Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1)

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Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1) Page 1

by Sarah Bailey

  Demon’s Destiny

  After Dark

  Book 1

  Sarah Bailey

  Demon’s Destiny Copyright © 2018 by Sarah Bailey

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Please note the spelling throughout is British English.

  Cover Art by Christian Bentulan

  Published by Twisted Tree Publications

  [email protected]

  After Dark Series

  Demon’s Destiny

  Vampire’s Kiss – July 2018

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  You will also receive a free bonus chapter from Demon’s Destiny when you sign up.

  For my husband

  The journey to become an author was peppered with challenges

  You gave me the strength to carry on


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three



  Coming Soon

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  The cold bit into Ella’s skin. She’d been out with her best friend, Daisy, and it was late. She was desperate to get back to her flat and warm her hands up. Music rang in her ears from the open doorway of a pub as several people streamed out into the night. A couple of them stumbled, laughing in their drunken state.

  She turned into an alleyway. A sense of unease pricked the skin on the back of her neck. She glanced around, but she was alone. The glow of the streetlights barely penetrated the alleyway as she walked further in. She heard the scuffle of footsteps behind her and almost froze.

  “Hey, lady,” a gruff voice sounded from behind her.

  A chill ran down her spine. She stopped, immediately knowing it was a mistake. Turning slowly, she found four men behind her. There was something strange about them, almost as if they did not belong in this world. It stabbed at her senses. They were wrong.

  “Look what we have here, boys.”

  The smile on the man’s face was deadly and his eyes gleamed. Their colour unnatural. Red.

  “All alone, are we?” the blonde haired one asked.

  “What do you want?” Ella said.

  “Come closer, little lady. Maybe you’ll find out.”

  His friends had the same unnatural eye colour. They weren’t human. Her chest constricted, and her hands shook. She took a step back.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” the tallest one asked.

  “I don’t want any trouble.”

  She put her hands up to attempt to placate them.

  “You hear that? She doesn’t want any trouble.”

  The other men laughed. The hair rose on the back of her neck at the sound. She didn’t like the way they leered at her, their gaze predatory. I need to get away from them.

  She turned and ran further into the alley, towards the lights at the other end and skidded to a halt when two of the men appeared in front of her out of nowhere.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” one of them growled at her.

  His eyes glowed with menace as he advanced on her. She tried to back away, but she bumped into a broad chest behind her. She yelped and jumped to the side.


  She put her hands up again as she backed herself into the wall. The tall one snarled and stalked towards her.

  “We’re going to have fun with you.”

  “Please. Don’t.”

  He gripped her arm and tugged Ella toward him.

  “You’re a pretty one.” His tongue darted out and licked her cheek. “And tasty too.”

  She shuddered, nausea coiling in her stomach.

  “Let go of me!”

  She tried to pull herself out of his grasp, but he held on tight.

  “I like it when they fight back.”

  She trembled as his eyes glowed dark red. What were these men?

  “Please.” Her voice came out in a hushed whisper.

  The man ran his hand down her face and gripped her throat.

  His skin was hot. Too hot.

  It hit her again.

  They were not human.

  He pressed her into the wall. His breath tickled her face as he smiled at her.

  “I’m going to enjoy making you scream.”

  There was a grunt behind them. A yelp and a horrible crunching sound followed. What was that? The sounds of a scuffle and more crunching and ripping noises echoed down the alley. She tried to see beyond the man crowding her face, but she couldn’t see.

  The man began to turn his head before he was sent flying through the air, smacking into the wall on the other side. Her knees threatened to buckle. She put her hands against the wall to steady herself. She blinked several times before her mouth fell open in horror.

  There was a tall man standing in the alley with her. He tore the man who wasn’t human limb from limb. She flinched at the sound his flesh made as his head detached from his body. Chunks of flesh and skin littered the ground around the stranger’s feet.

  He threw down the body. He gripped the head by the dead man’s hair. The expression of surprise still on his face as black blood dripped from his neck.

  She wanted to scream, but she remained frozen with shock. Her eyes sought out her rescuer and her breath hitched.

  He was handsome, devastatingly so. Black hair, shaved at the sides and longer on top, which looked a little dishevelled. Dark, almost black eyes bored holes into her own blue ones. She almost wanted to compare him to a Greek God.

  Her mouth went dry.

