Deep Down (Crush Book 4)

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Deep Down (Crush Book 4) Page 6

by Elouise East

  He shook his head. “Dr Wick gave me some tablets not long ago.”

  “Well, if you do feel pain at all, press the button and someone will come and check you over and see if you can have some more pain relief, alright?”

  He nodded.

  “God, I don’t envy you being in this bed. I was in it many a time years ago. But my current husband is a nice man and loves nothing more than spoiling me.” She chuckled. “I do wish he’d quit trying to feed me up.” She gave a put-upon sigh as she patted her stomach.

  “Better to feed you than starve you.” Craig chuckled. “How did you end up laid up?”

  Gloria sighed and patted his hand as she removed the cuff and wrote on his file. “My ex-boyfriend was not a nice person. Too many times to count over the three years I was with him, I ended up here, broken and bleeding.” She shook her head. “Good riddance, I say.”

  Craig didn’t reply. He didn’t know whether she had been put up to saying something about abuse or not, but it wasn’t the same situation. Gloria’s boyfriend was an asshole; Darren loved him and needed Craig to help him calm his anger. That’s all. Nobody seemed to understand their relationship, but that was okay. They understood that was all that mattered.

  The nurses were in and out the rest of the day, checking his obs and bringing him food, and on one occasion, a nurse brought him a book and a couple of magazines. He had a TV in the room but didn’t put it on; he wasn’t one for watching it and enjoyed the quiet instead.

  He thought about what had happened the past week. Since he’d met Dr Wick, he’d become more aware of Darren’s anger and some of the things Craig did to keep the peace. He didn’t mind doing them, he simply hadn’t understood he did it. He believed himself to be clever, being a website designer, he had to have some smarts to find tiny errors and fix them, but if other people are commenting on his life…was there something to what they were saying?

  The situation last week was his own fault. They’d been in the middle of having sex, and beforehand Craig had agreed to what Darren had requested. He’d started feeling uncomfortable with the situation and asked Darren to stop, which he had. But Darren had grown angry because Craig had gone back on his word. Darren said he felt like he couldn’t trust Craig to be truthful to him because he could take it back again later. He could see what Darren was saying. It was why Darren had gotten so upset, and Craig hadn’t been able to calm him as Craig was usually able to.

  He wasn’t sure how anyone could say it was a case of abuse? He wasn’t scared of Darren. Craig knew Darren loved him and took care of him; otherwise, Craig wouldn’t be living with him.

  Frowning, his thoughts went around and around in vicious circles, and Craig was no better off than when he first started thinking about it all. Because he was cranky, he snapped at the nurse bringing his dinner. But he apologised profusely straight away.

  After dinner, Dr Wick came to see him. “Is Mr Corrigan not here?” he asked.

  Craig shook his head. “He had to work.”

  “Really.” It wasn’t stated as a question, and it rankled.

  “Yes. For your information, Dr Wick, Darren went to work today so he could have the day off when I leave here.” His response was brusque.

  The doctor had the decency to blush. “I apologise, that was rude of me.”

  Craig didn’t reply, simply twisted his head away.

  The doctor cleared his throat. “Please call me Alex. Anyway, your tests have come back, and I would like to keep you again overnight. It’s a precaution.”

  “No problem.” Craig refused to look at him.

  “Going back to my earlier question, do you feel like you will be in danger if you leave the hospital?”

  Craig’s head whipped around to meet Alex’s gaze with his own widened version. “What? No! Why would I be in danger?” He paused. “Do you know what, don’t answer. I know I’m not in danger. Darren didn’t hurt me on purpose, it was an accident.”

  “You remember?” Alex pulled out his file and pen, watching him expectantly.

  “Yes. I was doing my weekly training with Darren. We have always done some light workouts together, but when I got mugged, I asked Darren to teach me more things to defend myself. We started by Darren coming up behind me and me trying to get out of his hold. Once he taught me how to do a couple, I asked him to show me a headlock. He wasn’t sure initially. I think he thought I’d freak out. But I insisted. I was trying to get out of it, and we tripped. All I remember after that is a pain in my head and then nothing until I came to here.”

