Truths I Never Told You (ARC)

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Truths I Never Told You (ARC) Page 5

by Kelly Rimmer

  up my mind. The only part of parenting I’ve mastered so far is

  breastfeeding. It’s the one thing that’s working, the only way to

  get Noah to sleep sometimes…the only reason I remember to

  hold him some days. The reality is, breastfeeding is providing

  all the structure to my parenting at the moment and I’m pretty

  sure if I remove that, the entire operation is going to collapse.

  “But we could pick up a can of formula at the supermarket,

  and it will just make your life so much easier—”

  “I said I’d think about it, Chiara. That’s the best I can do.” I

  cut her off, and her face falls. She closes her mouth delicately,

  then offers me a weak smile and motions to take Noah from my

  arms. I hand him over, then turn to leave.

  “Aren’t you going to say goodbye to your son?” Chiara

  prompts me, pointedly but not unkindly. I squeeze my eyes

  closed, take a deep breath, then turn back to her, smile fixed

  in place.

  “Of course. Silly me. Goodbye, Noah,” I say, then I brush

  a quick kiss on his forehead before I escape out the front door,

  into the safe silence of my car. As I reverse into the street, I don’t

  look back. I know Chiara will be sitting by that fire, toasty and

  warm with Noah on her lap, staring down at him with adora-

  tion, cooing and talking and generally just loving on him.

  When my friends meet Chiara, they inevitably tell me I’ve

  hit the mother-in-law jackpot. She’s caught up in a passionate

  love affair with cooking so she’s constantly preparing the most

  amazing food. Even so, she’s humble about her culinary skills

  and is always enthusiastic at my own cooking attempts, even

  when I inevitably under or overcook the dish. Chiara is gen-

  erous and gentle and kind, even if she can be just a little over-

  bearing sometimes. She’s patient and sweet, and she seems to

  genuinely like me, which I find to be very strange, considering

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  I’m still not sure how I’m supposed to relate to the woman. Is

  your mother-in-law supposed to be a friend? Like a close aunt,

  if your aunts had a vested interest in your spouse? A parental

  figure…a second mother?

  I think that last one is why I’m still so confused. While I hold

  a handful of precious memories of Grace Walsh, I hardly had

  the chance to know her. I do have a few memories of Dad’s aunt

  Nina, who helped care for us for a few years after Grace died,

  but she was old and frail and distant—often caring for us with

  the help of one of the babysitters Dad hired.

  I’ve never real y had a mother figure, and if the dynamic that

  exists between Chiara and me is what a motherly relationship

  should feel like, it’s bewilderingly alien to me, even after a de-


  In all those years Hunter and I spent desperately trying to

  achieve parenthood, I just wish we’d stopped even once to con-

  sider the possibility that a motherless woman might not know

  how to be a mother.

  I stop off for some packing and cleaning supplies, then head

  straight to the house. I park in the drive, and as I begin to walk

  toward the front door, I take a trip down memory lane. I re-

  member the way that Tim and Jeremy dumped their bikes on

  the path as they ran. I remember sitting on the steps with Ruth

  eating Popcicles late on hot July nights. I remember kissing Jason

  White, right on the stoop after our first date.

  I remember opening the front door after that kiss, and find-

  ing Dad standing in the hallway, lurking just where he thought

  I wouldn’t notice him. And when I ran to the toilet and threw

  up, he was right on my heels, making sure I was okay. I’ve al-

  ways been a nervous vomiter. That night with Jason was prob-

  ably one of the most terrifying nights of my life—he was the

  student council president, popular and handsome, creative and

  clever…and there I was—pale, quiet, way out of my depth. It

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  was a great kiss as far as first kisses go, but it’s not all that sur-

  prising that I lost my dinner afterward.

  Dad and I sat in the kitchen after I emerged from the bath-

  room. He’d perfected a recipe for apple cake that summer, and

  every time we ate our way through a cake, he’d immediately

  whip up another. That was one of Dad’s quirks—he wasn’t the

  world’s greatest cook, so when he got the hang of a dish, we’d

  eat it ad nauseum until he found a new recipe. That night he’d

  just finished baking, so the kitchen air was heavy with cinna-

  mon and apple and I perched beside Dad at the breakfast bar for

  a talk. I nibbled at my cake and sipped the overly sweet tea he

  liked to make in times of crisis, and in his subtle way, Dad made

  sure I was okay. He was a man ahead of his time when it came

  to parenting. He made sure that Ruth and I understood that we

  were our own people—he taught us to stand up for ourselves

  and to make decisions that we could be proud of.

