The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 181

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “In my bag. It’s in the backseat.”

  Barry leaned over the front seat and grabbed it. He put on the vest, discovering it was too big. He frowned at Kenneth. “Do you have a smaller one?”

  “Sure. I run a tactical store out of my bag.”

  Barry started digging through the bag again. “I’m not seeing it.”

  “Shit! I might have sold out of the smaller ones. Sorry.”

  Barry sat forward in his seat, not realizing Kenneth was fucking with him. “That’s fine.”

  He turned onto a rural road. A few miles down, he turned off his headlights and parked behind a group of cedar trees to conceal his truck. “We’re here.”

  “Where’s the house at?”

  “About a quarter mile to the west.”

  “It’s dark as shit out here. How are we going to see?”

  Kenneth held up a pair of night vision goggles. “With these.”

  “Those are cool. Do you have a pair for me?”

  “No.” He grabbed a duffle bag and got out. He handed another bag to Barry. “Carry this one.”

  He felt it was heavy. “What the fuck do you have in here?”


  “Are we going camping?”

  “Don’t be a smartass. And stay behind me.” He started walking.

  “Dude! It’s fucking dark. I can’t see.”

  “Stop whining.”

  “You better hope I don’t trip over something.”

  “Do I need to hold your hand?”


  “Good. Now stop talking.”

  After a short distance, Barry was already tired. “This bag is heavy as fuck. Will you carry it?”


  “Come on, man. You’re stronger than I am.”

  “Be quiet before someone hears you.”

  “You be quiet.”

  Kenneth led Barry through a wooded area. A few minutes later, they came to an opening in the trees. “Don’t make any loud noises. We’re here.” Kenneth pulled out a pair of night vision binoculars.

  “Hold up! You said you didn’t have another pair of night vision goggles.”

  “They’re not goggles. They’re binoculars.”

  “So, what. I could have been using them.”

  “Not while walking. They’re magnified.”

  “I think you’re just being stingy.”


  “You hush.”

  “Seriously, you’re gonna get us shot if you don’t shut the fuck up.”

  “Do you see someone with a gun?”


  “Then what do you see?”

  “An old farmhouse with barns. There are two trucks and a car outside. The lights are on and I can see people moving around inside the house. Looks like they’re having a small get together.”

  “What the fuck are we going to do?”

  “Don’t worry. We have a few options.”

  “This is a bad idea.”

  “There’s also a dog running around outside. Looks like a German Shepherd.”

  “Dude, let’s just say fuck it. There’re too many things that can go wrong.”

  “Stop worrying.” Kenneth dug through his bag and pulled out a balled-up piece of foil about the size of a tennis ball.

  “What is that?”

  “Meat laced with a mild tranquilizer.” He handed it and a slingshot to Barry. “Shoot that towards the house.”

  Barry found a bell tied to the ball of foil. “What’s the bell for?”

  “To get the dog’s attention.”

  “That’s smart.” He shot the ball.

  Kenneth was looking through the scope and watched as the foil ball landed about two-hundred feet from the house. The dog took off running towards it. “It’s working.”

  “Did he find it?”


  “Is he eating it?”

  “Looks like it.”

  “What’s he doing now?”

  “Walking around in circles.” Kenneth kept his eyes on the dog, observing its every move until it finally lay down. “I think he just fell asleep.”

  “How are we going to know if he’s really out?”

  “I’m gonna make you run over there to check.”


  Kenneth pulled out a dog whistle and blew it a few times. “He’s not moving. And I don’t see any other dogs coming out. It’s safe to move in closer.” He put his night vision goggles back on.

  “What about cameras?”

  “There aren’t any. Let’s go.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Most cameras installed outside have infrared lights, which can be seen through night vision lenses.” Kenneth stopped next to the dog and examined him. His evaluation uncovered the extent of neglect the dog was suffering from, being very skinny and covered in fleas.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure he’s okay.”

