didn’t it?”

  Gus was looking over his shoulder at Andrew with a grimace of terror. “No, no, no! Please don’t do this!”

  “I don’t have a choice.”

  “Come on, man! I’m not fucking gay!”

  “Hey! I’m not fucking gay either! You know I don’t have a choice, so shut the fuck up!”

  Gus was horrified as he watched Andrew squirt a large amount of lube on his cock. He was even more horrified by the size of it, which reminded him of a large cucumber. Being fucked by a man was the worst thing he could imagine, but being fucked by a man with a big dick was way beyond words. He looked at Seth with panic-stricken eyes. “Please don’t do this! I will do whatever you ask!”

  Seth pulled out a knife. “If you cut off your dick with this, we’ll skip the rogering.”

  He looked at the knife for a moment. “Uh… I… I can’t. There has to be something else I can do.”

  Seth looked at Andrew as he pointed at Gus’ ass. “Get after it!”

  Andrew tried to stick his penis in, but Gus was jerking his hips around. He finally gave up. “I can’t do this.”

  “Sure, you can. Just treat him like you did that woman you raped.”

  “Come on, man! Please don’t make me!”

  “Stop stalling. Grab that motherfucker around the neck and choke the shit out of him until he cooperates.”

  He turned so Seth could see the claw. “I can’t. This thing is killing me.”

  Seth looked at Gus. “Get your cock ready. You’re fixin’ to corn-hole the shit out of Andrew.”

  Gus’ eyes opened wide, knowing he had a chance to turn the tables on Andrew. “Okay! I’ll do it! I’ll even kill that motherfucker for you!”

  Seth started to press a button on the gun, but Andrew grabbed Gus around the neck and started choking him. “Fuck you, dude! Don’t you ever threaten me!”

  Gus couldn’t fight back since he was being restrained. In less than a minute, his knees buckled as his eyes rolled back into his head.

  Seth yelled out, “He’s fucking out. Now get to poundin’ that asshole!”

  Andrew released Gus’ neck and grabbed his own penis. He started to stick it in, but as soon as his head touched his skin, he pulled back. “I can’t do it.”

  “Sure, you can.”

  “But I’m not gay.”

  “Gay has nothing to do with it. This is about humiliation. I want you and Gus to feel the same way as your victims did, so get after it. And I’m not tellin’ you again.”

  Andrew took a deep breath, then started working his penis between Gus’ ass cheeks. As he slid his head up and down his ass crack, searching for his anus, he was looking the other way. “This isn’t right what you’re making me do!”

  “Stop fucking around and shove your dick in him.”

  “What the fuck do you think I’m….” Suddenly, Andrew’s penis penetrated Gus. He just stood motionless as he looked away.

  “Don’t just stand there. Treat him like you did that woman.”

  Andrew was sweating profusely as he stood dumbfounded.

  “Get to strokin’ that fuckin’ ass before I zap you some more.” Seth reached for a switch.

  “Oh my God! You’re gonna pay for this!” He started thrusting his hips back and forth as he rammed Gus in the ass.

  Gus was starting to come around. When he realized Andrew was inside him, he became violent and started trying to throw him off. “Get the fuck off me, you motherfucker!”

  Andrew shoved him into the wall as he continued to stroke him. “Fuck you!”

  Gus was fighting with everything he had. His large muscles were flexing as he pulled at the shackles. “I’m going to fucking kill all of you motherfuckers! Do you hear me? Y’all are fucking dead!”

  Seth yelled out to Andrew, “Start choking him again!”

  Andrew grabbed Gus’ neck with both hands. Gus was freaking out as Andrew manhandled him. “Oh my god! Please stop! I’m begging you!”

  Andrew looked at Seth. “Can I stop now?”

  “Not until you cum.”

  His eyes got big. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Fuck if I’m not. And I’m also going to have Barry check, so no faking.”

  “You’re a sick fuck! You must be getting off on this shit.”

  “I’m getting off watching two fuckers get what they deserve.”

  Barry was grossed out. “This is too much.”

  Seth laughed. “You’ve seen sicker shit than this.”

  “Yeah. But this is fucking gay.”

  “I told you it’s only gay if you get a hard-on.” Seth thought for a moment. “Well, shit! Andrew has one, so he must be gay.”

  Andrew was furious. “I’m not fucking gay! You’re making me do this!”

  “That’s incorrect. You chose to do it.”

  “Fuck if I did!”

  “You could have said no, but you didn’t.”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Not once did you say no. And everyone knows, no means no. So, that means you really wanted to do it. I guess you’re queer after all.”

  Andrew knew Seth was messing with him. He became so angry that he grabbed Gus’ hips, then started ramming his dick into him very violently as he shouted, “Is this want you want? I’ll tear this motherfucker apart!”

