The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore Page 185

by Garrett, Wade H.

  Kenneth pulled up to some double doors. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. Now go check it out. If it’s clear, open the doors so I can drive in.”

  “Okay, you fucking grouch.” Barry entered the barn. A few minutes later, he opened the doors and motioned for Kenneth to pull in.

  Kenneth parked inside, then reclined his seat back to get comfortable. Barry knocked on the window. “Hey!”

  Kenneth rolled it down. “What?”

  “Aren’t you going to help me unload?”

  “No. This is your deal. I’m going to sit my ass in the AC and take a nap.”

  “At least turn off your truck so I don’t have to breathe carbon monoxide.”

  “I’m not sweating, so deal with it.”

  “You need to do your part.”

  “I did, back at the fucking pawn shop.”

  “How long are you going to cry about that?”

  “Until you pay me back.”

  Barry popped off as he walked away. “When Hell freezes over.”

  Kenneth yelled out the window. “What was that?”

  “I said if that appeases you.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Kenneth started to roll up his window, but paused. “Oh yeah. Seth said to read the files on those assholes so you know what they did.”

  “Alright.” Barry dragged the three men out of the truck and dropped them on the dirt floor. Two of the men were younger white dudes, around mid-twenties, and they were both stocky with short haircuts. They were wearing shorts and hoodies. An odd combination, Barry thought. The other man was an older Mexican that appeared to be around fifty. He looked like Geraldo Rivera with his salt and pepper hair and thick mustache. He was wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt that read Free Mustache Rides. He opened the file to see what each had done. The Hispanic man was Jose Perez. A three-time convicted child molester who had a thing for young boys. The younger two, Daniel Ruston and George Peterson, happened to be friends. They served five-years in the pen for beating a fifteen-year-old with Down syndrome. They did it just out of meanness. Barry now understood why Seth wanted their files reviewed before the fun began. He removed their clothes, secured their hands behind their backs and tied their legs together.

  He approached Jose and stripped him down. Then he hung two sections of rope from the ceiling ten-feet apart, tied them to Jose’s ankles, and then hoisted him up in the air to where his head hung just a few inches off the ground. The ropes pulled apart his legs into a spread-eagle position.

  He tried to wake them up, but they were in a deep state of unconsciousness. He knocked on Kenneth’s window.

  He sighed and rolled it down. “Now what?”

  “I can’t get them to wake up.”

  “That’s because Joe gave them a horse tranquilizer.” He dug through a paper bag, pulling out a syringe and vile, and offered them to Barry. “I think this will reverse the effects of it.”

  Barry read the vile. “Yohimbine. You sure this will work?”

  “Joe said it would.”

  Barry returned to the men and injected them with the drug. George awoke first, and being a little dazed, tried to focus on Barry’s face. “Where am I?” At that exact moment, he realized he was tied up. “What the fuck is going on?”

  Barry stood next to him in a menacing posture. “You’re having a nightmare.”

  He was confused as he looked around. “What? No. I’m awake.” He glanced at himself trying to get oriented and suddenly discovered his nakedness. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Daniel opened his eyes to the sound of George’s raised voice and started freaking out. “Why am I tied up?”

  George nodded towards Barry. “This weirdo kidnapped us.”

  “Kidnapped us?” Daniel glared at Barry. “What the fuck, dude?”

  Barry put his finger to his lips. “Shhh.”

  “Don’t shush me, you sick fuck!”

  “You better watch your tongue, asshole!”

  “Fuck you! I’ll rip off your fucking head and shove it up your ass!”

  “I’ll remember you said that.”

  “You don’t fucking scare me!”

  Jose had awoken. “Hey! What the fuck is going on? Why am I hanging upside-down?”

  Barry strutted over to him. “I’m glad you could join us.”

  “What the fuck, man? Are you fucking crazy or something? Why are you doing this?”

  “Because you like to fuck little boys.”

  He started jerking and wrenching at his restraints. “Who in the fuck do you think you’re talking to? I’ll cut out your fucking guts!”

