Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2

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Reckless: Triple R Security, Book 2 Page 17

by Imogen Wells

  “I resent that assumption,” he says as a look of feigned hurt crosses his face. At my obvious disbelieving look, he recants. “Okay, fine, you got me banged to rights. But Seb isn’t like me, Jamie. Yeah, he may have indulged in the occasional one-night stand, but he’s far from the player you have him labelled as.” I blink several times and bite my lip as confusion wars with the possibility that what Jay said is true. “If you knew his father, then you’d understand better. But that’s not my story to tell.” He pauses, realising that perhaps he fucked up by telling me even that small nugget of information. Shaking it off, he steps beside me, linking his arm with mine. “Come on,” he says, stepping forward and pulling me with him.

  Having no other choice, I let him lead me inside the police station, but his words ring in my ears on a loop.

  My thoughts are quickly turned to the raucous noise coming from a more than pissed off guy in a grey suit. As I take him in, I tense, realising I recognise him from my mum’s house.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Jay asks beside me.

  I continue to watch the guy shouting at the cop behind the reception desk. “That guy. I know him, Jay. He was at mum’s the other day, and it didn’t seem as though he was there for a cuppa and a chit chat.” Jay pulls me aside, out of his line of sight, and I’m glad.

  There are several other groups of people inside the station, talking loudly, which makes it difficult to hear exactly what he’s saying. Jay stands in front of me, and I ask him if he knows the guy. His hesitant no and deep frown don’t exactly fill me with truthful confidence.

  I hear the word client bandied around a couple of times, and then a veil of silence descends over the room at the exact moment he asks to speak with Detective Williams before the chatter picks up again, and I’m unable to hear anything further.

  My breath hitches in my throat and an overwhelming need for air washes over me. My feet itch to carry me out of here, but I stay where I am knowing that I need to do this. For Alex. I feel Jay’s hand slip into mine, and I give it a gentle squeeze in silent appreciation for him being here with me.

  Logically, I know there are many reasons why this guy would want to speak to Jasper, but even the most obvious, which points to him being a solicitor, doesn’t allay my fears. Because if that’s true, what was he doing at my mum’s house? My mum works part-time at the council as a secretary in the planning department, so her contact with solicitors would be minimal, and most definitely not with one that looks like he might need to represent himself one day.

  As my mind whirls with all kinds of scenarios, a door to the left of me beeps, and Jay moves me just as it swings open, revealing Jasper. A smile lights his face when he sees me, but it’s soon replaced by a scowl that has the vein at his temple throbbing as his eyes land on Jay beside me.

  Jasper steps forward, and Jay makes the smallest of movements that has Jasper pausing for a split second before composing himself.

  “Jamie. Just give me a few minutes, and I’ll be with you.” He moves off without so much as a glance at Jay and approaches the suit guy at the desk.

  “Are you okay? If you want to leave, we can, and you can give your statement to someone else.”

  “No. I want to get this over with and get the hell out of here.” I don’t add that I intend to go and see my mum as soon as I can.

  We wait ten minutes before Jasper returns and leads us, through the same door he exited from, to a room similar to the one he interviewed me in last time.

  When Jay goes to follow me into the room, Jasper stops him, claiming that as a witness he’s not permitted to sit in on my interview and will need to give his own account of last night. At which point, another officer appears pointing Jay to the room opposite mine, while a further officer steps up beside me. I shake my head at Jay when he goes to protest and tell him it’s fine.

  In the room, I take a seat at the small table as Jasper and the other officer take the two seats across from me. I can’t shake the feeling that separating us was intentional, but Jasper’s mood has done a complete u-turn from seeing me in reception, and whilst his manner is professional, it’s relaxed and puts me at ease.

  I give Jasper my statement, and short of a few simple questions, the interview is over and done with quickly. The other officer exits the room leaving Jasper and me alone, and I use the opportunity to ask if he’s okay, hoping to glean as much information as possible.

