Monday (Timeless #1)

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Monday (Timeless #1) Page 21

by E. L. Todd

  Fuck, she was sexy. She didn’t even need to try. She was naturally good at it. It wasn’t awkward or forced. She just knew what she was doing.

  Her hands moved over my chest as she started to ride me up and down. Her moans grew louder, and it was like I wasn’t even there sometimes. She was just enjoying herself.

  I didn’t mind at all.


  My hands squeezed her perky tits as she took me in and out. “Francesca…” I loved saying her name in bed. The simple action turned me on even more.

  She moved my hands down her waist then she groped her own tits in my face.

  Oh my fucking god.

  She squeezed her own nipples as she rocked her hips.

  She definitely watched porn.

  She continued to moan as she touched herself, giving me the best sex I’ve ever had.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I rolled her to the bed then moved between her legs. My hips thrust inside of her hard. She fucked me good but now I needed to fuck her back. I titled her hips and moved deep inside her, making her cry out with every thrust. Her hair stretched across the pillow and her green eyes were dark in pleasure.

  “Francesca…” I was having amazing sex with the one woman I actually cared about. Sometimes I wasn’t sure if the sex was good because she was just amazing, or if it was because she meant the world to me. Maybe it was both.

  She moved her hand up my chest then rested it on the skin over my heart. The touch was intimate in a way I couldn’t explain. Her fingers rested there, feeling my frantically beating heart. Her eyes were still locked to mine but her fingers explored me, touching the one area I thought was broken.

  Then she leaned forward and pressed her lips to the skin. The kiss was long and full, and possessed more love than I’d ever known in my life. The connection between us became ironclad. Now it was unbreakable, not that it wasn’t already. She just gave herself to me in a way she never had before.

  And I gave myself to her.


  “Which one do you like better?” Francesca stood behind the counter with the two trays of brownies in front of her.

  I shrugged. “They’re both great.”

  “No, you have to pick. Do you like the one with the M&M’s or the one with white chocolate?”

  “Honestly, they’re both delicious.”

  She glared at me. “I can’t have too many choices. Otherwise, it throws people off.”

  “Why do I have to be your guinea pig?”

  She put her hand on her hip. “You don’t like getting free brownies?”

  “I didn’t say that…but I’m not the best taste tester. Maybe you should go find some kids somewhere.”

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s a simple question.”

  “Then why don’t you answer it?”

  “Because I’m biased.”

  “In a good way,” I said. “You know this stuff better than I do.”

  She pressed her lips tightly together and glared at me. Instead of intimidating me, she just looked cute.

  “You’re the least threatening person I’ve ever met. You may as well save yourself some time.”

  Her face turned red like she was about to explode. “Why don’t you—”

  “The one with the M&M’s. Shit, can we move on now?”

  “Thank you.” She put the lids on each container.

  “Ask Marie to be your guinea pig next time.”

  “She’s obsessed with her figure.”

  What figure? She was skin and bones. “Where do you plan on opening The Muffin Girl?” She wasn’t really going to call it that, but I thought it was catchy.

  “I don’t know. It would be convenient to open it here, but I don’t think it’s the best location.”

  “Do you have another place in mind?”

  “Well, I think it would do really great in Manhattan. But…you know how difficult it is to get in there.”

  Manhattan? “It’s the most competitive city in the world, but if you have a good product, it’s the most lucrative place in the world.”

  “Well, my stuff is good, but I don’t think it’s that good.”

  “Yes, it is,” I said without hesitation.

  “You couldn’t even decide which brownie you liked more.”

  “Because they were both so good. You could make it in Manhattan if you tried. I know you could.”

  “Really?” Her confidence waned, and now she just looked scared.

  “I would never send you into a snake pit unless I knew you were ready for it.”

  She relaxed slightly.

  “You should do it,” I pressed.

  “It’d be so expensive…”

  “I could help you.”

  “Leasing space in Manhattan isn’t cheap.”

  I ignored the insult. “I’m aware of that. But by the time you get over there, I’ll already be working so I’ll have more cash.”

  Her eyes softened. “That’s very sweet of you, but I would never take your money.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because this is my dream and not yours. I’ll do it on my own.”

  Her obsessive need for independence was annoying sometimes. “You plan on getting a loan?”

  “Yeah. I also have everything my parents left me so that will help a lot. I won’t need to borrow that much money…but it would be a shame if I lost it all.”

  I didn’t even think about her inheritance.

  “And I’m sure Axel would give me his share if I promised to pay him back.”

  I knew he would give it to her even if she never paid it back.

  “It sounds like you have a plan.”

  “I guess so.” She stacked the containers on top of each other. “Would you move to New York?”

  I hadn’t told her about my job interviews because I assumed she would want to stay here. “Yes.”


  “It’s actually where I’ve always wanted to work.”

  “Oh…well that worked out.”

  “But I would have moved there anyway.” I would have moved anywhere to be with her.

  “Well, that was an easy conversation to have.” She returned to her perky self.