  “Don’t be so aggressive. I have a surprise planned just for you. Something that will make your wildest fantasies come true.”

  “You better let me down, motherfucker!”

  Barry held up a reciprocating saw, showing him the sixteen-inch-long blade that was attached to it. “Let me know if this hurts.” He started cutting into his body between his left leg and balls, shredding through his muscles and hipbone. The blade was long enough that it stuck out the backside of him, slicing through his left butt cheek. Within seconds, Jose passed out. Barry knocked on Kenneth’s window. “Hey!”

  Kenneth, sound asleep, startled awake yelling, “Get the fuck away from me!”

  Barry knocked on the window again. “Hey! It’s me!”

  He glared at him as he rolled it down. “What?

  “Who were you yelling at?”

  “I was dreaming.”

  “About what?”

  “I was being chased by something that was screaming at me.”

  Barry laughed. “You heard Jose screaming and it entered your dream.”

  “Try to keep it down.”

  “Really? How in the fuck am I supposed to do that?”

  “Tape his mouth shut or something.”

  “Maybe you should use some earplugs. Or turn on the radio.”

  He rolled up his window, then turned on the radio.

  Barry knocked on the window. “Hey! What are you doing?”

  He huffed and rolled it down again. “Why do you keep bothering me?”

  “Do you have any of that Party-Time shit that Seth uses to keep someone awake?”

  He dug through a duffle bag and located a bottle of the concoction. Kenneth shoved it at Barry. “Don’t bother me anymore.”

  Jose awoke within seconds after Barry injected him with Party-Time. Blood streamed along his body from the cut between his legs all the way to his head. He started freaking out. “You’re right! You’re right! I am a pervert! I’ll do whatever you want if you don’t hurt me anymore!”

  Barry shoved the blade back into the wound. Jose violently flopped around and screamed as Barry mutilated his body. He stopped cutting him when the blade was even with his bellybutton. From there, he carved across his lower abdomen, then brought the blade out from between his right leg and balls. When he was done, he pulled the large slab of flesh from his body. It contained his penis, balls and anus. He dropped it on the floor and reached for a portable torch kit to cauterize the edges from where it had been excised to stop the hemorrhaging. Blood, feces and urine were pouring out of the huge hole between his legs, covering his body in a blanket of filth and muck. He had endured so much pain that he passed out again, even with the administration of Seth’s concoction. Barry cut his ropes, allowing Jose’s body to plunge to the floor, then sauntered over to Daniel and George. “I hear y’all like beating up retards.”

  They were horrified and frantic after witnessing the brutality Barry had inflicted upon Jose. George spoke first. “Hey, man! I’ll do whatever you want if you don’t hurt me.”

  Daniel grimaced in terror. “Me too!”

  Barry decided to mess with them. “Eat each other’s asshole and I might show a little mercy.”

  Daniel frowned from the disgust rising up in him. “What? You’re joking, right?”

  “ATM or get what Jose got. And I’m not giving you another warning.”

  George glowered at Daniel as they recognized they didn’t have a choice. “Just do it.”

  He shook his head. “You go first.”

  “No way. You go first.”

  Barry picked up the saw. “I guess I’m going first.”

  Daniel scooted, like a slug going to dinner, towards George since his arms and legs were tied up. “Okay! I’m doing it! I’ll go first!”

  George rolled onto his stomach so Daniel could crawl on top of his legs. Daniel felt nauseous as he stared at George’s anus. “Oh my God! This is disgusting.”

  Barry revved the saw.

  “I’m doing it!” Daniel closed his eyes, then started lightly licking around the outside of George’s anus with just the tip of his tongue. Barry put his foot on the back of his head, shoving it tightly between George’s ass cheeks. “Don’t beat around the bush. Get in there.”

  Daniel was horrified to find himself licking his friend’s butthole.

  “Don’t lick on it. Eat the motherfucker.”

