Dangerous Stranger (Beautiful Entourage #4)

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Dangerous Stranger (Beautiful Entourage #4) Page 11

by E. L. Todd

  I turned back to her, loving the sound of my name on her lips. I stared at her and waited for her to say it again. But she didn’t. I grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles before I finally left her bedroom. Then I walked out, locked the door, and then threw her keys under the door into her apartment.

  I leaned against the door and sighed, wishing I were in that bed with her.

  Then my phone went off in my pocket. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, but if someone was calling this late it must be important. I pulled it out and looked at the screen. It was Rhett.

  “What?” I said when I answered. “I’m not in a good mood right now.”

  “Well, you’re about to be.” Excitement was in his voice.

  “What’s up?”

  “We found something.”


  “What is it?” I asked as I entered Rhett’s apartment. Cato was there too. They were both sitting at the kitchen table.

  “Keep your voice down,” Rhett said. “Aspen is sleeping.” He pushed the paper toward me.

  I sat down and snatched it. “What is this?” It looked like phone records. I scanned through the pages.

  “We got his phone record from his service provider,” Cato said. “It shows every call he made and…all his text messages.” He gave me a knowing look.

  “And if the number he’s corresponding with isn’t Ophelia’s, then you got him,” Rhett said.

  My hands were shaking because I couldn’t believe it. I started to look through it.

  Want to come over?

  Cameron responded. Depends. What are you wearing?


  I kept skimming.

  Dinner tonight? Cameron texted.

  I want to try that new Italian place.

  The messages reached back for the past three months.

  “Is it Ophelia’s number?” Rhett asked.

  I pulled out my phone and compared. The truth hit me like a slab of bricks. I wasn’t happy but I wasn’t sad either. “No…”

  Cato pounded the table. “Then you got that asshole by the balls.”

  I kept reading through the messages, unable to believe Cameron really cheated on Ophelia and for so long. The topics of their conversations were usually explicit, and it was clear they were sleeping together. And Ophelia was right. The owner of the orange bra was a slut.

  “Go get her,” Rhett said. “Why are you still here?”

  I put the papers down. “Not so fast.”

  Cato groaned. “Now what do you want us to do? We have lives and wives, you know.”

  “You don’t have a wife yet,” I barked. “And I need to have Ophelia catch him in the act.”

  “Why?” Rhett demanded.

  “Because if I throw this at her it’ll make me look bad. If I take her somewhere where I know Cameron will be with this other woman, then I’m not the bad guy.”

  Cato sighed. “This girl better have the tightest pussy on the damn planet.”

  “Don’t talk about her like that,” I snapped.

  He raised his hands in apology.

  “Then what do you want us to do?” Rhett asked in a tired voice.

  “I need you to follow him, and then when he goes out with this girl, you’ll tell me and I’ll bring Ophelia so she can see it first hand.”

  “That might be a problem,” Cato said.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Read the last few text messages,” Rhett said.

  I turned to the last page.

  Cameron spoke first. I told you I can’t do this anymore.

  Why the hell not?

  I’m going to try and make it work with Ophelia.

  You said she was boring.

  Cameron didn’t respond for half an hour. She wasn’t always boring. I can make it work but I can’t do that if I’m still seeing you. It’s why the relationship went stale in the first place.

  Why am I not good enough?

  Ophelia is marriage material. My parents like her, and I do want a family someday.

  I stopped reading because I didn’t need to keep going.

  “It sounds like he’s breaking it off,” Rhett said. “You’ll have a hard time catching them together.”

  I sighed and rubbed my temple. “Once a cheater, always a cheater. This girl is clingy so he’ll have a hard time shaking her. And this conversation just happened yesterday. We have time.”

  Cato rubbed the back of his neck. “Dude, you owe us big.”

  “I know,” I said. “If you help me bring him down, I’ll do anything you want.”

  “Good,” Rhett said. “Because I want you to wash my car every week for a lifetime.”

  “If I get Ophelia, that’ll be a great trade,” I said seriously.

  “So, we’ll stay on him and let you know what we find,” Cato said.

  “Record them together,” I said. “Just in case I can’t get her there in time.”

  “You got it,” Rhett said.

  I folded the papers then stuffed them into my pocket. I would use them if I had to but I’d rather not.


  Max was down for the next week. He didn’t say much, and whenever I spoke to him it seemed like he was somewhere else. I tried to make him smile by telling him jokes or making breakfast and dinner.

  Nothing seemed to help.

  “I appreciate what you’re trying to do,” Max said. “But don’t worry about me, Ophelia. I’ll get over it.”

  I sat across from him at the table. “I just worry about you.”

  “Don’t. I got Jett.”

  I was grateful he had a good guy in his life. Jett was thoughtful, loyal, and generous. He’d become one of my closest friends. Actually, he was my best friend. We did everything together and I felt like I could tell him anything.

  When I wasn’t with him, I missed him. I thought about him more than I thought about Cameron—by a landslide. Perhaps it was because Cameron and I hadn’t really spent any time together. He kept getting sick or storming off.

