Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1)

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Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1) Page 3

by Sarah Bailey

  “Raquel, I would not ask if it wasn’t important.”

  She drummed her nails on the bar. The clacking sound making Ella’s hair stand up on end.

  “He is in Budapest. He won’t be returning anytime soon.”

  He frowned, but after a moment he stood and tugged Ella up with him. She stumbled into his side. A warm arm went around her.

  “Not staying for some fun?”

  Raquel watched her, eyes gleaming. She could’ve sworn the vampire licked her lips. She shrank further into Lukas’ arm, wrapping her own around his waist. He glanced at her with a smile. Those dark eyes held something that made her tremble.

  “Where’d you unearth this one? She’s a pretty little thing.”

  “She is mine.”

  “Easy, demon.”

  Lukas’ eyes narrowed. She fought the urge to pull away from him. What’s this about her being his?

  “She is not a plaything for your enjoyment.”

  Raquel chuckled. The noise made Ella shake harder. She was too scared to care that she appeared weak in front of this vampire and her demon protector. She’d never been around such dangerous creatures before. Not up close anyway.

  The purple mist around Raquel intensified.

  That was new. Her powers seemed to be growing.

  “She’s not entirely human.”

  He stiffened.

  “What’s it to you?”

  “Why nothing. I do not care which whores keep you company.”

  Raquel’s smile was deadly.

  “She is not a whore.”

  Ella stared up at Lukas. His eyes were so dark with anger she almost shrank away from him. But she knew it was not directed at her.

  “You care about this one.”

  Ella clamped her mouth shut on a retort. They had only met yesterday. He couldn’t care about her. Surely?

  “Thanks for the information.”

  He tugged Ella away.

  “Be careful with him, little girl. If you ever get bored of the demon, you know where to find me.”

  Ella was too afraid to turn back and look at the vampire. Lukas’ hand tightened around her waist, warning her not to engage.

  When they were outside, wrapped up in their coats, she rounded on him.

  “What the hell was that all about?”

  “Raquel is not someone to be trifled with.”

  “You mean ice bitch in there?”

  He chuckled and reached for her hand. She let him pull her away back out onto the busy street.

  “She is in charge of the vampires in the city and has her uses, but I have no wish for you to get on her bad side.”

  “Vampires are purple.”


  He looked down at her, startled.

  “The mist around them - I guess you could call it an aura - it’s purple. Shifters are different shades of yellow and orange, depending on their animal form.”

  “And me?”


  “I did wonder how you sensed the otherworld.”

  “It’s different now, more intense.”

  “Since last night?”

  She nodded. His hand tightened in hers.

  “Why did you tell her I was yours?”

  “She would see you as fair game if I didn’t stake a claim. It is how vampiric society works.”

  “But you’re not a vampire.”

  “Did you want to be toyed with by Raquel? By all means, I can take you back and tell her you’re interested.”

  She glared at him, but he is eyes were full of amusement.

  “Idiot,” she muttered under her breath.

  “You’ll thank me later for keeping you out of her clutches.”

  She wanted to pull her hand away, but she refrained. He still felt so warm and she didn’t want her fingers going numb in the cold air.

  “Where are we going now?”

  “I am taking you to dinner.”


  “I need to make arrangements.”

  So, it had nothing to do with her needs. She stifled a huff.

  Lukas was very confusing. He was all over her in the bar, but clearly, that had been an act. Now, it was back to business. But he was still holding her hand and running his thumb down hers in a soothing motion. It meant nothing, but something stirred in her as she glanced up at his profile. She was stuck with him whether or not she liked it. She was very much in danger of falling in deep with the handsome demon beside her.

  She tried not to tremble at the thought.


  “Eleanor Alicia Ward. You didn’t tell me Ella is a nickname. Just how old is this photo?”

  Ella tried to snatch her passport back from him, but Lukas held it out of her reach.

  “I don’t like Eleanor. I was twenty-one, six years ago. Please stop laughing.”

  He smiled at her, eyes gleaming but didn’t give it back. She slumped against the kitchen counter and folded her arms over her chest.

  “I didn’t give you that so you could make fun of me.”

  “I wasn’t. You look rather fetching.”

  She scowled. He was lying. She had an unfortunate haircut which had taken her months to grow out. Stupid hairdresser! It’d been cut with uneven layers and made her face look fat.

  “Ella, you’re beautiful. No one has a good passport photo.”

  Her heart stopped for the briefest of moments. Lukas thought she was beautiful. Her face flushed a deep shade of red.

  She turned away from him. He had a habit of flustering her. She didn’t want him thinking she was a stupid, scared, simpering girl. She wanted him to see her as a woman.

  As soon as the thought entered her head, she pushed it away. Lukas was a demon, not a man she should be lusting after. Yet lusting after him is exactly what she was doing.

  After dinner, he’d insisted on acquiring all her details. Bank account number, passport, etc. He’d told her now she worked for him, he would take care of everything. She didn’t really know what that meant, but she wasn’t going to argue about it if it got her paid.