  He started gagging as he shoved his tongue inside the warm anus. George’s face was red from embarrassment as he pouted at Barry. “This is humiliating. Can we stop?”

  “Not until you both eat each other’s asshole.” Barry spied Jose stirring around. He walked over to him. “You ready for your surprise?”

  Jose started scooting across the floor. “Stay away from me.” His intestines were unraveling out of the large hole between his legs and he left a trail of blood and feces as he scuttled as far from Barry as he could get

  Barry grabbed him by the hair of his head and dragged him back. He showed him the section of bloody flesh that he had cut from him. “There’s your surprise.”

  Because Jose had passed out before Barry removed it from his body, he was ignorant of the fact that it was from him. All he knew was Barry had cut him with the saw. He was confused as he looked at the bloody piece of meat on the floor. It looked like a large brisket with sections of skin and hair. The part with the skin revealed male genitalia. The rest of it looked like bloody meat with severed veins, tendons and bones hanging from it. He assumed it was from an animal, so he didn’t think anything of it. He was more concerned about the damage Barry had done to him. He tried to sit up so he could see, but flopped back from the sharp pain shooting through his abdomen. “Oh fuck! What have you done to me?”

  “I made you a surprise.”

  “Why do you keep saying that? I don’t understand what’s going on!”

  Barry was standing over him with a smirk.

  “Why are you staring at me like that, you creepy fuck?”

  “Don’t call me that, asshole!” He kicked him in the side.

  “I don’t even know who you are! Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Because you like to fuck little boys.”

  “You must have me mixed up with someone else!”

  “I don’t think so, Mr. Mustache Ride.” Barry cut his arms loose. “Now get to suckin’ your dick.”

  “Suck what?”

  “Your dick. And since it’s flaccid, it’s about the size of a kid’s dick, so you should enjoy it.”

  “I don’t understand. I can’t reach my penis.”

  “Sure, you can. It’s right in front of you.”

  He looked at the slab of meat for a moment, then reached down to his groin now that his hands were free. A petrifying sensation of terror completely overtook him when he discovered nothing remained but a gaping hole. “Oh fuck! What have you done?”

  Barry grabbed a sledgehammer from the truck. “I’m not telling you again to suck your dick.”

  Jose growled with fury. “You fucking destroyed my body, you sick fuck!” He started crawling towards him. “I’m going to fucking kill you!”

  Barry slammed the hammer down on his right foot, shattering bones and crushing flesh. “Do it, asshole!”

  Jose screamed. “Fuck you!”

  Barry crushed his other foot. “I’m not stopping until you do it!”

  He raised his hands. “Okay, okay! I’ll do it! Stop hitting me!” He laid back breathing heavily and emitting agonizing moans.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “I’m in pain! Give me a minute!”

  “I’m going to make you think pain if you don’t get your ass moving.”

  “Please show a little mercy. I’ll do….”

  Barry whacked the sledgehammer on his knee, crushing the joint. Jose screamed as he crawled over to the slab of flesh. He knew Barry would continue hurting him until he did it. He was in so much agony that he didn’t give it a second thought as he started sucking on his penis.

  “Don’t suck on it like a pacifier. I want you to pull back on it until it pops from your mouth.”

  Jose did what he was told. He held a suction on his penis as he drew his head back. After his flaccid penis stretched a few inches, it popped from his mouth.

  “That’s it. You got the hang of it. Now keep doing it.”

  He had to hold the slab of bloody flesh on the ground as he sucked on his penis.

  “And while you’re at it, finger your asshole.”

  Jose was livid as he shoved a finger into his anus. He was so incensed all he could focus on was getting revenge.

  Barry laughed. “That kind of looks like you’re playing with one of those silicone sex toys.”

  “You’re going to pay for this, you sick fuck!”

  “Why are you so upset? I thought you liked sucking on little ding-dongs.”

  “You’re going to burn in Hell for this, you demented motherfucker!”

  “You just need to worry about pleasuring yourself.”

  “Fuck you!”

  Penis Snorkel

  Barry went over to George and Daniel to check on their progress. “How are my two faggots doin’?”

