Ren's Redemption

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Ren's Redemption Page 8

by E A Hunt

  “Damn!” Ren hissed, as a bullet hit his right arm. He dropped his gun as he covered the wound.

  “We’re surrounded,” called another solider as he pulled someone behind the SUV that had been waiting for them at the curve.

  “Get her the hell out of here!” Ren screamed as he attempted to pick up his gun with his left hand. He aimed at the alleyway where someone was firing on them.

  “I’m not going anywhere without you,” Audra cried out, removing the gun from Ren’s non-dominant hand. She stepped before Ren, aiming at the open window where you could see the flash from the muzzle of the gun that was firing at them. She took aim, delighting when the shooting from the window stopped. She moved her aim towards the alley and was about to release when whoever was there turned and raced down the alleyway. Several of Ren’s men ran out to follow.

  “IN!” She shouted to everyone around her.

  “Audra,” Ren wrapped his good arm around her waist pulling her into the car. Once inside he hollered “Move!”

  “Your -”

  “It’s a flesh wound,” Ren replied, removing the gun from her hand. He handed it to one of his men sitting in the front of the SUV.

  “Where did you learn to shot like that?!” He asked, surprised. As far as he knew, his Hana had never known how to handle a gun.

  “I learned,” Audra replied, as she grasped the arm of his dress shirt and pulled. She didn’t care that she was ruining an expensive shirt, she needed to take a look at the wound.

  “You learned?” Ren said, wincing as she ripped his shirt. He hated being shot even if it was just a flesh wound.

  “Yes,” Audra replied checking the wound. “This needs to be cleaned and dressed.”

  She turned towards the front “Do we have a first -”

  “My wound can wait,” Ren informed her. He turned her back around to face him, “Tell me who taught you to shot like that, so I can find them and tell them that the only one who should be teaching my Hana anything is me.”

  “This is not -”

  He crowded her space. “Answer me Audra,” he growled. It was very rare that he called her by her name, but he wanted to know who thought it was a good idea to teach his woman how to handle a gun. Even if, he admitted to himself, it was the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his life.

  “I went to a shooting range and asked for lessons,” Audra replied, placing her hands on his chest. She ran one hand up and down his chest to calm him, “I wanted to learn to protect myself and Iain.”

  As she talked, she slid her other hand up his chest and around his neck “I couldn’t let anything happen to us. So I took a class and trainingd while I was pregnant. Then once Iain was born, I took a self-defense class.” She reached up, “Iain is my priority and so are you,” she finished as she covered his mouth with his.

  Ren leaned into the kiss, knowing several things were true. He was going to fuck the hell out of the woman in his arms as soon as they were back at the estate. He was going to kill whoever had tried to take him out while Audra was with him. And, after all of this was over, he was going to marry this woman, place another baby in her belly and live his happiest life.

  Where the hell was the body? Ren shook his head as he walked down his wing of the house towards his bedroom. He’d been in his office most of the evening listening to his men tell him the shooter in the alley had got away while the shooter on the second floor hadn’t been located. Ren couldn’t understand how the window shooter’s body couldn’t be located. He’d seen Audra take the shot. Knew she’d hit her target. So how in the hell wasn’t there a body?

  Opening his bedroom door, Ren stopped in the entrance. In his bed was his Hana wearing one of his t-shirts and looking completely like the Lady of the House. He smiled, seeing her sleeping on the same pillow they’d shared the night before. It gave him a sense of peace knowing that she wanted him surrounding her as she fell asleep even when he wasn’t in bed with her.

  Closing the bedroom door, he walked over to the bed and bent and kissed her temple. She had wanted to stay with him and hear what the men had to say about the ambush but their son had been eager to tell her about his day and show her the atrium and his new bedroom. He’d kissed her lightly on the lips, promising to tell her what had happened once he had emerged from his office. Who knew he wouldn’t emerge until dinner was over and everyone in the house was sleeping?

