Merlin's Awakening (An Untimely Error Book 1)

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Merlin's Awakening (An Untimely Error Book 1) Page 18

by Tom Larcombe

  Merlin called his ally with his mind.


  A brief moment later he felt Plamen outside his mental shields. He placed the sun crystal on the floor between himself and the large crystal, then lowered his shields to allow communication with the former wizard.

  {Plamen, I have the construct and a plan.}

  {Tell me.}

  Merlin related his plan to Plamen, who went silent for a moment.

  {There are several other things I'll need.} Plamen sent.

  {What? And why?}

  {Once you told me your plan, I could look into the future to see how it would work. There are several possible outcomes but our success is most likely with a few additional things.}

  {What do you need?}

  {Do you know the Spell of the Spider?}

  {I've never heard of it.}

  {The magic which allows one to move about a wall, clinging to it with hands and feet.}

  {Yes, I do. Not by that name though.}

  {I'll require that you perform that magic on the construct once I'm in it. When they come searching for me I shall be in the highest corner of the room.}

  {I can do that.}

  {Secondly, I'll need some additional energy. Do you have any that you can spare? Overcoming the ward on the room will take more energy than you thought. We'll still need enough to destroy the facility and then the crystal itself after.}

  Merlin felt in his satchel. Three of the crystals full of death magic remained.

  {I can provide extra power, at least some.}

  {Let me see.}

  Merlin drew the crystals out. They thrummed in his hand and he could feel their attraction to the larger crystal.

  {You can take two of these, I'll need one of them myself.}

  {They should be enough. Appropriate that they match types as well. Death magic is the strongest option remaining for fire and destruction.}

  {Is that all?}

  {No, one final thing. You must leave the sun crystal with me when you depart. Plus something to hide its light as necessary.}

  {I had plans for that crystal, you say you need it?}

  {When the remnants of the souls in the crystal discover what I'm doing, they will try to stop me. Many are insane and believe that their current state has made them immortal. Working in the light of the sun crystal will keep them from interfering while I do what needs to be done.}

  Merlin regretted the necessity. He was counting on using the sun crystal to keep any more attackers wielding the magic of the large crystal at bay. Plamen was right though, he'd need the defense more than Merlin would.

  {I'll leave it with you then.}

  Merlin searched his pockets. Finding nothing suitable he untucked his shirt and cut off a piece of its tail to wrap the crystal in when the light needed to be hidden.

  {Are you ready to take up residence in the construct?}


  Merlin cut his chest, over his heart. As blood seeped from the wound, he smeared it over the construct. He willed the construct to absorb the living blood before it cooled and died.

  {Now, Plamen.}

  The construct stirred in Merlin's hand. He set it on the floor and waited as the limbs moved one by one. Within a minute Plamen stood. His body, the construct, was unsteady for a few moments as Plamen learned to control it. Once he stood upright without wobbling he spoke in a soft, high pitched voice.

  “Not the way I hoped to spend my final hours. I always thought to die at the hands of a jealous spouse, or perhaps of exhaustion instead.”

  “I'm sorry that you were robbed of your desired end.”

  “Well, a hero's death isn't the most horrible. Be sure to tell the Rom my story when you see them.”

  “I will do so Plamen.”

  “You'll see them sooner than you think. Be sure to tell them that the beggar boy in silks came to a good end.”

  Merlin's eyes misted up.

  Plamen is already dead, isn't he? But I've given him a semblance of life and he's going to die again, Merlin thought.

  “Merlin, do not fret for me. I see your feelings written on your face. Part of me has passed on already. The rest of me will do so tomorrow. Hopefully the two parts will be together again in whatever passes for an afterlife.”

  “If you say so. I think we're done here now. Remember, the signal will be a shield springing up around the entire facility. You won't be able to miss it if I do my part.”

  “I know the plan Merlin. With my alterations it now has the best chance of working that I could foresee. Now gift me the Spell of the Spider, then go on your way. I shall pass the time with the music of my people.”

  Plamen began to hum an uncanny sounding tune, made stranger by the voice of the construct he inhabited. He gave Merlin a deep bow, then a jaunty wave. Having observed propriety, or his version of it, Plamen curled up around the sun crystal atop Merlin's shirt tail and continued his song.

  Merlin saw that Plamen wanted to spend his final hours undisturbed in the light of the sun, remembering his people. He cast the small enchantment Plamen had requested, then turned and left as quietly as he could manage.

  He opened the door and found the corridor nearly empty, only his guard remained.

  “Back to the cottage now.”

  “Is that wise sir? There are sure to be repercussions for what you did earlier.”

  “I'm to do what? Flee? Where would I go? Besides, I was only following Herr Schreiber's orders. Last I knew he was in charge here.”

  “He is sir, but no-one has seen him in two days. There's a lady, a high ranking member of the party, that has been around and giving orders. Evidently, you ran afoul of some of those when you entered the room there.”

