An Improper Seduction

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An Improper Seduction Page 23

by Quill, Suzanne

  Leaning over her he pushed her gown off her shoulders then lifted her hips until she was free of the gauzy fabric. He sat on the bed next to her then embraced her tightly to his chest. “Angeline?” he asked softly. “What troubles you?”

  “I thought you would be done with me now, at least until the child came,” she responded as water filled her eyes. She dare not look straight at him and give away her hurt.

  “Whatever gave you that idea? You are finally where I have always wanted you, in my bed, with me,” he retorted with frustration in his voice. “Do you not want to be in my bed? Would you rather sleep alone in your own?”

  “No! No, my lord. I am happy to be here,” she answered still looking away.

  Geoffrey took her chin gently with his hand and turned her face toward him settling his lips against hers. Delicately placing small kisses upon her trembling lips, as if to soothe and calm her. His tongue teased her lips beckoning her to open and let him in. She shuddered then relented as she opened her mouth to feel the heat of his tongue, the intrusion of his intimacies.

  His hands started moving over her body, stroking her flesh, igniting the fire. A thumb brushed her nipple and she felt it tighten. His hand slid down her back to caress her bottom and she shivered. It was if she were virgin once again and she did not know what to expect of him and their lovemaking.

  “Angeline, do you love me?” he asked quietly against her ear.

  “Yes, my lord. You know that I do,” she answered back while trying to fight the onslaught of aroused senses.

  “Then what is the problem? Why do you fight me? Tell me. Please, tell me now,” he demanded softly while nibbling upon her earlobe and breathing roughly in her ear.

  “You do not love me, my lord,” she stated firmly.

  Geoffrey stilled at once as the words she had uttered etched themselves into his consciousness. He took a deep breath to compose himself as the words Vanessa and Angeline’s very own father had given him played through his mind. He then asked in a restrained whisper, “Whatever gave you that idea, my angel?”

  “You have never told me so, my lord,” she returned, her voice trembling.

  The marquess leaned back a moment to look into her eyes. Did she really believe this? Could she be so blind and had he been so very stupid? Was Angus right to have told him he must tell her? Did she not know from all of his attentions and manipulations that he did not wish to face life without her? “Angeline, do you truly think any man in his right mind would go through what I did for you if he were not in love with you?”

  “I have no idea what men go through for women they love, my lord. I only know you have not made your feelings clear to me, yet I am yours to do with what you will. To have your children. Be ordered about. Be left behind at your least whim.”

  “Angeline! How could you think so little of me? Have I not done everything in my power to persuade you? To seduce you into wanting to be mine? Do you have any idea how important it was to me to come up with the so called lessons to entice you back to the cottage night after night?”

  “Have you not done those things to other women? Yet you did not marry them. You did not love them,” she countered.

  “Never have I done all of those things for or with another woman. Some of them I have not done with any woman other than yourself.”

  “But you changed once you knew I must marry you. You became a different person, a different lover.”

  “Did you not like the change, Angeline? Did I not meet your needs? Did I not treat you tenderly as a wife would want a husband to treat her?”

  “Yes, yes, I liked the change but I thought it was because . . . because . . .” She hesitated.

  “What? Because of what?”

  “Because I had to marry you. That you just had to keep up appearances until the deed was done and I wouldn’t back out.”

  “What?” he demanded incredulously. “I treat you with the tenderness any wife would die to have and you think I am humoring you? I spend days seducing you, showing you our life together could be good, no, better than good, magnificent. That we had so much in common we could have a wonderful life together. That we could raise children and create a family and you think I merely want a wife and child bearer. If that is all I wanted, I could have found a dozen women in London who would have jumped at the chance to be my wife even before I had the damned title.

  “I wanted you, Angeline. I want you, Angeline. You are all I want. Now. Forever. It is you who keeps me awake when you are not near and drives me crazy with desire when you are.

  “Is that love? Is love this feeling of wanting to be with you always, no matter what happens around us as we promised in our vows this morning? Is love the feeling of not wanting life at all if I cannot have it with you in it and part of me? I don’t know what love is, my angel. But if I had to put a word to this obsession I have for you now I would call it love.

  “I love you, Angeline. I love you,” he attested as he grabbed her up into his arms and kissed her deeply, passionately, demanding she kiss him back with the same fervor.

  Angeline gave herself over to the elation in her heart. He loved her! He was as bereft without her as she was without him. Could life be more perfect than to have the one person in the world you love the most love you back?

  He pulled back from her enclosing arms, rose and walked round the bed. Once on the other side, he pulled something from his robe pocket then let the robe slide to the floor.

  He was truly magnificent to look at, to touch, to love.

  And he was hers, all hers.

  He climbed into bed and sat up against the pillows, his long, muscular legs stretched out before him.

  “Come, wife,” he ordered, “Straddle me. Sit on my thighs.”

  Angeline settled herself atop her husband’s thighs. His aroused sex prodding her woman’s center. She was warm and wet, ready for his lovemaking.

