The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 173

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Barry was pissed. “He was supposed to chase me outside where you could take him out. And it would have worked if the bastard wouldn’t have freaked out before I could run.”

  Wyatt was laughing hysterically. “What a fucking idiot!”

  Barry bulked up as if he wanted to fight. “Fuck you! At least I have the balls to go after these bastards. All you do is drive Seth around like his bitch.”

  “At least I didn’t get tossed out the door like a piece of trash.”

  Barry went nuts and charged Wyatt. Kenneth clotheslined him, knocking him to his back. He looked up with a startled expression. “Why did you do that?”

  “I told you I’m not here to babysit your ass.”

  “Yeah, but Wyatt was making fun of me for getting beat up by Jimmy.”

  “I don’t care. And you deserved that shit—your white ass should have known better than to call a black man Kunta Kinte. Especially Jimmy. That motherfucker is blacker than black. Almost purple.” Kenneth laughed. “He’s so black, he leaves fingerprints on charcoal.”

  Wyatt looked shocked. “What?”

  “He’s so black, he has a PhD in hide-and-seek.”

  Barry stood up and brushed himself off. “Why do you get to make fun of him and I can’t?”

  “Because I’m black, you asshole.”

  “Sounds like you’re just a racist.”

  “How in the fuck can I be racist towards another black man?”

  “Because he’s darker than you, so that makes you a hater for making fun of him.”

  “Shut the fuck up and go stand over there.” He pointed across the cargo area.

  Wyatt was shaking his head. “This trip definitely isn’t boring.”

  Kenneth looked frustrated. “Dude’s a fucking retard.”

  Barry was leaning against the wall. He grabbed his dick and shook it. “I got your retard hanging right here, you racist prick!”

  Kenneth pointed at him. “Go stand in the corner.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do.”

  “You wanna bet?” He started walking towards him.

  “Okay, okay! You don’t have to be so aggressive.” Barry stood in the corner for a few seconds, then walked over to a dartboard hanging on the wall.

  Kenneth shook his head as he looked at Wyatt. “The idiot is going to get one of us busted, or killed.” He looked at Barry. “Why aren’t you standing in the corner like I told you?”

  “Because you’re not my fucking boss.”

  “I don’t know why Seth even puts up with your ass. I just met you and I’m already sick of you.”

  “That’s because you’re a fuckin’ punk.”

  “What the fuck did you say?”

  “I said I smell a fuckin’ skunk.”

  “That’s what I thought, asshole!”

  Kenneth dragged Maggie across the floor and shoved her against the wall. He motioned to Wyatt. “Shackle her wrists.”

  Wyatt noticed she was in her early twenties. She reminded him of the actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead when she was younger. She was crying as he secured the shackles, making him feel bad. “What did she do?”

  “Stabbed her baby in the chest with an ice pick.”

  “She doesn’t look like she would do something like that.”

  “Crazy bitches come in all shapes and sizes.”

  “I’ve never understood how a mother could do something like that to her child.”

  “Just plain old evilness.”

  “What are you going to do to her?”

  “I’m not doing shit. You’re gonna do it.”

  “I wasn’t planning on doing anything like this. I’m just here to help Seth round them up.”

  “You know I’m not into the torture thing either.”

  Barry had a cocky expression. “I’ll do it since y’all don’t have the balls.”

  Wyatt glared at him. “It has nothing to do with that. And you’re not going to do shit.”

  “I knew you were too much of a pussy to get your hands dirty.”

  “I’m not a fucking pussy!”

  “Tell that to Seth when he comes back.”

  Kenneth looked at Wyatt. “Fuck it! I’ll do it.”

  “Don’t pay any attention to him.”

  “Fuck Spanky.”

  Barry laughed. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

  Wyatt got an idea. He told Kenneth about what Seth had done to Alayna.

  “I don’t want to be a copycat.”

  Barry laughed. “Can’t you think of something original? That’s why you’ll never be as good as Seth.”

  Wyatt flipped him the bird. “At least I don’t get a hard-on watching two dudes fuck.”