  “I’m fine, just a little knock to the head. I was more worried about you,” he says looking up at me as he gathers the papers and folder together from the table.

  I give a nod of my head with a small smile. “I’m fine too.” I stand from my chair and as I grab the back to push it beneath the table, Jasper does the same, his hand landing on mine. I stop myself from snatching my hand back, simply finishing the action before slipping my hand from beneath his as naturally as possible.

  As we walk out of the room and down the corridor, I ask Jasper what happened after we left, and he confirms what Jay already told us, but nothing more.

  We stop at the door that leads back out to the reception area and before he opens the door I casually ask, “What was that guy’s problem earlier? He seemed really pissed off, and at one point I thought he was going to get arrested.” Giving a little laugh, I add, “Is it always like that here?”

  “Pretty much, yes,” he replies, opening the door and gesturing for me to go through. He skipped right over my question about the guy, and I’m certain it was intentional.

  Jay is waiting for me when I step through, and I see the relief on his face as he catches sight of me.

  “Hey. Everything okay?” he asks as I walk to meet him.

  “Yeah, fine. Let’s get out of here,” I say, turning to see Jasper watching us from the doorway.

  We step outside just as two female officers are walking towards the entrance, and I offer a smile. As we pass, I hear one of them whisper how much I look like some woman called Katie, and when I turn back, both women are looking back at me.

  I stop and turn fully around. “Can I help you with something?” I ask.

  The officers stop, a look passing between them before the tallest of the two walks back towards me.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just you reminded me of someone, that’s all.”

  “I hope that’s a good thing,” I say.

  “Well, yes and no, actually,” she says a little hesitantly. “You look like my friend Katie, but unfortunately she died last year.”

  “Oh, I am sorry.”

  “It’s fine. It was a year ago now, but it surprised me to see someone who looks so much like her. You could easily have been twins.”

  I offer her my condolences again, and then Jay and I leave. Her words replay in my head over and over on the drive home as though I’m missing something. Story of my life. The thoughts are pushed away as we pull up to a building I’ve not been to before.

  “What is this place?” I ask Jay as we step from the car.

  He turns to me with a small frown and says, “This is mine and Seb’s place for now.”

  If I look confused, it’s because I am, but Jay doesn’t comment further and just leads me inside.



  I leave Jamie when she goes to meet Jay and head back to Rick’s. I’ve received an invitation for the VIP event at Tempest for this Friday and need to discuss our play with Rick. I’m also keen to find out what else he got from Dom ‘cause I know that shithead is hiding something.

  And I really need something to take my mind of the fact Jamie is at the station with Jasper. I’m starting to think that some of the stuff going on with Jamie isn’t all connected to whoever is threatening Dom, and that worries me.

  I find Rick in his office talking to Max on the phone. He’s not been well, and I know how much Rick hates not being there for his son, especially because Max’s mother isn’t around. At least he has his parents, who have been amazing and always take Max when Rick needs to be away, understanding
that Rick needs to work. Not only for his own sanity, but for an income too.

  He looks up as I enter, and I call out a hello to Max. Rick puts him on speaker so he can talk to us both, and we spend the next twenty minutes talking to him.

  Once the call is over, I ask, “Did you find out what Dom is hiding? ‘Cause that guy knows more than he’s saying about who’s doing this.”

  Rick lets out a sigh and rubs at his temples. “No, I didn’t, but I do agree he knows more than he’s telling us, and that’s a big fucking problem.” He closes his eyes and rubs a hand over his face. “I’m going to put a tail on Dom. I’ve already called Dean, and he’ll be here tomorrow.”

  “Wow. You must be serious to call in the big guy.”

  “I am. I also set our PI on to Dom too. I don’t think this is anything to do with his job, it seems too personal, so I’ve asked him to look at his past. Everything. Family history, the lot. And, before you ask, I’m telling you this because I want you to be prepared in case there is anything in Jamie’s history.”

  I consider his words for a moment before saying, “I’m not worried. I think Jamie told me her biggest secret this morning.”

