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Cadence Page 13

by J. M. Nevins

  He shifted in his chair. The last thing he had wanted to do at lunch was upset her. He hoped she would take the time to hear him out. He met her eyes. “Diamond Pictures. Lew feels it’s time for me to make the transition. You can’t say that you haven’t heard about this before.”

  Kit sat back and surveyed him. “I remember Lew making mention, I just didn’t take it seriously or guess that it would be so soon.” Now her racing thoughts were going in a million different directions.

  She reminded herself to take a breath and focus. “Where is Lew going? He’s currently CEO of Diamond Pictures.”

  He cast his eyes down to avoid her seeing right through him. “My dad is taking a more passive role as chairman.” He finally looked up. “It’s a good thing. He’s got more power in that position. My brother has been getting a little crazy on the board lately talking about letting Majestic acquire us. Since he’s a majority share, my dad wanted to do something about it.”

  He surveyed her closely. This was the point in the conversation that he wanted to avoid, yet knew he couldn’t. While Kit was technically an employee of Diamond Entertainment and one of their top executives at Diamond Records, she had become extended family with the Diamond brood.

  He considered her to be like a sister. She was present for all major holidays. She was invited to family only parties. He knew he couldn’t keep this from her. He also knew she’d hold it in the utmost confidence. He was concerned about the emotional impact it would have on her and seeing as she was recovering, he didn’t want to stir the pot, but it was time to come clean.

  He let out a long sigh. “Between you and me, Dad had a mild heart attack two days after you were rushed to the hospital. His blood pressure is way too high. He needs to step down from an active position. Diamond Pictures is ten times more stressful than Diamond Records. His health is suffering. And let’s be honest, he’s not exactly a spring chicken. We didn’t want to tell you… well… for obvious reasons. You’re recovering too.”

  Kit did her best to remain calm, but her emotions were bubbling to the surface. Lew was like a father to her and had a lot to do with her success in the industry as a whole.

  She met Jonathan’s eyes that were shrouded with concern. “I’m so sorry to hear this, Jon. Did this happen after he visited me or…”

  Jonathan met her eyes. “Within twenty-four hours of him visiting you. Kit, you did not cause this. Please do not go there. He was under a tremendous amount of stress with some bullshit with my brother, a merger and trying to wrangle all that on his own. I think seeing what happened to you added to his stress. It was not the cause, though, so let that go.”

  Jonathan nodded. “Y’know he thinks of you as one of his own.”

  She nodded solemnly, doing her best to hold back tears. She met Jonathan’s eyes. “And I think of him like a father and my mentor. He took me under his wing from the very beginning… almost from the moment I met him.”

  She sighed. “It’s so important that he take care of himself. Is there anything I can do?”

  Jonathan shook his head. “No, not at the moment. You get to focus on getting healthy yourself. Technically you’re still on medical leave.”

  She smirked. “I think my doctor may clear me to work part-time as soon as next week.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, and that’s not gonna fly. Kit, there is no such thing as working part-time in this industry—you know that. Don’t give me a load of bullshit!”

  They erupted into laughter. She enjoyed spending time with Jonathan. He had become one of her favorite colleagues. They thought alike on their strategies and had a nice camaraderie that wasn’t easy to find in the industry.

  He smiled and then it faded quickly. “Seriously, there are some things to discuss, one of which probably won’t make you very happy.”

  She already knew where he was going with the conversation. She took a sip of her water and looked at him. “Flat 5.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. You’ve heard the rumors then.”

  She sat back in her chair. “Yes, I have. Things are very strained with GT right now. Considering they’re the anchor for Flat 5…”

  He sighed. “Yeah, I feel you. Without GT, Flat 5 can’t exist. It’s floundering right now even with GT’s support. The imprint has suffered a massive budget cut. There really aren’t any A&R reps on it which explains why it’s not flourishing.”

  She interjected. “And normally that would have been me in there as a default growing the imprint.”