  “Axel has always wanted to live there too—for work.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. There’re far too many beautiful women there for him to stay away from.”

  I chuckled. “You’re right about that.”

  “Yaya might have to live with me for a while.”

  “She’d come too?” I asked in surprise.

  “Of course. I couldn’t leave her here. And she wouldn’t want to stay here.”

  That was nice of her. I wish my own mother would come with me. But that would never happen. Just the thought haunted me all over again. No matter what I did, I was doomed to suffer. Would I ever truly be happy? Would I ever get everything I wanted?

  Francesca watched my face, seeing my thoughts flash across my eyes like a TV screen. “It’s out of your hands, Hawke.”

  I turned my gaze away so she would stop reading my thoughts.

  She approached my chair and her hand moved to my shoulder. Her fingers rubbed the muscle in a loving way.

  “If I stay here, I’ll be miserable. I’ll take her calls and go to her rescue and see her in agony. My past will always chase me. But if I leave…I won’t be here to protect her. What kind of person would I be if I did that?” There wasn’t a straightforward answer, and I knew even Francesca wouldn’t have a solution.

  “You’ve done everything you can possibly do to save your mother. You’ve talked to her and gotten the police involved. Unfortunately, you can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped.” Her fingers moved to my hair. “You deserve the life you want, Hawke. Your mother would want you to be happy. Don’t let her hold you back.”

  “But what if something happens to her?”

  She released a deep breath like she was critically thinking about her response before she said it. “You
risk that anyway if you stay here. There will be a time when you’re too far away or she can’t get to the phone quick enough. I know this isn’t what you want to hear but…there’s nothing you can do.”

  The truth cut me to the bone. Being powerless to protect someone you loved was the worst feeling in the world. Sometimes I wished I could capture my mom and hide her away. But she would break free of my hold and just return to her tormentor.

  Francesca straddled my hips and pressed her forehead to mine. Her fingers continued to glide through my hair, and her chest was pressed to mine. “I wish I could fix this for you.”

  “I know…but you’ve fixed me.” I pulled her closer and pressed my face into her chest. Her smell washed over me, and it reminded me of beautiful nights between my sheets. My life had changed so much the moment I set eyes on her. I was so different I didn’t even recognize myself. She brought out the best in me and made me believe in myself. I wasn’t sure what I did to deserve her, but I wasn’t going to question it.

  “You fixed me too.”



  My business ethics class finally wrapped up and I walked out of the classroom quicker than a pilot being ejected from a plane. Now that I was in the middle of my last semester, my motivation to keep my grades up had plummeted. I didn’t care about business theory or business law.

  I just wanted to open up my bakery.

  “Hey, Frankie.”

  I turned to see Jason walking toward me. He and I went on a date a few months ago, but after we kissed, I realized it would never go anywhere. There was no spark between us, at least on my end. With Hawke, every kiss was the Fourth of July. With Jason, it was a candle flickering in the wind. “Hey. What’s up?” We had mutual friends so it wasn’t awkward.

  “How was class?”

  “Boring. I should have brought my pillow.”

  He laughed. “The teacher would never give you a recommendation after that.”

  “Like I want one anyway.”

  We headed down the path toward the parking lot. The weather was still cold but spring was coming. Flowers were emerging from the soil, and the leaves were turning green again.

  “What’s new with you?” He wore a red t-shirt that highlighted his wide chest. He had light brown hair and green eyes, and all the girls liked him. He was a good-looking guy. That’s why I went out with him in the first place. But there was nothing more than that.

  “Just school and work.”

  “How’s The Grind?”


  He laughed. “Should you bring a pillow there too?”

  “I totally would if I didn’t need to pay rent.”

  “Just sell your muffins, and you’ll get there in no time.”

  “That would be nice,” I said. “With a little stand outside my house.”

  “And I’ll sell some lemonade because I need gas money.”

  I laughed and kept walking.

  “You have plans tonight?” he asked.

  “Just working and studying.”

  “How about I come over and study with you?”

  I couldn’t tell if it was a friendly offer or if it was some kind of second date. It was hard to tell sometimes. “You’ll just distract me.”

  “Well, you need to eat sometime so how about I pick you up when you’re ready for a break?”

  So, it was a date. “Actually…I have a boyfriend.” I never mentioned this before because Jason and I didn’t talk one-on-one often.

  “You do?” He couldn’t hide the surprise in his voice. “Since when?”

  “It’s been going on for a few months.”

  Now he seemed more confused. “But we went out last month.”

  “Well…it’s complicated. We’d been talking for a few months and we got together right after our date.”

  “Oh.” He nodded slowly. “Who is he?”

  “His name is Hawke.” I tried not to smile too wide. “He’s my brother’s friend.”

  “Oh…” Disappointment came over his features.

  I felt bad for hurting him but I wasn’t going to hide Hawke. If some girl hit on him, he better tell them I was the only one occupying his bed. Otherwise, I’d tell her for him.

