Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1)

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Demon's Destiny (After Dark Book 1) Page 11

by Sarah Bailey

  “Oh, he’s fine all right.”


  She picked up one of the mugs and walked towards the bed. He cracked an eye open at her approach before he grinned. He sat up a little and she handed him the steaming mug.

  “Wait, is he there?”


  “Ooo, did he stay over?”

  “Um, yeah.”

  “Oh my god! You did it, didn’t you?”

  “That’s not what—”

  There was a loud screech. Ella held the phone away from her ear. He raised an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes which earned her a deep chuckle.

  She moved back towards the kitchen, picking up one of the plates of toast, waving it at him. Neither of them had eaten yet.

  “You have to give me all the details.”

  “What? No.”

  “Come on, Ella. I can’t remember the last time you hooked up with someone.”

  “It’s a little bit more than a hookup.”

  Lukas’ was in the middle of pulling on his boxers when his head turned slowly towards her. She’d been trying to keep her voice low, but clearly, he’d heard her.

  They hadn’t really had a proper talk about what they were to each other. She didn’t think what they’d said before they’d had sex counted as ‘the conversation’.

  “Yeah, he’s also the guy you quit your job for.”

  “Come on, Daisy, I told you he had nothing to do with that.”

  “Didn’t he?”

  “Look, it’s complicated, okay?”

  “No, not okay. What are you not telling me?”

  She sighed. Lukas was leaning against the kitchen counter, digging into his breakfast. Well, it was technically lunch.

  “Can you please just trust me on this?”

  There was a long silence on the end of the line. She edged towards him. His hand reached out, snagging her by the waist and pulling her into him.

  “I guess so.”

  Her face had got squished against his chest. She pulled away so she could answer her friend.

  “What’s up, anyway? Did you want something?”

  “Oh, yes! You’re coming out tonight.”

  She groaned. Going out with Daisy was not what she had in mind. She wanted to spend the rest of the day in bed with the man in front of her. She could feel the heat of his skin radiating against her.

  “Don’t groan, Ella. You can bring your man with you.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “There’s a new club I want to check out.”

  She absolutely hated going clubbing, but Daisy still dragged her out to them occasionally.

  “I’ll ask him.”

  Lukas looked down at her. She put her hand over the mouthpiece.

  “Daisy wants to go clubbing.”

  “That doesn’t seem like your scene.”

  “No, it’s not, but I go because it’s Daisy and I have a hard time saying no to her.”

  “We’ve got no further leads on the artefact at the moment. We can go.”

  “Oh, WE can, can we?”

  He smiled and shook his head with amusement. She took her hand off the phone.

  “Do you want to meet me here at eight then?”

  “Bitch, I’ll be there. Laters.”

  Daisy hung up and Ella placed the phone on the kitchen counter.

  “So, I’m not just a hookup, then?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ella bit her lip. She hadn’t wanted him to hear that part of her conversation with Daisy.

  “No. Is that what it is to you?”

  “Do you think I’d have spent the morning worshipping every inch of your body if it was just that?”

  He seemed amused by her question rather than annoyed. She snagged a piece of toast off the plate behind him and chewed on it thoughtfully.

  “Well, I don’t know. Is that what you do with the other women?

  He shook his head, his hands slipping down her back, curling around her behind as he pressed her into him. She could feel his arousal digging into her stomach. It made her face heat up.

  “There’s only you, Ella.”

  “For now.”

  “No.” He took the piece of toast out of her hand, placing it back on the plate. “Not just for now. You are all I want.”

  The words made her heart thump in her chest.

  “I was eating that.”

  She pointed at the toast he’d taken away from her. He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

  “What? You made me work up an appetite. If you’re expecting more, I need to keep my strength up.”

  She wriggled against him and his grip on her tightened.

  “Hurry up and finish it before I drag you back to bed.” There was a gleam in his eyes. “Or I could just take you here. In fact, I think I will.”

  Her eyes widened a little and she gulped.

  “Eat up, sweetheart.” He ran a thumb over her lip. “We have a lot to do before your friend gets here.”

  Her toes curled at his words. They sure did.


  “You’re pretty serious about this guy,” Daisy whispered as the three of them stood together on the Underground.

  Ella was aware Lukas had heard what Daisy said as his hand tightened around her waist. She bit her lip, trying to work out how what to say.

  “Tell her how serious I am about having you up against the wall in front of all these people,” Lukas whispered in her ear. “That dress is very distracting.”

  She coughed as his hand dipped and cupped her behind. She jumped at his touch. Daisy frowned at her. She shifted away from Lukas, giving him a warning glance.

  “What’s this place we’re going to?”

  “The Incubus. New place opened in Soho.”

  She hadn’t heard of it, but she didn’t really keep up with that sort of thing.

  “We can get a few drinks in before the doors open.”

  She nodded as she glanced back at Lukas.

  He’d disappeared home for an hour before Daisy had arrived. He’d brought some things back with him. Ella had said nothing about it, but the implication was there. Lukas wasn’t leaving her side anytime soon.

