Merlin's Awakening (An Untimely Error Book 1)

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Merlin's Awakening (An Untimely Error Book 1) Page 10

by Tom Larcombe

  Merlin was waiting when Gunter came strolling along. Gunter's face was turned down and he looked miserable.

  “Gunter,” Merlin said.

  Gunter looked up.


  “Hello Gunter. I was considering a bit of mild rebellion and was going to see if you were interested in joining me, but you look miserable. What's wrong?”

  “They've relieved me of my command. I've been replaced by an officer of the SS, told that I wasn't trustworthy enough for the responsibilities I've been managing for years.”

  “Was the SS the other group that contested my destination?”

  “You knew about that?”

  “I heard something.”

  “Yes, they were. Evidently, the SS is strongly tying themselves to all of the occult research going on in the army.”

  “That would explain why they shipped one of my students out then,” Merlin said.

  Gunter looked at him quizzically. So Merlin explained.

  “That's disgusting. So now we can't even have our own thoughts to ourselves?”

  “Well, it's just one man. But no, anyone he's assigned to could have their thoughts known.”

  Gunter shook his head.

  “Things are worse than I feared then. Perhaps they were right to remove me from my position. If I knew about these things I'd encourage those I found to flee instead of return with me.”

  “I think that my small act of rebellion is exactly what you need now.”

  “What are you talking about.”

  “I was told that I was to stay in the compound. But I don't like being treated as though I were a child and I never volunteered for your army. I'm cooperating so far but I'm feeling cooped up. Let's head for that bar you showed me the other evening.”

  “If you're confined to the compound, like I am now, then the gate guards won't allow you out.”

  “Gunter, I'm a wizard. Look at me for a moment.”

  Merlin concentrated briefly.

  “Merlin? Is that you? What happened?”

  “I can make both of us look like other people as we leave and when we return.”

  Gunter's brow wrinkled in thought, but only for a moment.

  “I ought to turn you in. Instead, I'll accompany you to make sure you stay safe. After all, they never told me to stop guarding you with my life.”

  Merlin grinned at Gunter who feebly returned the smile.

  “Do you need anything or are you ready to go?” Merlin asked.

  “I'm ready. There's nothing I really care for in my quarters. I've started carrying everything I value on me since I'm sure my room has been searched. I don't know what they think I've done. Perhaps they've been reading my thoughts. I've had some disloyal ones recently, but a man isn't his thoughts. A man is his actions.”

  “Very true. But I dislike what that says about some of the people I've encountered here,” Merlin said.

  He concentrated for a moment.

  “I've got a disguise on both of us. The guards should see someone they expect. If they have any questions, let me handle them.”

  “Good enough.”

  The two men walked towards the exit from the compound. As they approached the booth the guards came out.

  Well, that's interesting, Merlin thought, When I left last time it was normal soldiers on guard. This time both guards wear the doubled lightning rune.

  “Halt. Let's see your authorization to leave the compound.”

  Merlin held out an empty hand, willing the guard to see whatever it was the guard needed to see to let them pass.

  “Good, all is in order. You may pass.”

  Gunter and Merlin strolled out through the gates and turned towards the bar.

  Once they were out of earshot, Gunter spoke.

  “What did you do Merlin?”

  “I used my magic to make him see what he expected. They weren't expecting anyone to sneak out so I just showed them what they expected to see.”

  “Whatever you did, I'm impressed. I complain about the SS soldiers but most of them really are well trained.”

  “It seems that even those who work at a research center focusing on magic don't really believe it exists. Or possibly, just don't have any idea of how to counteract it. I've noticed this over the past few weeks.”

  The two men chatted as they walked. Merlin discovered that Gunter's demotion took place shortly after their last venture to the bar. Gunter had registered a complaint regarding the woman they tried to trap Merlin with. He pointed out that Merlin was working there voluntarily and that there was no need to entrap him.

  “You shouldn't have done that Gunter. That was probably the cause of your problems. Those in charge here strike me as being more ruthless than your average person. They're willing to do whatever they believe is necessary to get what they want.”

  “Still, it wasn't right. I wanted to let them know that I wouldn't cooperate in underhanded schemes like that.”

  “Not being willing to bend that way at all is probably what got you relieved of your command.”

  “Then so be it. If I have to be deceitful to maintain my command, then I don't want it.”

  “You're a good man Gunter, and here we are at the bar. Let me buy you a beer.”

  Merlin and Gunter spent several hours at the bar. The barmaids were every bit as friendly as Gunter originally claimed and Merlin took advantage of that. The barmaid he invited upstairs this time was willing and, much to her surprise, actually enjoyed herself for real. It made a huge difference to him and he found that his already high energy levels were full to the brim when he returned downstairs.

  Gunter was waiting, and slightly drunk, when Merlin came back down.

  “I think that we should be on our way Merlin,” Gunter said.

  Merlin considered the slurring of Gunter's words and thought that the man would probably be sober enough after the walk back to the compound.

