Eagles of the Sky; Or, With Jack Ralston Along the Air Lanes

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Eagles of the Sky; Or, With Jack Ralston Along the Air Lanes Page 23

by Ambrose Newcomb



  In good time they reached the narrow point on the animal trail whichmarked the scene of their adventure with the rattlesnake. Perk, wishingto be prepared for anything that might greet them, had picked up a stoutcudgel with which he believed he could give a good account of himselfshould the occasion arise.

  But they passed the place and he was beginning to breathe easier when hewas thrilled by a brisk and ominous sound from just ahead. InstinctivelyPerk clutched his chum by the arm and dragged him back a pace althoughthis was really unnecessary, since Jack had stopped walking at the sameinstant as Perk.

  "Gosh all hemlock!" broke out Perk, "what d'ye think o' that--jestawaitin' round for us to come along--what a 'commodatin' little pet heis!"

  Jack could see the suggestive bulk of the coiled snake lying on thepath, with scant room on either side for them to pass--oozy depths ofthe swamp on one side and an angry rattler on the other.

  "Just blocks our game whichever way you choose to look at it," chuckledJack with a shrug. "If we were monkeys, we could shin up a tree andclimb over to that other one beyond, but since we're neither simians norfox squirrels, we'll have to settle this thing some other way. Drop thatclub, brother--it's too short for this business by three feet. To tryand use it on that chap you'd have to step up within range of his springand before you could get in your lick it'd all be over."

  "Jest as you say, partner," remarked Perk, throwing the stocky clubaway. "Wait up for me, Jack, an' don't let him skin out till I get back.I saw a stick just back a bit that ought to fill the bill okay."

  Jack stood on guard and waited but not for long, since Perk speedilyrejoined him, carrying a pole about eight feet in length and stout inproportion.

  "Careful how you work it," advised Jack, who would rather have done thejob himself but knew he would not be allowed by the ambitious one.

  As Perk slowly advanced, waving his pole, the coiled serpent displayedsigns of redoubled anger--louder buzzed his rattle while he drew backhis flat head as though in readiness for action.

  "Hold it there, buddy!" snapped Jack. "Now get a firm grip on your poleand draw back for a vicious rap--you've got to get him square in themiddle and follow it up with more whacks in a big hurry. Don't step anycloser whatever you do. Now, give him fits, Perk!"

  This the other proceeded to do with might and main. The sprightly buzzsuddenly ceased as the great folds of the monster began to squirm andwrithe--Perk lifted his pole and put in another blow for good measure.

  "Huh!--guess now he's got his for keeps," gasped the victor in thesingular duel as he managed to get in a third and deciding stroke thatcrushed the flat head of the reptile and forever ended its capacity forbusiness.

  They were soon bending over the still squirming snake, Perk eagerlymeasuring its length by footing it off and announcing it to be just oneinch over five feet.

  "Gimme just a minute so's to whip off that bully rattle, partner," hewas saying as he produced a big pocketknife and opened its large blade."I want it to show if any guy ever questions the truth o' my yarn 'boutthese here Florida rattlers. There you are, an' now I'm ready to moveon. But we got to keep our eyes peeled, 'cause I been told thesecritters nearly allers have a mate somewhere near by. An' I'm meanin' tohang on to this bully pole, since we got to come back this way more'n afew times, seems like."

  Nothing else cropped up to disturb their peace of mind and in due timethe pair arrived at the secluded lagoon where they had left theiraircraft so artfully concealed. Apparently nothing had happened in thisquarter since they started forth on their mission, and yet what strangethings had they not seen inside those few hours.

  "Seems like supper'd come in fair good jest new," Perk remarked afterthey had climbed carefully aboard and were once more comfortably seatedin their accustomed places, "but sorry to say it's bound to be only a'pology for real grub--dry fare and never even a drop o' water to washit down with." And he emitted a disgusted grunt, as if to display aproper amount of displeasure over the doleful fact.

  "I noticed a well of some sort just back of that shack," remarked Jackas if he too, shared in this moan over the absence of drinking water."When we go back we'll try and snatch a drink apiece so as to take therusty feeling out of our throats. Until then we'll have to put up withit, partner."

  Necessity knows no law and so Perk was compelled to grin and bear it.Just the same, as they were munching their simple fare,--and little ofthat in the bargain--Jack could hear him muttering to himself andchuckling from time to time as though he managed to squeeze more or lesspleasure in simply mulling over a multitude of his favorite dishes untilone would have imagined it was a waiter in a cheap eating joint down onthe Bowery enumerating what the house offered for dinner--_a la_ O.Henry.

  Later on Perk gave signs of being what he called dopey, whereupon Jackasked whether he felt inclined to start out again or should it be leftto just one of them--meaning himself, of course,--to undertake thefurther job of spying.

  "Not much you don't monopolize the fun," Perk told him point blank. "I'mbound to step along with you even if there'd be a legion o' themrattlebugs lyin' in the trail awaitin' to sting us. When I get startedon anything I gen'rally keeps right on with it, even if I have to wadethrough hell-fire. An' that goes, partner, see?"

  "I knew you'd say that, brother," Jack assured him, seeing Perk act asthough hurt by the insinuation that anything would tempt him to let hispal meet the danger alone. "If you feel a bit empty down below, just rubyour tummy briskly, then pull in your belt a notch or two and it'll makeyou imagine you're full-up to the brim. I'll be ready to start offinside another ten minutes."

  Jack spent most of this time rummaging around in the locker where hekept his own personal belongings. Perk knew when he got out that littlebut valuable hand flashlight, by means of which they expected to be ableto keep on the winding and narrow trail when heading once more towardthe lonesome coquina shack on the border of the great inland sea.

  "But I'm up in the air when it comes to knowin' what else he's stuck inhis pockets," Perk told himself, though somehow he managed to refrainfrom asking questions nor did Jack seem anxious to enter into anyexplanations.

  "We'll leave things here all fixed so as to make a quick take-off," waswhat the chief pilot remarked as they prepared to step ashore and whilehe did not see fit to offer any explanation with regard to just what hehad in mind, Perk felt thrilled to believe there was already some daringplan taking form in his comrade's wide-awake brain that might be carriedout if only the conditions seemed favorable, and the weather provedconsiderate.

  As they walked slowly along Jack kept frequently snapping his light onand off so that they could take an instantaneous inventory of what layjust beyond their feet for the night proved exceedingly dark althoughall that would be changed after a while, when the late moon climbed intosight.

  Perk, just as he promised himself, had made certain to pick up thatserviceable pole with which he had dispatched the rattlesnake and thishe kept poking out ahead, as if to stir up any lurking reptile thatmight be lying coiled in the path.

  His nervousness increased as they drew near the spot where the one-sidedfight had taken place. He had apparently been brooding over the matter,wondering if the mate of his victim could have come upon the scene ofthe tragedy and sensing what had happened, was lurking thereabouts, benton exacting a terrible revenge in payment for the untimely demise of herpartner.

  When he felt certain they had passed this particular narrow part of thetrail, Perk began to breathe easier, but he soon had reason to fear lesthe was crowing too soon for just then he felt Jack buck up against himand heard him saying in a low but distinct voice:

  "Hold up and listen, partner!"


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