  “I have a wedding gift for you, Angeline. Actually I could have given it to you at any time but I wanted to wait until I knew you would be truly mine forever.”

  “Geoffrey, knowing you love me is all the gift I need. It is more than I ever hoped for.”

  “First, I want you to wear this always.” Geoffrey opened the burgundy velvet box to reveal a pendant. “It is not very large but it is the symbol of our lifelong commitment to the fidelity and intimacy between us.”

  A blood-red ruby sat in a gold setting, a strand of pearls attached to carry its weight. He drew it from the box, slid his hands under her hair and clasped it at her nape. The delicate ornament fell to the base of her throat laying in the small hollow. He cupped her face and kissed her gently.

  “Now, my angel, my love,” he drew his hands away and picked up a small, leather bound, black book. On the cover was embossed a crimson flower, a lotus blossom. Angeline took the book he offered and flipped the cover open to the title page where, The Order of the Crimson Lotus, was emblazoned in gold leaf. “The lessons between us truly start.

  “It has been nearly ten years since I returned from the Orient with this book and necklace. The lessons I learned there were breathtaking but I came to understand they could really only be shared with one who would be my most intimate companion for the rest of my life.

  “Because of my circumstances before Ronald’s death, I had no expectation whatsoever of being able to share this secret. Even after his death, as I looked for a lady wife, I did not dare to hope the woman I would wed would, could, be such an intimate, lifelong relationship.

  “It was with you, Angeline, I realized I had found the one woman in the world whom I would gladly spend the rest of my life with. I have no need of another, no desire to see if another might even exist.

  “What I truly want, my love, is to create a relationship between us that is as deep and loving as possible. We have made such a goo
d start. You are loving in your manner and open to learning and sharing yourself with me. Our prior lessons showed that to me.

  “But this book will start us on a new path with new lessons and will make our loving even more powerful.”

  Geoffrey took the book from her hands then set it on the bedside table. “You may start to read this at your leisure but for now, let us begin anew.

  “Come closer, my love. Let me enter you.”

  With gentle firmness, Geoffrey raised her hips and impaled her with his aroused staff.

  “Mmmm. Geoffrey,” Angeline let go of a sigh as she shifted to welcome all of him inside of her. “You are too much by half, my lord.”

  “You seem to take the whole of me, my love.” Her dreamy eyes met his and he had no doubt all of his actions to this very moment had been the correct ones.

  “Place your hand here, on my chest, Angeline. I will place my hand on yours in like manner.” He took her hand in his, kissed the palm then placed it over his heart. He then placed his palm over her heart, between the swell of her breasts.

  “Close your eyes, Angeline. And breathe with me. When I inhale, you inhale. When I exhale, you do the same. Take your time, love. Feel the air move between us.”

  Angeline did as her husband asked. She could feel the light weight of the pendant at the base of her throat. She could feel the hardness of him deep inside her. She could feel his heart beating beneath her palm, the rise and fall of his chest as he took breath. She matched her rhythm to his.

  Lightheadedness came over her. It was as if the whole of her being was meshed with his. His thoughts seem to be manifesting within her mind.

  “Geoffrey . . .” she said in an astounded hush.

  “Yes, love, I feel it too. With all of our lovemaking we have never felt this close. Now continue breathing with me. No matter what we do, try to maintain your breath with mine.”

  He turned her to ease her into the soft down of the mattress and positioned himself over her. Pulsating within her, he breathed deeply in time with her, as he groaned his appreciation of their intimacy. “This is where I belong, Angeline. Deep within you as often as you’ll let me. I have found love and contentment when I bury myself deep inside of you. And when we join, the climax from our lovemaking shakes me to my very soul. Never, never have I found so much in the arms of another woman as I find with you. I love you, Angeline.” He quieted then as he thrust and took breath in rhythm with her. His mouth clung to hers, his hands slid behind her hips to tilt them up to reach deeper yet inside her.

  Angeline moaned with his touches, his penetration, his intense desire as she wrapped her legs around him and drew him in further. Her mind was awhirl with thoughts and sensations about the two of them she had never felt before. She was so close to him she could not tell where her body stopped and his began. He released her lips to ply her neck and breasts with kisses. “I love you, Geoffrey,” she swore as she moved with the heat of him.

  Higher and higher they went stroking each other, breathing with each other, letting their passions build and unite. Geoffrey held himself back as he felt the tension in her body, felt her nails grasping his back. Deeper and deeper he stroked her and, when she cascaded in light and fire over the edge, he whispered softly in her ear, “I love you, Angeline.” Then he let himself go with her to the ends of the universe as they started their lives together in intimate happiness and abandon.


  Geoffrey came down the marble stairs two and three at a time as Graham opened the front door. Cold air and snowflakes whirled through the doorway as Doctor Wesley stepped inside.

  Wesley handed his hat to the butler then followed with his coat, shaking extraneous snowflakes to the marble floor of the foyer.

  “Doctor,” Geoffrey stretched his hand in greeting, “I swear I never thought you would arrive.”

