When A Lioness Growls

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When A Lioness Growls Page 12

by Eve Langlais

“I can’t.”

  “Because it’s impossible unless she was taken by aliens.” She whirled around, her eyes wide.

  “Don’t even say it,” he cautioned.


  He held up his finger to shush her. “Aliens did not kidnap her.”

  She deflated. “Spoilsport. It would have been a cool explanation.”

  “I’d rather a correct explanation. Maybe Shania will get a medical examination and they’ll find something.”

  “Like what? From what I saw, the woman bore no signs of bruising or scratches. No evidence of malnutrition. She’s returned, it seems, in the same condition she left but with no memories.”

  “Could be a drug.” Perhaps the same one that caused him to forget a swath of time that afternoon.

  “A drug to make her forget fabulous nookie? Now you’re talking crazy, sweetcheeks.”

  “Maybe the sex wasn’t memorable,” he noted.

  “Which obviously rules you out as a suspect.” She winked at him. “I doubt there’s any forgetting you.”

  “Why would you even think of me as a suspect? I arrived at this island with you.”

  “Or did you come here vacationing, a few days at a time, kidnap women for wild sex, then ditch them with no memories, saving them from the trauma of never riding your big dick again?”

  “You look like a lady.” He eyed her up and down, the silken wrap tied sarong style around her body. Her bare shoulders elegant and inviting. “Sometimes even talk like a lady. And then you say the most filthy things.”

  “Only filthy because of how I look. I bet there’s some of my biatches that you wouldn’t even bat an eye at if they said it.”

  “Are you suggesting I spend time with another woman to see if your theory is true?” He baited her jealous side.

  She reacted by straightening. Her gaze narrowed. “I see what you’re doing, sweetcheeks. Trying to get me off track. But here’s the thing. A lioness can always multitask. Say like Luna, a few years ago, was in a drinking contest in some bar down in Texas and some dude tried to grab her boob as she was doing shots. She broke his hand and still managed to win that bet. I lost a precious pair of cowboy boots that day, but I learned a lesson.”

  He knew he shouldn’t, but he asked, “What lesson?”

  “Don’t get in a drinking match with Luna.”

  Arriving at her door, as she held her arm up to let them in, he made sure to slide in front of her to enter first.

  “If they wanted me, they would have struck this afternoon while you gone,” she noted, shoving past him into the room. “And I highly doubt whoever took and released Shania would grab someone else so soon.”

  “Was that logic I heard, princess?”

  She smirked at him. “I’m not all just good looks, sweetcheeks.”

  “So use those smarts and tell me what you think happened to Shania.”

  “I’d say this is a case of Occam’s Razor.”

  “And what do you think the most plausible explanation is?”

  “I say she’s lying. For all we know, she spent a couple of days with a married man who doesn’t want his wife to know.”

  “Is this speculation based on any sort of fact?” He snapped his fingers. “Did you perhaps crack her phone?”

  “What phone?”

  “The one you filched from her room.”

  “Yeah, about that.” Stacey stepped out of her sandals as she paused. “That phone was kind of stolen from my room the first night we went to dinner.”

  His face hardened. “What do you mean it’s gone? Someone entered your room and stole something and you didn’t think to tell me?”

  “Telling you means I would have gotten a lecture. And it wasn’t as if I could tell management that the phone I borrowed was stolen.”

  He crossed his arms, scowled, but managed to not tap his foot. “These are things I need to know, princess.”

  “I’m telling you now, aren’t I?”

  He glared.

  It did not make her repent at all.

  Stacey slid off her robe and hit the bathroom to run the shower. He would have left, but she kept talking to him.

  “We need to talk about Shania and the married guy who drugged her for sex,” she shouted, having left the door open.

  “Again, you don’t know for sure what happened to her.”

  She popped back out, her body exposed in her tiny bikini. “I gave you a very plausible theory. What’s yours? I can tell you what she wasn’t. She wasn’t sold to the black market. ” Stacey ticked off fingers. “Wasn’t beaten or abused. No body parts appeared missing. Why kidnap her at all?”

  “That’s what we need to find out, and I think we’ll find those answers at the volcano.” Find out what happened to him during his blackout.

  “What makes you think a volcano has any kind of answers? Did you find something?” The adventurer in her perked up “Ancient temple? Graveyard of bones?”

  “Gum wrapper.”

  She blinked. “Are you trying to tell me that, on the basis of some litter, you want to go trekking around in the dark? Did something bite you in the woods today?”

  For some reason, his hand went to his neck. “They breed them big out here.”

  “Exactly, and yet you want to send my succulent body into their lair when the mosquitoes are most active.” She shook her head. “You do realize the bar is serving fish-bowl-sized margaritas tonight. I could use a few, especially since you”—pointed stare—“refuse to give me any.”

  He wanted to give it to her all too much. That was the real problem.

  He veered his mind away from that dangerous corner. “There was more than just the wrapper out there. Something is going on around that volcano. You should have smelled it.”

  “How could you smell anything over Jan’s perfume?”

  A good point given Jan’s aroma irritated the membrane in his nose and chafed on his last nerve.

  “This isn’t about Jan. Ignore her.”

