Ruthless Idols: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 2)

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Ruthless Idols: A Paranormal High School Bully Romance (Gifted Academy Book 2) Page 6

by Michelle Hercules


  “Do you like cake?” She turns in her seat, holding a pink box.

  “Who doesn’t?”

  “Oh, goodie. Here, take this. I’m an enthusiastic baker, and I always end up baking more cake than my husband and I can eat.”

  “Thanks.” I grab the box. “What kind of cake is it?”

  “Vanilla with a surprise filling. You’ll love it,” the man replies.

  Still bewildered by this strange couple and my reaction to them, I exit their car. They drive off before I get to the gate. It’s not until I return to my room that the strange fog lifts from my brain.

  Holy shit. I don’t know who those people were, but they scrambled my thoughts. Which means they weren’t Norms like I thought they were. Suddenly, the pink box feels like a ticking bomb. What the hell is inside? Placing it on my desk, I open the lid slowly. Relief washes over me when I see it’s indeed a round cake with vanilla frosting. But the guy said something about the filling.

  Afraid to stick my fingers in the cake, I grab a pencil from my desk and push it through the top. Halfway in, I feel resistance. There’s something hard inside. My heart is pounding hard as I destroy the top layer of the cake. I suck in a breath when I discover the surprise inside.

  Another lightning-glass dagger.

  I take a step back, trembling. My chest feels tight as panic sets in. Seeing a replica of the weapon I lost earlier works as a gate opener. The emotions I should have felt earlier, the fear that gripped me when I fell out the window, finally come forth. Like an avalanche, it runs me over, burying me alive.

  I sit at the edge of my bed with my head in my hands and cry. Sobs rack my body, coming out loud and pitiful. Even when the tears are gone, I continue to shake. I get up and head for the bathroom to wash my face when I see my backpack discarded by the foot of the bed and remember the mysterious package from Hawk City.

  After finding the dagger in the cake, I’m even more leery to open it, but I can’t simply ignore it. I’m already a mess anyway; whatever it is, it can’t make me feel worse. I yank the cardboard envelop out and rip it open. Inside, I find a single sheet of paper. A black-and-white photograph, to be precise, of my father when he was a teen standing between two men and a woman. One of the men I don’t recognize, but the other two people I do.

  It’s Mr. X and Principal Fallon.

  Son of a bitch.


  I try to rest because I know I’m not completely recovered from my ordeal, but I only manage to catch an hour of restless sleep before my eyes fly open. An acute pain spears my chest. I’m not shivering, and a quick glance at my wrist tells me the shadows aren’t too blame for the crushing weight threatening to cave in my rib cage.

  With a gasp, I sit up. As fast as the pain came, it goes away, but my breathing is still erratic. What the hell was that?

  I get out of bed and head for the kitchen. The apartment is quiet. A soft glow coming from Bryce’s room tells me he must still be glued to his laptop. Knowing how strained my relationship is with my father, he’s going to do as much research about his bloodline as possible before I turn to the man who loathes me.

  I’m on my way to the fridge when some strange tug draws my attention to the front door. I’ve never felt a hunch before that didn’t involve my shadows wreaking havoc, but maybe, thanks to the bracelets’ reinforcements, the shadows can’t manifest.

  Ignoring the pull is not only unwise but not something I can do. I stride out of the apartment and, surprise, surprise, the strange tug leads me to Daisy’s door. What am I supposed to do now? I place my sprawled fingers against the hard surface and wait for… I don’t know what. A sign that I should knock? Fuck, where is this bout of uncertainty coming from?

  I wait for several beats until I realize I’m acting like a fool. I curl my hand into a fist, ready to knock, when Daisy opens the door. Her eyes are red and puffy. Worry immediately hits me.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “No. What are you doing here?”

  A rush of embarrassment goes through me. “I… well, I came to check on you. How did you know there was someone at your door?”

  She bites her lower lip and fidgets where she stands. “I don’t know.”

  I sense the lie, so I ask, “You didn’t ask Principal Fallon to give you access to the security camera feed, did you?”

  Daisy snorts. “Right. Like that would help me much. If any of you wanted to break in, a security camera wouldn’t stop you.”

