The Beast Within

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The Beast Within Page 6

by S. C. Stephens

  He made a move like he was going to bite her neck, but Mom artfully disengaged herself. Dropping her own fangs, she hissed at Dad, then murmured, “You’ll need to be quicker than that, Mr. Adams.”

  Delight filled Dad’s eyes, and I tore my gaze away from them. I swear they forgot Nika and I were here sometimes. Nika reminded them when she entered the room. “Ugh, guys, seriously? It’s too early in the morning for all of this.”

  As she sat across from me, I tossed out, “Yeah, aren’t you guys going to be late?”

  Dad smirked at Mom as he apologized to us. Mom sighed and handed Nika her bloody breakfast. “Guess we better get this over with. Have a good day, kids.” She gave each of us a cool kiss on the head.

  Dad did the same, then told me. “Remember, you’re only allowed to go to shopping after school, then right home.” I nodded as Nika sighed. She didn’t really feel like going shopping, but Arianna had her heart set on it, and she didn’t want to let her friend down. And she did need something to wear, so she’d grudgingly agreed to come along. I hoped she felt better by this afternoon. I hoped she let herself have a little fun. She needed it.

  She stared out the window as I drove us to school. It was still frigid outside, but flowers were starting to bloom in gardens, the trees lining the sidewalks were turning pink, and every morning birds chirped their greetings. This one tiny bird that insisted on loitering around my bedroom window was particularly annoying. I’d debated snatching and eating the damn thing on several occasions.

  As we drove past the street that led to Hunter’s old house, Nika swiveled around to stare at it. I didn’t think she was consciously aware of it, but she always looked. Hunter wasn’t there though. He and our grandmother, Halina, were miles south of Salt Lake…doing who knows what.

  Trying to get her mind off things, I tossed out, “So, did you hear…Mom and Dad are chaperoning the dance. They got Starla to get permission for them.”

  Nika smiled over at me, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Yeah, I heard.” Instantly, her grin evaporated. “I heard why too…”

  I instantly wanted to kick myself for bringing it up. It would have been kinder of me if I’d asked her if she’d rather go to the dance with Hunter than Trey. God, I could be thick sometimes.

  Feeling my guilt, Nika forced the smile back to her face. “Don’t beat yourself up, Julian. It’s fine.” Clearing her throat, like she was clearing away her pain, she sat up straighter in the seat. “Are you still going to ask Arianna out? With our parents there?”

  My throat tightened as I considered that. My entire family was going to witness me throwing my heart out there. But they’d been there when I’d realized I had feelings for her, and they’d been there when I’d asked her to date me, so maybe it wasn’t so odd to have them there. Maybe it was good luck. “Yeah…yeah, I am.” And if the fates were with me, she’d say yes.

  The closer we got to school, the lighter my stomach felt. It was almost like Arianna and I had the same type of bond that my parents did; just approaching her made me feel buoyant.

  Like she was fortifying herself for a battle, Nika inhaled a deep breath while I parked the car. She was preparing herself to get through another day; I felt her determination, as well as her pain. Even though I was eager to see Arianna, I waited in the car with Nika. Twisting her head to me, she forced a smile to her lips. “You can go. I’m fine.”

  Even without the bond, I knew that was a lie. She was far from fine. She’d pulled back from the bitterness and anger, but now she was hollow. Even though she didn’t want to admit it, she longed for Hunter. The bright, enthusiastic girl I’d known my entire life was a shadow of her former self, buried under a mountain of grief. I desperately wanted her to feel the joy I felt…I just had no idea how to get her there. “Nick…”

  Reading my mood, she shook her head. “Don’t feel sorry for me. I’ll get through this. I promise.” She smiled even brighter, but it still didn’t touch her eyes. “You know, I think I liked it better when I was the one constantly worrying about you.”

  Cracking open my door, I smirked at her. “Yeah, it sucks, doesn’t it?”

  Trey rolled by on his skateboard just as I said that. “What sucks?”

  Shaking my head at my friend, I told him, “Nothing.” Nika wouldn’t want to talk about her ex with Trey; plus, he didn’t remember anything about what had happened that fateful night.