  “Well, if it's a problem, it's one for the future not for right now. Let's return to the cottage.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Merlin followed the guard back to his temporary lodgings. As he thought would happen, there was no trouble, at least not yet. Once darkness fell, he would be on his guard. If the mysterious lady were to attempt enforcing her orders using the power of the crystal, then it would not happen while the sun was out.

  Merlin spent most of his afternoon packing the things he'd need. He wanted to take as many of the iron rations as he could but the case contained far more than he could comfortably carry. The satchel took ten of the rations and still had room left over for other items.

  There wasn't much else he wanted to take. Some spare clothing was tucked around the rations to reduce noise. All his crystals were gone except for the one Anguis was using and the one he needed to fuel the massive shield. The feather and candle were in his satchel, the staff kept close to hand, and the shield pinned to the cuff of his shirt sleeve. The compass he left out. There was an experiment he wanted to try with it after dinner.

  A few items from what he was issued filled out his packing. His mess kit, knife, and an assortment of smaller items filled up all the remaining space in the satchel. When he was done, he set it aside and settled into a chair. He wasn't willing to sleep, just in case he was wrong about trouble not coming until after dark, but he would rest as well as he could.

  * * *

  Merlin rose from the chair. His not-quite sleep left him feeling more refreshed than he did earlier in the day as he went to get his last meal in the compound. He had plans for the time between dinner and dark. With any luck he would be finished with those plans by the time his students arrived.

  Dinner was a bland affair but he ate enough to fill himself up. He knew there might not be a chance for a real meal over the next several days, so he ate as much as he could without feeling uncomfortable, then left.

  Merlin wandered around the compound in an aimless seeming fashion. As he passed the motor pool, he cast his senses out to discover which truck contained the most fuel. When he discovered which one it was, he put a small spell on the truck. Now no-one would notice it unless they were looking for that specific vehicle. He memorized the image of it and continued hi
s walk.

  Finally he returned to the cottage. He picked the compass up from the table and went outside.

  First things first. I need to see if Gunter will be coming with us, he thought.

  He sent his awareness searching for Gunter and found him sitting in the building he was quartered in.



  {Yes Gunter. Will you be leaving with us?}

  {Yes, I will. I did a little more digging. Enough that I got some curious looks. Everything I found told me that things are nothing like I thought they were. They're even worse than I feared. I can't stay here. My country and my superiors have betrayed me, lied to me. I can't stay.}

  {If you want to go, we'll be leaving in the early morning hours. I'll tell you the rest of the plan later on, when we meet. If you want to leave with us there's a truck, I'll give you an image of it. We'll be taking that. You can drive a truck, yes?}

  {I can.}

  {We'll meet you there at two hours past midnight. If you can, find out where they're holding Johann, would you?}

  {I'll try, but I may get some more curious looks. If I'll be gone by tomorrow, that's not a problem. I'm already packed and ready to go. I'll be there.}

  Merlin sent the image of the truck to Gunter. Once he received it Merlin cut the mental conversation off. He held the compass level, faced southwest, and concentrated on it.

  Where should I go, he thought.

  The compass' needle steadied, pointing southwest. Merlin noted the exact line it pointed and picked out landmarks so he could find the heading by sight.

  He put the compass in his pocket and sat, making himself comfortable.

  Long distance searching was never one of my strongest skills. I hope I can still do it well enough for my purposes, he thought.

  Merlin cast his awareness to the southwest, along the exact bearing the compass had indicated. He traveled at the speed of thought, seeking anything that seemed familiar or drew his attention.

  He passed the area where his original cottage once stood. Some of the landmarks there were still recognizable although most were gone.

  Well beyond that area he stopped. He was nearly to the ocean and the place was unfamiliar to him. But there was something that was tantalizingly familiar in the area. He just couldn't place it.

  It was anti-climactic for him when he realized what it was. There were traces of magic all over the area. Not the traces that he could use for power, but signs that someone else frequently used magic here. Now that he knew what to look for he could feel the source nearby, but it was muted.

  Someone is shielding themselves from those who seek wizards. They must know more than I did when I awoke, he thought.

  He approached the muted source. It was in a small house, set into the woods by itself. He could feel the wards on the house as he approached but they were of a type that he had designed. He slipped through them, almost as though they didn't exist, and approached the source.

  He stopped when he saw the wizard. Even though he could only see her from behind and the years had altered her appearance somewhat, he still recognized her immediately. Confirmation came a moment later.

  “Merlin, even after all these years, I sometimes feel as though you're nearby and watching me.”

  {In this case, Nimue, that would be because I am.}

  The woman let out a startled yelp and spun around.

  “Now I'm losing my mind. I knew it would happen eventually,” Nimue said.

  {No, you aren't. Physically, I'm a long distance away. My projection is here in the room with you though.}

  “Is it really you Merlin? I'm not just imagining this?”

  {Use your senses my dear, you can see me if you do.}

  Nimue made a tiny gesture, heartbreakingly familiar to Merlin from centuries back. Instantly, her own projection was in the room with him.