  Daniel looked at Barry as George licked his anus. “Hey, man. We’ll do whatever you want, as long as you don’t hurt us.”

  “Don’t start whining.”

  “I’m not. I’m just letting you know you don’t have to get all crazy like you did with that other dude.”

  “Crazy? Fuck you! I’ll show you crazy!”

  George looked up. “You don’t have to be like that. We’re doing what you want.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “I’m eating his ass. Just like you wanted.”

  Barry picked up the sledgehammer.

  George was confused. “Hold up! You don’t have to use that! I’m doing what you asked!”

  Barry nodded towards Daniel’s buttocks. “If you are, then why can I still see his pucker hole?”

  He was worried Barry was going to hit him. “I don’t understand what you want me to do?”

  “Eat it.”

  “I have been.”

  “No, I mean eat it for real.”

  “I don’t know what that means? Is it something gay dudes do?”

  “Maybe gay serial killers.”

  He was even more confused. “What?”

  “I want you to literally eat his ass.”

  “You mean like nibble on it or something?”

  Barry’s level of frustration increased exponentially. “No! I want you to sink your fucking teeth into his ass and rip a piece out, chew it up, swallow it, then bite off another piece, and so on. You know, like the directions on shampoo: wet, lather, rinse and repeat.”

  George looked at him like he was crazy. “You’re fucking nuts! There’s no way we’re doing that!”

  Daniel couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He rolled onto his back. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you fucking insane?”

  Barry launched sledgehammer into Daniel’s crotch, smashing his penis and shattering the front of his pelvis. The impact knocked a large crater in him for the sledgehammer to burrow into, causing the head to barely stick out of his body. Daniel wailed for a few seconds, passing out midscream. Barry pulled out the hammer and looked at George in amazement. “Check that shit out. It caved in his fuckin’ dick.”
  George was petrified. “Oh fuck! Please don’t hit me with that! I’ll do whatever you want! I swear.”

  He lowered the hammer. “I’m make a deal with you. If you do everything I tell you, I won’t hurt you.”

  He was relieved. “Oh my God! Thank you!”

  Barry was stoked that George feared him. He rolled Daniel’s unconscious body over. “Get to butt divin’.”

  George didn’t say a word as he shoved his face between Daniel’s ass cheeks and started biting into his anus. He was terrified that Barry would use the sledgehammer on him if he refused.

  “That’s right. Treat that fucker like a buffet.” Barry wanted Daniel to feel his ass being torn apart, so he injected him with Seth’s concoction. Within seconds, he was screaming and violently flopping around. Barry cut George’s hands loose. “Hold him down while you toss his salad!”

  George showed no mercy as he ravaged Daniel’s anus. All he could think about was surviving. Daniel was thrashing around so much that George had to hold onto his ass cheeks to keep him from wrenching away. In fact, he was grasping him so tightly that his fingers tore into his flesh.

  Barry noticed Daniel had a big hole between his butt cheeks. “George! Shove your head up his ass.”

  He looked up at him. His face covered in blood and feces. “What?”

  “I want to see if you can get your entire head in his ass.”


  “First off, because I told you to. Secondly, because that fucker told me he was going to shove my head up my ass.”

  “Don’t make me pay for that.”

  “Would you rather have his head up your ass?”

  “No.” He tried to fit his head in, but the hole was too small. “It’s not big enough.”

  “Then stretch the fucker out.”

  George started pulling on the hole with his hands, stretching and tearing it as much as possible. The pain was so intense that Daniel was on the verge of passing out. He had screamed so much he was now hoarse as he lay moaning and writhing in agony.

  “Let’s see if that made a difference.”

  He tried again, but his head still wouldn’t fit. “Please don’t get mad! I’m trying!”

  “Let me try something.” Barry motioned for him to move out of the way, then started hitting Daniel’s waist with the sledgehammer, shattering his hips and breaking the rest of his pelvis. “Now you should be able to get in there.”


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