  As the three of us walked toward the main building, I thought about the arrangement I’d made with Halina regarding Arianna. Generally, we didn’t let people know about us. In fact, when we left Salt Lake after graduation, no one here would remember us, not even Trey. But I’d convinced Halina to let Arianna keep her memories. I couldn’t bear the thought of her not knowing what I was, of having to hide anything from her. Thankfully, Halina had agreed to let her keep her mind, but only so long as we were dating. If Arianna and I ever broke up, for any reason, Halina was going to wipe her. Arianna wouldn’t even remember me.

  I didn’t want to think about the possibility of that ever happening.

  Shaking away the thought that was as chilly as the wind seeping through the seams of my jacket, I stepped into the heated hallway and breathed a sigh of relief. Arianna was right in front of me, talking to a couple of her girlfriends. Even from our distance, she smelled amazing. She was growing her golden hair out, and had it in a cute ponytail today. Her long neck was completely taking up my vision. Even though I’d never tasted human blood before, a desire was growing in me to taste hers. I didn’t want to kill her or anything—definitely not—but I did want to taste her. I wanted to know if that sweetness was anything like the smell of her. It had to be. I just knew it. We’d never talked about me biting her, though, and I was a little scared to bring it up. I wanted Arianna to see me as human as possible.

  Arianna turned when she felt me approaching, and my stomach flip-flopped. How could she still do that to me after all these months? I wasn’t sure, but I loved it. Nika sighed as she followed behind me. I was trying to control my moods, keep them as even as I could, but it was impossible. I was so damn happy it was ridiculous.

  “Hi,” I said, snuggling up to Arianna’s side.

  Wrapping her hands around my arm, she leaned up and kissed my cheek. “Hi, you.” Her lips were so soft I had to turn my head so I could feel them against mine.

  Between pecks, I again told her, “Hi…”

  She tasted incredible, and I instantly lost myself in kissing her. There were vague whistles and giggles nearby, but I tuned it all out as I cupped her cheek and intensified our connection. Not able to help myself, I pressed her body against the wall. Her hands ran up my chest as she melted into me. I instantly wished we were somewhere more private, like the storage closet. Wondering if she’d consider it, I brushed my tongue against hers. She made a quiet, erotic noise that surged straight through my body. That was when we were forcibly yanked apart. Breathing heavier, I looked over at my sister holding us away from each other.

  “Keep that stuff behind closed doors, ‘kay?” She glanced up the hall at the group of friends Arianna had been talking to before I’d started mauling her. Several of them were looking back at us and laughing as they walked away. “You scared everybody off,” Nika commented.

  From behind me, Trey spoke up. “Not everybody. I’m still here.” He smiled at me, then mouthed, That was hot.

  Arianna tittered, embarrassed. I felt the same way as I twisted back around to my girl. It was so easy to get caught up in her. “Oops,” I muttered.

  Reaching out for Arianna, Nika grabbed her shoulders and stole her from me. “This is for your own good,” she said, before forcing Arianna to leave with her.

  I lifted my palms into the air as I watched them go. “Hey?”

  Arianna giggled as she twisted around to leave with Nika. Over her shoulder, she waved and said, “Bye, babe.”

  Knowing I’d see her again soon, I waved back. Trey was silent a moment, then said, “By the looks of it, you g
uys are already sleeping together, so…man to man, be honest with me…” he laid his hand on my shoulder, “how amazing is it?”

  His expression was completely serious. Knocking his hand off me, I started walking to first period. “We haven’t yet, I already told you that.”

  Trey snorted as he fell into step beside me. “I know. I just don’t buy it. You guys are too…” He twisted his face while he searched for words. “Touchy-feely…so, no, I don’t believe that you haven’t touched and felt everything.”

  I felt my skin warming as I thought about what we might be doing in the next few months, if everything worked out like I hoped. “Sorry, but we haven’t gone there, yet.”

  Trey held onto my shoulder to stop me. “Where have you gone? Spell it out. Slowly. I need to know.”

  Frowning, I shook my head. “No, you don’t.”

  He groaned. “Come on, I’m never gonna get any action, so I need to live vicariously through you. What have you done? Second base for sure, right?”