  Straightening, Ren turned and headed towards his bathroom. He’d grab a quick shower then join his Hana in bed. He was so tired. Tired and concerned that he couldn’t protect his Hana and their son. Tonight’s ambush had come out of nowhere. Ren stepped into the shower. That building had been surrounded all day by men loyal to The Four or so he thought. He leaned into the shower and let the spray slice down his back. Where was he to turn? Who could he turn to for help to protect his family when he didn’t know where the threat was truly coming from? He’d lost several men tonight and last night. Good men that he’d known for years - all because someone wanted Audra removed from his life. And would stop at nothing to make that happen.


  He continued to let the water rain on him even when Audra’s hand slowly ran down his back. “I can’t seem to protect you,” Ren told her. Even in Japan five years ago he hadn’t been able to protect her and now here …

  “Ren,” she turned him to face her. “How can you say that?”

  She cupped his face, bringing it down to hers.

  “How can I not?” Ren countered. “You were sleeping in your apartment five years ago and someone walked in and shot you.” He ran the back of his hand over the wound located on her right breast, moving slowly lower, before settling his hand over the wound that was inches from her belly button. The one that had just missed Iain’s amnio sac, allowing his son to survive.

  “Last night, you were getting ready for bed and someone tries to take you and Iain. Then tonight -”

  “Was not your fault,” Audra interrupted as she reached behind him to turn off the water. Stepping into his space, she kissed his chest moving her tongue across his pectoral to his tattoo where she gave it an open mouthed kissed and a small lick.

  “Hana,” he moaned, placing a hand on her right hip where her third and final wound was located.

  “We are safe with you,” Audra told him as her tongue traveled down his chest, licking away the water. “I ran to you and no one else because I knew you would keep us safe. Despite what had happened, I knew you were safer than anywhere else,” she said, continuing to lick and kiss the man before her.

  “Hmm,” Ren released her as she dropped to her knees. “You shouldn’t have had to.”

  Audra looked up at him and gave him a little shrug before she placed his head in her mouth.

  “HANA! GOD! I’ve missed you,” Ren breathed as he leaned over a little placing his hand on the wall. His Hana was taking him to the back of her throat sucking and licking him as she would her favorite lollipop. “Hana I’m going to -” Ren didn’t finish before he was squirting down her throat.

  Sitting back on her heels, Audra licked at the tip of his head. She slipped her tongue into the slit wanting to get as much of his essence as she could. Looking up she smiled at Ren, “I’ve missed you too,” she replied with a smile.

  Going to his knees, Ren cupped her face with his hands, “You’ve lived in this city for years without being harmed and now I’m back in your life -”

  “I’m back where I’m supposed to be,” Audra told him. She shook her head when he went to protest, “You are mine Ren. I was never happier than when I was with you.” She kissed him.

  “Neither was I,” Ren replied and, sitting on the floor, he pulled Audra until she was straddling him. “Marry me Audra.”

  She chuckled, “You’re asking me to marry you? Here? Now?” She questioned looking around them.

  “I should have done it in Japan, but I got side-tracked. Now, after all we’ve been through, I want nothing more than to be your husband,” Ren said, covering
her mouth with his. After tonight, after what they had been through, he wanted nothing more than to have Audra bound to him more than she already was. Lifting her slightly, Ren aligned her with his dick. Slowly lowering her onto him, their combined gasps once she was fully seated had him feeling as if he’d finally come home. Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her against his chest. “Ride Hana.” he whispered.

  “It would be my pleasure,” Audra smiled, as she slowly moved against him. She looked into his eyes as her pleasure started to build. “I love you Ren,” she said, kissing him as she moved faster. “I’ve loved you since I met you,” she whispered against his lips. “I’ve loved you even when I was angry with you,” rotating her hips as she started to quake. “And I will love you until the day I die.”

  “Which won’t be anytime soon,” Ren said, crushing her to him as her orgasm exploded. He pumped into her three times before he released in her, hoping it took root. He wanted another Tsao with the woman he loved.

  Chapter Ten

  “Joanne?” Audra called, as she walked into the penthouse of the condo building. She’d been on her way to a small baby boutique to meet Nelle and Sara for a little shopping and ladies’ day out when Joanne had called. She said that the furniture Audra had ordered hadn’t arrived complete, which was odd because she had been assured by the furniture dealer that her completed order had been delivered that morning and signed for by Joanne Woodward.