  His eyes were still dark with lust as he watched her under his long eyelashes. She shivered. The spark between them had ignited after they’d explored each other intimately. The flame burnt hot.

  “If you two could stop making eyes at each other for one minute.”

  Ella flushed and gave Daisy a rather sheepish look. Daisy hooked her arm into hers and dragged her out of the carriage, Lukas on their heels.

  They found a bar and settled in with a couple of cocktails. Daisy made an effort to get to know Lukas and soon the three of them relaxed. It was the most normal Ella had felt since that first night when demons had attacked her.

  She was more than a little buzzed by the time they made it into The Incubus. The club’s lighting was dim. Red leather booths to the side and the long bar towards the back. Daisy whistled low.


  “Interesting,” Ella replied, shouting over the noise of the music.

  “Come on.” Daisy tugged on Ella’s arm. “I want to see if your man can dance.”

  He raised an eyebrow but followed the two of them out onto the floor. Daisy swayed to the music. He wrapped his hands around Ella’s hips, pulling her into him as the slow, sultry beat took over.

  The three of them took turns in dancing with each other. Soon, Ella lost herself in the buzz of the alcohol and the music. Raising her hands up in the air, she swayed her hips, grinding them into Lukas behind her. He growled in her ear, but she ignored it. He could just wait until later to have his wicked way with her.

  “Want to get a drink?” Daisy called to her over the music.

  Ella nodded and the three of them pushed their way through the crowd to the bar. There was a sheen of sweat on her skin. The club was packed and she felt more than a little overheated. After they’d finally got served, they stood of
f by the wall beside a table, sipping rum and cokes.

  “What do you think?”

  “Of the club? It’s all right.”

  Daisy shook her head.

  “It’s ace. It’s nice to find somewhere that doesn’t play that ridiculous pop dance music which seems to be all the rage.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “I’m seriously jealous about you going abroad without me.”

  “We weren’t really there for pleasure, Daisy.”

  “Oh? Then what were you doing?”

  She glanced at Lukas, but he shrugged as if to say tell her whatever you want.

  “Lukas had business there. He just offered to take me with him.”

  “You did get to do touristy stuff though?”

  “Sure, thermal baths, museums.”

  “Ella certainly enjoyed the baths.”

  There was a twinkle in his eye that had Ella blushing. Daisy raised her eyebrow.

  “Did he do something to you in them?” she whispered in Ella’s ear.


  Daisy looked over at Lukas who was smiling in that self-satisfied way of his.

  “I can’t believe you let him touch you up in public.”

  Ella dipped her head towards Daisy and whispered in her ear. Usually, she was embarrassed about revealing intimate details, but the buzz from the alcohol had lessened her inhibitions.

  Daisy was grinning when Ella pulled away.

  “Seems like someone has brought out a different side of my friend here.”

  “Who? Me?” he said, putting his hand on his chest in mock surprise.

  Ella jabbed him in the ribs and scowled.

  Something caught her eye and she turned her head. There were shifters in here. A couple of werewolves were in a booth nearby with two human girls.

  She snagged an arm around Lukas’ waist, pulling him closer. He leant down towards her, his mouth close to hers.

  “Shifters, booth to the left.”

  He stiffened for a moment before he gave her a soft, chaste kiss. He glanced at the booth and gave Ella a little shrug to indicate he didn’t know them.

  “What are you two looking at?” Daisy said, peering past them.

  “Um, nothing.”

  “Who are they?”


  “I’m not blind. You two are looking at those guys with long hair in that booth.”

  “Just don’t go near them.”

  “I wasn’t planning on it, but why?”

  “They look shifty.”

  Daisy rolled her eyes. She didn’t believe Ella for one moment. Lukas stifled a laugh. Ella gave him a sharp look.

  “I’ll be back in a minute, need the loo.”

  She wanted to get away for a moment so she could recollect her thoughts. She hoped Daisy would drop the subject.

  She gave Lukas a quick squeeze before she dove back into the crowd to find the bathroom. She was nervous about those shifters, but it could just be a coincidence. It was a new club after all.

  She made her way into bathrooms which were on the other side of the club. She checked herself in the mirror when she finished after washing her hands. Despite the heat of the club, her makeup was intact.

  Making her way out, she found it difficult to manoeuvre back through the crowd to Daisy and Lukas. She squeezed between the sweaty bodies until she reached the bar. There was at least a little breathing room here.

  She took another step, but someone was blocking her path. She looked up at the body blocking her way. A brown-haired man with hazel eyes stared down at her with a smirk.

  “Well, hello there,” he shouted at her above the music.

  “Um, hi.”

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Ella was a little startled. Was this guy hitting on her? She felt uncomfortable by his perusal. He had a distinctly predatory gaze.

  “Uh… no thanks, I’m just trying to get back to my friends.”

  “That’s a shame.”

  She was just about to ask the man what he meant by that when she felt someone at her back. Cold, hard metal pressed into her bare skin above her dress.

  “If you come with us quietly, no one gets hurt,” said the voice from the man behind her.