  “Actually, we couldn’t break in,” I say.

  “Come on. A door wouldn’t deter any of you.”

  “I guess Principal Fallon forgot to tell you that all dorm doors are reinforced. No amount of Idol power could break through them.”

  Daisy’s eyebrows arch. “No, she didn’t tell me.”

  “Why were you crying?” I blurt out, unable to stop myself.

  She lowers her gaze. “I guess the shock from my ordeal has finally worn off. I got hit by all the emotions at once.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  It’s a heartfelt statement, and it catches me by surprise. I am sorry about what Daisy went through, not only today but also at the beach. Talk about a flip.

  Daisy lifts her chin to meet my gaze. “Because you almost lost your tutor.”

  “No, that’s not the reason.”

  She frowns but thankfully doesn’t question me further on that. “Well, as you can see, I’m a mess. You can report that back to your buddies. I’m sure Rufio and Phoenix will be ecstatic to know.”

  I could remind her that they risked their lives to save her, but in all honesty, I don’t know their true feelings in relation to Daisy. Hell, I don’t know my own feelings toward the Norm.

  “So, will I see you tomorrow at school?” I ask.

  “We don’t have any classes together tomorrow.”

  “Right, but I missed math class today, and, well….”

  Daisy crosses her arms over her chest. “Are you trying to ask me if we can resume tutoring tomorrow? Is that it?”

  I honestly don’t give a fuck about math right now. I’m more interested in finding out everything I can about the girl before I talk to my father.

  “Yes,” I lie.

  She lets out a resigned sigh. “Yes, Morpheus. We can resume your lessons tomorrow. I’m going to bed now, and you should do the same. You still look like crap.”

  I smile despite myself. “See you tomorrow, Daisy.”

  She closes the door softly, and I find myself frozen, staring at it like a fool with a stupid grin on my face.



  I’m out of bed bright and early, before sunrise, ready to face the day. I cried myself to sleep, especially after seeing the old photograph with my Dad in it. When I ran away with Rosie, I brought nothing with me, no memento to remember my parents. Whoever the person who sent the picture to me is, I thank them, despite their shady motives.

  So my father, Mr. X, and Principal Fallon knew each other when they were younger. It explains why the duo took an interest in me, but it doesn’t begin to reveal the mystery of their connection.

  Silly as it may be, I hid the photograph inside my pillowcase and pretended Dad was watching me sleep like he used to when I was little. But the time for crying is over. I need to get ready for battle. I’m healed, but that doesn’t mean the Idols here will stop gunning for me. I have to maintain my stamina.

  I change quickly into jogging clothes, but today I’m heading out with an extra accessory. The dagger. I wrap it in a piece of cloth and tuck it behind my shorts’ waistband. I’m never going anywhere without it now.

  After a quick stretch, I head for my usual course around campus. My muscles strain more than usual in the beginning since I’ve been neglecting my morning jogs, but I push through the pain, knowing it will get better eventually.

  It takes me longer to complete my run, but I still have plenty of time to get ready for school. I can’t wait to see the looks o
f surprise on my hateful classmates’ faces. I bet they don’t think I’ll stick around after a teacher tried to kill me.

  I have a big smile on my face when I round the corner. This is the final stretch before the dorm building. But then, all of a sudden, I feel a tug pulling me off the path. It’s the same strange sensation I felt when I discovered Bryce passed out in his bathroom and when I found Morpheus planted in front of my door. A punch of worry hits me. Did Bryce do something to me other than healing?

  Curious to see where this pull will take me, I veer off onto a dirt track that leads to a thicker part of the woods surrounding the campus. I didn’t have the chance to explore the area before. The farther I go in, the faster my heart beats. If someone were to ambush me, no one would hear my cries for help. To be safe, I pull my dagger out.

  After a minute or so, I reach a clearing. On the other side is a massive tree with a treehouse on top. My jaw drops of its own accord. Why would anyone build a treehouse on school property? The impulse to check it out is immense. I should head back, but in this moment, it seems common sense has vacated my brain.