  Shaking my head, I walked away from him. That only seemed to encourage him. “Okay, I’ll take that as a yes. Third base?”

  Our English class was on the first floor, and we were standing in the doorframe when he said, “Please God, tell me she’s gone down on you.”

  Speechless, I could only gape at him while my cheeks flamed. I couldn’t even form the word no. From off to my left, I heard someone softly clearing their throat. When I glanced over, Raquel was standing just within ear shot. She pointed at where Trey and I were blocking the door. Not meeting my eye, she whispered, “Excuse me.”

  A weird, uncomfortable feeling washed through me. I knew I didn’t owe Raquel anything, and she’d done quite a number on me earlier in the year, but, well, she had some sort of feelings for me, and I didn’t want to be callous about that. Satisfied that he knew what was going on, Trey clapped my shoulder and walked inside. Stepping out of the way, I let Raquel move into the classroom before me. When she passed by with her head down, her dark hair hiding her face, I muttered, “Sorry you had to hear that.”

  I wasn’t sure she’d heard my apology until she peeked up at me. “Don’t worry about it. I get it. You’re a couple…couples do things.”

  Feeling embarrassed again, I shook my head. “Arianna and I haven’t…” I didn’t finish my sentence. I couldn’t. It was too mortifying, and none of her business.

  Understanding, Raquel stopped on the other side of the door. This was the one and only class we had together this semester, a fact that had barely even registered with me until now. A shy smile on her face, she asked, “Are you and Arianna going to the dance?”

  There was something in her dark eyes that bordered on hope. Not wanting her to unfoundedly feel the two of us had a chance, I adjusted the backpack on my shoulder and told her, “Yes. We’re looking forward to it.”

  A flash of pain struck her features before her soft smile returned. “That’s…good. Russell and I are going too.” She frowned. “He doesn’t really want to, though, since we went last year.”

  I walked through the doorway while she worried her lip. “You could do better, you know?”

  She studied my mouth before moving up to my eyes. “I thought so once, but it was too late. You were already with Arianna.”

  There was a time when those words would have meant the world to me, but now I just found them frustrating. She started to turn away, and I grabbed her arm. “I didn’t mean me…I just meant in general, you could do better than Russell. Even being alone would be better than being with him.” Firmly believing it, I put every ounce of conviction that I had into my statement. I didn’t have feelings for her anymore, but I still wanted to help her see the truth.

  Raquel’s eyes darted to where I was touching her before returning to my face. Smiling softly, she nodded. I hoped she hadn’t read too much into that, but even still, I’d felt compelled to say it. That was all I would do though. Raquel had to leave him on her own. She had to learn to put her life first.

  Trey beamed at me as I sat down. He held his fist out, wanting me to bump it. “Congrats on the third base.”

  Rolling my eyes, I ignored him.

  I met up with Arianna a couple of classes later. She looked upset, and she didn’t cheer up when I kissed her on the cheek. “What is it?” I asked, caution in my voice. Arianna was usually very happy when I kissed her.

  She glanced at me, then redirected her gaze to over my shoulder. My sharp vision caught a question in the depths of her shimmering hazel eyes. Shaking her head, she started turning away from me. I gently grabbed her arm to stop her. “Hey, what’s going on? Talk to me…”

  Arianna’s lips quivered as she stared at me. Just when I was positive I’d go crazy if she didn’t say anything, she spoke, “Did you tell Raquel that she would be better off with you than with Russell?”

  I blinked, hardly believing the words that had left her mouth. “Did I…what?”

  The shimmer in her eyes condensed into thick tears waiting to fall. “Raquel? Did you tell her that she’d be better off with you?”

  She was minutely pulling away from me, so I released her arm to grab her hand. “No, of course not. Where…where did you hear that?”

  “A group of girls were talking about it last period. They said you were all over her this morning. Did you talk to her?” As the question left her lips, so did the tears. My heart cracked as I watched her pain. Damn high school gossip.

