The Uncooperative Warrior

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The Uncooperative Warrior Page 20

by Sarah Noffke

  “I only talk to you,” Plato said.

  “That’s not true. You told Clark that it was the lophos who bit me.”

  “I made an exception, but as a whole, I prefer to only talk to one person. Let’s say it helps me conserve my energy.”

  “Yes, and you obviously need to do that, since you nap most of the day.” Liv followed the noise, stepping over a pair of kittens wrestling in the kitchen. Something was simmering on the stove, a savory aroma wafting from the pot.

  Rory was chopping wood in his pristine oversized backyard.

  “Hey there,” Liv said, gaining his attention. “I have news.”

  “John knows you’re a magician,” he said, setting his axe down.

  “Damn it. Why is everyone stealing my reveal moment?”

  “It’s a conspiracy,” Rory answered.

  “How did you know?”

  He shrugged, pulling a rag from his jeans to wipe his face. “I just knew.”

  “Oh, that’s such bullshit.”

  Rory peeked at her from behind the rag as he wiped the sweat on his cheeks. He seemed to relax a bit. “Okay, fine. It was a lucky guess. But lies and secrets are like clothes people wear. When you free yourself of them, well, you look different.”

  Liv gazed down at her frayed jeans and t-shirt. “And I look different now?”

  “You look less weighed down.”

  “I like that,” Liv mused. “And it’s true. I feel better knowing that he knows the truth and accepts me no matter what.”

  “Did you seriously doubt that he wouldn’t?” Rory asked.

  “Yes. There was a real possibility that he’d tell me I was crazy or to get out.”

  “Then you are crazy.” Rory walked over to a work area he had set up with burnt-out coals and a barrel of water and tools Liv didn’t recognize. He retrieved a sheathed sword and carried it over to her.

  Pulling the leather sheath off the sword, Rory revealed a short silver blade that caught the setting sun. The hilt was smooth, and Rory had inlaid blue gems. In the giant’s hands, the sword appeared undersized, as if it had been made for a brownie. However, when he handed it to Liv, she realized it was the perfect size for her.

  “Meet Bellator,” Rory said, taking a step back as Liv wrapped her fingers around the hilt and froze for a moment. Her hand seemed to melt into it, becoming one with the weapon. Her eyes trailed to the fine point on its tip, taking in the expert detail.

  “It’s beautiful,” Liv said in a hushed voice.

  “We rarely describe a sword that way, but I’ll allow it since the venom of the lophos is still making you talk funny.”

  Liv pursed her lips. “How should I describe it?”

  “Well, it is a giant-made sword, which means that it will never dull or rust. For its whole life, the sword will look as it does today. And since it was made specifically for you, Bellator should lend you numerous benefits, but you’ll have to train in order to learn what they are.”

  “’Bellator?’” Liv asked.

  “Yes. The maker names each sword, and that’s the one I’ve chosen for yours.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “That you ask too many questions,” Rory replied.

  “Ha-ha,” Liv said, moving the sword back and forth through the air, but not really knowing how to practice with it. “Are you going to teach me how to use Bellator?” When she was a child, she’d trained with her mother, but she didn’t remember most of it. Actually, when she thought back, the memory of her mother and sparring with her only brought a tightness to her chest. She would have to get over that and remember what her mother taught her and improve upon it.

  Rory picked up his axe and centered a log on the platform he was using for chopping. “No, I don’t want to be a part of your combat training. I’ll reserve my skills for training you how to use your spells and elemental magic.”

  “So that means you’ll be teaching me how to throw fireballs?”

  He swung the axe over his head, splitting the log cleanly. “The answer to that is still no. But I’ll teach you other helpful things.”

  “Thanks, but who is going to teach me how to use the sword?” Liv asked.

  Rory looked over his shoulder at her. “For that, you’ll have to find a competent teacher. I suspect you know someone already if you’re willing to let down your guard and trust them. However, I do have a warning.”