  I cross the remaining distance on soft feet, not wanting to alert anyone of my approach. Standing under the tree, I tuck the dagger behind my waistband again so I can climb up the ladder. The steps creak loudly as I put my weight on them. So much for being inconspicuous. At the top of the ladder is a hatch door that’s already open. Slowly, I stick my head inside. The place is cozy, a perfect hideout. The floor is covered with a plush carpet, and there are beanbags and blankets spread about.

  And one of them is occupied by Rufio.

  He’s sprawled across it as if he passed out like that. I should run in the opposite direction, but instead I go in. The wooden boards groan, but Rufio doesn’t even flinch. On light feet, I approach him. He must have spent the night here. He’s clutching something in his hand, a small glass bottle. Alcohol, maybe? Although, drinking from a miniature bottle would have no effect on him. Not even Norms can get drunk on such a small amount of booze.

  I crouch next to him and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of his face. It should be illegal for a guy to have those high cheekbones and full lips. I still remember what his lips taste like, even though I was high at the time.

  His long bangs are covering his right eye, and like an idiot, I push them off. Rufio stirs in his sleep and then blinks his eyes open. Shit. I try to jump back up but end up falling on my butt.

  “Daisy? What are you doing here?” He sits straighter on the beanbag.

  “I, uh, found this place by accident.”

  Rufio doesn’t reply to my statement for a couple of beats, just keeps staring at me with an unreadable expression. Finally, he stands up and offers me his hand. I make the second mistake of the day and accept it.

  When he pulls me up, he also makes sure I’m flush against his body. A shiver of anticipation runs down my spine. I keep my eyes glued to the hollow of his throat while I try to calm the fuck down. I can’t allow him to trap me in his blue gaze.

  “You were running. Would you like something to drink?” His voice is low and smooth, like whiskey poured over ice. It sends more tingles down my back.

  I let go of his hand and take a step back. “No, I’m fine.”

  Rufio clamps his jaw tight and frowns. “Ugh. My mouth tastes like ashes.” He tosses the small glass bottle on the beanbag and pulls a pack of gum from his jeans pocket. “Want some?” He extends his hand with the offer.

  I shake my head, unable to form words. What’s going on here? Why is Rufio acting like we aren’t mortal enemies?

  He sticks one piece of gum into his mouth, then whirls around. Wary, I keep watching him. I don’t understand why I don’t just leave. Why can’t I force my legs to move? He veers for a mini fridge that was tucked into a corner and pulls a can of soda from it.

  “I’d better go,” I finally say. With effort, I turn toward the trapdoor, but I don’t make it two steps before Rufio reaches me and wraps his arms around my waist.

  Tension spreads through my body like wildfire, sending my already agitated heart into overdrive.

  “Don’t,” he whispers. Then he rests his chin on my shoulder and takes a deep breath. In an instant, I become pudding, puny in his arms. Shit. I’m a moron.

  “What’s this?” Rufio’s voice changes. I’m too slow to understand the meaning of his question. Damn stupid hormones. Then Rufio pulls the dagger from my waistband, and just like that, my desire changes into fear.

  I pivot around and stare wide-eyed at the lightning-glass dagger in his hand. My throat is unbearably dry now, and my tongue is stuck in my mouth. I’m shaking, but the longer it takes me to answer his question, the more suspicious he’ll become.

  “Protection,” I say. “Give it back.”

  “This is a strange dagger. What is it made of?” Rufio runs his hand over the smooth surface of the blade.

  “I don’t know,” I lie.

  It seems he doesn’t know about lightning glass. The Idol I killed didn’t recognize the material either.

  Rufio finally lifts his face to meet my eyes. “Do you think you’re still in danger?”

  I was expecting anger and distrust in his gaze, not the worry I see shining there. His change of attitude toward me is making my head spin.

  “I’m not stupid. I don’t think. I know,” I reply.

  I’m actually pretty stupid. I should have run back to my room the moment I saw Rufio was in here.

  Instead of returning my dagger, he sets it on the small table near him. “You don’t need to walk around campus armed.”

  “Oh yeah. Why is that? Are you offering me your bodyguard services?” I hug my middle, a gesture I know shows weakness, but I can’t help myself. I am afraid of so many things right now. But mostly I’m terrified of the desire that’s slowly returning. Rufio should only ignite fear in me, not this absurd craving.