  “Jo -” Audra stopped mid-sentence when her phone rang. Maybe it was Joanne calling to see if she made it. Pulling out the machine from her pocket, she smiled when she saw Sara’s face flash on her screen. She slid her phone to answer “Sar -”

  “You ladies have got to stop dropping surprise engagements on me,” Sara interrupted. “I can’t believe you didn’t call me or Nelle once you and Ren came up for air!” she finished. After she and Bram had got back together, they were all over each other for hours.

  “You know our men gossip more than we do,” Audra chuckled. “Sorry about not calling,” Audra said as she picked up the inventory list which had come with the furniture. She placed her bag on the still bubble-wrapped desk and started to check the items.

  “Things have kind of been hectic,” she told her friend. Which was true. In the days since the ambush, Ren had moved their offices to another building owned by the Tsao’s. Then gone on the warpath to find the identity of the shooter she’d taken out, whose body was still missing, and also find the traitor in their midst who could have taken those shots at her all those years ago.

  Ren had even been ready to fly to Japan to see what he could learn. He thought, just like everyone else, that her attempted murder then was connected to whatever was happening now. But before he could get on the plane, his cousin Hiro had come to him and offered any help he could - but admitted he had no information from their sources in Japan.

  “I heard. I wanted to come and see you, but you know how Bram is,” Sara replied. She’d had her detail ready to walk out the door when Bram had placed her on lockdown until he deemed it was safe. It was only that morning that Susana, Mora, and Audra’s new head of security Tenso had deemed it all-clear, but only if the women stayed together.

  “I know,” Audra replied. Ren was no better. He hadn’t been happy about her little outing, but she’d reminded him that she would be with Nelle and Sara plus her own detail. She’d used the same argument when it was time for Iain to start his new school. “At least we don’t have to call three times an hour,” Audra chuckled as she looked at the final piece on her list.

  “Speak for yourself,” Nelle said, looking at a crib.

  Sara chuckled. “Nelle has to call twice an hour,” she informed Audra.

  “Ouch,” Audra shook her head. “Well when you have the heir to the McTavish Family, certain concessions are made.”

  “You have no idea,” Sara replied. “My detail was six people while I was pregnant and that included Susana.” She sighed, “I was so glad it was lowered once Ana was born.”

  “I wondered why Tenso had several extra men with him,” Audra said as she walked through the penthouse. Her detail was no longer four-man it was now six. Where was Joanne?

  “Extra precaution,” Nelle replied. “It gets better though,” Nelle told her, using the same words Sara had used when she was surrounded by guards.

  “Am I on speaker?” Audra asked. She didn’t want anyone to hear what she was saying.

  “You are,” Sara replied “but Susana and Mora have the place cleared out so we’re ok. Plus, no one’s here but the manager and she’s in her office.”

  That made Audra feel better. “Let me finish here then I’ll see you ladies at lunch. And Nelle -” Audra waited for her friend to acknowledge her before she spoke, “No changes until we talk.” She’d had at least three calls and several texts from Nelle with changes in the last few days. They needed to solidify a design, or the nursery wouldn’t be done until the baby was five.

  “I make no promises,” Nelle giggled.

  Shaking her head, Audra ended her call and pulled up her contacts. Maybe Joanne had stepped out while waiting for her to arrive. Pulling up the woman’s contact information Audra dialed. When she heard ringing behind her, she turned with a smile but it quickly faded when she saw that Joanne was holding a gun.

  Why wasn’t anyone answering? Ren ended his call to Tenso’s cell and then tried another member of Audra’s detail. It wasn’t like them not to answer. When he’d talked to Nelle, after Audra had missed her scheduled call, she had assured him that Audra had spoken to them and was on her way to their lunch meeting after a short visit to the condo building.

  “I can’t believe we are even having this conversation.”

  Ren looked towards the back balcony when he heard his sister’s voice. Last he’d seen Kenzi, she’d been on her way to some spa saying the stress around them was getting to her and she needed to leave for a while. Like it was she who had found out that she had a child she knew nothing about and that someone was trying to kill the person she loved.