  I wished Jett would like him but it was clear he never would. While I liked having a friend who obviously cared about me, I wished they would get along. I was tired of being the referee in the middle of their fights.

  I hadn’t seen Jett that week and he hadn’t texted me. I assumed Max was going to his place all the time so he could have some space. That was fine but I did miss him. I wished they would come over here. I could just text him but I wasn’t sure if that was appropriate. I didn’t want to be too clingy and irritate him. I already kissed him on accident and I was still embarrassed about it. He didn’t make a big deal about it or make me feel guilty because he was a good guy. But I’m sure it made him uncomfortable.

  I was at work and lunchtime had almost arrived when my assistant spoke through the intercom. “A gentleman by the name of Jett is here to see you, Ophelia. Shall I let him in?”

  Butterflies the size of dragons swam through my stomach and I felt a little dizzy. Adrenaline pumped in my body then excitement. I wanted to jump out of my seat because I was so thrilled he was there. I quickly fixed my hair then checked my make up in the mirror but I wasn’t sure why I did that. I never did stuff like that before. “Yes, send him in.” I kept my voice professional because I knew Jett could hear me.

  He walked inside then shut the door behind him. He wore dark jeans that hung low on his hips, and a gray t-shirt that made his body look amazing. His muscles were highlighted, and his biceps were appetizing. I wanted to squeeze them and I wasn’t sure why. When I sat on his lap last week, I leaned against his hard chest and immediately fell asleep. Even though he was as hard as a rock, he was the most comfortable thing I sat on.

  Unable to play it cool or sit still, I rose out of my chair then hugged him hard. I missed him and I couldn’t hide it. A week without talking was a week without my best friend.

  He returned the embrace with warmth. “Hey, sweetheart.”

  I loved it when he called me that. “I missed you.”

sp; He pulled away slightly and looked down into my face. “I missed you too.” His eyes turned serious as he looked into my face. Then he leaned in and kissed me on the forehead.

  The kiss burned my skin. I didn’t even ask why he was there because I didn’t care. All that mattered was the fact he was in my office—with me. I couldn’t describe the connection between us but I knew it was there.

  “I wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch.” His hands were on my hips and he squeezed me gently.

  “I’d love to,” I said without hesitation.

  “Great.” He kept one hand around my waist as he opened the door for me and walked me out.

  My assistant stared at Jett with obvious interest. Every woman checked him out like he was eye-candy. If only they knew he was gay. All the women in my office would break down in tears.

  “What are you in the mood for?” he asked.


  “Sandwiches?” he asked.


  When we approached the deli, he opened the door for me, like always. Cameron never opened the door for me. Well, he used to years ago. Then he stopped. Recently, he started again. It seemed like he was only interested in doing things based on his mood.

  We stood in line together and Jett stared at the menu. “What are you getting?”

  “A cucumber sandwich.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Are you a rabbit now?”

  “What if I am?” I challenged.

  That cocky grin came over his face. “You’re a cute rabbit then.”

  I smiled involuntarily.

  After we ordered our food, Jett paid for it, like usual, and then we took a seat by the window.

  He took large bites of his sandwich with that big mouth of his. He kept his elbows off the table, and his shoulders were so broad they extended past the chair.

  I found myself staring at him longer than I should.

  “How’s your day going?” he asked.

  “Good,” I said. “Work is work.”

  “But you like it, right?”

  “I love it.”

  “You should sneak me some t-shirts.”

  “What’s your size?”

  “Large, obviously.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

  I had to admit, I liked his cockiness. It never got old.

  “I’ll see what I can do. How’s your day going?”

  “Wonderful. I’m having lunch with a beautiful woman.”

  He was always so sweet to me, giving me more attention than anyone else ever had. “I was surprised to see you come to my office.”

  “Why is that?”

  “You’ve never done it before.”

  He shrugged. “I just felt like it. I hope I can come more often.”

  “You can come whenever you want,” I blurted.

  He winked at me. “I will.” He finished his sandwich then moved onto his chips.

  I was suddenly aware of my body when I was around him. I felt anxious, almost nervous. I couldn’t explain it.

  “Want to come over tonight?” he asked. “I can cook dinner.”

  “What about Max?”

  “Max is sick of me,” he said with a laugh. “He needs space.”

  I wanted to, but I remembered I had plans. Disappointment filled me. “I can’t…”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m going out with Cameron.” I was actually bummed out I wasn’t hanging out with Jett. Shouldn’t I feel excited to see Cameron? He wasn’t my boyfriend but that’s where it was headed. Why did I want to spend more time with Jett, my gay friend?”

  “Oh.” Jett seemed just as disappointed. “I see.”

  It became awkward and I picked at my chips and kept my gaze downturned.

  “You’re wasting your time with him.” His voice was suddenly aggressive. “He’s no good for you.”

  I knew how Jett felt about him. He made it abundantly clear.

  “Look at you, Ophelia. Supermodels like you need to be with a perfect man, nothing less.”

  I was flattered he thought so highly of me but I didn’t deserve the praise.

  “Dump him, Ophelia,” he said. “Come on.”

  “Okay, I get it.” I held up my hand because I knew he wouldn’t stop until I silenced him.

