Beyond The Frontier (United Star Systems Book 2)

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Beyond The Frontier (United Star Systems Book 2) Page 1

by J Malcolm Patrick

  Beyond the Frontier

  Book two in the United Star Systems series

  J. Malcolm Patrick

  © 2017

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  For my family and all their patience while I lock myself away in solitude. For Joshua, who keeps daddy company even when daddy is grumpy.

  Books in this series

  Border Worlds

  Beyond the Frontier

  Unite the Frontier (November 15th, 2017)


  Chapter 1 - Constellation

  Chapter 2 – We’re Going In

  Chapter 3 – Dark Dreams

  Chapter 4 – Horsing Around

  Chapter 5 – You Were Never Alone

  Chapter 6 – The Box

  Chapter 7 – Outer Rim

  Chapter 8 – A Good Crew

  Chapter 9 – Shame

  Chapter 10 – Unspoken Rules

  Chapter 11 – My Favorite Table

  Chapter 12 – Heart of a Lion

  Chapter 13 – Twenty Fifth Century Mr. Rogers

  Chapter 14 – Resist

  Chapter 15 – Stick To Flying

  Chapter 16 – Not Just Jarheads

  Chapter 17 – No Love Lost

  Chapter 18 – No Quarter

  Chapter 19 – That Looks Painful

  Chapter 20 – The Man

  Chapter 21 – Special Crew

  Chapter 22 – Saddle Up

  Chapter 23 – Good Odds For Any Marine

  Chapter 24 – Light ‘Em Up

  Chapter 25 – All You Have Left

  Chapter 26 – No Giant Too Large

  Chapter 27 – I’m Taking You Home

  Chapter 28 – Hold A Little Longer

  Chapter 29 – Incoming

  Chapter 30 – For Yuri

  Chapter 31 – They’re Ours Now

  Chapter 32 – All You Have Left

  Chapter 33 – And Onward To Great Glory

  Chapter 1 - Constellation

  “There are so many small colonies declaring independence and forming new alliances—grand in name mostly” – Commander Avery Alvarez

  Interstellar Space

  2.3 light-years from Terran Union Territory

  United Star Systems Covert Operations Ship: Endeavor

  September, 2475

  One week had passed since the United Fleet deep-space survey vessel Constellation vanished. The missing ship had been investigating an unusual concentration of exotic matter detected near the Terran Union—a small enclave which shared a spatial border with the United Star Systems.

  A preliminary report dispatched by the survey ship, raised hopes it had discovered another powerful source of exotic matter—a source pivotal for advanced starship construction and design.

  That was the final transmission received from Constellation.

  Commander Avery “Vee” Alvarez sat at his workstation in his sparsely decorated ready room. He’d only just returned to United Fleet Headquarters from another covert assignment, when Fleet Admiral John Shepherd, the Supreme Commander (SC) of the United Star Systems Fleet (USSF), dumped this new mission on him. The urgency of the mission forced Avery to depart without delay. There was no time to visit his former captain, Aaron Rayne.

  Avery tossed his handheld on the desk. His eyelids weighed a ton. He wished Aaron was here. It just didn’t feel the same without his friend. Aaron had sustained a serious injury on their last mission, and he still lay comatose in a hospital bed back at USSF headquarters orbiting Earth.

  In many ways, Avery’s ready-room reflected how he felt—empty. The bulkheads were barren, and the space cramped. There hadn’t been time to grab any of his belongings. Avery had taken command of the Endeavor-class ship—the first of her class commissioned a month earlier—and constant assignments kept him busy.

  And being busy gave him less time to think about the battle of Atlas Prime. When the United Fleet engaged the Baridian Empire Navy at Atlas Prime, he was certain there’d be no turning back, that war would ruin both of them. That was until Aaron Rayne blasted his way aboard the Imperial flagship to save the one man who could prevent the war—Quintus Scipio, Lord Commander of the Baridian Imperial Navy.

  And at great cost to himself, Aaron had succeeded.

  Not long after the battle, the Supreme Commander promoted Avery and gave him a commission. Command was something that never interested him. Although, it was a privilege to command a new starship, he’d prefer to be aboard Phoenix as its XO, with Aaron as captain. Somehow, guiding the strong-willed force of nature that was Aaron Rayne seemed to be his calling. Although there had been no change in his condition, there was still hope for his former captain. Doctor Tanner toiled to develop a treatment to repair the neurological damage caused by the energy weapon.

  Avery worried the doctor wasn’t getting enough sleep, he stalked the corridors of the space station looking like a zombie.

  The only positive out of everything was his new ship. Endeavor was a smaller version of Phoenix, the prototype starship they’d used to infiltrate the Border Worlds.

  In wartime, the Fleet would classify Endeavor a frigate, but during peacetime, the USSF officially referred to all its ships as starships. The Fleet preferred the image of an interstellar, peacekeeping, and humanitarian armada—with teeth. Like Phoenix, Endeavor was a product of Shepherd’s top-secret project to build a new generation of starships.

  There were only a handful in service, and the advanced technologies involved required the harnessing and refinement of exotic matter. A stable resource found so far in only one star system within the United Systems.