  Seth ran over to a stereo and cranked up the song Buck Dich by Rammstein. The music was so loud it was drowning out Gus’ screaming. He was in pain. A kind of pain he had never experienced before. It felt like his insides were being ripped apart. Blood was running down his legs as Andrew acted like a savage, ramming him in the ass with everything he had. The wound in Andrew’s side was causing him extreme pain, but he ignored it as he took his anger out on Gus. To make it even more disgusting, Andrew was pumping him to the fast beat of the music.

A few minutes later, Andrew screamed out in anger as he pulled out. “You sick motherfuckers! Y’all are going to pay for this!”

  Gus was hanging limp by his arms as blood, feces and cum oozed out of his anus and ran down his legs. His face was covered in snot and tears, and his body was sweaty. The skin on his hips was bright red and already showing signs of bruising from where Andrew had held onto him. He never knew he could feel so violated. He wanted to die as he sobbed.

  Seth turned down the stereo, then leaned against the wall as he stared at Gus. “How’d you like that, pal?”

  Gus was so exhausted he could barely talk. “You had no right to do this!”

  “It sucks being violated against your will. Now you know how it feels.”

  “You’re going to die a slow and painful death for this, you sorry piece of shit!”

  Seth noticed Barry was fidgeting with his crotch. Then he noticed a bulge in his pants. “What the fuck, dude? Why do you have a boner?”

  Barry turned sideways so Seth couldn’t see it. “I don’t!

  “I saw you playing with it.”

  “I was just scratching.”

  “Bullshit! You got turned on watching Andrew fuck Gus in the ass.”

  “No I didn’t!”

  “Dude! You’re fucking gay.”

  Barry turned red. “No, I’m not!”

  “And you were lecturing me about being gay.”

  “What are we going to do to them next?”

  Seth laughed. “I’d change the subject too if I was you.”

  “Just drop it.”

  “Seriously, if you’re gay, just come out of the closet. No one is going to care.”

  “I’m not fucking gay.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t give a shit what other people are into.”

  “I said I’m not fucking gay!”

  “If you say so.” Seth looked at Andrew. “You ready to smoke Gus’ ass?”

  He glared at Seth as he stood naked with a hard-on. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “Haven’t you done enough?”

  “Not by my standards.”

  Barry agreed. “He’s right. You’re getting off easy.”

  Seth laughed. “Getting off is all he’s done so far.”

  Andrew was furious. “I’m glad y’all fuckers find this funny!” He picked up the soldering iron and copper pipe. “Just tell me what the fuck you want me to do so I can get it over with”

  Seth pointed to a receptacle next to Gus. “Plug the soldering iron in there. Then shove it up his ass.”

  Gus looked at Andrew as he plugged it in. “Come on, man! Don’t let them make you do this! Fight back!”

  He looked at him. “Haven’t you seen this thing in my side? I don’t have a fucking choice.”

  Gus was panicking as he looked at Seth. “Why are you doing this? You’ve already gotten me back!”

  “That was just partial payment for what you did.”

  He nodded towards Andrew. “What about him?”

  “What about him?”

  “When do I get to fuck him up?”

  “If Andrew doesn’t get his ass in gear, maybe pretty soon.”

  Andrew became angry, knowing Gus was trying to turn the tables on him. He grabbed Gus’ hair and pulled his head back. “You’re not touching me, you fucking two-faced bitch!” He shoved the end of the iron between Gus’ ass cheeks. The hot metal made a sizzling sound as it scorched his flesh. Gus started frantically moving his rear-end around as he screamed. Andrew was poking his ass cheeks with the iron, burning marks into his skin as he tried to stick it inside him. “Stop moving, asshole!”

  Barry and Seth started laughing. It was funny watching Gus jumping around as Andrew poked him with the hot iron.

  Andrew glared at them. “I’m glad I can amuse you fuckers.”

  Barry smiled. “That’s what you get for being a piece of shit.”

  He jabbed the iron into Gus’ back, leaving it in place, then stepped towards Barry. “I’ll break your fucking neck!”

  Barry stumbled backwards. “You better not touch me, asshole!”

  “Hey!” Seth jerked on Andrew’s cable. “Get your ass back over here. Gus’ ass ain’t gonna smoke itself.”

  Gus was screaming as smoke bellowed from his back. Andrew pulled out the iron, then shoved him against the wall. He tried to stick the iron into his anus, but every time the hot tip burned his ass cheeks he would jerk around. Andrew got frustrated and looked at Seth. “This is fucking stupid.”

  “I don’t give a shit. Just do what you’re told.”

  Andrew tried again with the same results. He became frustrated. “I can’t do it. He’s moving around too much.”

  “Can’t couldn’t do shit.” Seth pointed to the floor next to Gus. “Sit your ass down.”

  “For what?”

  “Because you’re in time out.”