  “Well, I just realized I have to be somewhere.” He stopped walking and turned the opposite way. “I’ll see you around.” Without waiting for me to say goodbye, he disappeared.

  The end to our conversation was awkward and strained, but I left it alone. If I tried to make amends, it would probably just make it worse. I headed to my car then pulled out my phone.

  Whatcha doing, Grizzly?

  Just got out of the shower. What are you doing, Muffin?

  I was hoping for a quickie before work.

  He responded immediately. Then get your ass over here.


  “That’s awkward.” Marie wiped down the counter before she threw her rag in the bucket of sanitizer.

  “Yeah…really awkward.”

  “Well, why didn’t he ask you out again when he had the chance?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe Jason was dating another girl at the time. I’m not sure.”

  “He missed his chance. He’s really cute, but Hawke is way hotter.”


  Marie glanced at the time and sighed. “Why does that thing go so slow?”

  “Because our lives suck,” I snapped. “What’s new with you?”

  “Nothing really. Mike asked me out.”

  “Ooh…he’s cute.” He was Jason’s friend.

  “He is cute. I think I’ll go out with him and see where it goes. If not, he’s probably a good lay.”

  “Maybe.” It didn’t seem like anything happened with my brother so that was good news. “Axel hasn’t bothered you?”

  Her cheeks turned bright red.

  Gross. “I don’t want to hear about it.” I immediately held up my hand so she wouldn’t say anything.

  Marie kept smiling. “Calm down. I won’t say anything.”

  I shivered in disgust. Marie could do a lot better than my brother. Actually, everyone could do better than him.

  The doorbell rang overhead and Marie glanced toward the entrance. “Well…what do you know?”

  “Axel?” I peeked over the counter.


  Why was Jason here?

  “Maybe he’s here to win you over.” Marie chuckled lightly at her own joke.


  “Then why is he here?”

  That I didn’t know. Last time we spoke, it was awkward and tense. “Maybe he wants some coffee. We do sell that.”

  Marie rolled her eyes. “Don’t play stupid. We both know why he’s here.” She grabbed the rag then walked into the back, leaving me alone to man the counter.

  I sincerely hoped this was just a coincidence.

  “Hey.” Jason approached the counter wearing a gray sweater. “Saving the world one cup of coffee at a time?”

  “Something like that.” I tapped my fingers against the counter. “What can I get you?”

  He eyed the menu. “What do you recommend?”

  “I drink anything with caffeine.”

  “Well, that narrows it down…”

  I chuckled. “The caramel macchiato is popular.”

  “Too sweet.”

  I tried not to roll my eyes. “Then you decide.”

  “What’s something sweeter than black coffee but not as sweet as one of those blended drinks with whipped cream?”

  “Hmm…” I turned around and examined the menu.

  The bell rang over the door, but I was so used to the sound, I ignored it. “A coffee frappaccino maybe. It’s just blended coffee.”

  “I think you’re on to something…”

  I turned back to him. “You want that?”

  “Sure. No whip.”

  I made the note.

  “So, did you bring a pillow?”

  I laughed. “No. I forgot.”

��Well, I can always run out and get you one. A pink one or something.”

  “What makes you think I like pink?” It was such a stereotype.

  “Pretty girls like pink,” he said. “And you said you were working on a pink cupcake when we went on our date.”

  I totally forgot about that. “Oh yeah.”

  “How’d it turn out?”

  “Not sure…I ate it pretty fast.”

  He chuckled. “Not sure where you put it. You have the perfect body.”

  I rang him up because I didn’t like the direction of this conversation. “$3.45.”

  He handed me his card and I swiped it. “When are you off?”

  “Not until nine.” I handed him the coffee.

  “I’ll see you later, Frankie.”

  “Bye, Jason.”

  He grabbed his coffee and walked out.

  That was weird. Our last conversation was awkward but then he walked in here like nothing happened. Talk about whiplash. “I can help who’s next.” I closed the drawer and looked up.

  Hawke stood in front of me. And he looked pissed.

  Oh shit.

  His eyes were as black as coal, and his shoulders were swollen with blood and muscle. He had the same look on his face a bear had before they attacked. His mouth was pressed tightly together but it was clear he wanted to scream at me.

  He must have overheard the conversation.

  He stared at me in silence.

  I held his gaze and tried not to crumble out of fear. I always held myself upright and didn’t cower away, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t scared from time to time.

  “Friend of yours?” His voice was full of condescension.

  “He’s a mutual friend.”

  “That you dated?”

  Yep. He heard the conversation. “It was a long time ago…”

  “Then why the fuck is he in here?” He was about to blow.

  “We’re still friends.”

  “Friends that flirt?”

  Now I got angry. “I wasn’t flirting. He knows I have a boyfriend.”

  “Yet, he comes in here just to talk to you?”

  “I have no control over what he does.” I tried to keep my voice down but I was struggling. “Now isn’t the time to have this conversation.”

  “Would you rather talk about pillows and pink cupcakes?” He was out of his mind in anger.


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