  The dark-matter reactor powered the ship’s advanced defensive and offensive systems, and infused ordinary projectile slugs with exotic energy, creating gravitic charges for the ship’s kinetic barrier. Higher warp-factors were also made possible by the new reactor technology, in addition to a strengthened armor plating matrix.

  The new havoc missiles had miniature versions of advanced warp drives powered by dark matter, which propelled them just shy of light speed. It was the main reason they were so expensive to create.

  The missiles were in high demand and supply was short.

  Endeavor and Phoenix both possessed a fusion reactor also. The fusion reactor powered the sub-light drives and other ship systems, and the dark-matter reactor powered the experimental technologies.

  Based on the successful tests so far, particularly in combat, the SC might soon consider deploying the technologies across a wider shipbuilding program.

  A low, beeping sound interrupted his thoughts. It was the intercom. “Commander. O’Brian here. You’re needed on the bridge.”

  His thoughts drifted too far when he was by himself.

  “On my way, XO.”


  Avery entered the bridge as the general quarters alert blared. He moved to stand next to his XO, Lieutenant Marla O’Brian, who was leaning over Ensign Richards, Endeavor’s tactical officer.

  Avery liked that about his XO, she got very involved in everything, but she had to be careful she didn’t crowd the crew.


  O’Brian gestured to the tactical screen.

  “Commander,” she began. “That Terran Union destroyer we monitored earlier has transitioned from warp. We were told the Union called off their search for the Constellation a few days ago after coming up emp
ty. However, since the spatial anomalies have manifested again…”

  “They’re here to investigate,” Avery finished.

  “That’s our conclusion, sir.”

  Avery nodded and moved towards the command chair at the center of the small bridge. “What’s our status?”

  O’Brian moved to stand beside him.

  “Stealth systems are functioning within normal parameters,” she said. “Heat sink at fifty percent capacity. Estimate another six hours before we have to dump our excess heat. However, if we adjust to emergency power only, we can extend that timeline to eighteen hours should the need arise.”

  Such an anomaly could be a source of exotic matter. The Union had discovered a potential goldmine and was probably curious whether it was stable.

  The Terran Union was a small enclave and the Union Navy ship didn’t pose a threat. Their capital planet Lumia was a tech-4 world, and they had a few smaller tech-2 and tech-3 colonies, spread across three star systems.

  By interstellar law, the sovereign territory of a space-nation extended twelve light-years beyond their nearest colony. The area of space where Constellation disappeared was just over two light-years outside that stipulation—14.3 light-years from Lumia.

  He didn’t want to provoke the Union ship. For now, it was best to remain undetected, and observe and report…unless an unforeseen event demanded another course of action.

  Avery wasn’t even sure what such an event might be.

  “Commander,” Richards called from tactical. “Those other two deep space contacts we monitored have changed course. They’re headed this way.”

  Unsure or not, he would soon find out.


  An hour later the two newcomers transitioned from warp and revealed themselves.

  Richards called out the new arrivals. “First contact, Imperial Hemiola-class destroyer. Designation: Pilum. Second contact, class unknown, configuration and power signature doesn’t match any known starships.”

  It wasn’t surprising the Empire wanted to know what was happening out here, but Pilum didn’t worry him at all. Her commander was an acquaintance, so that was comforting. But this unknown ship’s proximity to the area where Constellation had disappeared concerned him. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had encountered an unknown starship configuration. It might be a new class of warship built by one of the other enclaves.

  Avery took a deep breath. “This encounter has moved into the realm of strange. Let’s transition to the local sector before there’s any tension, or before we create it by our sudden appearance. Wiggins,” Avery said to the helmsman. “Execute a short warp transition from our current position, a respectable distance from the other ships present. XO, resume normal ship operations to coincide with our arrival, and dump our heat before we transition to warp.”

  Endeavor possessed advanced stealth capabilities and the other ships hadn’t yet detected her. Avery used the warp transition to give the appearance they’d just arrived as well. The crew acknowledged and Endeavor was now in position.

  It didn’t take long to get a reaction.

  “Commander, incoming hail from Pilum.”

  “Acknowledge and signal image transmission.”

  The viewer lit up with the face of Sub-Commander Arias Decimus.

  “It is my honor to once again have the opportunity to speak with you, Avery Alvarez. Might I be of any assistance?”

  Avery forced his eyebrows to stay straight. Assistance? Despite no further hostilities with the Baridian Empire since the battle of Atlas Prime—the two enclaves weren’t exactly interstellar best friends. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know how the Empire knew he was in command of Endeavor.

  “Assistance? We’re performing a survey of this area. I’m sure you’ve detected the anomalous readings by now.”

  “Indeed we have. We were also made aware of the disappearance of your survey ship and would like to offer our assistance in your search for the vessel.”

  Avery’s eyes narrowed. Who had made the Imperials aware of it? Although Decimus offered a noble reason for their presence, it didn’t mean he was completely genuine. There was no doubt the Imperial Sub-Commander would aid with any rescue operation, but anything the Empire learned from what happened here was undoubtedly their primary objective.

