Top Notch (Man on Top Book 1)

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Top Notch (Man on Top Book 1) Page 7

by Nicole Richard

  “Are you sure everything’s okay? You’ve been acting strange—”

  “I’m fine.” I forced a smile to soothe his curiosity. I still hadn’t confided in him about what happened between Levi and me, and frankly, I didn’t know how or if I should.

  Spencer twirled me around a few times, forcing me to squeal and laugh out loud, finally dropping me in a dip as the song came to an end. Then he pulled me up just as a slow song began. From where I stood, I had a clear view of the tension growing on Levi’s face and in his shoulders. He wrapped his arm tightly around the woman’s waist as he guided her to the slow, classic beat, spurring an unwarranted dose of envy inside me. He should be caressing me. Whispering sweet promises in my ear. But that wasn’t the case. No. He was in her clutches, leading her around the floor, telling her God knows what.

  How could any of this be happening?

  By the way he lowered his hand on the woman’s back and raised a challenging brow, defiance glowing in his eyes, it was obvious he was trying to get a rise out of me. Assuming I’d react and use my best friend as a pawn in a game of cat and mouse.

  Well, he could go to hell.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” Spencer whispered close to my ear and Levi squinted, his lips pulled tight, his jaw muscles flexing.

  “Just enjoying the song.”

  With my heart racing and heat prickling every inch of me, I removed my attention from Levi by resting my cheek on Spencer’s shoulder and promised myself I would ignore him and the stunning brunette. At least until the song ended and I could duck out and get some air.

  But nothing ever seemed to go as planned.

  “May I cut in?”

  My heart momentarily stalled at the sound of his smooth, deep voice. I lifted my cheek and when our eyes connected, my mind screamed for Spencer to refuse, tell him to wait his turn, and not leave me with him.

  “Sure thing,” Spencer replied easily, no hesitation whatsoever. But why would he? Spencer and Levi were friends, just like he and I were only friends.

  I’d have to ask him later how they knew each other.

  They shook hands and clapped each other’s back before Levi held his palm out, his intense gaze boring into me, igniting an uncertain reaction. With a mix of emotions, my eyes did a quick sweep of the room before I laid my hand in his. Levi wrapped his arm around my waist, closed his hand over mine, and tiny jolts of electricity shocked every part of me, spreading warmth throughout my entire body.

  He led me around in a small area of the dance floor, expression tight, eyes brooding. His scent intoxicated me until he opened his mouth and said, “He gives you away just like that?”

  “I beg your pardon.” My brow rose, suspicious as to what he was getting at.

  “If you were here with me, if you were mine, I’d never take my eyes off you. Let alone hand you off to another man, and so easily,” he confessed, making my heart sputter.

  “Spencer and I are not together. Yes, we came here together, but we are not together,” I emphasized and then huffed, annoyed that he still thought Spencer and I were a couple. “But if you are so inclined to believe that, why did you ask me to dance?” I quipped, my defiance growing by the second.

  “I’m still working that out.”

  He left me stumped, which was probably the reason we didn’t utter a single word throughout the rest of the song and the one after that. Meanwhile, we moved effortlessly to the music, swaying in perfect sync, stealing glimpses, deciphering what was transpiring. Everything in that moment contradicted the seeded bitterness he had lashed out toward me at Bucks.

  But tonight, with less than a foot of space between us, it seemed as if his entire demeanor had shifted. Diminishing any prior reservations I might have had, and from the way he held me secure in his arms, the ire I had seen and felt moments ago was no longer present.

  Is it possible that he’s having a change of heart?

  “You look absolutely stunning.” His compliment was genuine and heartfelt, and all I could do was offer him a small smile. At the very least, I should have said “thank you,” but hot and cold Levi was confusing, making it difficult for us to find some kind of even ground. “Can we talk?”

  The song ended, and it took a few seconds before he released me and stepped back. Everyone around us began clapping for the band, and I remained unmoving, gazing into his soft brown eyes, my mind wandering astray.

  What is he thinking?

  Is he planning on laying into me again?