  Wondering how to answer her without hurting her even more, I mumbled, “I…yes, we spoke…but I never said—” Arianna turned her head away from me, and I saw the splash of more tears falling. Wanting to fix this fast, I told her, “She asked if you and I were going to the dance, I said yes. She said she was going with Russell, I told her she could do better. That’s it. That was the whole conversation.”

  Arianna turned back to face me, wet trails down her cheeks. “Why would you tell her that? You had to know it would sound like you…like you meant…you?”

  Cringing, I shook my head. “I couldn’t keep it in. Russell treats her like crap. Everyone knows it, but no one says anything.” I glanced at some of the people walking by us for emphasis.

  Arianna sniffled as she wiped her cheeks dry. “Except you. You had to say something?”

  Sighing, I tenderly grabbed her other hand and pulled her closer. “Yes, I had to say something. I’m completely over her, Arianna, but what I’m not over is watching someone get stomped on and not doing anything about it. That’s not who I am. That’s not the guy you’re in love with.” I completely froze as what I’d just said registered in my head. I’d opened a door in our relationship and thrust her into the spotlight, and she might not appreciate that.

  Her eyes widened as she watched my shocked expression, but then her expression softened into a smile. “Yeah…I know.”

  She looked down like she was embarrassed, but joy flooded through me so hard, I knew I was being swept away. She loves me.

  Biting her lip, Arianna looked up at my face again; her heart was in her eyes. “You know I have…issues with you and her. I’m sorry, I just keep waiting for you to…” With a sigh, she looked back down.

  Abhorring the insecurity I saw on her face, I pulled her into my arms and kissed the top of her head. “You don’t have to worry about her. I’m with you, and I’m not going anywhere. You’re the only one who gets me…who knows me.” Pulling back, I stared deep into her eyes. “And…I…I love you.” Saying it lifted a weight off my chest. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, let everyone know how amazing I felt. Instead, I stroked her cheek, drying where a new tear had fallen. A happy tear this time. “I love you, Arianna,” I repeated, putting my entire soul into the words.

  Arianna gave me a glorious smile. “I love you, too,” she murmured.

  Hearing her say it was a million times better than merely having it implied. Giddy grin on my face, I lowered my lips to hers. When we separated, Arianna was a picture of joy. Demurely biting her lip, she stared at me
a second, then said, “Yes.”

  Confusion mingled with my happiness. “Yes…what?” I asked, feeling like I was floating.

  Arianna giggled, then smiled. “Yes…I’ll be your girlfriend. Officially.”

  I froze in shock, but then euphoria took over. I’d been so nervous about asking her, and here she was, offering me an answer without hearing the question. I laughed as I pulled her into me, then I frowned. Pushing her back, I said, “I was going to ask you at prom…make it special.”

  Smiling, Arianna stroked my cheek. “Maybe we can make prom special…another way.”

  My earlier shock was nothing compared to what I felt now. Was she suggesting…? “Do you mean…? Do you want to…?” I looked up and down the hallway. “Are you saying we can…? You’re ready to…?”

  While I felt stupider with every half-formed question leaving my mouth, Arianna giggled. Holding my cheeks, she made me focus on her face. “Yes, I’m ready. In truth, I’ve been ready for a while, but I didn’t want to rush you.”

  I lifted an eyebrow at that. Rush me? Arianna laughed, then gave me a soft kiss. “I guess I also wanted to make sure you were over…her. And I finally feel like you are. So, yes, I want to be your girlfriend, and I want to…share myself with you. Because I love you…and it feels so good to finally say that out loud.”

  I nodded my agreement. “Yeah it does…” Leaning down, I gave her a sweet kiss. “Okay, if you’re sure you’re ready. Because I know I’m ready, then let’s do this…on prom night.” Laughing, I squeezed her tight. I couldn’t believe this was not only happening, but might be happening soon. Really, really soon. Damn. Nika and I were going to have to figure something out fast. Prom wasn’t that far away. Double damn. My parents were going to prom with us.

  “Oh…shoot.” I pulled away, and Arianna’s eyes were curious. Glancing up and down the hall, I whispered, “My parents are chaperoning the dance. We won’t really be alone prom night.” I sighed after saying it. That was true in more ways than one. Arianna didn’t know about my emotional bond with Nika.


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