  As I step into the house now, I open my mouth to call out to

  greet him—then I remember that he’s gone. I feel that knowl-

  edge right in my chest—a dull ache that I know I’ll have to ad-

  just to because Dad isn’t coming home, and the pain is going to

  get much, much worse before it gets better.

  I walk along the hallway, peering into the rec room on the

  left, the study on the right, and then the massive, window-lined

  living area at the back of the house looms before me. It’s as tidy,

  as it always is. I can’t ever remember seeing this space messy,

  except on Christmas mornings. Especially since Dad retired,

  he liked to run a tight ship. He baked his own bread, made his

  own beer, grew an extensive garden in the backyard…and ev-

  erything always had a place, and everything was always in its

  place. Even this past year when language began to deteriorate, he

  only became more regimented—almost compulsive. On the one

  hand, that was going to make packing up the house a lot easier.

  On the other hand, moving those things from their special

  place, putting them into boxes and giving them to charity or

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  distributing them to my siblings…that is going to feel all kinds

  of wrong.

  But it has to be done. So I make myself a hot cocoa, I set up

  some boxes and then begin the task of dismantling my child-

  hood home.

  It’s not long before I have a plan in place to pack up Dad’s

  house. I’ll work through the bedrooms and the attic over the

  next few days, then deal with the living areas after Christmas.

  I start with the main bathroom because it’s the least nostalgic

  place in the house. I imagine the real estate listing as I clear out
  the extra shelves Dad installed over the years. Unique and much

  loved family home on a quiet, leafy street. Five generously sized bed-

  rooms and three large living areas. Generous storage. Actual y, so much storage, it’s bordering on ludicrous.

  In the end, I pack every moveable item in that bathroom into

  boxes, and then marker in hand, I take a deep breath and write

  Trash on every single one. I have to be ruthless with this pro-

  cess, or my siblings and I are going to drown in needless mem-

  orabilia and maybe nostalgia, too.

  One room down already, I decide I’ll reward myself by wan-

  dering through the rest of the house and daydreaming a little.

  My bedroom was the closest to Dad’s, probably because I was

  the youngest and likely still waking up at night when we moved

  in. There are posters of The Monkees curled and yellowed but

  still fixed to the wall, and the duvet cover on the bed is a ghastly

  orange, green and aqua pattern that I remember falling head-

  long in love with when I was fifteen. My shelves are all full of

  what I suspect will be intensely dusty books.

  I wander into Ruth’s old bedroom next. Her walls are bare—

  she was never one for obsessing over bands or movie stars. There

  aren’t any books in Ruth’s room—instead, there are half-fin-

  ished wooden creations. Dad was nervous about a teenage girl

  taking on a carpentry apprenticeship in the seventies, but Ruth

  being Ruth there was no deterring her, and it turned out she

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  didn’t care one bit about being the only woman on the team

  for most of her career.

  Jeremy’s bedroom is by far the most chaotic. His shelves are

  lined with rocks and gemstones, and even a few vials of dust

  he’d deemed necessary to keep after research trips. Jeremy lived

  at home far longer than any of the rest of us because he com-

  muted right up until he finished his undergraduate degree. He

  had no interest in supporting himself with a part-time job as

  the rest of us did during college. Instead, he was content to live

  with Dad for free and use the hour-long commute each way

  for reading time. Dad always said that if Jeremy hadn’t fallen

  in love with science, he’d probably have wound up in jail. Jez

  had made something of a career of mischief until he belatedly

  found some ambition when he reached his sophomore year of

  high school. It’s fair to say that the only discipline my brother

  has ever taken to is of the academic variety.

  Tim’s bedroom is going to be the easiest to clean out. Much

  like Tim himself, it’s orderly and neat. He’s the oldest, and he’s

  always taken a somewhat parental role over the rest of us. I can

  remember him threatening to ground me when I was nine or

  ten because I hadn’t taken my dirty clothes to the laundry room

  so he could wash them. My parents had us in quick succession,

  and Tim is only three years older than I am, but he always re-

  lated to us as if he were the adult in the group.

  I don’t go into Dad’s bedroom. I’m not ready to think about

  that room being empty. Instead, I head to the stairs that lead

  to the attic.

  The massive attic was one of the most unique features of our

  family home. It was unfinished storage space when we moved in,

  but Dad converted it into a huge, usable room that runs the en-

  tire length and breadth of the house. There are peaked windows

  all along the walls, a high cathedral ceiling, and highly polished

  floorboards on the floor, dotted with several mismatched rugs

  that had been purchased over time in attempts to reduce the echo

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  in the room. When he retired, Dad converted this space into

  his art studio, but as his heart function faded, so did his ability

  to walk up the stairs, and I’m pretty sure he hasn’t painted in

  over a year. As I mount the final steps, I wonder if I should take

  some brushes and paints with me when I visit him tomorrow.