  “Is he?”

  “Yeah.” He peered toward the house.

  “What are you doing?”


  “Don’t leave me hanging.”

  “Be quiet before someone hears you.”

  Barry could see people moving around inside the house. “This is a bad idea.”

  “I said be quiet. I didn’t ask for your opinion. You ask too many questions too.”

  “I have to know what we’re doing so my anxiety doesn’t get out of control.”

  “Just try to keep it down.” It appeared to Kenneth that all of the doors and windows were closed. He whispered to Barry. “The house is closed up, which is what I was hoping for. Stay behind me and try not to make any noise.”

  “What are we doing?”

  “We need to find the AC condenser or a plumbing cleanout.”

  “For what?”

  “Shut up, now! And stay behind me.” Kenneth crept to the back of the house, and locating the condenser, he knelt next to it.

  “What are….”

  “Shhh!” He opened the bag Barry had been carrying and pulled out a gas cylinder. He connected a hose to it, then shoved the other end into the air conditioner’s condensate line, taping it in place. He opened the cylinder’s valve and motioned for Barry to follow him. He quickly scrambled back to where the dog was laying and watched the house.

  “What are we doing?”

  “Making sure no one comes out.”

  “What were you doing with that tank?”

  “It’s pumping xenon into house.”

  “What is that?”

  “A gas used for general anesthesia.”

  Relief washed over Barry. “That’s fucking smart. Now we don’t have to worry about getting shot.”

  “That’s the intent.”

  “But won’t they smell it and get out?”

  “No. The gas is odorless.”

  “How did you learn to do that?”


  “That fucker knows all the tricks.”

  Kenneth surveyed the house. “I think it worked.”

  “How do you know?”

  “There’s no more movement.”

  “Can I go look through a window to make sure they’re out?”

  “Go ahead. But don’t try to go in.”

  “I won’t.” Barry ran up to the house as Kenneth stayed back watching through the night vision. Barry looked in a window, and seeing no movement, he took off running towards the front porch.

  Kenneth was aggravated as he softly spoke to himself. “You fucking dumbass. I told you not to go in.”

  Barry eased to the front door. When he opened it, a bright flash lit up the dark followed by a loud boom. Kenneth watched as Barry was knocked off the porch and thrown to the ground by the blast. He pulled his Glock 29 from the holster and took off running. He went to the side of the house and then inched around the front corner, noticing the front door was closed. He didn’t see anyone on the porch or in the yard. He looked through a w
indow and observed a man next to the front door laying unconscious with a shotgun by his side. He quickly dashed to the other windows, finding several more unconscious people, and then ran back Barry. He was laying on his stomach. When Kenneth rolled him over, he didn’t see any blood. He checked his neck for a pulse, then started slapping him in the face. “Wake up, dumbass!”

  Barry made a loud gasping sound as he came to and sat up in a panic. “Oh fuck! I’ve been shot!” He started frantically feeling the front of his body.

  “You’re fine. The vest saved your ass.”

  “I think the bullet went through it! I can’t breathe!” He pulled off the vest and started feeling his chest.

  “I said you’re fine. You just got the wind knocked out of you.”

  “I’m hurting really bad!”

  “That’s what you get for going to the front door and trying to get inside.”

  “You said they were all knocked out.”

  “No I didn’t. And I told you not to go into the house.”

  Barry stood up, leaning forward with his hands on his knees. “Fuck! It feels like I’ve been hit with a sledgehammer.”

  “I’m sure—you were shot with a 12-gauge.”

  His panic morphed into anger. “I’m going to kill the motherfucker that did this! Where’s he at?”

  “Unconscious. The gas took him out. And you’re not going to kill anyone. It’s your fault for being a dumbass.”

  “What the fuck was he still doing awake?”

  “The gas just took longer on him, that’s why I told….”

  “I know, I know!”

  “Maybe next time you’ll listen.”