  While shaking hands the doctor commented, “I came as fast I could. The Sisters Grimm are sharing a nasty cold and the weather made quick progress difficult. Has Lady Colburn delivered as yet?”

  Graham closed the door firmly against the wind then took the dampened outerwear to dry elsewhere.

  “My God, no. And I am thankful for it as I know not what to do.”

  A broad smile creased the doctor’s face. “I am sure she could tell you exactly what you need do.”

  Geoffrey let the worry leave his face. “Well, yes, Angeline is very clear about instructing me when she deems it necessary. But, I am afraid she is a little too busy with the pain right now to have patience with me. Let me get you to her room.”

  Upon entering the marquess’s bedchamber, Geoffrey hurried Wesley to the bedside.

  Angeline sat up in the overly large mahogany bed, her face pale, her stomach huge.

  “We seem to be a wee bit early with this delivery, my lady.” Doctor Wesley placed a hand upon her brow. “How close are your pains?”

  Geoffrey felt his face heat and saw the color rise on Angeline’s. If the doctor noticed how early the babe was born, the whole county will be gossiping for months.

  “Just minutes apart, Doctor. I think it is just about time. I am so glad you arrived. Geoffrey is sick with worry over me.”

  Wesley patted her hand. “Well, I am sure all will be right as soon as we deliver this babe. Now, let us get ourselves organized.”

  “Mrs. Nash has brought the items needed and prepared them per Angeline’s instructions, Doctor.” Geoffrey leaned over Angeline and kissed her forehead as he took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze.

  “That is fine. Now, if you will be leaving, my lord, I will get on with it.” Wesley moved to the end of the bed. “Move down, my lady. You know what to do.”

  “I am not going, Doctor.” Geoffrey helped Angeline slide down the length of the huge bed. He removed his boots then climbed on the bed behind his wife straddling her hips.

  Angeline groaned then screamed as another contraction tore through her body.

  “My lord, this is most unusual. The husbands never stay with their wives no matter their titles and rank.”

  “Well, that will be different here, Wesley. Angeline is going to deliver our babe and I am going to be right here through the whole thing.” Geoffrey moved his hips up against Angeline’s backside, brought his arms around her then said, “Hold my hands, love, squeeze as hard as you like. I can take it.”

  Thank God he had been through this before. Somehow he would have to make it again. After all, if his wife could bear the pain he could surely bear the witnessing of the event.

  “Geoffrey!” pain went roiling through her again and she had a vice grip on his hands. “Geoffrey, the pain is awful. Get this child out of me. I never knew how truly hard it was.” She screamed again.

  Wesley was at the foot of the bed. “How long have you been in pain, my lady?”

  “It started last night, late, Doctor. But they would start and then stop and then start again. It was not until this noon that they became regular and started to come quicker.”

  “No wonder you look exhausted. You should be. But I think we’re near to being done now. Let me see.” The doctor bent forward leaving Geoffrey to see only the top of his head. “Yes, yes, I feel the baby’s head. You know what to do, Lady Colburn. Push hard the next time. We should get the babe the next time.”

  “I’m here, my love. Lean back against me. Hold my hands tight.”

  “Damn you, Geoffrey, for getting me with this child so quickly. I wish you could feel this pain. Oh!” The scream wrenched the air. Perspiration dripped down her face. She groaned as she pushed. Geoffrey held onto her as tightly as he dared.

  “Push, push, the babe is coming. Push again,” coaxed the doctor.

  Angeline leaned back against him as she screamed to the heavens again.

  “It’s a girl. It’s a beautiful bab
y girl.” A new cry split the air. The babe came into the world exercising its lungs and screaming up a storm. Wesley handed the babe to Mrs. Nash who had just scurried in with clean cloths.

  Geoffrey heaved a sigh of relief. Angeline groaned softly and relaxed back against the wall of his chest.

  “There now, my love, it is over. We have a daughter.” Mrs. Nash came round the bed and handed the freshly washed bundle to her mother.

  “Angeline, she is so beautiful. Look how tiny she is.”

  “Angeline,” said Doctor Wesley. “We have more to do.”

  Geoffrey took the child into his arms, welcoming her with coos and ahs and placing his index finger into her tiny fist. He could feel the power of this new life flow through him. His face was split by a smile that reached to his soul.

  “Geoffrey!” Angeline was screaming again. She was contracting all over again.

  “Mrs. Nash, please take the baby. Doctor Wesley what is wrong with her?” Releasing the babe to the housekeeper’s care, Geoffrey went back to holding his wife.

  She screamed again.

  “Doctor, Doctor. What is wrong?” asked Geoffrey.

  “Push, Angeline,” commanded the doctor. “Push and push hard.”

  Geoffrey held on for dear life as Angeline pushed then screamed then pushed again.

  “It’s a boy! You have a son, too!”

  Angeline fell back into Geoffrey’s arms. He barely heard the doctor as his wife lost consciousness. “Doctor, she’s fainted.”


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