  Craig had thought he’d done a good job of recreating the imagery for the story. He didn’t want Darren getting in trouble for something which wasn’t Darren’s fault.

  Alex stared at him with a slightly narrowed gaze, and Craig held it, determined for him to see the truth—or what he’d said was the truth—in his. Eventually, Alex nodded.

  “Okay.” He watched as Alex clenched his jaw. “Can you explain all the other injuries you have or the injuries I’m sure you have suffered from prior to those from last week? Because I highly doubt if those were the first set of injuries you’ve received from him.” There was a bite to his tone, his voice having got louder as the words rolled off his tongue.

  “Look, I’ve told you time and time again, I am not being abused. Lay off! What does it take to get it through to you? God, you’re like a dog with a bloody bone!” Craig huffed.

  Alex’s eyebrows were in his hairline, and his mouth was open.

  Gloria came bustling through the door. “What is going on in here? I can hear you all the way to the nurses’ station. And if I can, the other patients can! Dr Wick, kindly leave Mr Talbot to rest. You’re needed elsewhere.” She concentrated on Craig. “And you need to calm yourself; otherwise, your blood pressure will make sure you won’t be leaving the hospital tomorrow either.” Her gaze pierced his.

  Craig nodded.

  Alex swung around to leave, but before he went through the door, he paused. “I’m sorry. Yet again. Get some rest.”

  Visiting hours came and went with no sign of Darren. A nurse came in later and explained a message had been left saying Darren had not been able to get in but would be there first thing in the morning. He puzzled over what had kept Darren away but was left with his thoughts to keep him company once more. And the ringing echoes of Alex’s words.

  Chapter 8


  Alex trudged out of the hospital room, suitably chastened but shocked in equal measure. He couldn’t believe Craig had shouted at him; it made him debate everything about the case and Craig’s situation. In all the abuse cases he had dealt with before, all the victims had some things in common: softly spoken, would offer endless help and had quiet demeanours. None would have yelled at him like Craig had. Did that mean Craig was telling the truth, and Alex was looking for trouble where there wasn’t any?

  “Dr Wick, can I speak to you please?” Gloria’s whip-sharp voice came from behind him. He led her to a room that he knew was currently empty. He pivoted when the door shut.

  “What the hell, Alex?” Exasperation coated her every word.

  “Oh, now you call me Alex.” He shook his head and hung it, examining the floor, arms crossed over his chest. “I know, I know. I’m sorry. I…” His gaze wandered around the room, trying to gather his thoughts. “Everything is pointing towards him being abused, Gloria, as you know. I’m attempting to provide opportunities for him to talk to me. But he keeps protecting the asshole!” His hand pointed in the direction of Craig’s room.

  “What happened in there?” She halted next to the door.

  “I asked him if he’d had any other injuries he’d never been checked out for, and he started yelling that I was going on and on at him about being abused when he wasn’t.” He paused and frowned at Gloria. “I don’t know whether I’m looking too hard for something that’s not there,” he admitted softly.

  “Oh, Alex.” She came over to him and enveloped him in one of her hugs. “You n
eed to trust your instincts. You’ve told me time and again that your instincts have saved the day on many occasions. Why is now any different?” She pulled away but kept her hands on his biceps.

  Alex avoided her gaze, not wanting to admit what he was thinking and what Casey had eluded to previously. “I don’t know. My instincts are telling me something is off about the situation. But then Craig goes and yells at me—”

  “Craig?” Gloria’s eyebrows rose, and a hint of a smirk curved her lips.

  “—Mr Talbot,” he glared at her, “yelled at me, which doesn’t convey the usual personality of a victim of abuse. I’m all turned around about it.”

  “I know what you’re getting turned around about, all right.” Gloria smiled, then sobered. “Trust your instincts, Alex. Don’t go obsessing. Stick with whatever your gut is telling you.” Alex nodded. “But no more shouting at the patients.” She glared, pointing a finger at him.

  “Sorry.” He blushed.