  My inner turmoil was nauseating.

  “Okay.” I swallowed down my nerves and followed him toward a partially quiet corner off to the side of one of the makeshift bars, trying to be as discreet as possible. I should have suggested we go outside, or somewhere with a little more privacy, but I wasn’t one hundred percent convinced that was a good idea either.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” he asked cordially.

  “I’m good, thank you.”

  Levi nodded in response and openly studied me, as I did the same. Only difference was he stood confident, strong posture and relaxed muscles, while on the inside, I felt like a nervous wreck. A minute later, he cleared his throat and cracked his thumb knuckle, his quiet attentiveness revving my nerves into overdrive, my mind willing him to get on with it.

  “You had something you wanted to say?” I prompted.

  “I owe you an apology.” He breathed in and when he exhaled, his expression sobered. “That night, and then at Bucks . . .” He took a step closer, and anticipation swirled in my belly. “I should have never spoken to you the way I did. That’s not like me. I’m not that kind of man.”

  “I’m sorry too,” I admitted, and he gently pressed a finger to my lips. His attempt to quiet me proving effective, but that didn’t keep the rush of tingles at bay. I should have been feeling guilty for letting him believe this had everything to do with Spencer, when in actuality, it didn’t.

  “You don’t have to apologize. This is all on me. I should’ve come right out and asked if you had a man rather than assume . . .” I caught his Adam’s apple bounce. “So, you’re really not together?”

  I shook my head slowly, relief filling me. “No. Spencer and I have only ever been friends, best friends, actually.” Diligent in my reply, it was important he believed me, and thankfully he looked appeased when a slow grin pulled at the corner of his lips.

  “So . . . are you here for the bride or the groom?” He initiated normal conversation and before I could reply, Greg’s baritone voice filled the room.

  “Rowan. Gabriella.” Emptiness settled in my stomach. “Would my two beautiful stepdaughters please join us on stage?”

  “The fuck . . .” he whispered harshly as his brows pinched tight. His eyes cut to the stage where Greg stood waiting and then back to me.

  “Levi,” I breathed out nervously, wondering what in the hell I was supposed to do, let alone say. I never told him. I should have, but I never planned on actually seeing him again.

  The muscle in his jaw flexed and I reached out, only for him to take a step back. I knew I needed to explain, but I couldn’t explicate my reasoning in that room with all eyes on us.

  “Montgomery, appreciate you looking out for my girl, but she’s in good hands up here.” Greg chuckled, which only served to upset Levi even more.

  “Better get up there before daddy dearest starts putting two and two together.” He jutted his chin toward the stage and my heart sank. “If he only knew I was the one you needed protecting from.”

  In an instant, he went from warm and apologetic to an arctic chill.

  My chest grew tight. “Will you excuse me?” On shaky limbs, I ambled toward the stage. Halfway there, I made the mistake of looking over my shoulder, the confusion and disquiet marring his handsome face and the vulnerability in his eyes producing a fissure in my heart.

  I stood next to Greg, eyeing the illuminated “EXIT” sign at the entrance of the room, and mulled over how I would explain this to him.

bsp; “LeAnn and I would like to thank each of you for celebrating with us.” Greg spoke into the microphone, his arm wrapped securely around my mother’s waist while peering lovingly at his beautiful bride. “It took a while, but we finally decided that the time was right.” Greg cleared his throat. “These two young women have come to mean a lot to me as well.” Greg looked at Gabby and then at me and smiled. “Two little girls who took pity on a childless man . . . humoring me all those years as I taught them the basics of life . . . and baseball. This one here”—he pointed at Gabby—“what an arm. And her sister—that girl can swing a bat that would put most grown men to shame.” Greg chuckled at the nostalgic moment. “The best part. I got to watch them, and take part as they blossomed into smart, beautiful, independent young women . . . I’m privileged to be a part of such a wonderful family. I love you both.”

  I gave Greg a side hug. “I love you too. Thank you for everything.”

