Graceful Scars

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Graceful Scars Page 21

by Savannah Stewart

  “Your hands are shaking!” Talon took my hands in his. “Everything will go smoothly, don’t let your nerves get the best of you.” The sincerity in his almost black eyes calmed me.

  “It’s just—” I sighed and shook my head from side-to-side. “I don’t want this time around to be tainted by anything like the last studio was.” I frowned.

  Talon pulled my chin up towards him. “I never want to see you frown again. What happened before was completely out of your hands. Life has its dark moments, some peoples’ are worse than others, but you can’t keep yourself on edge because of what might happen. Live for today, Tegan, make this grand opening the best damn grand opening it can be. Show all of those people just how much you deserve to be here, running Graceful Moves again.”

  My bottom lip quivered as I choked back the tears that had filled my eyes from Talon’s words. He knew exactly what to say to help me realize that I was indeed worthy of being there. I stretched up and placed my lips to his for a brief moment when Adalynn called out that she was unlocking the doors. As I started to walk away to welcome the people who were about to come in, Talon grabbed my hand, stopping me.

  “I’m so proud of you.” The sincerity in his voice filled me with love.

  “Thank you.” I smiled lovingly back at him, giving his hand a little squeeze before heading towards the front doors.

  I took a deep breath and looked at Adalynn. “You ready?” She asked, smiling widely.

  “Yes,” I breathed out as we both stepped forward and each pulled a door open to let the line of people come inside.

  I greeted so many people as they entered, beaming with joy and complimenting us about how amazing the new studio was. The happiness that filled me from seeing others happy was beyond anything I could have imagined. I knew that the old Tegan was slowly coming back to me. I was more like her than I had been in a long time, and I had four important people to thank for that: Adalynn, Abigail, Zoey, and Talon. I’d hate to see where I could have been if Talon and Zoey hadn’t come into my life when they did. I was spiraling out of control, even though I had honestly thought I was making amends with the attack. They say God only gives you what he thinks you are strong enough to withstand. If that’s true, apparently I’m a warrior in his eyes.

  As the last people filed in, Adalynn and I closed the doors back and headed into the room where all the people were chit-chatting and waiting to get the practice started. Talon was perched on the end of the bleachers, watching me with a proud smile spread widely across his gorgeous face, and Zoey was bouncing around with some other girls giggling about who knows what. Instantly I knew what my next step was. “Do you mind if I teach tonight?”

  Adalynn stopped walking and turned towards me. Her mouth was hanging open in shock and tears pricked her eyes. “I thought you would never ask.” She pulled me into a hug.

  As we stepped into the center of the room I cleared my throat. “All right ladies and gentlemen. I’m Tegan Carter and this is my co-owner, Adalynn Kee. We would like to officially thank each and every one of you for being a part of our grand opening and becoming part of our family here at Graceful Moves.” The crowd broke out into claps and cheers. “With that being said, let’s get to dancing, shall we?” Everyone whooped and hollered as the girls took their places on the floor for Adalynn and me to dictate where they needed to stand. The class was going to be a simple night of stretching and practicing the basic moves we would be using in almost every routine.

  I hurried over to Talon and gave him a peck on the lips. “I’m teaching tonight,” I smiled proudly.

  “You are?”

  “Yes!” I bounced on the tips of my toes as I braced my hands on his thighs.

  “You’re amazing, baby.” He kissed me this time. “Go show them what you’re made of.” He gave me another peck and I hurried back to the front of the girls.

  Life can be a bundle of joy, packed full of heartache and sadness, and even a mixture of them all. But in reality, life is what you make of it. I know it sounds cliché and overused, but I learned that no matter what knocks you down, you have to force yourself to get back up and start again. All of the negative in the world cannot overpower the good self within you, because I know firsthand that it will try. So when you think there is nowhere to go to escape the feeling that your life is meaningless, look forward, there is always a new path up ahead. Thankfully, I found my new path.