  “We should leave then. I must say, this was a far more pleasant experience than last time.”

  “I told you the barmaids were friendly here.”

  Gunter was steady on his feet even if his speech was slightly incapacitated. As the two men walked back to the compound, Merlin could hear Gunter muttering to himself.

  “I can't believe that the army has become so dishonorable. This isn't the same organization I joined to make my career in.”

  “I think, Gunter, that you should be cautious about saying such things out loud. You're in enough trouble already. No need to give them something else to use against you,” Merlin said.

  “You're probably right, but what can you do when your life crumbles around you and all you can do is watch?”

  “Who says all you can do is watch? You're capable of independent thought and action, aren't you?”

  Gunter remained silent, his brow furrowed in thought, throughout the rest of the walk back. The guards challenged the two men again but Merlin got them through the checkpoint with no problems.

  Merlin had difficulties falling asleep. Once again he felt guilty about abandoning Nimue, despite his lack of intent to do so. He felt that he was betraying her somehow by actually enjoying himself with another woman.

  I must take this demon by the horns and force it into submission. The woman is dead and gone, probably buried for a thousand years. I loved her, I can admit that to myself now, but it's far too late to do anything about it, he thought.

  Anguis slowly drained Merlin's grief to the point where he was able to fall asleep. This night, Merlin dreamed of all the things about Nimue that had fascinated and entranced him so many centuries earlier.

  * * *

  Chapter 11

  The following night, Merlin entered the students' room. They were all accounted for, save Horst, and Merlin was pretty sure that he wouldn't be returning. With what they wanted from Horst, he'd be far too useful to send back to further his studies.

  He made the rounds again. Most of the students were making minimal progress on their current
assignments. They were at the point where they needed to start figuring things out for themselves. Merlin advised them on the ways he knew of to develop their powers further but they needed to try things out for themselves to find out what fit.

  The exceptions to that were Manfred and Dieter. Manfred could now detach a living flame while keeping it alive, feed it to strengthen it, and hurl it across the room. He was very proud of his accomplishment and Merlin congratulated him before suggesting several other things that he might try to do with fire.

  Dieter's skill with separating his awareness, learned when Merlin demonstrated it before, had increased significantly.

  “I know that it's Herr Schreiber we are treating, and his problem has gotten worse,” Dieter said.

  “I did notice that. Now the spell is like a blanket suffocating his mind.”

  “I would sooner say it's like a bed of mulch over a garden. Smothering some things while encouraging others to grow.”

  “That's a good analogy, but not how I would normally view it.”

  “That analogy sparked an idea in me. With mulch, eventually it decomposes and strengthens the soil. Is there a way to help this spell decompose and use the energy from it to build the shields you want to place on his mind?”

  “Not really, I can't... Wait. Have you detected any sign of magical talent in Herr Schreiber?”

  “No, none at all. All he has is the spell and the energies found on a normal person.”

  “So, if we can advance the aging of the spell, it might begin to fray more. If it did, I might be able to unwork it.”

  “How does one advance the aging of a spell and why would it matter if he possessed magical talent?”

  “Please don't try this yourself. There's a spell that creates a stasis, that stops time for whatever it's placed upon. I'm thinking that I might be able to reverse the effects so that it accelerated time for whatever it was placed upon.”

  “That spell would break down over time?” Dieter asked.

  “Over a long time. But well before it breaks down on its own, Herr Schreiber will be no more. The only thing left would be an automaton controlled by whoever placed the spell. It's important to know if he has any magical talent because the stasis I need to create would be different if he did. I could tap his own energies to help with it and it would be easier.”

  “There's no drawback to trying this, is there?”

  “Very little. I'll need a day or two to plan the reversed stasis spell since it's rather complicated. I also think that we'll be better off doing this in my cottage than here. I'll see if I can get permission to take you back there after our next class.”

  “You'll need my help?”

  “We're working with your analogy and it's quite possible that I won't be able to hold the reversed stasis and keep an eye on the spell we're trying to destroy at the same time. You can observe and tell me if it's working correctly. You should see it break down as your mulch would if it works.”

  “I can do that.”

  * * *

  Merlin spent the next day working on a reversed version of the stasis spell he'd used on himself. He needed one without the crystals, that would create the opposite affect by speeding up time within itself. It was challenging work and kept him occupied throughout the morning and early afternoon. He planned to continue the work after dinner but when he returned from eating there was a strange woman in his cottage.

  “Good evening Madam. My name is Merlin, what can I do for you?”

  “I'm here as a volunteer. I was told that someone who was important to the war effort needed a companion.”

  “I see Herr Schreiber was good to his word. Shall we sit and chat? They did tell you that it would be necessary that you fit well with this person?”

  “Oh yes, but I can't see myself not fitting well if I make an effort.”

  If you have to make an effort, then you don't fit. You can round the corners on a square but that doesn't make it a circle, Merlin thought.