  “I got it!”

  “Let’s go find William so we can get the fuck out of here.” Kenneth looked through a window by the front door to make sure no one was awake. “It looks clear.”

  Barry was hurting. “I’m in fucking agony here. You go ahead.” He sat brooding on the steps.

  Kenneth put on a gasmask and entered the house. A few minutes later, he came out pulling a man by his arms.

  “Is that William?”

  “Yep.” Kenneth handed him a set of keys. “See which vehicle those fit and load him up.”

  Barry was relieved. “I was wondering how we were going to get him back to our truck.”

  “Once you get him loaded up, drive over to the dog and load him up too. I’m going to turn off the gas and make sure everyone else is okay.”

  “Will do.”

  Kenneth packed up the gas cylinder, and then went into the house. He opened all the windows and checked to make sure everyone was breathing. When he returned outside, Barry was waiting for him in a Dodge truck. He got in the passenger side. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Barry noticed Kenneth was holding a paper sack stained and soaked with blood. “What the fuck is that?”

  He handed it to him.

  Barry opened the sack and looked inside. His eyes widened when he saw a severed penis. “What the fuck did you do? Whose dick is this?”


  “William’s roommate?”

  “Yeah. Now let’s get to my truck so we can meet up with Seth. We’re already running behind.”

  Barry drove off. “Why in the fuck did you cut off his dick?”

  “For not taking care of Coco.”

  “Who in the fuck is Coco?”

  “My new dog.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “The German Shepherd in the back of the truck. He belonged to Isaac. But now he’s mine since he didn’t take care of him.”

  “How do you know the dog was his?”

  “I woke him up and asked.”

  “So, you cut off the man’s dick because he didn’t take care of a dog?”


  “I bet he now wishes he hadn’t admitted to owning him.”

  “He didn’t at first, until I said I wanted to buy him.”

  “Damn, dude! What if he was lying just to get the money?”

  “Then that’s what he gets for being a liar.”

  Barry laughed. “That fucker got bamboozled.”

  Perverted Shit

  Kenneth and Barry arrived at the truck stop in Catarina at 3 AM and located the RV parked in back. Seth came out as they walked up. “How did it go?”

  Barry raised up the front of his shirt, showing Seth his bruised chest. “I got shot with a fucking 12-gauge. Luckily, I was wearing armor.”

  “Sounds like y’all had fun.” Seth noticed Coco standing next to Kenneth. “And you found a friend.”

  “Yeah. The owner was an asshole.”

  Barry laughed. “Kenneth cut off the dude’s dick.”

  “Good. And did y’all get William?”


  When Kenneth entered the RV, he discovered six of the people they had picked up from San Antonio were laying on the floor coupled and joined in typical sexual positions. There was a man and woman stitched together into the sixty-nine position. The woman’s lips were sewn to his penis and his lips had been sutured to her pussy. Another man and woman had their genitals stapled and affixed to each other in the missionary position. The last couple had been hemmed and basted into the doggy-style position. Kenneth looked at Seth. “What kind of perverted shit do you have going on in here? I thought we were going to hunt them?”

  “We are.”

  “Dude, how in the fuck are they any good to us now?”

  Barry was ogling the couple and rubbing his crotch. Seth glanced over at Barry, caught up in the moment, was reaching in to pull his dick free from his sweatpants. “Why are you playing with yourself?”

  He stopped. “I wasn’t.”

  Kenneth was aggravated. “Why do you always have to turn shit into some sick game?”

  Missy walked up. “Y’all stop whining. They can still run around in the woods just fine. All you have to do is pick the team that you think will survive the longest.”

  “Fuck it! I’ll take them.” Kenneth pointed to the couple in the missionary position.

  Barry motioned toward the couple posed in the sixty-nine position. “I choose them.”

  Seth lit a cigarette. “Then I guess I get the fuckers doin’ it doggy-style.”