  Ten Years Later

  The thought that I would finally be at Julliard had never crossed my mind. I took a deep breath and let it out. I was nervous, completely and utterly nervous to the point of shaking. What’s new, right?

  “Hey,” Talon grabbed my hands to stop them from trembling, “it’ll turn out how it’s supposed to. Don’t let it get to you.” He leaned forward and kissed me softly on the lips.

  Years later and I am still ever-so-head-over-heels in love with him. He’s my light when the darkness tries to consume me. He’s the only person who completely understands every piece of my crazy. I truly believe that he is, and will always be, my soulmate. Before I met Talon, I didn’t even believe in the idea of soulmates, let alone think that I would ever find mine.

  As the lights dimmed the place went silent. They were about to start the auditions. I took a deep breath and sank down into the seat to start the waiting game. Talon linked his hand with mine and gave it a squeeze. I smiled back at him. To say that I was proud was an understatement. There wasn’t a word in the dictionary that I could use to describe the way I was feeling as the first person auditioning stepped out onto that stage.

  Zoey looked stunning.

  The stage lights dimmed even more as her music began to play the slow, yet haunting melody that we had picked out together. She began to move, to feel the music running through her as I sat there holding my breath. Her long, lean legs pivoted and arched perfectly as we had practiced. The charcoal grey leotard with a sheer shimmery tutu was perfect for her piece. As I watched her move I thought about the ten years I had known her. She was seventeen, about to graduate high school and hopefully starts at Juilliard in the fall. She was living the dream I had always wanted, that was, until life threw me a major curveball, putting the two of them in my path. I wouldn’t change a thing even if I could. Why, you ask? Because then I wouldn’t have my husband and his beautiful sister to call my family. Yes, I said husband.

  I looked down at the gorgeous bridal set that rested on my left hand, the engagement ring was emerald cut with three smaller round cut diamonds on each side going vertically against the main diamond, while the band was diamond encrusted all the way around. I couldn’t help but smile from the thought of his proposal, and our wedding night. Two of the most wonderful days of my life, and they always would be, too. I remembered his proposal like it was yesterday. Two years after Graceful Moves relocated to a safer part of town, Talon had called me up after closing saying I had to get to the studio because the alarm had been tripped and the police were there. Since he wasn’t on the company paperwork they were holding him until the owner could arrive. Instead of freaking out, I laughed at the scenario. When I arrived I knew something was off because no police vehicles were in the parking lot. I tried calling his cellphone but no one answered; that’s when my heart rate spiked and I started to panic. I rushed to the entrance doors and threw them open to find the room dimly light by candles all around the main entrance with rose petals making a path into the building. My heart was thumping hard in my chest as I walked through the entryway and into the large dance room. The rose petals took me to the center of the room where candles were arranged in a heart shape, with Talon standing in the center wearing a navy blue button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up on his forearms and a pair of slate grey slacks. His usual messy hair was styled with gel. I had no clue what was going on, but I had a feeling that I would love whatever it was.

  Talon always surprised me at random times of the year with a romantic outing, picnic, or simply a romantic home-cook
ed meal for a night at home, so seeing him standing in a heart-shaped candle-lit area of the studio didn’t completely surprise me. As I got closer a large grin spread across his lips causing me to smile widely in return. Seeing Talon beaming with happiness always made me happier. It was infectious. He took my hands in his as I stepped into the heart-shaped candle design and he instantly dropped to one knee.

  “Tegan, I knew the day I met you that our ride together would be anything but ordinary. I knew that it would be packed full of ups and downs, but in the end each and every one would be worth spending my days with you. I loved you far before I told you, and I plan to love you for the rest of my life. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I cried like a baby as I shook my head yes and he slid the ring onto my finger.

  “You okay?” Talon’s voice broke through my thoughts.

  I blinked a few times, “Yeah,” I smiled happily at him, “I’m fine.” He gave my hand a gentle squeeze as we watched Zoey’s routine come to an end.