  He nodded. “Exactly. I hate to tell you this, Kit, but Flat 5 is on the chopping block. It doesn’t look like it will make it past the budget approval for the next quarter. Budgets get approved in two weeks.”

  He continued, regretfully. “I’ve reviewed the numbers and unfortunately, you don’t have a leg to stand on. Unless you have something really compelling to offer, it’s going to be difficult for me to go to the board and rally for you.”

  He wagged his finger at her. “And before you go getting some crazy ideas about showing up at the board meeting and staking a claim, we have to honor your medical leave. Seriously, it’s no joke Kit. You almost died and you had a miscarriage. Stay the fuck away from corporate and I mean that lovingly. Take up knitting or basket weaving or something.” He couldn’t stifle his chuckle.

  She giggled, shook her head and couldn’t hold back her sarcasm. “Uh-huh. Basket-weaving is at the top of my list.”

  Once again, she was reminded of how everything was shifting in her life. A deep realization hit her that life is always changing. Things rarely stay the same and if they appear to, it’s just an illusion. There’s always a nuance of shifting energy that’s taking place, one that she had never paid much attention to until now. She chuckled to herself thinking that her new found mediation practice was working.


  After a momentary lapse into her spinning thoughts, Kit shifted back to being present in the conversation with Jonathan over lunch. She surveyed him and respected the way he was handling this. He was doing his job as a good CEO. She would have made the same tough calls herself if she were in his shoes.

  She felt disappointed that her label, Flat 5, was getting the wrecking ball, but knew he had a valid point. She didn’t have it in her to resurrect it. It was neither the time nor the place. So much had changed within her. It was time to let go.

  She gulped. “Ok. What do you need me to do to relinquish it back to Diamond?”

  He watched her carefully and felt like the bad guy. He felt like the big brother that just took away her favorite toy and instead of her screaming and throwing a temper tantrum, she was calm, peaceful and accepting.

  He shook his head. “Kit, this sucks. You know this sucks and I hate doing this, right?”

  She chuckled. “Yes, I do know that, Jon. And I agree that it sucks. I would be doing the same thing if I were in your shoes. You have my word. I willingly let it go, just tell me what I need to do.”

  He went into detail of the procedures that were to come and the paperwork she would be signing the following week that would be messengered over to her house. He then smiled. “Now for the good news. I get to recommend my replacement. The board has required I have a short list of three candidates for CEO. They’ve all been vetted. You are my top candidate. You’re my frontrunner. If you want it.”

  The smile was slow to spread across her face, yet in a knee jerk reaction, she found herself blurting out, “Yes, I want it,” without taking much time to consider what she was jumping into. The moment the words left her lips, she felt her stomach knot up, twisting and turning, raising guttural red flags that immediately elevated her anxiety and startled her.

  She laughed nervously and continued seeing that Jonathan was eagerly awaiting her next question. “When does the position start?”

  She desperately wanted to deflect the conversation now, feeling suffocated and very confused as to why her intuition was negatively heightened over a discussion of her being the CEO of Diamond Records. It�
��s what she had been aiming for since she landed in L.A. Even Joe had seen it in her future.

  She urgently found a suitable direction change. “You didn’t mention when you’re making the move over to Diamond Pictures.”

  He took a sip of his water. “Q1. This is contingent on things staying as proposed. Like you mentioned, there are rumors.”

  She nodded. “Q1 makes sense. That gives you roughly two quarters to tie things up and transition. Makes sense. So are these the rumors of Diamond Entertainment being acquired by Majestic? How would that work?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t exactly know, but there are bigger fish than us in this industry and they could acquire us and absorb it with no problems. It would be a massive buy out.”

  She frowned. “But I thought Lew said he would never sell.”

  Jonathan shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows. Chris has been in his ear a lot lately. I don’t know what that’s about. There have been offers over the last few months. Little nibbles. Chris has more controlling shares than me in the company. In a shareholder vote, he and my dad have more weight than me and my dad.”

  Kit chuckled. “How the hell did that happen?”