  Barry threw a dart at him, missing his head by a few inches. “Piss off!”

  Wyatt pulled the dart from the wall and threw it back at him, striking him in the forehead. Barry pulled it out, then stood staring in disbelief as he rubbed the puncture wound. “You fucking asshole!”

  “If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.”

  “You’re lucky you didn’t put out my eye!”

  “And you’re lucky I’m not good at throwing darts.”

  “I know you weren’t trying to hit me in the only eye I have left.”

  “I sure in the fuck wasn’t aiming for your patch.”

  “You’re a sorry motherfucker!”

  Kenneth had been thinking as Wyatt and Barry argued. “Y’all fucking chill out! I got an idea.”

  Wyatt looked at him. “What is it?”

  “I’m going to make Jimmy and Maggie play Blind Killers.”

  “What is that?”

  “It’s my favorite dart game.”

  Barry laughed. “You only thought of that because I’m playing darts.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “Don’t be mad at me because you can’t come up with something more creative.”

  “Mind your own fucking business.” Kenneth dragged Jimmy to the wall, then he and Wyatt secured him with shackles.

  Wyatt was confused. “Throwing darts at them is kind of lame.”

  “Not the way we’re going to play.”

  “And how is that?”

  “We’re going to be throwing them at their organs.” He pulled out a knife. “The pictures you showed me of Alayna with her ribs removed gave me the idea.” He started cutting into Jimmy’s chest, going all the way around the front of his torso. Jimmy was screaming and violently jerking at his restraints as he was forced to endure the pain.

  When Kenneth was done, he ripped the skin off him, exposing all the muscles on the front of his chest and abdomen. Drool was running out of Jimmy’s mouth as his head hung downwards. Kenneth grabbed his hair and pulled his face up. “Dammit! He fuckin’ passed out.”

  Barry laughed as he sat on a table. “What did you expect?”

  “They don’t pass out with Seth.”

  “Of course, not, you dumbass. He uses drugs and shit to keep them awake.”

  “Call me a dumbass again and you’ll be passing out.”

  “Whatever, dude.”

  Wyatt started looking through a cabinet. “I think Seth keeps some of his concoctions in here.” He found several vials with handwritten labels. “I found some, but I don’t know which one to use.” He handed them to Kenneth.

  Kenneth read the labels: Liquid Agony, The Reaper and Party Time. “I don’t know which one to use either.”

  “Party Time seems like it would get them high. The Reaper probably refers to death. Liquid Agony might be the one that keeps them awake.”

  Kenneth filled a syringe with the Liquid Agony. “I guess I’ll try this one.” He started to stick Jimmy in the neck.

  Wyatt stopped him. “Hold up! Maybe you should try that on Andrew first.”

  “What if it kills him?”

  “He’s almost dead anyway.”

  “Seth will get pissed if it does since he’s wanting to save him for later.”

  “Look at him. He
’s about to die anyway, so if he does, we just won’t say anything.”

  “But that fucking rat over there will.”

  Barry jumped off the table. “Fuck you, asshole!” He walked over and snatched the syringe from him.

  Kenneth pulled out a knife and positioned himself in a self-defense stance. “Step back, motherfucker!”

  “Stop being a pussy. I’m not going to use this on you.” He injected the fluid into Andrew.

  They stood back and watched with excited anticipation to see what it was going to do. Within seconds, Andrew went from being on the verge of death to full of life. Then to their horror, he started screaming at the top of his lungs as the whites of his eyes turned red. The veins in his face and neck swelled up to the point they looked as if they were going to rupture, and blood started running out of his mouth, nose and ears. He ripped the stitches from between his hands and Gus’ ass cheeks, then tried to get up, stretching his ball sack grotesquely from where it was nailed to the floor.

  Wyatt was freaking out. “Oh my God! He’s getting loose!”

  Kenneth was scared. To him, Andrew looked like he had been possessed by a demon. “Oh shit! We need to do something!”

  Barry grabbed a baseball bat for self-defense. “What the fuck did y’all do to him? Seth is going to kill y’all for this!”

  Kenneth glared at him. “Don’t just stand there! Hit the bastard!”