  Kenneth realized the other two offenders that had been picked up from San Antonio, a woman and a man, were hanging on the wall next to Gus, Humberto, Allen, Anthony and Johnny. They were quiet as they stared back at him. “What’s the deal with these two?”

  “Saving them for later.”

  Kenneth noticed that everyone on the wall had been tattooed upon their chest as he read their names and the offense each had committed. He glanced at the names of the ones from San Antonio: Rachel Montgomery, Cecil Stewart. “Why did you tattoo them?”

  “Because I don’t want to lose track of who did what. And I’m bad with names.”

  “They’re being awfully cooperative.”

  “I told them I would cut off their dicks…” He looked at Rachel. “Or tits, if they acted out.”

  Kenneth observed that Rachel was a thin redhead in her mid-twenties. Cecil was older, around late sixties. He was skinny and his long, shaggy hair and beard were gray. “You’ve got a nice variety going here. Can’t wait to see what you have planned for them.” He looked at the group on the floor. “So, what did these fuckers do?”

  Seth pointed to the couple stapled in the missionary position. “Your team consists of Megan Dolton, twenty-two, and Rodney Smith, forty-nine. Megan left her eleven-month old son on the side of the road and he was killed by wild animals.”

  “Hold up! I thought you were saving the murderers for later?”

  “I was, but if we’re going to go hunting, we’ll have to use some of them.” Seth nodded towards the man to whom Megan was stapled. “And the other half of your team murdered a woman for her purse.” Seth pointed to the couple stitched into the sixty-nine. “Barry’s team consists of Deanna Baize, who’s forty-two. Her kids were
killed when she wrecked her car. She was high at the time. Her partner is Marcus Jackson. He’s thirty-six. The sick bastard raped an elderly woman during a home invasion. And my team consists of thirty-one-year-old Amanda Cox and her conjoined partner, twenty-two-year-old Jeffery Yates. The bitch drowned her baby and he murdered his girlfriend.”

  Wyatt felt left out. “Can I bet on one of them?”

  “I have a better idea. You can bet on William. He just won’t have a partner.”

  Kenneth didn’t like the idea of him being solo. “Hold up! That won’t be fair. He’ll be able to run quicker.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll give him a disability.”

  He walked up to Rachel. “Why don’t you just sew this bitch to him so it’s fair?”

  “I’ve already used enough of my killers for this hunt. But don’t worry. I’ll fix William so he won’t have an advantage.”

  “That’s fine. But, if I think he has an advantage, then he’s mine.”

  Wyatt shook his head. “Bullshit! Seth already gave him to me.”

  Barry started getting upset. “Hold up! Maybe I want him.”

  Seth glanced at his watch, ascertaining it was already 4 AM. “Y’all can argue on the way to Chaparral Wildlife Management Area. We need to be there before sunrise.” He looked at Wyatt and Barry. “Y’all go get William so I can get him ready for the hunt.”

  When they brought him into the RV, Seth directed the to strap him down on one of the tables. “Wyatt, I need you to drive the RV so I can work on him. Barry, you will drive Missy’s truck behind us. Kenneth, you will bring up the rear.”

  Forty-five minutes later, Seth instructed Wyatt to pull into a wooded area. Everyone parked far enough in the woods so their vehicles were concealed from prying eyes passing by on the road. Seth lowered the rear door on the toy hauler as everyone walked up. Kenneth appreciated that the three couples were awake and sitting on the floor fearfully gazing back at him. Their mouths had been sewn closed, except for Deanna and Marcus, as their mouths had previously been sutured to each other’s genitalia. “It appears they must have been making too much noise.”

  Seth laughed. “Yep. I couldn’t take their bitching and moaning any longer.”

  Wyatt saw William sitting Indian-style with a blindfold and reached to pull it up so he could look at his eyes. “Did you cut out his eyes or something?”

  Seth slapped his hand. “No peeking! And he can see just fine.”


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