  Jonathan rolled his eyes. “He’s ten years older than me. He’s technically my step-brother. His mom was Lew’s first wife, not Sherri, who you know and who’s my mom. His first wife died in childbirth. He raised Chris with nannies for several years and then he met my mom and she stepped in as his new mom.

  He surveyed the room before continuing. “Chris has his own finance company. Out of grad school he worked at Goldman Sachs for eight years. You knew that, didn’t you? Hell, his finance company puts up serious cash for Diamond Pictures. He moves a lot of capital for both entities. His company goes out on the limb for us quite a bit.”

  He paused and took a sip of his water. “That being said, he is a king asshole and his net worth is ten times what mine is, but I respect him. He has helped my dad make a lot of money with this company being structured properly and doing highly strategic investments, mergers and acquisitions in the right timing, previously. Diamond Entertainment wouldn’t be a quarter of its size if he hadn’t stepped in. He just doesn’t have much of a heart or one iota of creativity. He’s a money and power hungry hard facts, logical to a fault, numbers guy. Anyway, with my dad heading into chairman position, they’re really crunching numbers and Chris is getting aggressive.”

  Jonathan was about to continue when the hostess approached and brought the phone to the table, indicating that he had a call. He exchanged a look with Kit and took the receiver.

  Kit watched him carefully, noticing an immediate shift in his demeanor from normal to uneasy. He wiped his brow and closed his eyes, shaking his head. He rested his forehead on his thumb and forefinger speaking in hushed tones that were inaudible to Kit. The only phrase she heard was “how much?”

  He hung up and seconds later, the hostess appeared removing the phone from their table. He forced a grin. “Sorry.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Are you ok, Jon? You don’t look so good.”

  He let out a long sigh. He shifted in his seat and met her eyes. “C’mon, let’s go. I’ve already paid the check. I’ll tell you in the car, away from ears. This town talks and this is one of those restaurants where there could be someone lurking, just waiting.”

  She nodded and moments later, the valet had retrieved Jonathan’s Mercedes S-Class. They both remained silent as he made his way back up to Kit’s estate.

  Once settled in her entertainment room, scotch in hand as prepared by Ariana the moment they arrived at Kit’s immediate instruction, he took a sip and looked at her. “This cannot leave this room. At least, not yet.”

  She nodded. “Of course. Jonathan this isn’t the first time we’ve traded secrets. My assistant is out to lunch and my housekeeper is sworn to secrecy. You’re safe.” She patted his knee. “What’s up?”

  He swallowed hard. “I may lose almost everything.”

  Kit was taken aback as her eyes widened. “What? Why? How?” To break the tension, she joked. “Loan shark? Gambling debt? Too much late night Pai Gow Poker in some seedy backstreet boiler room with your fellow Skull and Bones pals from undergrad?”

  He looked at her and burst out laughing thoroughly enjoying her Ivy League humor. He then gently shoved her. “That was good. Thanks, Kit, I needed that.”

  The light-hearted moment then faded as his stark reality overshadowed his thoughts. He sighed and met her kind green eyes. “It’s nothing like that. I actually kind of wish it was that simple. That would be easier to handle. I’m getting a divorce. I moved into my own place off of Sunset—Sierra Towers.”

  He shook his head. “Now Beth wants to sue me for everything and take my kids away from me. She’s saying I’m an unfit father because I work and travel too much. It’s totally bogus. I’m fucking screwed.”

  Kit let out a long sigh and thought about her own situation. It didn’t surprise her that Jonathan was in a similar position. They always seemed to run parallel to each other since they first met. She wanted to share her experience, but something in her wouldn’t budge. She remained tight-lipped and focused on him instead. “I’m so sorry to hear that Jon.”

  He chuckled and shook his head again. “Never doing that again. Shit. Next time I’ll have an iron clad prenup. If there is even a next time. Not so sure about that right now.”

  She grinned. “There will be, Jon. You’re a good guy and you’re on your way to being a film industry mogul. Find yourself some young, hottie starlet. Sweep her off her feet and then slap her with an iron-clad prenup.”