  Rick raises his brows. “I’m going to guess it was to do with Josh?” I give a nod. “Okay, well that’s her story to tell.” I read between the lines of Rick’s comment; that everyone has one. Even me.

  I do, but it’s not some big, dark secret, in fact, anyone that reads the papers already knows my story. Which is probably why Dom hates me. Although, it does surprise me that Jamie hasn’t figured out who my father is yet.

  “Are you concerned what Jamie will think when she finds out about your father?” Rick asks.

  I don’t answer straight away. “What do you think? The man is a fucking demon, I’m sure of it. All he’s ever done is ruin everything good in my life. Why should this be any different, huh?”

  “Because this is Jamie we’re talking about, and she’s more than capable of holding her own with your father. I can’t say I don’t wish to be a fly on the wall when those two finally meet,” Rick says with a low whistle.

  “That’s assuming there’s a reason for them to meet at all,” I tell him. “Anyway, enough about my love life, or lack thereof. How about we talk about yours for a change.” Rick tells me to fuck off in no uncertain terms, but it shuts him up. “Okay, fine. Back to business then. I received my invite to the VIP event at Tempest last night, and I imagine Jay will have too. It’s for this Friday, and there’s still been no sign of the girl, Natalia.”

  From what Rick has managed to piece together, these events begin as any normal night, but at some point in the evening, things change. If you’re lucky enough, or throw enough money around, then you’ll be offered the chance to partake in something a little different. Man or woman, so it seems. Unfortunately, every lead the police have had has turned up dead before they can talk. No surprises there.

  The place has only been open for a year, but in the last six months there have been countless reports about girls being sold in high priced auctions, and several girls found dead. The girls are often found in the red-light district, no doubt to throw the scent off Tempest, but the police have been able to trace a couple back to Tempest.

  “Damn. Do you think she’s dead?”

  “I hope not. She may have just gone into hiding, but as we have no idea of the reach of these guys, I don’t know how long she’ll last if we don’t find her. It seemed to me like Tank was helping her, so maybe there’s something between them.” I shrug, pulling my phone from my pocket as it vibrates with a message. It’s from Jay letting me know they are at ours, and I finally relax a little now I know she’s okay. “Jay and Jamie are back at mine, so I’m going to shoot, but keep me posted on what Dean and the PI dig up, and I’ll let you know if Jamie got anything useful from Detective Dick. I’ll chat to Jay about Friday too.”

  I try not to let my thoughts wonder to my father too much on the way home or the fact that on Friday I’ll have to be at Tempest, and that means leaving Jamie alone. I know Rick will have someone watch her, but it should be me. I don’t like the thought of someone else watching her, in any capacity, and I’m reminded of my words to Ryder about Cam not so long ago. If I didn’t get such a kick out of winding that fucker up, I’d feel bad for being such an arse to him over Cam.

  Laughter greets me as I enter the apartment, and the light tinkling sound sends all the blood rushing to my dick. I step out of the hallway to find Jamie and Jay, heads together, watching something on Jay’s phone. I’ll admit that little green-eyed monster pokes his fucking head up, but I shove him back in his box. There’s no place for him here. Jay’s my oldest friend, and I know without a shadow of doubt he’d never break the bro code. Jasper on the other hand? Yeah, that cocksucker wouldn’t even blink before going after someone else’s woman.

  “Hey,” I say, as I stride over to them and drop down beside Jamie. She’s jostled slightly from the force and ends up leaning into me. Yeah, I like that.

  “Hi,” she breaths out, laying a hand on my thigh to push herself upright. The feel of her fingertips so close to my already semi-hard cock have it throbbing painfully, and once Jamie is sitting upright again, I have to adjust myself. Her eyes meet mine, becoming glassy as her skin flushes and her tongue darts out between her lips, wetting them and leaving a glossy shine that demands I taste her. I feel myself leaning in to do just that when a cough comes from the other side of her.

  The spell is broken as she looks away, and I clear my throat before asking, “So, how did it go at the station?” I see the small look that passes between.