  “Where are we going anyway?”

  “You heard Raquel.”


  He nodded as he tapped away on his phone. He handed her passport back to her when he finished and slipped his phone into his pocket.

  “Tomorrow afternoon.”


  “You’ll learn. I don’t hang around.”

  He ruffled her hair before he moved away towards the door.

  “Pack for a few days, warm clothes and something appropriate for a night out. I’ll be back in the morning.”


  She hurried over to him, looking up into his handsome face with wide eyes.

  “What’s so important about finding this Valehal person?”

  “He has something of my client’s. They want it back.”

  She couldn’t think of anything else to say. He brushed her cheek with his hand.

  “Get some sleep.”

  He turned and left. She watched the door for a moment. What had that been about?

  Shaking herself, she set about pulling out a small carry-on bag from under her bed. She packed as per his instructions and could only hope he’d approve of her choices.

  She’d rarely been abroad. It was quite exciting. They were going for work, but she hoped she would have some time to explore the city.

  When she finally got into bed, she remembered Daisy had texted her earlier.

  ‘Sorry, babe. Something came up. Can I pick them up on the door?’

  The reply was instant.

  ‘Sure. What’s up?’

  ‘I’ll call you tomorrow.’

  ‘Hope you’re okay!’

  ‘All good, don’t worry. Love you.’

  ‘Bitch, love you more.’

  She smiled. Daisy was a force of nature. She wasn’t sure how she would explain everything. She doubted Lukas would let her tell Daisy the truth. The poor girl would
n’t know what to do with the information anyway.

  How could she begin to explain she’d taken a job with Hell and that demons, vampires and shifters were real? Would Daisy even believe her? Especially when Ella wasn’t fully human herself.


  Lukas called for her at midday. Ella found her catching her breath every time she saw him. He was so damn handsome. He didn’t say much as they took a couple of tubes to Paddington and a train to Heathrow.

  As they sat in the airport, side by side, waiting for their gate announcement, she prodded his arm.

  “Are you going to be brooding all day?”

  He seemed startled, but he smiled at her.

  “I apologise. Have you been to Hungary before?”

  “No. Not left the UK since I was a teenager.”

  “Then I’ll have to show you the sights.”

  “Do we have time?”

  He slung an arm over the back of her seat, brushing his fingers along her shoulder.

  “I’ll make time.”

  She fought against the urge to lean into him. The warmth from his skin seeped through her jumper. It seemed demons ran hot.

  This was crazy. They’d met a couple of days ago. Now she was off to another country with him, chasing after god knows what.

  “Come on, the gate is showing.”

  He stood and put out his hand to her. She let him pull her up and didn’t let go. They walked to the gate together. Soon they were on the plane, sitting in business class, no less. She got comfortable, smiling at the small luxury.

  “Never flown business?”

  She shook her head. When she glanced down, he’d entwined his fingers with hers. Her hand shook a little. Why was he always touching her? Her eyes sought out his face, but he wasn’t looking at her. Busy concentrating on something on his phone. Back to being quiet.

  They talked about mundane things during the flight. He asked her about what type of TV shows she liked. She blushed. Her favourite show was Supernatural. The irony was not lost on her. A show that involved hunters and demons. He’d raised his eyebrow but made no further comment.

  When they finally touched down, night had fallen. They took a taxi from the airport. They were staying in a rather upmarket hotel.

  He opened the door with a key card. She looked around with interest. It was a large suite. When she spied only one bed, her eyes widened. She turned on the demon.

  “One bed?”

  Chapter Four

  “You have a problem with that?”


  Ella had no idea how to respond to that. She was definitely not okay with it, but how could she complain? She was here to do a job.

  “What if I did?”

  “I can get a separate room for you.”

  “No… that’s okay. I don’t want to be any trouble.”

  She had no idea why she’d said that. She wanted her own room. Staying with him wouldn’t help her with her ridiculous crush.

  “It’s no trouble.” He gave her a strange look. “Ella, I didn’t think. I usually take these trips by myself. I’ll sort something out.”

  He made a move towards the phone, but she reached out and stopped him.

  “No. It’s fine.”

  His eyes met hers with concern, but she smiled at him.

  “You’re not going to jump on me, are you?”

  He grinned.

  “Not if you don’t want me to.”

  She flushed, spluttering a little at his words. She most definitely wanted him to, but she wasn’t about to voice that wish aloud.

  “I’ll get some room service if you want to get comfortable.”

  She was glad at the change in conversation. He was only teasing her, but she didn’t want to think about how much she wanted him to touch her.

  “Okay, sure.”

  He moved away and picked up the menu, handing it to her. She asked him to get her a burger, fries and ice cream for dessert.

  “Should I get a bottle?”

  “Um… Okay. White. If it’s okay with you?”