  He steps closer. “Maybe I am.”

  “What?” I squeak like a silly girl while my heart decides to take Rufio’s statement at face value. It’s now doing the cha-cha in my chest. Traitor.

  Rufio invades my space and reaches for my arms. Slowly, he uncrosses them without breaking eye contact. My breathing is coming out in bursts now, and an enormous lump gets stuck in my throat.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper.

  Without answering my question, he drops his gaze to my chest. I’m only wearing a sports bra, no T-shirt. Rufio leans forward and places a kiss right between my breasts. My skin immediately breaks out in goose bumps. He moves lower, bypassing my girls to place another kiss in the middle of my belly. I close my eyes because I’m getting dizzy already.

  Rufio reaches my waistband, but instead of kissing under my belly button, he bites the fabric and tugs it down a little, exposing my cotton panties. With a gasp, I reach for his shoulder, trying to remain standing. My legs soon won’t be able to support me, for they’ve turned into jelly.

  He lets go of my arms to run his fingers down the backs of my legs. I open my eyes and glance down. The protest on the tip of my tongue is forgotten when Rufio’s intense gaze connects with mine. Pure lust shines in his blue eyes.

  “You’re shaking. Do I frighten you, Daisy?”

  “No,” I croak. I’m so full of shit.

  He rewards me with a knowing smile before he begins to pull my shorts down slowly. A moment of clarity hits me finally. What the hell am I doing? I grab his hands, halting his progress before I step back.

  “I didn’t come here for this,” I say.

  Rufio unfurls from his crouch as his expression darkens. “Why did you come here, then?”

  Not having an answer, I simply turn on my heels and head for the trapdoor. But it’s wishful thinking on my part to believe Rufio would simply let me go. His strong arms wrap around my middle, and my back connects with his front. I let a yelp, my heart thundering in my chest.

  He brings his mouth close to my ear and whispers, “You didn’t answer my question.” />
  I struggle against his hold, which only makes him squeeze me tighter. “Let me go.”

  “Is that what you really want, Daisy?” My name rolls off his tongue like honey, and his warm breath fanning against my neck only serves to make me melt in his arms.

  “Yes,” I breathe out.

  “You’re such a bad liar.” He kisses me softly just below my ear, a gentle action that’s at complete odds with his dark nature.

  A moan escapes my lips, which prompts Rufio to run his tongue down my neck. Desire shoots down my spine, curling around its base. A mild throbbing between my legs is the warning that if I don’t escape soon, it’ll be too late.

  He runs his right hand down my belly and then cups my sex. Game over. My legs buckle beneath me. If it weren’t for Rufio holding me tight, I would have collapsed.

  “We have unfinished business, Daisy.” He strokes my clit through the layers of clothing, sending a zing of pleasure down my limbs.

  “That night was a mistake,” I say without conviction.

  “The only mistake about that night is that I didn’t fuck you.”

  There’s a hint of anger in his reply, which excites me more than makes me scared. But it also makes me suspect that he’s pissed I slept with Bryce.

  “Because that means your brother got there first?”

  With a groan, Rufio twists me around, and before I can react, he crushes his lips against mine. The kiss is savage and angry, but it’s also electrifying. I try to fight him off for a hot second, a lost cause. I’m powerless to stop him. A heated frenzy takes over both us. It’s like we’ve been secretly lusting after one another despite all the hatred, and now the dam has broken loose.

  We only break apart to remove the pieces of clothing separating our bodies. Rufio peels my sports bra off first, tossing it to the side. His hungry gaze drops to my breasts, but before he can bring his lips to them, I reach for the bottom of his T-shirt. With impatient hands, I yank it off, messing up his hair in a sexy way.

  Rufio is on me in the next second, capturing a nipple with his eager mouth. He sucks it hard until it hurts, but the pain only intensifies the pleasure. Clutching his hair by the roots, I arch my back. My mind is spinning out of control, so it’s no surprise that I don’t notice the moment we change positions until I open my eyes and am staring at the ceiling. Rufio’s lips are on the move, going down until he finds my shorts. They vanish in the next moment, along with my panties. Then he’s between my legs, licking and sucking while he fucks me with his fingers.


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