  Ella stiffened with fear.

  “What do you want?”

  “Our boss wants to speak to you.”

  “Do you have any idea who I’m with?”

  “Of course, but your boyfriend is busy.”

  Ella looked over at where Lukas was, but he was chatting animatedly to Daisy. All she needed was him to glance to the left, but it seemed her friend held all of his attention. As much as she appreciated him charming Daisy, soothing some of her fears about the nature of his relationship with Ella. She could really use his help right now.

  She had no choice but to go with these men. One of them had a gun pressed into her back.

  “Okay, fine. Lead the way.”

  The man moved Ella around the bar towards the door which said, ‘Staff Only’.

  She knew Lukas would get suspicious when she didn’t return, but who knew how long that would take. Could she bide her time until he realised she was missing?

  “Who is your boss?”

  “You’ll see.”

  They pushed her down the corridor, towards a fire escape at the back. Every instinct she had was telling her she needed to stop them, but she had no idea how to escape.

  Who could they be working for? She was sure they were both humans. Could it be Raquel and Valehal? She couldn’t imagine why they’d use humans to catch her. Then again, Lukas would’ve been on high alert if there were vampires about.

  And what about the demons who were also after her? Could it be them?

  “Can’t we just talk about this? Do you really need to take me to your boss?”

  “Just shut up and walk.”

  Well, there went that idea. She couldn’t think of any other way to stall them as the fire escape came closer.

  Her heart pounded. Where was Lukas? Why hadn’t he realised she wasn’t back yet?

  She wanted to scream and shove the two men away, but the gun at her back terrified her. How did they even get that in here in the first place?

  “Look, seriously, I don’t think you should be taking me anywhere.”

  “Shut up!”

  She heard movement behind her just as the butt of the gun slammed down on the back of her neck.

  Everything went black.


  Lukas frowned. Ella should’ve been back from the toilets by now. Daisy looked like she was itching to get back on the dancefloor.

  He looked over at the two shifters again, but they hadn’t moved from their booth. What was the holdup?

  “Hey, shouldn’t Ella have been back by now?”

  “Do you want me to go check on her?”

  He nodded tightly.

  “I’m sure she’s fine.”

  She gave him a smile before she disappeared. He looked around the club, but he couldn’t see Ella anywhere. He couldn’t feel her presence like he usually could when she was near. Where was she?

  He couldn’t help the tension coiling in his muscles. He shouldn’t have let her out of his sight, not when danger lurked around every corner. She wasn’t safe out in the open.

  He ran a hand through his hair agitatedly and rubbed the back of his neck.

  Daisy chose that moment to reappear, a frown on her face and worry in her hazel eyes.

  “She’s not in the loos and I couldn’t see her by the bar.”


  “What is it, Lukas? Is my friend in trouble?”

  Ella’s friend was very perceptive for a human girl. He wasn’t about to spill Ella’s secrets to her, but this situation wasn’t looking good.

  “I think she might be.”

  “What are the two of you not telling me?”

  He ran a hand through his hair again. What was he going to tell her? He wasn’t sure Ella would forgive h
im if he spilt the beans.

  “Look, Daisy, there’s a lot of things Ella hasn’t told you, but right now, I need you to trust me. She’s in danger and we need to find her.”

  She eyed him warily for a moment before nodding.

  “Okay, where do we start?”

  “If she’s not in the club, then they’ve taken her. I need to make a phone call.”

  “Then let’s get out of here. It’s too damn loud anyway.”

  He couldn’t help the sense of dread settle in his stomach. Daisy retrieved their coats and they made their way into the cold night air. He immediately pulled out his phone and started dialling.

  “Lukas, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “Someone has taken Ella.”

  There was no point beating around the bush. He was sure someone had taken her against her will. Ella wouldn’t go off on her own without him.

  The vampire on the other line was silent for a moment.

  “You think it was Raquel.”

  “Who else would it be, Gavin?”

  “She does have an unusual interest in your companion. I haven’t seen her this way for a long time. Why it must’ve been when she met the fox.”

  “The fox is the reason this whole mess started in the first place.”

  “Someone needs to get rid of him, permanently.”

  Daisy was staring at him with confusion. He realised he’d referred to Val as a fox. He needed to be more careful about what he said.

  “No kidding. Look, do you have any idea where Raquel would take her?”

  “No, but I can do some digging. You owe me for this, demon.”

  He gritted his teeth. He wasn’t entirely surprised Gavin wanted a favour in kind.

  “Fine, just name your price.”

  “I want her gone. Permanently.”


  “I’ll be in touch when I know more.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  There was a dull ache in the back of her head when Ella awoke. She opened her eyes. She had absolutely no clue where she was. Looking around she could see machinery and large crates. There were several large strip lights overhead. She felt the cold biting into her bare arms. Was she in a warehouse?

  She tried to move but found her arms tied behind her back. Her ankles fastened to the chair she was sitting in.


  She struggled against the bonds for a moment before giving up. This was ridiculous. Who had taken her?


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