  “Are you all right?” he asked with a deep, sultry voice that sent a shiver down her spine.

  She couldn’t speak. This strange man had just ripped four men to pieces in front of her eyes. She shook her head. He dropped the decapitated head, which rolled away and hit the wall, the face now hidden. He took a step towards her.

  “Did they hurt you?”

  She shook her head again. She felt a little shaken, but he’d stepped in just in time before they had a chance to do her real harm.

  “What are they? What are you?” The words tumbled out as she regained her voice.

  His lip quirked up at the side in amusement.

  “I could ask the same of you.”

  “What do you mean?” What does he know? She shivered. “I’m human.”

  “If you say so.”

  He continued to look amused. Her hackles rose a little. Those four guys had almost assaulted her and here was her rescuer asking if she was rea
lly human when it was clear he wasn’t.

  “Answer my question,” she said with more conviction than she felt.

  He smiled. Her breath caught in her throat. His smile accentuated his beauty. Heat flooded her features. She shouldn’t be thinking about that.

  “They were demons.”

  “And you?”

  “A demon also.”

  She stared at him in disbelief.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Demons didn’t exist. Did they? Was this guy actually crazy or am I hearing things again?

  “I love a good joke, but alas, now is not the time for one.”

  He still looked amused. She narrowed her eyes at him as he took another step towards her.

  “Why would you kill them if you’re a demon too?”

  She indicated the scattered body parts.

  “They were drawing too much attention.”

  His dark eyes watched her carefully. She tried to shrink back further, but her body was already flush with the wall.

  “That explains nothing.”

  “These idiots escaped Hell to cause trouble. Think of me as the clean up team.”

  She frowned. He wasn’t making any sense, but nothing about this situation made any sense.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Hell doesn’t need its minions up here on Earth causing havoc. It draws too much attention.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “And a thank you wouldn’t go amiss. I did just prevent your untimely death.”

  She sucked in a breath. She hadn’t known it was their intention to kill her.

  “Did you think they would use you and leave you? That’s rather naïve.”

  “How was I to know? I’ve never met a demon before!” Irritation flared inside her. “Are you going to kill me?”

  He chuckled which only annoyed her further.

  “I have no interest in senseless slaughter.”

  “But you just killed four men.”

  “They weren’t men.”


  He smiled at her again. She was still wary, but she didn’t think he was a danger to her. She gritted her teeth.

  “Thank you.”

  “Was that so hard?”

  His eyebrow quirked up and she shook her head.

  “We should leave,” he said.


  What is this we? She wasn’t planning on going anywhere with him.

  “It’s not safe to stay out in the open.”

  “What about them?”

  He wasn’t just going to leave the body parts scattered around, was he?

  She looked closer at the ground. The bodies were dissolving into black goo on the pavement. She shuddered, a little revolted by the sight. As if it hadn’t been bad enough she’d seen him tear the head off a man.

  No. Not a man. A demon.


  She raised her eyes to the demon again. He watched her with the same expression of amusement as before.


  He put his hand out. She took a shaky step towards him. Her legs were like jelly. He closed the distance between them and took her hand, steadying her. A jolt ran up her arm at his touch. He looked down at their entwined fingers with a frown for a moment.

  Had he felt that too?

  His hand was very warm. She found it strangely comforting in the cold night air. He guided her down the alleyway and they reached a street full of houses.

  “I live close by.”

  She wasn’t sure why she’d told him, but somehow, she felt safe in his presence. That was unnerving in itself.

  He said nothing as she led him down the street and into the next. A large block of flats loomed above them. She tried to tug her hand out of his as she moved towards the door. He held on and followed her.

  “Thank you for saving me, but I can take it from here.”

  He chuckled.

  “We aren’t done talking.”

  “I don’t even know you. Why would I let you into my flat?”

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  His eyes darkened. She shivered. It was cold. She wanted to reach the sanctuary of her warm bed. But clearly, this man, demon, whatever he was, wasn’t going to let her go that easily.


  She punched in the code and the door buzzed. She pulled it open and he followed her inside. Three flights of stairs later, she unlocked the door to her small studio flat. She moved into the room and unbuttoned her coat. She eyed the demon as he looked around the room with interest.

  A curtain, currently drawn back, separated her bed from the small living room area. Thank god I made the bed this morning. There was a small kitchenette in the corner and the door to the bathroom.