  Greg’s words were touching and there was barely a dry eye in the room. He was the only father my sister and I had ever known, and a good one at that, stepping in to help my mom whenever she needed him. Greg practically raised the two of us, even when his first wife was still living.

  With my emotions all over the place, I fought the urge to search Levi out, to give it a moment—or two—or a thousand. I needed to focus on Greg and my mother, the beautiful words he had just said on their special day.

  Technically, I hadn’t done anything wrong, and somewhere deep down I knew that, but I wasn’t sure if Levi would feel or see it the same way. Would he think I deceived him, knowing that Greg was his coach and the team’s general manager and not being upfront about it? Possibly, but was I required to disclose such information? Greg becoming my stepfather was a technicality, and after only a few generic “get-to-know-you” questions, Levi didn’t make it a point to want to know more. We had a one-night stand. It was supposed to only be sex. And after some convincing, I tried forcing myself to believe that.

  Greg’s short speech ended, giving me the reprieve to give in to the pull and search Levi out. It wasn’t difficult for my eyes to find the most handsome man in the room. I could have sought him out, blindfolded. Use my sense of smell and touch. Lord knows I’d never forget that masculine, citrus and spice scent or the way the perfect indentions of his chest and stomach felt beneath my hands.

  In his same spot at the foot of the dance floor, Levi’s brown orbs were glaring and his jaw was tight, the “whys” and “hows” reeling through his stare alone. He was pissed, but there was something else there too, something hidden just below the surface. And then I felt it. Regret clawed at me and I finally knew. He was hurt. I had hurt him. He tried to make things right and apologize, but was blindsided by my lack of honesty.

  A stupid lie of omission.

  And that knowledge alone stabbed me with the pain of a hundred knives directly in my heart.



  To some degree, I was stunned. The longer I stood there, drinking her in, my emotions strangling me, the more I started to feel like I had been conned—duped—definitely played for a second time. Admitting this blow hurt, it also made my blood seethe through my veins.

  With my eyes fixed on her, in all of her breathtaking beauty, something I loathed admitting, it all came flooding full force. That night before she left, when she asked me to keep things on the down-low, just between the two of us . . . it had nothing to do with Spencer and everything to do with Greg. She couldn’t risk daddy dearest finding out about her indiscretions—her recklessness and with one of his players. Because we all knew how Greg Ferguson felt about any of us getting involved with his family.

  And here I thought I had made some stupid mistake.

  Would Greg place the blame on me for this one?

  Two strikes! One more and you’re out.

  Well, that wasn’t happening.

  I headed back to my table, guzzled the last of whatever was in whoever’s lowball glass, and hooked my suit jacket over my shoulder.

  Hell-bent on getting out of there, I wove through the tables, not once chancing a last glance. I couldn’t. The likelihood of her taking advantage of the situation, especially when my defenses were unreliable, made it too damn risky.

  Somewhere along the way, a woman called my name and I kept going.

  “Levi!” Jana called after me again, but I didn’t stop until I made it out of the ballroom and waited for her to catch up. “Are you heading out?”

  “I am.”

  “Oh.” She looked disappointed. “I didn’t get to thank you for the dance.”

  “No need to thank me.” My eyes cut to the doorway.

  “I was wondering if you could give me a ride.” She looked away and then back at me. “It’s been a long day and I’m kind of beat.”

  I gave it a second to sink in. With all the shit going on in my head, it took some effort to comprehend what she had just asked. “Yeah. Sure. Whatever.”

  “Great. Do you mind if I run to the ladies’ room first?”

  Couldn’t she see I needed to get the fuck out of there?

  “I’m kinda in a hurry.”

  “I’ll only be a minute. Promise.” She batted her eyelashes.

  I sighed, doing my best to hide my irritation. “Go ahead. I’ll wait right here.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jana disappeared down the hall, and once she was out of sight, I rotated my head trying to roll the tension from my neck, shoulders, and back. The stiffness in my muscles and limbs was the last thing I needed. But what I did need was a distraction. Maybe it was a good thing Jana had stopped me. She definitely had what it took to “distract” me and tonight, I needed someone willing to run interference.