  Liv froze, waiting for him to continue.

  “No one must ever know that I made this sword for you.”

  “Won’t it be recognized as being giant-made, though?” Liv asked.

  Rory swung the axe again, splitting another log. “It might, but you’re not obligated to tell anyone where it came from or who made it.”

  “I don’t understand,” Liv said. “What’s the harm in someone knowing that you made it?”

  Rory turned around to face Liv, the axe resting on his shoulder. “The giants have not made a sword for a magician in a very long time. If anyone was to find out that the grandson of Rory Bemuth Laurens made a sword for a magician? Well, my days of peace would come to an end. Magicians can be unjust to giants, and elves and other races shun us from time to time. But no one is crueler to a giant than their own. Keep this between you and me, Liv.”

  “Of course. Always. And thank you. Bellator is…” Liv paused, searching for a better word than beautiful. A description that would make Rory know how much she appreciated the gift. “Bellator is magnificent.”

  Rory nodded, quiet pride taking up residence in his eyes. “You are welcome.”

  Liv tested the balance of the sword, swinging it through the air, noticing at once that her reflexes sped up. Her movements were cleaner, and strangely, her leg didn’t hurt as she pivoted to slice through the air. Something had changed within her the moment she picked up the sword, and she looked forward to finding out how it enhanced her, as she knew it would. A sword made specifically for her by one of the greatest swordsmiths on Earth was bound to hold a special magic unlike any other.

  Holding Bellator, Liv felt unstoppable. She felt like a Warrior who could take on the world.

  Sarah’s Author Notes

  February 9, 2019

  Thank you so much for reading and supporting the books. I’m so high on life after the release of the first book. Currently sitting in a hotel room in Las Vegas and pampering myself after finishing this book. Michael is out of town or otherwise I’d be pestering him to eat BBQ or nachos with me. BBQ nachos! Yum. Anyway, we didn’t know how this series would be received, but the response has been amazing. Thank you again!

  I’ve had a ton of fun writing this book. And you know who is extra happy about it? My daughter, Lydia. She told me the other day, “Mommy, I’m glad you’re a writer because it ensures we always have something to talk about.”

  OMG, I freaking love that kid. And she’s right. Being a writer does ensure I never had a dull moment and there’s always weird shit going on in my head.

  Speaking of Lydia, I modeled Sophia after her. She’s smart, beautiful, beyond talented and fun. Also, a perk of being a writer’s kid is that she got to name characters. Sophia and Liv were both named by Lydia. Plato is modeled after my cat Finley. And Rory was inspired by a scientist friend of mine who is really a gentle giant. He may never know this though. Having a giant who secretly does nice things was a great Anderle idea. I planning for him to do other noble gestures which Liv will secretly find out about. I love people who do things because they are the right thing to do and not to get the praise or reward.

  Every time I talked to Lydia about this book, she’d tell me that she was hungry for a cookie. It was always the mention of Brownies that got to her.

  Okay, the maid is kicking me out of my room and I’ve got to get on the road. First though, BBQ nachos at The Henry. Love you all, lovely readers.

  Michael’s Author Notes

  February 10, 2019

  THANK YOU for not only reading this story but these Author Notes as well.
r />   (I think I’ve been good with always opening with “thank you.” If not, I need to edit the other Author Notes!)

  RANDOM (sometimes) THOUGHTS?


  Ask me for anything around the Hotel Antlers in Colorado Springs, Colorado and I could probably get it.

  Steak? The Famous Steakhouse is just two blocks away from the hotel.

  Amazing food with a lot of Hatch chilis used in the recipes?

  One block.

  Heck, there was even a CHEAP Starbucks connected to the hotel. I know a Starbucks in a hotel is not that unusual. However, i’d probably spend at least twice as much money to purchase the same drink in a Starbucks in a hotel on the strip as I paid in Colorado Springs.

  But, did they believe in donuts in that little area? No.