  He glared at Seth as he sat on the floor. “Maybe not today. Or even tomorrow. But one day you’re going to pay for this!”

  “And while you’re down there, suck your thumb so I don’t have to hear your lips flap.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “I’m not telling you again.”

  Andrew stuck his thumb in his mouth, but wasn’t sucking it.

  “You’re worse than a rebellious teenager. I said suck the motherfucker.”

  Andrew looked the other way as he started sucking his thumb.

  Smokin’ Ass

  Seth tossed Barry a box of nails and a hammer. “Nail Gus’ dick to the wall so he can’t move around so much.”

  Gus looked at Seth with a horrified expression. “No, no, no! Please don’t do that!”

  “Hush! I wasn’t talking to you!”

  “Come on, man! I’m begging you not to do it! I’ll stand still! I promise!”

  “I told you to be quiet.”

  “Why are you doing this? I haven’t done anything to….”

  Seth grabbed his head and shoved it against the wall. “Stick out your fucking tongue!”

  Gus held his mouth tightly closed as he mumbled, “Please don’t do this!”

  He grabbed his ear with a pair of pliers and started twisting it. “Stick it out!”

  “Okay okay! I’ll be quiet!”

  He twisted harder, causing his skin to start tearing. “I said stick it out!”

  Gus finally couldn’t take the pain and stuck out his tongue. Seth grabbed it with the pliers, then smashed it as hard as he could, causing the sides of his tongue to rupture. Seth let it go and pushed his head away. Gus didn’t say a word as blood ran out of his mouth.

  Seth looked at Barry. “Get to nailin’ his dick.”

  “How? He’s up against the wall.”

  “I’m fucking surrounded by idiots.”

  “I’m not trying to be difficult.”

  “Kneel down behind his ass and grab his wiener. Pull down on it, then nail the fucker to the wall. How hard is that?”

  “His ass is covered in bloody shit and jizz. I don’t want to get it on me.”

  “I didn’t tell you to fondle his ass. Just reach between his legs.”

  “I’m not touching his dick either.”

  “You want to be a vigilante, but don’t want to get your hands dirty.”

  “I don’t see you doing it.”

  “I’ve done my share of shit like that. Just like when I cut off your dick.”

  “That’s fucking sorry. I didn’t deserve that. And why do you keep bringing it up? Does it make you happy or something?”

  “Don’t start whining. I was just trying to make a point. Now stop being difficult and nail his dick to the wall.”

  “If you want it done, do it yourself, asshole!”

  “If you don’t do it, I’ll tell Wyatt you got a boner watching two dudes fuck.”

  “You would make up some shit like that.”

  “I don’t have to make up anything.” Seth pointed at the ceiling.

  Barry noticed he was point
ing to a camera. “I don’t know why I even came on this trip.” He kneeled behind Gus. “All you want to do is fuck with me.”

  “Get out of the way! I’d rather do it than hear you whine.”

  “Fuck that. I’m not going to give you another reason to talk shit.” When Barry reached between Gus’ legs, Gus shoved his hips backwards, bumping his ass into Barry’s face. Barry jumped to his feet and felt his face, noticing it was covered in dark-colored blood. He glared at Seth. “This is your fault! I told you I didn’t want to do it!”

  “It’s just blood. Chill out.”

  “Blood my ass! It fuckin’ stinks.”

  “Stop whining.”

  Barry wiped his face with a rag, then got back on the floor. He reached between Gus’ legs and grabbed his penis, then pulled down on it. Without any notice, Gus’ bowels emptied, covering Barry’s head. He lunged backwards, falling onto his back. His eyes were huge as he lay in disbelief. “Oh my God! He fucking shit on me!”

  Seth started laughing.

  “Stop fucking laughing! It’s not funny!” Barry became irate and crawled between Gus’ legs. He showed no mercy as he pulled down on his penis as hard as he could. “How do you like this, you nasty bastard?”

  Gus lowered his waist to reduce the pain, but the shackles secured to his wrists only allowed him to drop a few inches. As he hung by his arms he was yelling, “Oh my God! You’re going to rip it off! Please stop pulling on my dick! I’m begging you! Oh God! You’re killing me!”

  Barry drove a nail through the head of his penis, securing it to the wall. He took another nail and drove into the center of his penis. He drove in another, then another. Gus was screaming at the top of his lungs as Barry drove nails into his penis. Seth had only told him to drive in one, but knew he was just taking out his frustrations on Gus. “Make sure you get enough in there so it doesn’t come loose.”

  Barry didn’t look up as he drove in another nail. “Fuck you!”

  “When you get done playing with his dick, cut a hole in his urethra at the base so he can piss.”

  Barry stood up with feces covering his head and shoulders. “I don’t give a fuck if he can piss.”

  “I do. He’ll die from urinary retention.”


  “I have plans for him later and need him alive.”


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