  {Merlin, it is you! What happened? Shall I return to your cave? I'm sorry I left but the cottage was destroyed, and you were still in slumber, and I couldn't take waiting any more, and... I feared to look in on you one day and find you dead within your spell.}

  {No, something destroyed several of the crystals holding the matrix of the spell and I was awakened. I'm not there any more. Had I known you were still alive, I would have looked for you immediately. Instead I left with those who claimed to have been seeking me.}

  {Someone was looking for you?}

  {To no good end. I'll be leaving here tomorrow, and I don't believe they'll look for me any more after that. There won't be enough of them left to do so.}

  {You're with the Germans?}

  {I had no idea who, or what, they were when I woke up. The man who spoke with me seemed good and honest. It wasn't until I met more of their people that I realized what they were. There will be several others with me who also disagree with the methods used here.}

  {Where will you go?}

  {I planned on going southwest, along this heading. I have an artifact that told me to go this way. Perhaps it means I should come to you.}

  {I would like that more than anything. But don't come here, this area is under German control. The French have no means of protecting escapees. You must head further north from where I am here. Take your people to Britain. How long will it take you to get out of there?}

  {If my plan works, only hours. There is a pilot I believe would also like to forgo any more German hospitality. I'll rescue him, then we'll steal a plane and make good our escape.}

  {Merlin, I hope this is really you and I'm not going mad. It's so good to see you again after all this time. I thought I never would. I'd given up hope.}

  {It's really me Nimue. You aren't imagining things.}

  {I fear it though. Normally I'd imagine you here and you'd be lecturing me. But this time, it sounds like they've gotten you angry. It's too close to wishful thinking. For you to be back and angry enough with the Germans that you lose your temper with them. It's like a dream come true.}

  {I must depart Nimue. I have things still to do before our escape. But, pay close attention tomorrow. You'll probably be able to detect the magics released even at this distance. After that, I'll contact you again. Then, perhaps, you can believe.}

  Even though physical contact couldn't be made in the state they were in, Merlin leaned forward and made as though to kiss Nimue. He sent a tiny crackle of energy leaping from his lips to hers and then he was gone.

  Back in his body Merlin's lips tingled slightly. He hoped that Nimue's did as well, so she would have some form of positive proof that what occurred was real. He forced his thoughts away from her for the moment.

  It's nearly dark. I need to be on guard against possible attack now. I also need to keep an eye out for Dieter and the others. They'll need to watch themselves as well, he thought.

  Merlin boosted the power of the wards on the cottage.

  Horst must have used that demon cursed knife on my wards to get through them. That explains why they were so weak just now, he thought.

  {Anguis, are you ready for the last effort on the dreams?}

  The little dragon uncoiled from around his neck, taking on his other form. He flew to the table, nodded vehemently, and strutted over to the crystal. He hopped up and perched on it, then looked at Merlin expectantly.

  {This is what I want sent tonight.}

  Merlin sent an image of the purple glowing crystal to Anguis. Floating around the crystal were vague wispy shapes that looked roughly humanoid. A feeling of fear and foreboding emanated from them. The shapes gestured with translucent arms, waving the viewers away. As each shape tried to drive people away, it would slowly transform into one of the victims shown in the memories from the crystal.

  {All the while there should be an undertone to the dream. A feeling that the dreamer must wake and leave the castle immediately. At the end of the sending, you need to make it clear that retribution is to be exacted on the facility and that those remaining will be caught up in it. You'll need to stop several hours earlier this tim
e so we can leave though. Can you do all that?}

  Anguis had a considering look in his tiny eyes. He cocked his head to the side for a moment then nodded again, less vehemently this time. The dragon closed his eyes and began the final push to get the innocent out of harm's way.

  Merlin went to the door and started looking for his students. Half an hour later they arrived, each carrying a heavily loaded pack.

  “I'm glad you made it. I was beginning to worry,” Merlin said.

  “It took longer than we anticipated to get out unnoticed,” Dieter replied.

  “I think one of us should keep a watch. After last night, I don't know who might be coming. It's only six hours until we depart. I'd leave earlier but Anguis has to finish his job of trying to get the innocents to flee the area.”

  “That shouldn't be necessary Merlin. Rein is on your roof, keeping watch. He'll let me know if there's any trouble coming,” Anselm said.


  “My owl. He needed a name so I gave him one. He likes it.”

  Merlin nodded approvingly.

  “I'm glad you're communicating well with him. Has he hunted? If not we should keep watch while he hunts so he isn't distracted.”

  Anselm blushed.

  “He's rather fond of blood sausage so I took one from the mess hall and fed him. I know he should hunt but I wanted to reward him since he's been so helpful.”

  Merlin resisted chuckling out loud.

  I can remember making excuses like that myself, he thought.

  “Well, don't make a habit of it. Our food isn't good for animals to have all the time.”

  “I won't but this way he didn't have to spend time hunting and can help us,” Anselm said.

  Merlin looked at all three men.

  “I expect that we'll be attacked tonight. I don't know by who or what, although Horst probably won't be involved. It seems that somehow I may have given away something here, maybe through the dreams. But I refuse to be responsible for killing innocents and needed to warn them away somehow.”


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