  They exited the room and walked to the nurses’ station, allowing Gloria to deal with her work and Alex to write up his notes. He entered the details of his concerns, the interactions he witnessed between Craig and Darren, but left out their argument.

  Alex worked steadily through his shift, his thoughts never too far away from Craig and the situation, as could be seen from his continued checking of Craig’s file for updates. Gloria sought him out when her shift finished to let him know the latest and, while snickering, reminded him about his promise to not shout at the patients.


  He started his rounds at nine the following morning. He went around the rooms and checked to make sure everyone was settled and doing well. He fielded questions, calmed worried thoughts and enlisted the help of nurses for extra pain relief when needed. He left Craig’s room until last, knowing he was going to be the most difficult to leave.

  Knocking on his door, Alex entered when Craig replied. He bid good morning and went about his usual checks, not interacting any more than he usually would. Using his pen-light, he checked Craig’s pupil reactions, surreptitiously checking the bruising around his eye as well. The bruising was healing well, but Alex found himself falling into those sea-green eyes. He made himself pull away. Although the black eye was visible, it was fading and didn’t appear as angry, but it showed how good-looking Craig was. It made him flush and spin away because it was highly inappropriate, for one thing, and added another check against his reasons for wanting to help Craig.

  He shook his head, startling when Craig’s voice pierced the quiet.

  “Have you been here all night?” he asked.

  Alex nodded. “I’m heading home after I finish these rounds.”

  “Have a good sleep.”

  He gaped at Craig and saw him smile hesitantly. A peace offering? “I apologise about earlier…uh, I mean yesterday.”

  Craig tilted his head to stare at him. “But you’re not going to let up, are you?”

  Alex didn’t take his gaze away. “You rest up.” He sashayed away to the musical sound of Craig’s quiet laughter; it made Alex smile.

  After finishing up the notes from his rounds, he collected his belongings and headed home. He was exhausted, which was about normal for him. The drive took ten minutes, and he locked up behind himself, took a quick shower and dropped to his bed.

  Next thing he knew, the alarm woke him at seven o’clock that evening. He sat up straight away, knowing if he lingered, he would be falling asleep again. He threw on his workout clothes. He didn’t have a large set up at home, but his spare room held a treadmill, some weights and a rowing machine. Spending an hour loosening his muscles and working up a sweat made him feel better than he had in days. He hit the shower again and readied himself for his next night shift.

  Alex was eating his porridge when his phone rang. Casey wanted to know how things were going.

  “Well, in all honesty, Casey, I was second-guessing myself last night.”

  “Why?” The noise in the background coming from Casey’s side seemed to indicate he was on a street somewhere noisy.

  Alex told him about the shouting match, hesitating when Casey burst into laughter and continued once Casey had contained himself.

  “Okay, laughter aside, I can see why you’d be wondering. I don’t have any answers, Alex. I’ll speak to Logan, off the record of course, and see if he has any insights which might help you. He doesn’t seem to fit in the ‘box’ we like to put people in.” Alex could imagine Casey’s finger quotes.

  “That would be great, thanks. Gloria told me to trust my instincts, that’s what I’m going to do for now.”

  “Good plan.” There was a pause. “Right, I’m going to have to go. I’ll let you know what Logan says.”

  “Thanks, Casey.”

  They signed off, and Alex headed to work.

  Once settled, Alex checked Craig’s file, and his heart pounded painfully in his chest when he read Craig had been discharged several hours earlier. Alex’s stomach clenched, and his mouth went dry as he imagined Craig leaving with Darren. He was being stupid; Craig knew what he was doing, and Alex had to leave him to it. It was something he told himself repeatedly throughout his shift. And when he finished his shift. And in the car on the way to Craig’s house. And after he’d parked the car down the road.

  He sat in the car, not wanting to linger too long and be seen by neighbours who may think he was a stalker or kidnapper or whatever. He needed to get his bearings before facing Craig again, knowing exactly the reception he was likely to get.

  Alex gripped his bag and headed up the drive before knocking on the door, hoping like hell he hadn’t made a mistake.