  “It was fine. Jasper didn’t tell me anything we didn’t already know, and I gave my statement and left,” Jamie tells me, but her fidgeting hands tell me that’s not the whole truth.

  “Okay. Now do you want to tell me the bits you missed out or am I meant to guess?”

  “I don’t know—”

  “We were split up and had to give separate interviews. No big deal. We did meet someone that knew Jamie’s doppelganger, though,” Jay says, obviously trying to steer me away from the fact Jamie was alone with Jasper.

  “Yeah, it was weird. But they say we all have one, so…” Jamie says.

  “What do you mean? Like an actual twin?”

  “No, silly. This female cop saw us coming out of the station and said I look like her friend that died, that’s all.” She gives a little shrug, but the crease between her brow tells me something is bothering her about it.

  “Did she say what happened to her?” I ask.

  “Nah, just that her name was Kate or Katie, something like that, and she died last year.” Jamie leans forward to pick up her drink from the small coffee table, so misses my flash of recognition at her mention of the name Katie, but Jay sees. His gaze narrows on me in question, and I mouth ‘later’ to him just as Jamie turns back to me.

  “So, did Rick find out what my dad is hiding? Or does he know already?” She watches me closely for any indication my next words are a lie.

  “What makes you think he’s hiding something?”

  “Because my dad is never afraid to call people out on their shit and never shied away from going to the police in the past. And let’s be honest here, this has happened many times in the past. Besides, it seems that lately my mum and dad are all about the secrets and lies. So, yeah, I think he’s not telling me, and probably you all, the truth.”

  “Well, the first part sounds like someone else we know,” Jay says, letting out a humph when Jamie slaps her hand against his stomach.

  “I don’t know any more than you do at this point, so we just have to keep watching and waiting,” I tell her.

  “Next question; why am I here with you two and not back at my house?”

  I wondered when this question would come up. At this point Jay escapes to the kitchen for drinks and to prep dinner. That means all Jamie’s attention is on me, and she turns to face me, tucking one leg beneath her.

l?” she prompts.

  “I don’t want you at the house on your own,” I blurt out matter-of-factly. It’s probably not the best way I could have told her and given her reaction, she’s not happy.

  “At what point have I given you the impression that I like to be bossed around?” I wiggle my brows, and a wide grin spreads across my face. “And I don’t mean in the bedroom,” she adds, seeing the mischievous look on my face.

  “Outside of the bedroom? Never. But my argument still stands.”

  “No, it doesn’t, Seb. I’m not cattle you can just herd where you want. Although, I can empathise with sheep being chased around by a dog,” she says with a cheeky smirk.

  I turn my body to match hers, leaning in and invading her personal space. “I should be offended by that, but actually, I’m picturing you on all fours, arse in the air, while I pound into you from behind. I don’t need to try very hard to see that image because I’ve had you in that position more than once, and I fucking love it.” I reach my hand out, brushing across her cheek, and her eyes close at my touch. I slide my hand to the back of her neck, gripping her tied hair in my hand and giving a little pull so her head tilts back, exposing the slender column of her neck. “You can’t fight me forever, Jamie, and I don’t want you to. I want you to submit to me…” She gasps, and her eyes flick open with fire dancing in them at the idea. “I’m not afraid to tell you I want you. Because I do. Have done every day since I first slipped my dick inside you.” Jamie’s breaths come out in little pants, almost a whimper.


  “Shh…Don’t say it. In the bedroom you are mine, but I want all of you. I want your heart.” I run my fingers over her heart beneath her thin top, watching as her nipples pebble. “Your words, every breath and every touch,” I tell her, brushing my lips over hers. “I want to own them. I want to feel you beneath my skin like a living breathing entity entwined with me. And when I slip inside you, every fucking night, I want to own your pleasure, hear your cries, taste them on my tongue.” This time I brush my knuckles over her breast, retracing my path as she groans low in her throat, and I stop to tweak her nipple as I keep a tight grip on her hair and kiss down her neck.


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