  “Why should I since you didn’t?”

  “Are you seriously going to have a jealous fit now?” Because it was totally sexy when she did it.

  He shouldn’t like it. Seriously. The last thing he needed was a jealous lioness fucking shit up.

  But when Stacey did it…

  “This is not jealousy.” Her lower lip pouted.

  It totally was.

  For some reason, it made him admit, “I have no interest in Jan.”

  “Yet you come back smelling of her. The stench of it is offensive.” She sniffed and tossed her head, sending her hair rippling.

  “Would you stop whining if I said I’d rather wear your scent?”

  The words took a moment to filter. When they did, she smiled. Sunshine of fucking epic proportions emerged that slayed him where he stood.

  “Actually, I would feel better if you wore my scent. Thanks for offering.” Then she launched herself at him.

  More than instinct, but a need to hold her meant he caught her, held her with ease.

  “Are you seriously doing that?” he asked as she rubbed her cheek against his.

  “I am. You said I could mark you with my scent. So shut up for a second while I finish.”

  “This is why I don’t get involved with cats or other pets,” he growled.

  “Admit it, you are totally dying to stroke me and make me purr.”

  “Lions don’t purr.”

  “Are you sure about that? Maybe you should give it a try.”

  He wanted to. “We don’t have time for this, princess.”

  With a sigh, she unwound herself from him, and the smug smile announced how happy she was that she’d won again.

  He wore her scent. At her sudden frown, he made the mistake of asking, “What’s wrong?”

  “It occurs to me that you’ve not stripped us both naked and rubbed your essence all over me.”

  “If a woman is mine, she doesn’t need my smell to know.” He turned from her and headed for the partition
leading to his room.

  “Must we go to the volcano tonight?”

  “Yes. Because the gum wrapper and smell thing aren’t the only things wonky about that place. I lost time.” He admitted it to her, knowing it would distract her from the heat sizzling between them.

  Except she misunderstood. “Yeah, you lost time going on that stupid trip. Instead of hanging around here helping me find out who might know something about Shania’s disappearance.”

  “No, I mean I lost time, as in one minute I was facing down a charging boar—”

  “Did you bring some back to share? Wild game is the best.”

  “No, because I passed out.”

  She blinked. “Excuse me. Did you say passed out? Was it that big and scary?”

  “No. I passed out because something bit me.”

  “I knew those jungle bugs were vicious.”

  “I don’t think it was a bug. Something got me here.” He pointed to his neck. “And here.” He pointed to his ass.

  She leaned closer to take a look at the skin. “I don’t see anything on your neck. Drop your pants and bend over so I can peek at your butt.”

  Brazen command that he would not obey. “There’s nothing to see. Anything that pricked me would have healed by now.”

  “What was it do you think? Spider? Mosquito? Alien sporting a needle-like appendage?”


  “Hold on a second. You think someone darted you? And you passed out?” She sounded incredulous.

  “Yeah. I’m not too impressed either. It must have been something new on the market because I’m usually more resistant to shit.”

  She shook her head. “Is this how you’re going to excuse whatever you did with Jan this afternoon? Adopt Shania’s lame story and use it as your cover instead of telling me the truth?”

  Exactly how had her mind veered back to Jan? “This is the truth.”

  “According to you. Why should I believe a word you say?”

  “Why would I lie?”

  “I don’t know. You seem to think I might be yanking your chain because some chick a long time ago screwed you over.”

  “She tried to kill me.”

  “Cry me a river. Do you know how many people have tried to kill me? It’s not easy being this beautiful.” She flicked her hair.

  His lip twitched. “I see what you’re doing.” He did. She was trying to prove that they could only take each other at face value.

  “What? Showing you what a moron you are? Gee, that wasn’t too hard. The fact is, sweetcheeks, you got a bum rap from a crazy broad. I can see you might be gun-shy, but at one point, you know, I know you know, that not all of us, hell, not even most of us, are psychopathic killers.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve met the pride ladies, and more than a few are a few crayons short of a full box.”

  “It’s part of our charm, but it doesn’t make us untrustworthy. You gotta let go of your fear.”

  “I am not scared.” He couldn’t help but straighten with pique.

  “Aren’t you?” She took a step closer. His body quivered, slightly leaning back. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “What if I’m concerned about the hurt going the other way?” Stacey was a force of nature. Get too close and he risked getting swept away.

  “You think you could hurt me?” She laughed. “That’s cute, sweetcheeks.”

  “You don’t understand what lurks within me. The monster I hide.” The beast that pulsed and begged for another taste.

  “You’re no more a monster than I am. You should see me when I’m PMS-ing and someone eats my last piece of chocolate.”

  He gave her a stern stare.

  Clearly she had been the recipient of many a stern stare in her life, as it had no effect.

  “This is not a joking matter,” he grumbled.

  “You are much too serious. Lighten up. Not everything is doom and gloom.”

  “You’re impossible to talk to. And we’ve gotten way off track. Are you in or out with the volcano?” In or out. In or out. Fuck, he wanted in and out.

  “Totally in, if you promise to squish any bugs we come across.”

  “I’ll kill them.” Anything that threatened her. “And what will you do for me?”