  The veins throughout Andrew’s body felt like they were on fire. The pain was so intense that the lesser pain of his ball sack tearing apart went completely unnoticed. When he stood up, he looked like a psychopath with an infectious disease. He had blood running out of all his orifices and his body was covered in a hemorrhaging rash.

  Jimmy was hanging on the wall next to him. Awakened by the screaming, he stared at Andrew in horror. Even though he was in a lot of pain from having his skin ripped off, he was yelling through his gag for someone to free him.

  Kenneth, terrified as Andrew started walking towards him, stumbled backwards. He was scared he could become infected. “Oh fuck! He’s coming after me!” In a panic, he grabbed Barry and threw him into Andrew and they both fell to the floor.

  Barry was screaming as Andrew held him down on the floor. He was fighting back with everything he had to get free, and as they wrestled around, Andrew’s rash was leaking fluids everywhere and he was defecating and urinating uncontrollably.

  Barry was freaking out as he became covered in feces and body fluids. “Oh my God! Get this fucker off me! He’s getting his disease all over me!”

  Wyatt hit Andrew on the head with a club, knocking him unconscious. Barry was breathing heavily as he jumped to his feet. “Look what you motherfuckers did!” He was covered from head to toe with Andrew’s body fluids. “Y’all better hope I don’t get his fucking disease!” He started walking towards them.

  Kenneth pointed his knife at him. “Stay the fuck back! I don’t want that fucking shit on me!”

  Wyatt looked worried. “You better go wash that off.”

  Barry was irate. “It’s too late, you fucking asshole! I got the shit in my fucking mouth! If I get sick, I’m going to kill the fuck out of both of you before I die!”

  Kenneth was holding his knife in a reverse grip. “If he turns, I’m going to stab him in the brain.”

  Wyatt looked at Kenneth with a confused expression. “Turns? What are you talking about?”

  “That shit we injected Andrew with must have turned him into a fucking zombie or something. And if Barry was bitten, he’s going to turn into one too.”

  “You think Andrew was a zombie? You got to be joking?”

  “Hey, man. The dude had blood pouring out of his skin and his eyes were red.”

  “First off, there’s no such thing as zombies.”

  “How do you know Seth didn’t find a way to do it? You know that motherfucker comes up with some crazy concoctions.”

  “He’s not a mad scientist.”

  “Okay, but he might have gotten the shit from some military base where they do secret experiments.”

  Wyatt looked at him like he was crazy. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Did you not see what I saw? The fucker looked like one of those zombies from The Return of the Living Dead movie. And it all started when those dumbasses opened one of those drums filled with that gas. Seth might have gotten a hold of some of that shit.”

  “That was a fucking movie. It’s fake.”

  “You know they base stories like that on real shit. How else can you explain how Andrew was alive with his fucking skin melting off?”

  Barry looked frightened. “Oh my God! This can’t be happening!” He ran to the bathroom and got in the shower.

  Wyatt was shaking his head. “Dude, I hope you don’t really believe he was a zombie?”

  Kenneth laughed. “Then you explain what happened to him.”

  “I can’t, but I know who can.”

  Fucking Creep

  Wyatt pulled out his cell phone and dialed Seth. He put it on speaker so Kenneth could hear.

  Seth answered, “What did Barry do now?”

  “Nothing. I found some of your vials and wanted to know which one we can use on Jimmy and Maggie to keep them conscious.”

  “Party Time.”

  “That’s what I thought. So, out of curiosity, what’s The Reaper?”

  “It’s for euthanasia. But instead of being painless, it causes the victim’s innards to melt at a very slow rate so they will suffer a miserable death.”

  “Oh. Glad we didn’t try that one. So, what is Liquid Agony?”

  “Sounds like you already know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Who in the fuck was turned into a zombie?”

  Kenneth’s eyes got big as he looked at Wyatt. “I fucking told you!”

  Seth was aggravated. “You idiots!”

  Wyatt didn’t want Seth pissed at him. “It was all Barry’s idea. He injected Andrew with it.”