  Certainly not donuts. If there was one, I didn’t see it the few walkabouts I took to go to restaurants or the store to purchase gloves.

  There is a saying that "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

  Except donuts.

  Donuts tell skinny it can go f*ck itself.


  THANK YOU for the awesome support this series has been receiving! I’m super jazzed you enjoy the merry band of characters we are sharing with you.

  For most of my life, I thought my problem with stories was a mistake.

  Something that should be contained, constrained, and caged up allowing me to focus on other projects.

  Little did I know that instead of caging my thoughts, I needed to let them out.


  One of the interesting (at least to me) aspects of my life is the ability to work from anywhere and at any time. In the future, I hope to re-read my own Author Notes and remember my life as a diary entry.

  American Airlines flight coming back from Colorado Springs USA - Superstars Writing Conference (Kevin J. Anderson)

  I’m in seat 2F sitting next to the window (dark outside, can’t see anything.) I have two books worth of Author Notes I need to write and a book and a half of beats for a new project to finish by the time we make it to Las Vegas.

  Hope I’m up to it. Right now my eyes are drooping.

  Oh, and Metallica’s Seek & Destroy just started playing in my headphones.


  I’m ready to bang my head, but it is entirely inappropriate in first class. I”d ask my wife but the scathing glance she would give me would be sucky at best.

  … That doesn’t stop me from CRANKING IT UP!


  $0.99 Saturdays (new LMBPN stuff) and $0.99 Wednesday (both LMBPN books and friends of LMBPN books.) Get great stuff from us and others at tantalizing prices.

  Go ahead, I bet you can’t read just one.

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  Review them so others have your thoughts, and tell friends and the dogs of your enemies (because who wants to talk to enemies?)… Enough said ;-)


  Sarah Noffke

  My favorite part of writing any book is creating the acknowledgements page. It reminds me that writing a book is not a solo task. I might sit alone and write, but the finished product is a result of the support and encouragement of a tribe of people.

  Thank you to the readers who buy the books, read them, review and recommend. YOU are the one who keeps us writing. I’m always inspired by the messages I receive from readers. Thank you supporting the books and offering so much richness to my life.

  Thank you to my LBMPN family for all the support. Steve, Michael, Lynne, Moonchild, Jennifer and so many others who help champion the book to publication and beyond.

  Thank you to the beta readers who offered so many valuable insights early on. Thank you to John, Chrisa, Kelly, Martin and Larry.

  Thank you to the JIT team for all the awesome feedback. A new series is always exciting and nerve-wracking. Michael and I thought we had a great idea for a new world, but we don’t really know until we get objective feedback. What would I do without all you awesome readers?

  Thank you to my friends and family. Writing is a strange profession. I work weird hours, talk to myself, have a strange diet, get antsy about deadlines. But the wonderful people in my life continue to show their encouragement and thoughtfulness no matter what. It is never lost on me because I know that I wouldn’t be doing what I love without all you amazing people, cheering me on.

  And as with all my books, the final thank you goes to my muse, Lydia. I wrote my first book so that I could make my daughter proud, and it’s never stopped. I write every book for you, my love.

  Books By Sarah Noffke

  Sarah Noffke, an Amazon Best Seller, writes YA and NA sci-fi fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy. She is the author of the Lucidites, Reverians, Ren, Vagabond Circus, Olento Research, Soul Stone Mage, Ghost Squadron and Precious Galaxy series. Noffke holds a Masters of Management and teaches college business courses. Most of her students have no idea that she toils away her hours crafting fictional characters. Noffke's books are top rated and best-sellers on Kindle. Currently, she has thirty-three novels published. Her books are available in paperback, audio and in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

  Check out other work by this author here.

  Ghost Squadron:

  Formation #1:

  Kill the bad guys. Save the Galaxy. All in a hard day’s work.

  After ten years of wandering the outer rim of the galaxy, Eddie Teach is a man without a purpose. He was one of the toughest pilots in the Federation, but now he’s just a regular guy, getting into bar fights and making a difference wherever he can. It’s not the same as flying a ship and saving colonies, but it’ll have to do.