  To pass the time, I grabbed my phone from inside my suit jacket pocket and searched random, pointless shit online. I checked the score for the Cardinals and Dodgers game; we’d play them soon and I was keeping close watch on their wins. I scrolled through my dreaded social media accounts, and after what felt like forever, she finally approached, her small hand gently grabbing my bicep.

  “You ready?” I asked, not looking up, more than ready to get the fuck out of there.

  “Levi.” I stood frozen, that sweet, hypnotic voice paralyzing me to my post. Insisting I give her another second of my time. “Please, let me explain.”

  I swallowed down my fury and clenched my jaw, taking in sharp breaths. How the fuck was she not catching the hint? I was leaving because of her. That I wanted—no needed—to put at least a hundred miles between her and me.

  “Nothing left to explain,” I gritted and her hand dropped.

  “I know you’re upset—”

  “You think?” I snapped and then carefully grabbed her arm, ushering her to a corner to avoid any onlookers. She had to know how much trouble this could get me—or the both of us—into.

  “It was one night,” she quietly snapped back.

  Correct. It was only one night, but that didn’t make this okay by any means. Prior to the night unfolding, yes, that’s all it was, but then I had asked her if I could see her again. I was into her. Drawn to her. I wanted to get to know her. Why? I was seriously still working that out.

  “It was, but what I hadn’t expected was being played at the end of it.”

  “He speaks with a forked tongue.”

  “Excuse me?” Her judgment was starting to piss me off.

  “Your reputation precedes you . . .” She squared her shoulders, poised and fiery. Her eyes a beautiful ice-blue, ready to stand her ground and drive her point home.

  I want to drive into her.

  “Hey, you ready to head out?” Jana interrupted at the perfect moment. Another minute and I might have stalked Rowan back against the wall and devoured the sass out of her. Punish her with my mouth, hands, and . . .

  “You’re leaving with her?” she criticized, the tinge of hurt in her voice was heard loud and clear, making me feel like shit.

  “And how is
that any of your business?” I clipped in true asshole form. I couldn’t help it, she made me feel things I wasn’t used to feeling, and I wasn’t sure if I liked it. You know you like it. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be giving a shit right now.

  “I guess it isn’t,” she replied simply, ending the conversation with what looked like a sad smile.

  My conscience got the better of me. Her meek expression had me wanting to apologize all over again and pull her into my arms. Forgive her, give her a second, third, fourth, hell, any amount of chances she was willing to ask for.

  Then frustration took the reins. I couldn’t grasp why I was feeling out of sorts. The real question badgering me: Why was I so eager to give her a mountain of chances only for her to take advantage of me?

  There was no way that was happening. Not tonight. Not any night for that matter.

  “If you’ll excuse us,” I quipped, and for show, I threw my arm around Jana’s shoulders and tucked her close to my chest. I kissed her temple and before leaving, I added for good measure, “Let’s get out of here, babe.”

  * * *

  The disappointment was clear as day on Jana’s face when she realized I wasn’t staying. And rather than making my life anymore difficult, I gave her a kiss goodnight on the cheek and waited until she was safe in her condo before going for a drive. Chastising myself the entire time for thinking I could use her for my benefit. More so, after seeing how upset Rowan had been with the two of us leaving together.

  She was Greg’s fucking stepdaughter! How the fuck?

  Knowing there was no way I could go home, I drove toward the stadium. It didn’t matter that maintenance and the groundskeepers would still be around, I needed to be alone.

  I shoved my Rover in park but didn’t move. I needed time to disengage. And that’s what I did. Although with Rowan thick in my thoughts, it was a struggle to get out of my own head.

  Frustrated, I threw my head into the headrest. I closed my eyes and all I saw were those blue eyes and the halo of waves that wreaked havoc on my brain, and now my career. Did she think this was some kind of joke? If Greg found out, he’d ship my ass off to God knows where in a heartbeat. He’d already said it—made himself clear. Shit! I pounded my wrist on the steering wheel at the same time Hatch pounded on the passenger window.


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