  “I knew that little fucker had done something. Wait until I get back.”

  Kenneth was worried. “Hey, man. Barry got covered in the dude’s blood. Is he going to turn into a zombie now? Should I go ahead and stab him in the brain?”

  Seth laughed. “Seriously?”

  “Well, yeah. I don’t want him attacking me.”

  “The drug just caused his blood vessels to deteriorate.”

  “So, Andrew wasn’t a zombie?”

  Seth hung up.

  Wyatt was embarrassed. “How in the fuck does he know so much?” He looked around the cargo area. “You think he’s watching us on the cameras?”

  “I don’t know, man, but sometimes he freaks me out. It’s like the bastard is telekinetic.”

  “You mean telepathic.”

  “Yeah, that shit.”

  “I just think he’s savvy at surveillance and good at reading people.”

  Jimmy was in a lot of pain and trying to get their attention.

  Kenneth pulled the rope out of his mouth. “What is so damn important that it can’t wait until we’re done talking?”

  Jimmy was freaking out. “Oh my God! Why are y’all doing this to me? I didn’t stab anyone. Please….”

  Kenneth put his gag back in, then looked at Wyatt. “I need a saw or something to cut his ribs out. Like Seth did to Alayna.”

  “I don’t know what he used, but let me look around.” Wyatt dug through a cabinet and found a handsaw. “What about this?”

  “Fuck that. I’m lazy.”

  He held up a jigsaw. “Will this work?”

  “I think that shit will puncture his organs.”

  He found a circular saw. “You can adjust the blade depth on this one.”

  “Perfect. Plug it in.” Kenneth filled a syringe with Seth’s Party Time concoction.

  Wyatt walked up to Kenneth. “You really want to try another one after what happened?”

  “You heard what Seth said. This is what keeps them awake.”

  Barry arrived from the bathroom and noticed that Kenneth was injecting Jimmy in the neck. “I know you assholes aren’t fucking around with that shit again.”

  Wyatt shook his head. “No. This is a different vial.”

  “You motherfuckers are never goin’ to learn.”

  Kenneth ignored him as he showed Jimmy the saw. “Let me know if this hurts.” He sank the blade into his chest. Bone fragments and blood were shooting out the front of the saw as he cut him from his right shoulder to this left shoulder, down his left side, across his lower abdomen, then back up his right side.

  When he was done, he stuck a crowbar into the cuts and started prying on his ribcage. Abruptly, the front of his torso fell to the floor, exposing his organs. Jimmy was horrified to see some of his intestines began to unravel from inside himself and splatter out onto his feet.

  Wyatt handed Kenneth a propane torch. “You better cauterize the edges of his torso so he doesn’t bleed out.”

  Barry walked up, spotting Jimmy’s heart bouncing around in the gaping cavity as it beat. “That’s fucking gross.” He poked it with a stick. “Hey, asshole. Can you feel that?”

  Jimmy, experiencing more agony than he ever imagined possible, didn’t respond.

  He poked at it harder. “What about that?”

  Jimmy looked up and spoke in a raspy voice. “Please kill me! I beg you!”

  He started to poke it again, but Kenneth took the stick from Barry. “Stop! You’re gonna poke a hole in the damn thing!”

  “Who cares?”

  “I do. And why in the fuck are you over here bothering me?”

  “I’m bored.”

  “Then go play with your dick.” Kenneth started cauterizing Jimmy’s wounds. When he was done, he went over to Maggie with the saw. She was terrified after seeing what happened to Jimmy. She started mumbling through her gag. “No, no, no! Please don’t hurt me! I haven’t done anything to deserve this!”

  “Really? What about Sarah?”

  She knew he was referring to her baby. “Who’s Sarah? I don’t know what you’re talking about! You have me confused with someone else!”

  He injected her with Seth’s concoction, then took his knife and cut a square around both of her tits. She shrieked piercingly from the mutilation Kenneth inflicted upon her as he cut the connective tissue and peeled off her flesh. When he had her tits removed, he pinned the square piece of flesh to the wall next to her. He looked at Barry. “I better not catch you playing with this.”


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