What has become clear since writing this novel is that while some of the attacks, such as the ones on Brussels airport and metro in March 2017, have been the work of organised terror cells, most have been carried out by individuals inspired by, rather than connected to, so-called Islamic State. That's not to a say an Omar doesn't exist out there right now. In some form or other, he almost certainly does.
In the months between being accepted for publication and the final edit I have been able to include references to Nice and other atrocities, as well as other fast-moving world events that made 2016/17 such a difficult year in which to write a geopolitical thriller that referenced real-world events – Brexit, for example, or the unexpected election of Donald Trump. Many would have advised me not to, to keep such references vague, or to leave them out altogether. But if nothing else, they may provide a snapshot of these turbulent times.
I would like to thank here my friend Q, for his original idea, his sagacious editing, encouragement and constant badgering for more chapters; my wife Lizzie for her support and putting up with my absent presence as I dreamt up the latest twist in the plot; Ken Cowley and my sister Harriett Gilbert for reading the final manuscript and pointing out errors, omissions and inconsistencies before kindly saying that they enjoyed it. I hope you did too.
Gerard Gilbert, 19 May 2017
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