  He laughed loudly. “The quintessential Hollywood story.” He smiled. “You’re the best, Kit. You’re like the sister I always wanted and never got.”

  She giggled. “And you’re like the extra big brother I wish I would have had growing up who does a great job of keeping me in check. What can you say, we’re family. Two peas in a pod.”

  He nodded. “Agreed.” His face then grew serious. “Kitty, I know you’re dealing with a lot right now, but when you get back from Philly, make some time to go see my dad. Personally. Face to face.”

  She frowned. “Why the seriousness, Jon? I thought you said because he’s stepping down his health is improving.”

  He shook his head. “I dunno. Maybe I’m just paranoid. That’s what happens when you decide to take over a big motion picture studio, Kit. You start to lose it. Diamond Records was the warm up, Diamond Pictures is real deal and I’m feeling the crunch of the stress in this transition. It’s the crown jewel. It almost did my dad in. That’s why he stepped down.”

  She nodded. “Ok. I get it. You’re up for the job, Jon. It may be stressful, but I’m sure you’ll keep it running like a well-oiled machine.”

  He grinned. “Thanks for your vote of confidence. So tell me, Kit, how can we support you better in the organization? Before answering that question, I want you to take time and think about it carefully… from a different mindset… from that of a CEO.”

  She smiled. “I gotcha. I’ll contemplate it over the next week? Fair?”

  After a half hour, Jonathan set down his glass on the table and stood up. “Let’s give it two weeks and we’ll recap on what will work best for you in the CEO spot.”

  He glanced at the glass and then at Kit. “Thanks for the hospitality and letting me vent.”

  She nodded and got up to give him a quick embrace. “Anytime, bro.”

  He nodded. “I’ll see myself out. Take a load off and keep resting. Consider yourself briefed. No need for trolling the trades.” He wagged his finger. “No more work. Focus on recovering from your surgery and…” He paused and met her eyes. “Your broken heart. And don’t say you don’t have one ‘cuz that’s bullshit.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “I hear you. You’re right. Thanks, Jon. We’ll talk soon.”

  He nodded. “We will. Take good care, Kit.”

  Once he left, Kit burrowed into the larg
e sectional sofa and stared off into space. She wondered how her life had reached this point. Somehow when she saw herself leaving the east coast to move to L.A. she never envisioned this.

  Lila entered the room. “Kit, Chris Diamond on line one. He’s requesting a meeting with you later today. Are you feeling up to it?”

  Kit popped up from the couch. “Does he know I’m on medical leave?”

  She nodded. “That’s why he told me to ask you if you were up to it. Are you? Or would you prefer to schedule after you return from your trip?”

  Kit rolled her eyes. “Let’s do it. Set it for later this afternoon if you can. It would be great if he could come here. He’s not usually that accommodating though.”

  She nodded. “I’ll see what we can do.”

  * * *

  The housekeeper led Kit through the large Bel Air mansion to Lew’s vast, wood-paneled study. Jonathan had called his father and set off a chain reaction that led to Lew calling Kit and requesting a meeting the following day. Now, less than 24 hours after her disastrous meeting with Chris, she was meeting with Lew.

  He sat behind the desk looking haggard, his glasses balancing on the bridge of his nose as he examined a document. The notes of the classic 60’s song ‘Time of the Season,’ by The Zombies lilted through the air in the background. Upon seeing her in the doorway, his face lit up and he waved her in.

  He got up from behind the desk, grabbing a manila folder as he headed toward the other side of the room and motioned her to follow him. “C’mon in, kid, and have a seat. Let’s move over to the couches.”

  Kit met him over in the other half of the room where two rich, mahogany leather sofas faced each other. He leaned forward and gave her a warm embrace.

  He pulled back and searched her eyes. “I take it we’ve got some pretty big things to discuss today. Sure you’re up for it?”

  She chuckled hoping he couldn’t see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes of what was to come. She forced a grin. “Of course, Lew.”


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