  As the room darkened we jumped from our seats in the back and took off to the hallway to meet Zoey once she came out from the stage area. I’m not sure how long we had been standing in the hallway when the sound of a door opening caught our attention. Both of us turned to find Zoey pushing through the doors with her gym bag thrown over her shoulder and a beautiful smile dancing on her lips.

  “That was…unbelievable!” She let out a large breath, still smiling from the high of being on that stage.

  I pulled her into a hug “You nailed it! You absolutely nailed it!”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you, Tegan. You’ve been my rock since you came into our lives.” She squeezed me tightly as moisture hit the bare part of my shoulder where my shirt wasn’t covering it.

  “Don’t cry!” I patted her back.

  “They’re happy tears.” She stepped back smiling.

  “Come here, sis.” Talon pulled her into his arms. “If they don’t accept you into their program, they are damn fools!” His voice was muffled from her long hair. Zoey had grown taller than me over the years. Her long legs and narrow waist made her seem older than seventeen. But deep down she was still that rambunctious little girl I met all of those years ago.

  “Only time will tell.” She wrapped an arm around his waist and we made our way to the car.

  The sound of screams coming from Zoey’s room had my heart leaping from my chest. Talon came barreling into the living room as I jumped from the couch to my feet.

  “Zoey’s screaming!” I called out as we both took off up the staircase towards her room.

  “Zoey!” Talon’s voice boomed loudly.

  Zoey threw open her door. Her face red and blotchy, tears streaming down her cheeks as her bottom lip quivered. She was shaking as she gripped the door to hold herself up. “What’s wrong?!” Talon and I stopped in front of her. Both of our chests heaving from the short, yet dramatic run up to her room.

  “I—I,” She placed a shaky hand over her mouth to try and control her sob. “I got in for the final interview!” She choked out as she screamed again and started bouncing on her heels. She wasn’t upset or terrified about anything, she was freaking out because Juilliard had called!

  “Are you serious?!” I yelled in excitement.

  “You’re going to Juilliard.” Talon sounded dumbfounded. Like the news hadn’t fully settled in until then. He didn’t want her to move away, just as I didn’t. But we both knew we had to let her go and make her own way in life.

  “Yes!” Zoey was bawling, happy tears continuously rolling down her cheeks.

  “I’m so proud of you!” I pulled her into my arms.

  Talon wrapped his large arms around us, “We’re so proud of you, Zoey!” He kissed her forehead. Zoey and I broke into an uncontrollable fit of tears as the three of us stood there holding onto to each other.

  Dreams change as you get older. Even if you think you still want the same thing you did as a child, most likely deep down within yourself you’ll find that you don’t. I had always dreamed of going to Juilliard, being on that stage, dancing in front of tons of people, and eventually moving on to Broadway. I’d had my life planned out from the early age of five. Watching those dancers gracefully move their bodies across the stage when my parents used to take me to the ballet, I wanted to be one of those girls. But as I looked back on everything that had transpired in my life, I knew the dark moments were meant to be there to push me to where I ended up. It might not make sense for a person to go through some of the things I had gone through in life, but I’ve learned to be a stronger person because of it. Am I one hundred percent healed? No. I might not ever be, but with the support system I have, I’ll be okay.

  I let go of my dream of going to Juilliard many years ago; seeing Zoey fulfilling her dream of going there is more than enough for me. Watching her grow over the years, pushing towards her goals and dreams with every step has been beyond anything I could have imagined. My destiny wasn’t the one I thought it should be, it’s been even better. I have a loving husband, devoted best friend, and a dance studio that allows me to mold the youth into little dancers that hopefully one day I will watch on Broadway. My heart’s full of love and happiness; I was beginning to think that would never happen for me. I guess you could say all of the wounds of life have slowly been healing into graceful scars.

  The End.