  “Your offer of aid is gladly accepted, Decimus, should we need it. I don’t anticipate such an eventuality at this time. However, we most assuredly would summon you if we did.”

  “Very well, Avery. Pilum will move to observe and stand by from a distance, should you require our aid. Pilum out.”

  To an unknowing eavesdropper it might seem like an ordinary exchange. Basically, Avery had told Decimus, you’re not needed or really wanted, please leave. Decimus had conveyed that he was here to stay, regardless of Avery’s misgivings—but wouldn’t be provocative.

  Avery turned to see O’Brian eyeing him—in a way that looked like she was trying her best not to.

  “I’ll fill you in later, XO.”

  She nodded, but her look of curiosity didn’t fade.

  Decimus was something equivalent to an adjutant in the Imperial Navy. He was a loyal officer to the Imperial Navy’s Lord Commander Quintus Scipio.

  The same Lord Commander who Avery and Aaron had rescued from Imperials bent on murdering him during the battle of Atlas Prime. By extension, they’d also saved Decimus.

  The latter was grateful to them for saving his Lord Commander. Decimus later told them he owed them both a debt. But it didn’t mean the Imperial Commander would place himself at Avery’s disposal.

  “The Union ship is broadcasting on open frequencies, sir.”

  Avery nodded and the Union vessel’s captain appeared on the holo-viewer.

  “To all ships: this is the Union Navy vessel Ardent, Commander Navi Gaess commanding. You are operating close to Union territory, state your intentions.”

  “This is Alvarez, Commanding United Fleet ship, Endeavor. We are engaged in search and rescue operations.”

  The next transmission came from the unknown ship. “This is the Outer Rim Alliance warship Avenger. We are engaged in scientific studies of phenomena in this sector. Respect interstellar law—do not engage in provocative actions. There will be no further communications.”

  Avery shook his head. He wasn’t aware such an alliance existed. But the snarky communication was the perfect example of how not to introduce yourself to the interstellar community. And their sudden appearance, both in time and proximity to the current sector was suspect.

  In any case, secrecy would gain them nothing. The survey ship wasn’t part of any clandestine operation.

  “Commander Gaess, this is Alvarez Commanding United Fleet ship Endeavor. I extend greetings to you from the United Star Systems. Our enclaves enjoy friendly relations and plentiful trade, despite past tensions. You are no doubt aware, a United Fleet survey ship disappeared here three weeks ago, and we are attempting to ascertain its fate. Would you be able to provide any information which could be of assistance?”

  “Commander Alvarez, your greeting is acknowledged and reciprocated. Since being informed of your missing ship by your leadership, we scoured this area for two days only calling off the search less than twenty-four hours ago. There is no trace of any ship or corresponding debris. While we monitored a ship operating in this area, we cannot confirm whether this was the Constellation or another ship. We’ve found no indications your survey ship encountered any . . . trouble. I understand your desire to continue the investigation. We will provide the Union sensor logs obtained during our sensor sweep, for your own analysis.”

  Avery glanced at O’Brian who nodded in return. “Your offer is appreciated, Commander Gaess, and we are ready to receive the transmission. Once we have analyzed the logs ourselves, we will determine our future action. However, as ships do not routinely disappear—without a trace—you should be concerned yourself to some degree given the proximity to Lumia.”

  “The trans
mission will be ready shortly. We indeed share your concern,” there was a distinct pause before the Union commander continued. “Commander, the Baridian ship has not responded. Given your renewed diplomatic ties, please warn them against taking any provocative actions. We will be watching.”

  “Thank you. We will relay your message.”

  The communication ended. Avery nodded to the XO, indicating she forward the request made by the Union Captain.

  A minute later she responded. “Message relayed, sir,” she said. “Regarding the Union captain, I detected nothing but sincerity, if a little anxiety at our proximity to their border. If they had anything to do with Constellation’s disappearance, he certainly doesn’t seem aware of it.”

  “This was my assessment as well, XO. The mystery of Constellation is complicated by the fact that there’s no emergency log buoy. No burst transmission. No debris within the area it could have traversed, given the elapsed time. Even if she had left the area immediately after its last known transmission.”

  A burst transmission was sent manually by a ship’s crew, containing the logs, location, and condition of the vessel. The computer could also send such a transmission if it detected the crew was incapacitated, and the ship’s condition is such that its destruction was imminent.

  Essentially, Constellation had simply vanished.

  “XO, just to be thorough, let’s analyze the Union logs ourselves. We’ve been here a few hours already. I’m certain we’ll find they match our scans of the sector.”

  “Aye, sir, I’ll work with ops in case there’s anything in there which might go over my head.” She turned back to the holo-viewer. “What about the Outer Rim ship?”

  Avery rubbed the back of his head. What about them indeed? “There are so many small colonies declaring independence and forming new alliances—grand in name, mostly. I’m not surprised we haven’t heard of them.”

  O’Brian nodded, looking up from her terminal. “Even with our access to USSI databases I haven’t been able to come up with a reference. What if the Mercenary Coalition decided to declare themselves independent? Perhaps they now fancy themselves this ‘Outer Rim Alliance’.”


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