  That is, until General Lance Reynolds tracks Eddie down and offers him a job. There are bad people out there, plotting terrible things, killing innocent people, and destroying entire colonies. Someone has to stop them.

  Eddie, along with the genetically-enhanced combat pilot Julianna Fregin and her trusty E.I. named Pip, must recruit a diverse team of specialists, both human and alien. They’ll need to master their new Q-Ship, one of the most powerful strike ships ever constructed. And finally, they’ll have to stop a faceless enemy so powerful, it threatens to destroy the entire Federation.

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  Experience this exciting military sci-fi saga and the latest addition to the expanded Kurtherian Gambit Universe. If you’re a fan of Mass Effect, Firefly, or Star Wars, you’ll love this riveting new space opera.

  *NOTE: If cursing is a problem, then this might not be for you.

  Check out the entire series here.

  The Precious Galaxy Series:

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  A new evil lurks in the darkness.

  After an explosion, the crew of a battlecruiser mysteriously disappears.

  Bailey and Lewis, complete strangers, find themselves suddenly onboard the damaged ship. Lewis hasn’t worked a case in years, not since the final one broke his spirit and his bank account. The last thing Bailey remembers is preparing to take down a fugitive on Onyx Station.

  Mysteries are harder to solve when there’s no evidence left behind.

  Bailey and Lewis don’t know how they got onboard Ricky Bobby or why. However, they quickly learn that whatever was responsible for the explosion and disappearance of the crew is still on the ship.

  Monsters are real and what this one can do changes everything.

  The new team bands together to discover what happened and how to fight the monster lurking in the bottom of the battlecruiser.

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  The Soul Stone Mage Series:

  House of Enchanted #1:

  The Kingdom of Virgo has lived in peace for thousands of years…until now.

  The humans from Terran have always been real assholes to the witches of Virgo. Now a silent war is brewing, and the t
iming couldn’t be worse. Princess Azure will soon be crowned queen of the Kingdom of Virgo.

  In the Dark Forest a powerful potion-maker has been murdered.

  Charmsgood was the only wizard who could stop a deadly virus plaguing Virgo. He also knew about the devastation the people from Terran had done to the forest.

  Azure must protect her people. Mend the Dark Forest. Create alliances with savage beasts. No biggie, right?

  But on coronation day everything changes. Princess Azure isn’t who she thought she was and that’s a big freaking problem.

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  The Lucidites Series:

  Awoken, #1:

  Around the world humans are hallucinating after sleepless nights.

  In a sterile, underground institute the forecasters keep reporting the same events.

  And in the backwoods of Texas, a sixteen-year-old girl is about to be caught up in a fierce, ethereal battle.

  Meet Roya Stark. She drowns every night in her dreams, spends her hours reading classic literature to avoid her family’s ridicule, and is prone to premonitions—which are becoming more frequent. And now her dreams are filled with strangers offering to reveal what she has always wanted to know: Who is she? That’s the question that haunts her, and she’s about to find out. But will Roya live to regret learning the truth?

  Stunned, #2

  Revived, #3

  The Reverians Series:

  Defects, #1:

  In the happy, clean community of Austin Valley, everything appears to be perfect. Seventeen-year-old Em Fuller, however, fears something is askew. Em is one of the new generation of Dream Travelers. For some reason, the gods have not seen fit to gift all of them with their expected special abilities. Em is a Defect—one of the unfortunate Dream Travelers not gifted with a psychic power. Desperate to do whatever it takes to earn her gift, she endures painful daily injections along with commands from her overbearing, loveless father. One of the few bright spots in her life is the return of a friend she had thought dead—but with his return comes the knowledge of a shocking, unforgivable truth. The society Em thought was protecting her has actually been betraying her, but she has no idea how to break away from its authority without hurting everyone she loves.


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