  Merlin was willing to give it a shot although he suspected that this wasn't going to work out. Between guilt over Nimue and his recent encounter with a friendly barmaid he wasn't currently feeling a need for female companionship. He was willing to try though. A woman who fit with him would be a comfort to have around on a longer term, even if a more physical relationship was some time in coming.

  By the end of the evening, Merlin knew that she wasn't a good match. She tried hard to be ingratiating and agree with him on everything. He could read her well though and Anguis could read her even better. She lied to him quite a bit, trying to make him think that she would be good for him. He would prefer a woman who spoke her mind if she disagreed but he wouldn't tell her that since she'd also demonstrated a degree of malleability that he didn't like.

  At the end of the evening Merlin sent her away, over her protests, to return to wherever she came from.

  There's a good four hours I could've used for research wasted, he thought.

  In the morning, he started back in on the spell.

  * * *

  Merlin walked into the class of students to find Manfred juggling balls of living flame. The rest of the students were giving him a wide berth. The scorch marks on the floor and several pieces of furniture indicated why.

  “Look Merlin, three balls of flame. I can control all of them at once.”

  “Can you maintain control if you're distracted?” Merlin asked.

  Manfred looked at him, confused.

  Merlin caused a chill gust of wind to strike the back of Manfred's neck. He spun to see what caused it and the three balls of flame tumbled to the floor.

  “I'm pretty sure that they want you to use these skills in combat of some sort. You'll need to work on holding your concentration unbroken to be able to do that,” Merlin said, snuffing the flames.

  Manfred winced and flushed. He turned away, his face twisted in what resembled a child's pout.

  Merlin made the rounds of the rest of the students. Karl was making progress towards mastering a shield against physical objects and Merlin encouraged him to continue. The other students were progressing, but slowly.

  “So, Dieter, what have you been doing?”

  “I've practiced my sensing, healed burns, and continued reading the transcripts.”

  “I can guess where the burns came from.”

  Dieter nodded.

  “I'll take you to my cottage tonight and we'll see what we can do regarding our patient.”

  The guards didn't even ask Merlin why he was taking one of the students out at the end of the class. Merlin was prepared to show them an illusion of an authorization to do so but it wasn't necessary.

  When they arrived at the cottage, Dieter looked around.

  “Rather spartan, isn't it?”

  “I'm more comfortable without electricity and what else do I need?”

  “A pantry for food? Better lighting?”

  “Food I can get anytime during the day. The cafeteria is only a minute away and I can normally cadge a bite to eat.”

  Dieter looked disapprovingly at Merlin.

  “Why do you young wizards always assume I'm talking about using magic? I made friends with the staff. I call them by name, ask after their families. I like them and they like me. So they'll give me a snack if I ask.”

  “Well, you still only have the one lantern there. How can you do anything after dark?”

  “That's because I keep this on me all the time.”

  Merlin pulled out the sun crystal and put it in the bracket he'd fashioned. Now the main area of the cottage was lit as well as it would be with the sun pouring in the windows.

  “Oh...” Dieter said.

  “Now, can we get on with things?”

  “Sorry, I'm just trying to understand why you would go out of your way to help him like this. You know you're going to make someone mad, right? Someone powerful is going to be very upset with you?”

  “I'm aware of that, but I hope to hide my traces well enough tha
t they don't know who did it and what was done. If I'm caught? Well, I'm not so weak myself any more. Although I will be for a while right after this spell,” Merlin said.

  “But why? Why all the risk?”

  “Who else will do it? Who else can do it? Would you walk by a neighbor's livestock if they were sick and you could help them?”

  “No, I'd fix them. That's different though. No-one would be coming after me for doing that.”

  “Then just say I'm going to do it because I can. Because it offends me to see a spell like this in existence. Death is clean, if I have to use magic to kill someone they're dead just like they would be if run through with a sword. As a matter of fact, most of the time it would be less painful to be killed with magic. But to erase someone and leave their body behind to use as a puppet?”

  Merlin shook his head and began to pace.

  “Horst tried to get into your mind, didn't he? Did his attempt leave you feeling dirty?”

  At Dieter's answering nod Merlin continued.

  “Now imagine that he did get in and your mind was only present as a trapped observer. You could only watch as he used your body. Your mind slowly fading away to nothing. That's what's happening to Herr Schreiber. But he's fighting it as best he can. He has no idea how to combat the spell but continues to pit his willpower against it. So, the spell is wrong, the man is fighting but needs help. I feel compelled to provide that help because I can and because magic like that spell is simply wrong.”

  Dieter backed up a step at Merlin's vehement conclusion.

  “I apologize. I wanted to be sure there wasn't some hidden reason. That Herr Schreiber wasn't part of some sort of personal power struggle for you. I didn't think that he was but I needed to be sure. I think you've made your reasons clear. You feel very strongly about magic being misused don't you?”

  “Yes,” Merlin said.

  “May I ask one more question then?”

  Merlin's face took on an expression of exasperation.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Why didn't you do something about Horst after that first class then.”


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