  Craig opened the door, eyes widening, then darkening as red bloomed across his face, and his mouth twisted. Alex saw the door closing shut. “Wait!” He slapped his hand on the front to get Craig’s attention.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Craig’s expression was furious. “You need to leave.”

  “I wanted to check on you, that’s all,” Alex argued.

  “Well, you’ve seen me, so go away!”


  “Stop shouting!” Craig peered behind Alex, presumably seeing if any neighbours were watching.

  “Let me in. I’ll be on my way in no time.” Alex tried to reason with him, and it must’ve worked because Craig opened the door wider.

  “You have five minutes, then you have to leave.”

  “Can I check you over?” Alex didn’t need to but wanted to be close to him.

  “No. I wouldn’t have been discharged yesterday if I wasn’t well enough. I’m fine.” Craig crossed his arms over his chest, feet planted apart.

  Alex chanced a glance around the room, seeing nothing out of place, not a speck of residual blood anywhere. “Have you been resting?” He frowned. “I thought Darren was staying with you when you were discharged?”

  He watched as Craig swallowed and blinked a couple of times before answering. “He got called into work.”

  Alex kept his thoughts to himself. “You need to rest, not work. Even sitting at a computer will wear you out, Craig.”

  Craig’s arms flew into the air. “It’s my choice, Alex! Can you get that into your head? My life, my choice.”

  “Fine! Sorry I bothered you!” Alex wheeled and flung the front door open and slammed it behind him again. He stalked to the car, but not before the tell-tale twitching of the curtains next-door caught his gaze. He hoped Craig would not be punished for Alex’s visit; he should have thought it through better. He knew better. He kept losing his head with Craig. Nothing was fitting or working as it normally did, and it was all Craig’s fault.

  Arriving home, he stormed through the house, heading straight for a shower. He hoped it would calm him enough that he could sleep.


  “Hey, sis. How’re things?” Alex tucked the phone between his ear and shoulder, several interrupted hours of sleep later.

  “Great, thanks. How are you? How’s work?” Ella
was three years younger than him and was married, happily, he should add, to Daniel Roberts and had a particularly feisty two-year-old, Danny. Ella loved everything about being married and having a family, and it was a dream Alex would eventually like to have for himself. He had dedicated himself to his hospital dream first, as he didn’t want to have a child who he didn’t see because of his shifts. Ella was a thriving stay-at-home mother; she was made for a role she truly wanted.

  “Yeah, good, thanks.” His voice didn’t sound convincing.

  “Hmm, I call bull…ies,” she finished.

  Alex hooted. “Danny in the room by any chance?”

  “Yes, and I’m trying not to let him catch any words I don’t want to hear repeated in public because he’s picking up every single thing at the moment!” Exasperation tinged her tone, but in an “aww, that’s cute” kind of way.

  “How is the little bugaboo?” He hoped to distract Ella from her previous line of thought.

  “He’s awesome. He’s potty training now.”

  “How’s that going?” Rather her than him.

  “Not great. It’s the first day, though. We’re going to see it through.” She sighed. “Danny? Do you want to say hello to Uncle Alex?”

  “Gubb-gu-aym.” Danny’s voice travelled through the phone and made Alex laugh.

  “Hey, Danny-boy. What’cha watching today?” It was the same question he asked every time they spoke. He received more babbling noises, which trailed off after a few seconds.

  Ella came back on the line, laughing. “He’s stood next to me staring at the TV, mouth open.”

  “Oh, is it time for Bouncing Babies?” Alex mentioned the name of the programme Danny loved to watch whenever he could. It was primarily some babies crawling around on a mat while the parents sang and signed in a circle. Alex didn’t see the lure of it, but Danny was transfixed every time.

  “Yep. Hold on…Danny, go sit and watch it…That’s it…Right, I’m back.” Ella huffed. “What was I…Oh, yes. What’s got you sounding down?”

  Busted. He should’ve known better than to think she’d drop it. That’s not what their family did; if something was bothering one of them, they helped if they could. Unfortunately, this was one case where Ella couldn’t help.


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