  I put my hand on the doorknob and turn it, then bump into

  the door—completely caught off guard when it doesn’t budge

  at all. I twist the handle hard, and push my shoulder against the

  door, but when this makes absolutely no difference, I look down

  at the lock and frown. This is a new handle—and it sports a se-

  riously heavy-duty deadlock.

  But why would he need to lock the attic? Dad must have

  installed this lock when he lived alone—otherwise we would

  have noticed. Was he locking himself in, or locking the world

  out? It was almost certainly during the period when we didn’t

  realize he was developing dementia. I can’t stand the thought

  that Dad might have been afraid of something and completely

  alone with that fear.

  There’s no avoiding Dad’s bedroom now—it’s the logical place

  to find the key. I wander back down the stairs to his room but

  I pause at the door, then take a deep breath and force myself to

  go inside.

  Here, more than anywhere, I feel his absence. The room

  smells like Dad—his aftershave and deodorant linger in the

  air. This scent is warm hugs on sad days, and laughter over the

  breakfast bar, and suffering through the sheer boredom of the

  old black-and-white movie marathons he so loved to inflict

  upon us on rainy weekends.

  Dad. Oh, God, Dad, how am I ever going to survive with-

  out you?

  My sadness swells again, but I can’t let it distract me—I have

  to focus on finding the key. Dad’s furnishings have always been

  about function and comfort, with no consideration for style, and

  that’s never been more evident than when I consider his bed-

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  room. The dresser doesn’t match the bed frame; the curtains

  are the tattered remains of a coarse, cream-and-brown gauze.

  I pull the curtains open to let some sunshine in and turn to

  survey the room. Every surface is pristine; not a speck of dust

  can be found. I open drawers and find perfectly folded clothes,

  exactly in the right place, but I looked through these same draw-

  ers last week when I was packing for Dad and I didn’t notice

  any loose keys. Then again, I wasn’t actually looking for a key,

  so I’ll have to search again.

  My efforts become steadily more vigorous, but I’m trying

  not to make a mess, as if Dad might find me rifling through

  his things. After a while, though, the reality sinks in that Dad

  is likely never coming back to this room, and I begin to take

  clothes and objects out of drawers and shelves and to rest them

  haphazardly on his bed. When I’ve searched his entire room, I

  shift my attentions to the rest of the house.

  Another hour passes, and now I’ve given up on keeping the

  place pristine
and I’ve made a huge mess. I’ve tipped out drawers and dumped the contents of shelves onto the floor and benches.

  I’m frustrated, and when I finally concede defeat, I belatedly

  realize that I’m sweaty, dusty and exhausted. I pour a glass of

  water and walk to the phone to dial the first number I ever

  learned by heart.

  “Walsh Constructions,” a chirpy voice on the other end says.

  “Hello there, Janet, it’s Beth. Is Ruth available?”

  Predictably, I wait almost ten minutes for my sister to pick up.

  I’m important to Ruth…but everything is important to Ruth.

  She’s become the kind of woman who habitually juggles an im-

  probable number of balls, makes it look easy, and then unwit-

  tingly shames everyone who can’t quite manage the same feats

  of endurance. School wasn’t Ruth’s forte, but everything else

  in life seems to be. Ruth is the perfect mother to three unruly

  sons, but to hear her speak about them, you’d think she was

  purposefully crafting them that way. Ruth has the world’s most

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  perfect husband in Ellis—a man who genuinely seems to live

  and breathe to make her dreams come true. Ruth has a mag-

  nificent family home, one that she designed herself, and then

  of course, she managed the building herself, too.

  Even now, at almost forty, I sometimes feel like a miserable

  failure compared to Ruth. She has shiny, chestnut hair, beau-

  tiful amber eyes and a figure most women would die for. I’ve

  been breastfeeding for five months but I’m still somehow flat-

  chested, and my frizzy, dark brown hair has been even harder

  to tame since pregnancy. I have the most ordinary set of blue

  eyes that you’ve ever seen and my skin tone is either porcelain

  white or sunburned—there is no in-between. There isn’t enough

  mascara in the world to give me decent eyelashes, while Ruth’s

  have always seemed unnaturally thick, unnaturally long. Despite

  years of working on building sites with teams of less-than-so-

  phisticated tradesmen, Ruth is still so elegant and capable. Worst of all, she has the audacity to be funny and kind, too. Except

  when she’s reminding me how utterly busy she always is—and

  when she finally answers the call, that’s exactly where the con-

  versation begins.

  “Beth, I’m so sorry it took me so long to get off that other


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