  “Well if your inside-man Rico would have done his job and ended the bitch when he and Joanne broke into her place, we wouldn’t be here!”

  Hiro? Ren moved to the side, standing beside the curtain placed by the side door. The door was open, so he was confident he wouldn’t be seen by either Kenzi or Hiro.

  “You’re blaming me?” Kenzi scoffed. “I set this up perfectly. There should have been no room for error.”

  “No room for error? There have been errors all over the place. You should have made sure the bitch was actually dead five years ago then this conversation wouldn’t have even been needed!” Hiro breathed angrily.

  “I couldn’t. If I’d have touched her, she would have known it wasn’t Ren.” Kenzi shook her head. She’d planned it so perfectly. She’d dressed like her brother even wearing boots to give her a more height to her five-foot five frame. Then she’d painted on his tattoo while taking his gun and replacing it with a replica. She used and app she found on her phone to record what she was going to say to Audra then travelled to the woman’s apartment with Ren’s key. Everything had gone so perfectly - then the bitch had lived. Her and that bastard. “Why did the ass have to fall for that whore?!” she spat.

  Ren had been primed to die in a turf war orchestrated by Hiro in Japan five years ago. But their assassin had missed and Ren had taken the man out. If the idiot hadn’t missed, then Hiro would have been the head of the Yakuza and she would have been by his side.

  “Listen,” Hiro sighed as he took Kenzi’s hand and pulled her slowly into his arms. “We will both have what we want. You said Joanne was taking care of one of our problems as we speak.”

  “Yes,” Kenzi replied. Placing her hands on his chest she looked into his eyes, “I still don’t like having her involved in this.”

  Hiro didn’t either but they needed someone to take the fall for Audra’s death and why not Joanne. “My love,” Hiro placed a hand on Kenzi’s cheek. “I’m not
too fond of involving her either, but our lover knows what’s in store. She knows we will both take care of her once this is all over and you and I are officially recognized as the new heads of the Yakuza.”

  “Hmm,” Kenzi purred. “I like the sound of that. And to think Uncle didn’t believe in you.”

  “He didn’t believe because I’m not his true son - only the stray he took as a marker for my true father.” Hiro replied. When he’d questioned the man who raised him five years ago about why he’d brought Ren over when he, Hiro, was doing the best job he could. His father’s reply had been swift and cruel …

  “If you were born into this life and not abandoned on my doorstep then you would have been better. Ren will teach you. You follow his lead. He is the leader and you are the soldier.”

  Hiro hadn’t understood until he had questioned his nanny, who had finally told him everything. His biological father had owed the Yakuza tons of money and instead of paying he’d sold his only child. Bastard. Hiro had tracked the man down and ended him, much like he’d ended the bastard who’d raised him. Oh, he’d made it look like an accident - a heart attack - and played the grieving son, while secretly being overjoyed at his father’s death.

  “Hiro,” Kenzi reached up and placed her lips on his. It had been so long since she’d been in his bed. She deepened the kiss. She had had a crush on Hiro for years but knew it was forbidden. That was until she had learned he wasn’t her blood cousin. Once that information was discovered, she had taken him into her bed and into her body.

  Lifting Kenzi into his arms, Hiro wrapped her legs around his waist as he turned and headed towards the library. “I need you Kenzi,” he mumbled against her lips.

  Ren turned quickly, rushing from the room as quietly as possible. He needed to get to Audra. Then he would deal with his sister and Hiro.

  Staring at the asymmetrically designed platinum ring with cherry blossom leaves that were cradling a small pink sapphire, Audra wondered how the hell she was going to get herself out of this. Her ankles and wrist were zip tied to the chair, while a crazed Joanne was pacing back and forth with a gun in one hand and her phone in the other. The phone was plastered to her ear and she was mumbling about whoever was supposed to be answering. But they weren’t because they were probably having sex without her. Audra looked at the woman. She wasn’t into threesomes, she hated to share, but to each their own. A last it seemed Joanne’s lovers were the reason she was tied to this chair.


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