  First I want to say thank you to each and every reader, blogger, and fellow author out there that has read at least one of my stories, or is going to experience my writing for the first time with Graceful Scars. I wouldn’t be able to be an author without you all!

  Graceful Scars is one of those stories that clings to your soul, at least it has mine. I hope Tegan and Talon touch your hearts like they have mine.

  Clifton Greenwell: Thank you for always standing behind whatever crazy book decision I decide to make, for being the person that keeps pushing me towards my dreams no matter how out of reach I feel that they are. I love you.

  Amber Nation: I honestly do not know where I would be, or what I would do, without you in my life! You’ve been one helluva inspiration and friend since the Indie world put our paths together. Thank you for being such a reliable, caring, and honest person. I can’t wait to see what the years to come bring our friendship! Love ya, lady. #GnomeSaying #BOOM

  Jen Akers: You are an editing machine! My books would not be what they are today without your kickass knowledge and patients with my wrong as hell word choices. LOL! Love ya, woman.

  Beth Maddox: Our friendship has grown so much since the day you won the first ARC of Arianna, and I’m so thankful for it. I appreciate everything you have done, and do, to help promote me and keep my mind straight on what I need to get done. You are truly a wonderful person. To my birthday/Leo twin, I love ya tons.

  Kristen Cecil: We’ve been friends for so many years, I’ve lost count! Only kidding. Lol! In all seriousness though, thank you for always believing in me when sometimes I didn’t believe in myself. You’re an inspiration to so many, including me. Love ya.

  Najla Qambar, Lindee Robinson Photography, Model Mikeala Galli, and Model Anthony Hamelin: All four of you majorly kick ass!!! The cover for Graceful Scars is absolutely beautiful, and I have each of you to thank for that! Keep up the fantastic work. Much love.

  My street team, Savannah’s Soundboard, thank you for taking the time out to read my books, review them, and promote me like there is no tomorrow. I appreciate all of the time and dedication each of you put into our little group. Mad love for y’all.

  The following is a preview of

  More than a Memory by Amber Nation

  Available Now!



  June 1999

  “Today marks a whole new chapter in our lives,” Marcie Vernon, our valedictorian, announced as she was wrapping up her speech. I glanced around at the numerous people that I’d come to know quite well over the past twelve years and
couldn’t believe this would be the last time that I would see many of them. With my hand poised on the golden yellow tassel, I leaned forward to look down the aisle at my best friend Baylor as he did the same. His lips curved up as he flashed me his heavenly smile, the one that always seemed to make my knees wobble, and then quickly refocused on Marcie just as she said the words that we were all waiting to hear.

  “Please take your tassel and move it from the right side over to the left. Congratulations, fellow graduates of 1999. Make the next chapter in your lives count!”

  Massive cheers erupted amongst the one hundred sixty-eight of my peers in my High School gym as we tossed our royal blue caps in the air.

  A pair of arms encircled my waist from behind, “We’re free, Edie,” Baylor whispered in my ear as I released a deep sigh of contentment. He was the only person allowed to call me Edie, to everyone else it was Eden.

  Did I mention that Baylor wasn’t only my best friend but also the guy who inhabited my thoughts ninety-nine point five percent of the time? He didn’t know the extent of my crush on him, he couldn’t know; it would ruin everything we had between the two of us.

  Up until about a month before graduation he was in a relationship with an awful, vile creature, whose given name was Kristina. She was beautiful and popular, everything I wasn’t. The biggest difference was that she was one hundred percent certified bitch and tried everything in her power to keep Baylor away from me. What her logic was for trying to keep us apart I didn’t know. Like I said there was no comparison between the two of us so it wasn’t like she was jealous. I had drab brown hair to her luscious blonde locks; my eyes were again a dull brown compared to her crystal blue irises. Hell, she had boobs, for crying out loud; me on the other hand, not so much. I was basically one of the guys, which was why Baylor and I got along so well in the first place.


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