  “Look pretty while you do it?” She grinned.

  JF shook his head and sighed. “I’m a fucking moron for even contemplating bringing you along.”

  “Why are you? Why didn’t you just go without telling me?” She cocked her head, waiting for a reply.

  “Because you might come across as a flake, but I know you’re good in a fight.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  “I’ve seen the lionesses in battle.”

  “I’m better than them,” she confided. “Just so you know.”

  Much better or he would have never taken notice of her. “We’ll have to wait until nightfall so we’re harder to see.”

  “Oh dear, whatever shall we do in the meantime?” She fluttered her lashes.

  He knew that look.

  Wanted to explore it. Being stupidly stubborn, he turned away, saying, “I’ll collect us some things we might need and order in some room service.”

  He wasn’t expecting the shoe she whipped at his head. He froze but didn’t turn around, so she tossed her other sandal and hit him in the ass.

  That got his attention.

  Whipping around, he didn’t say a word, just strode back to her, grabbing her by the upper arms and snapping, “Why must you keep antagonizing me?”


  “Because is not an answer,” he roared. “Why must you vex me?”

  “Because it’s fun.”

  “Maybe for you. But you’re driving me insane.” He huffed, every inch of him taut with tension.

  The beast inside pulsed.

  Take her. Claim her.

  He fought back against the beast.

  She poked it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “About time you went a little crazy,” she said, running a finger down his chest, tracing the seam for his buttons.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “I’m unleashing your passion, sweetcheeks.” A passion she wanted.

  “My passion might kill you.”

  “A whole bunch of things could kill me. If it’s meant to happen during sex, toe-curling sex I might add, then so be it.”

  “Did you ever think that maybe I totally suck at it?”

  Such a blatant lie. The man was sex on a stick, and she wanted a lick.

  She laughed. “The way you make me feel, you could probably just blow on my pussy and I’d come.”

  A ripple went through him, and he turned away. “Leave me alone.”

  “Are you afraid to have sex?”

  “Not usually.” A grudging admission.

  “So you think sex with me is going to make you snap? Do you have any idea how hot that is, sweetcheeks?” She grabbed him by the shirt to tug him close. “Don’t worry. I’m going to help you stop being afraid.”


  “By having wildly satisfying, toe-curling, scream-inducing sex.” Brazen, but then again, subtle wouldn’t work with him. The man appeared utterly determined to close himself off. Too bad, because she wanted in.

  “A woman shouldn’t ask for sex.”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t have to, and yet I am because I am dealing with the most stubborn man alive. We need this, sweetcheeks.” She tilted her head and craned on tiptoe enough to nip at his chin. “We’re both wound so tight that we’ll be no good in the field. Think of it as stress relief. Use me to satisfy your needs.”

  “Some of my needs are dark and dangerous.”

  “I know, and I think the fact you’re afraid you’ll lose control with me on account I’m so wonderfully awesome is the sexiest thing ever.”

  There went that lovely tic of his. “I can control myself.”

  “Prove it.”

won’t stop, will you?”

  “Not until you make me come so hard I see stars.”

  With a groan, he finally succumbed.

  Reeled her into his arms and dipped his head to claim her lips, branding her with the force behind his embrace. The hunger in him couldn’t be hidden, and her own arousal refused to be ignored. He coaxed her mouth open, teasing her bottom lip between his, melting her from the inside out.

  With need pulsing in her, she leaned into him, pressed into his hardness. Her arms wrapped around him, clasping him tight, loving the solid strength of him.

  His lips pressed hard against hers, a forceful branding that she reciprocated. A part of her, a large noisy part, wanted to claim this male, to imprint her essence on him for all to see.

  The world needs to see that he’s mine. The possessive feeling only grew the more she got to know him.

  Given she finally had him where she wanted him, she couldn’t help but stroke his body as they kissed, her hands skimming over the fabric of his shirt, exploring his hard ridges, cupping his firm ass.

  She slid her hands past his waistband to cup his cheeks. She dug her nails in, and he growled at her. So sexy. She squeezed him and growled back. The sound did something to him. Unleashed a new level of urgency and wildness.

  Hoisting her changed the angle of their embrace. She no longer had to crane to kiss him, a good thing because he’d rendered her legs quite useless. Fire consumed her, igniting all her nerves, burning her up from the inside out. And she hungered for more.

  He slipped a wet tongue into her open mouth to rub against hers, and she sucked it, finally truly tasting him. Craving him more than any chocolate she’d ever had.

  The layers of clothes keeping their bodies separated irritated. Didn’t the fabric realize this moment deserved nakedness?

  Already having hoisted her into the air, it was easy for him to walk until her back hit a wall, partially supporting her and giving him the ability to grind his pelvis against hers. Rock hard meet soft and wet. He rubbed, and she moaned, the friction delicious.

  “Strip me,” she whispered. “I want to feel your skin against mine.” She could feel Francois fighting for control. Didn’t he understand she wanted him wild? She could handle it. Handle the passion he tried to keep buried.

  Her lithe thighs wrapped around his waist, keeping him locked against her body. Her bikini bottoms chafed against her sensitive flesh.


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