  She noticed his eyes darken a little as they looked over her bed for a moment before they came to rest on her. She hung her coat up on the hook behind the front door along with her scarf.

  The demon looked over her appreciatively. She was uncomfortable by his perusal and heat flooded her cheeks.

  “If you’re quite done with your inspection,” she said.

  His lip quirked up at the side. She wanted to wipe that smile off his face. She decided it was very irritating. No, it was driving her to distraction. His smile made him seem more human, somehow.

  “What is your name?”


  Her full name was Eleanor, but she hated it. No one called her that anymore. Not since she was a little girl.

  “I’m Lukas.”

  “What did you want to talk about?”

  She sighed as she sat on the arm of her small sofa. He didn’t move to sit down.

  “What are you?”

  “I told you. I’m human.”

  “Don’t play the fool. You are not just a human.”

  “And how would you know?”

  “Those demons didn’t target you for no reason. They knew you were different. I know you’re different. I can feel it coming off you in waves.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. He wasn’t wrong, but she wasn’t about to spill her secrets to a stranger.

  “I’m just a plain human.”

  His eyes darkened and narrowed.

  She took the time to look at him closely now they were no longer in darkness. He was still breathtaking. His hair looked tousled. She had to fight the urge to go over to him and smooth it down. He might be devastatingly attractive, but he was a demon.

  She was aware there were things in this world that went bump in the night. It was part of what made Ella different. She could sense things others couldn’t and, occasionally, she could hear others’ thoughts. It had been something she’d kept hidden her whole life.

  “Keeping it from me will not end well, Ella.”

  His voice shook her from her thoughts. The way he said her name sent a shiver down her spine. He moved with grace as he stalked over to her. He sat down next to her, his face far too close as he leant towards her.

  “Tell me what you are.”

  His breath fanned across her cheek as he stared at her. Her eyes flicked down to his lips. A heady wave of desire drove through her. His mouth arched into a smile. Her cheeks stained red. She wasn’t sure why she was drawn to him, but she did. There was something about the darkly handsome demon in front of her. She wanted to trust him.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered.

  It was the truth. She didn’t have a clue what she was. Only that something about her was different.

  His eyes moved towards her mouth. A tingling sensation started in her stomach and wove its way down. She couldn’t breathe. A part of her wanted him to close the distance between them. She shook herself internally. He was a demon.

  He stood up, pacing away. She felt the sudden loss keenly.

  “You don’t know?”

  His brow furrowed.

  “No. I’ve never told anyone.”

  She stood, walking a few steps towards the open curtain which separated her living spac
e from her bed.

  “You say you’re a demon. I’ll tell you if you show me.”

  She turned to him, her eyes trained on his handsome face. She had no idea why she’d said that. There was just something about him.

  “You wish me to prove to you what I am?”

  The intensity of his gaze caused the temperature to rise a few degrees. She could see the differences between them swirling around inside him. A red mist encompassed him. She hadn’t seen that colour before. It’s why she had not recognised what he was.

  The air around him seemed to shimmer. His eyes shifted. A red ring appeared around his pupil. His fingernails darkened and curved into black points. Horns sprouted from the top of his head, twisting around. Her eyes grew wide, hands trembling at her sides.

  He stalked towards her and she stumbled backwards into the wall as he crowded her personal space. Staring up into those red-ringed eyes, she felt as though she might combust. She should be scared, but she wasn’t. Even in this form, Lukas was still a sight to behold.

  His hand slammed against the wall above her.

  “Now, do you believe me?”

  Her pulse spiked. The urge to reach up and touch his horns threatened to overcome her.


  His lip curled back, exposing elongated canines, sharpened to points.


  Her hand reached out towards him. His eyes danced as they watched her movement.

  “Can I?”

  Curiosity had gotten the better of her. He gave her an almost imperceptible nod. Her fingers brushed his left horn and he closed his eyes, almost shuddering under her touch. It was hard and rough. The sensation almost too much for her to handle and she snatched her hand back.

  His otherworldly features faded and within a few minutes, his face was human again. His dark eyes caught hers. There was something akin to desire flickering in those depths.

  “Tell me what you are.”

  Chapter Two

  “I sense things that no one else can.”

  Ella’s hand came up to his chest to push Lukas away. He was too close.

  “I knew you weren’t of this world. I have encountered shifters and vampires, amongst other things. But never a demon.”


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