  He nodded. She picked up her bag and took it into the bedroom. She pulled out her pyjamas and changed in the large bathroom. There was a big tub and she hoped she would have time to relax in it whilst they were here.

  Lukas had planted himself on the sofa when she came back out, his legs up on the coffee table. He handed her the remote when she sat by him. She flicked through the foreign channels until she found something English. It was a Christmas film with Hungarian subtitles. It was the beginning of December. He raised an eyebrow.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing. If that’s what you fancy.”

  It wasn’t long until there was a knock at the door, signalling room service. She ate with gusto. She sat back with her chocolate ice cream, closer to Lukas, legs curled underneath her.

  “Want some?” she asked.

  “Are you going to feed me?”

  She blushed, but she filled the spoon and raised it to his mouth. He opened it, his eyes on her the whole time, dark and seductive.



  She spooned some more into her own mouth.


  His eyes flickered in the dim light. The temperature rose between them. She scooped up another mouth full of ice cream. He moved towards her, stealing it off her spoon.

  “Hey!” she protested.

  He smiled at her. He took the spoon out of her hand and proceeded to feed her instead. The film was entirely forgotten as he looked at her with eyes burning with heat. She was about ready to combust under the intensity. He inched closer to her and took the bowl from her, placing it on the coffee table, picking up their wine glasses. He handed one to her and settled back down, slinging his arm over the back of the sofa before bringing it down on her shoulder, pulling her closer. She rested her head on his shoulder as they both turned their attention back to the TV.

  Her heart pounded erratically in her chest. She could’ve sworn he was going to kiss her. She had to remember they were here to do a job, not fall into bed together. Maybe he wasn’t even interested in her.

  No. She’d seen the way he looked at her. She was sure he desired her. She had no idea what to make of his behaviour. He blew hot and cold.

  She sipped her wine. He stroked her shoulder with his fingers. How could one simple touch from him send heat right to her core? She shifted, uncomfortably aware of his proximity. If he noticed it, he made no comment.

  When her eyes drooped, he insisted she got bed. She gratefully sank into the covers. Before she fell asleep, she remembered she hadn’t called Daisy. Shit. It would just have to wait until they got back to London.


  The next day, Lukas took her out after they had breakfast in their room. He bought tickets for the metro before they rode into the centre. She looked around at the beautiful architecture in awe. He linked hands with her again, pointing out landmarks as they strolled. He took her to the Central Market and she bought some chocolate to take home.

  “Have you sensed anything?” he asked.

  She glanced up at him as they walked through the city park, past a thermal bathhouse and the zoo.

  “A few creatures here and there.”

  “Valehal is a werefox.”

  “I haven’t encountered that before.”

  “I have an idea of where he’ll be.”

  “Why do you need me then?”

  “There will be others. I need to know what I’m up against.”

  She nodded. It made sense.

  “What did he take?”

  “A tie pin.”

  She stopped in her tracks, dragging him to a halt.

  “Are you seriously telling me we came all the way out here to retrieve a tie pin?”

  He shook his head, grinning.

  “It’s an artefact that allows the wearer to possess a certain charm.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He tugged her hand and she let him
pull her along.

  “They become irresistible to humans.”

  “If he has that, won’t it affect me?”

  “You aren’t fully human.”

  She scowled, not needing him to remind her. She wished she knew what she really was.

  “But if it’s as powerful as you say.”

  “It may draw you in, but it won’t be the same. Don’t worry, I’ll be with you. I won’t let him take you away.”

  It gave her some comfort.

  “Why would he need it?”

  “I think it’s more for Raquel’s benefit.”


  “They are lovers. I am sure he uses it to lure humans in for her.”

  Why would Raquel involve herself with a male shifter?

  “I thought Raquel was interested in women.”

  “She enjoys the company of both sexes.”

  She pondered on it for a moment. If Raquel and Valehal were lovers, then surely, she’d have informed the werefox of Lukas’ need to speak with him.

  “Won’t he know we’re coming?”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  She frowned. It seemed a little weird for Raquel to involve herself with a werefox if she was as powerful as Lukas said she was.

  “I didn’t think shifters and vampires were interested in each other.”

  “It’s not unheard of.”

  “Have you been with either?”

  She wasn’t sure why she’d asked that. He glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

  “No. Vampires are high maintenance. All that lust for blood and such.”

  “And shifters?”

  “Their dual nature makes them far too unpredictable.”

  “Are there other things in this world I don’t know about?”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know… Witches? Angels?”

  “Yes, and most definitely. But you wouldn’t catch me near them.”

  “No, I guess not. I wonder what colour their auras would be.”

  “Angels? White, I imagine.”

  They walked back towards the Metro. She glanced around as they crossed over the road. It was getting dark.

  “Are we going to find Valehal tonight?”

  “Yes. There’s a bar shifters frequent.”

  They took two metro lines back to their hotel.

  He told her to wear something nice. She’d teamed her dress with thick black tights to combat the cold and low-heeled boots.


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