  “You’re settling and I’m not going to let you settle.”

  “Jett, I don’t want to argue about this right now.”

  He sighed but it came out as a growl. Then he looked out the window.

  Maybe I should just end things with Cameron—for good. Would we ever be what we once were? Did we have any chance? The last few times I saw him the night ended prematurely. We hadn’t even had a chance to kiss. And honestly, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to.

  He turned back to me, a serious expression on his face. “You need to promise me something.”


  “Promise me you won’t sleep with him tonight.”

  It was the weirdest request I ever heard. “Why?”

  He leaned over the table and lowered his voice. “Just promise me. I can’t tell you why. Just trust me.”

  “Uh…” I had no idea why he was asking me to do such a thing. Why did he care?

  “Promise me,” he pressed.

  “Why are you making me promise such a thing?”

  He sighed and closed his eyes. Then he reopened them. “I’m your friend, right? Maybe this is just on my part, but you’re one of my closest friends. Do you feel the same way?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Then blindly trust me on this. I’ll explain at a later time.”

  “You do understand how odd this is.”

  “Completely,” he said seriously.

  “Okay.” I don’t know why I agreed to it but I did.

  “You promise?” he pressed.

  “I promise.”

  He visibly relaxed.

  “I wasn’t going to sleep with him anyway. It’s too soon for that.”

  “Then why didn’t you just promise me to begin with?” he asked.

  “I don’t just do what someone tells me to do,” I argued. “I’m not a mindless idiot.”

  “I’m glad to hear that,” he said. “But you can be different with me.”

  I already had a feeling I was.

  He looked out the window and remained in a somber mood. His eyes reflected the blue sky, and the colors were almost identical. A small amount of hair was growing on his chin and sides of his face like he hadn’t shaved for a few days. His strong jaw caught my attention, like always. I wondered how it would feel to sprinkle kisses on it. His eyes shifted my way and he caught me staring at him.

  But I didn’t look away. I’d already been caught so I didn’t see the point in pretending I wasn’t watching him like a piece of artwork.

  He didn’t speak or make an arrogant comment like usual. Instead, he met my gaze without wavering. He didn’t even blink. The deli was full of people having quiet conversations. Wrappers were open and then closed. People got ice in their cups from the soda machine. Trays were stacked on top of the trashcan. But all of those sounds seemed irrelevant. I could hear Jett breathe, and the sound was in tune to the rise and fall of his chest. Somehow, I could even hear his heartbeat.

  And call me crazy, but I thought he could hear mine too.


  Cameron picked me up then took me to an Italian restaurant in Manhattan. We sat across from each other at the table, and I realized this was the first time we’d really been alone together. It was awkward, and if I felt it, he must have felt it too.

  He browsed his menu before he set it aside. “How’s work?”

  “Fine.” There wasn’t much to say. The highlight of my day was when Jett came to my office and took me to lunch. But I wouldn’t say that to him. “How was your day?”

  “We have another big case coming up. But it should have a big payout.”

  For the past five months, Cameron had been working hard on a criminal case. He’d worked nights a
nd weekends, and we didn’t see each other as often as I wanted to. “What happened to that other case you had?”

  “What case?” he asked.

  “The one you were working on all the time?”

  “Oh.” He nodded his head in understanding. “Uh…we won but now the defendant is trying to appeal it.” His voice was different, high-pitched and uncomfortable.

  What did I say to make him so uneasy? “Your stomach been giving you anymore problems?” It wasn’t the best topic to bring up but I didn’t know what else to say.

  “Yeah, the bug lasted twenty-four hours then went away.”

  “Well, at least it was short-lived.”

  “How’d the benefit go?”

  “Terrible,” I said. “My parents treated Max like a dirty secret. We left within thirty minutes. And Max took it pretty hard.”

  He nodded but didn’t say anything. It didn’t seem like he cared much either.

  “I’m glad he has Jett. He can be sensitive but firm at the same time.”

  A shadow fell over his eyes at the mention of Jett. The anger burned deep inside but he didn’t voice his fury. “Spend a lot of time with him?” His tone was clipped, like he was annoyed.

  “Yeah, we’re friends.”

  “What do you two do together?”

  “We go shopping…play board games…hit the gym. He’s become one of my closest friends.” It was hard to think about him and not smile.

  “He’s not gay.”

  He said this once before but I couldn’t believe it. “He is.”

  “No, he’s not.”

  “And why would he pretend to be gay with Max?” I asked. “He gets nothing out of it.”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “But he’s not gay. I can tell. I’ve seen him check out your ass.”

  “He was probably checking out my dress.”

  “No, he wasn’t,” he spat. “I’ve seen him look at your chest.”

  “He may look at me but that doesn’t mean he’s checking me out.”

  “Am I the only one who sees it?” he asked incredulously.

  “Apparently,” I said coldly.

  He rested his elbows on the table and surveyed the other people in the restaurant. His nostrils were flared.

  “Gay or straight, what does it matter?”

  “It matters because he’s trying to get with you.”

  Jett wasn’t trying to be with me. That wouldn’t happen in a million years. “You’re acting crazy.”


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