Hunters Moon, The Fae Medallion (Seer's Of The Moon)

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Hunters Moon, The Fae Medallion (Seer's Of The Moon) Page 5

by Allie, Geraldine

  Victoria looked at Percy beckoning him to calm himself. He could see her fearful plead in her eyes. Percy fought to push his anger back and released his grip on the cell bars. She wiped the discarded mush from her face, and calmly she walked back to the table as if nothing had happened and placed the bowls on the table to the side.

  Bruno stood at his usual place glaring at Theron with an evil grin on his face. With a slight lift at the corner of his mouth, he showed just the slightest hint of a long sharp fang. Theron did not utter a single sound from his cell. Whether Theron knew of Bruno’s gaze, Percy did not know. To his disadvantage, he could not see Theron from the position of his own cell.

  Victoria poured stew into the bowls one by one. Grabbing them up two at a time, she handed them out to each of the Fay. When she got to Percy, she held out the bowl to him, and this time he took it on the first offer, ever so lightly caressing her skin with a soft touch as he did. It may have only been for a split second in the exchange, but something in Percy felt as if it had lasted a lifetime.

  Victoria did not pull away, it was as if the mere touch had rejuvenated her and given her back a strength. Just a slight smile shown upon her lips, and just as fast as it had appeared, it was gone. She looked toward Bruno with a quick glance; whether he had noticed she was not sure, no, she was sure he had not. Bruno was still staring down Theron, who had still not made a sound.

  To his astonishment, Percy watched as the woman stepped in front of Theron’s cell after the previous incident and offered him a bowl of stew. Bracing himself for what Theron might do this time; Percy held his breath trying to keep his anger in check. No second attempt came from Theron. As naturally as if nothing had taken place before, Theron just reached out and took the bowl from her silently.

  Aye, Percy had decided that Theron must have seen the glare from Bruno after all. There was something else as well that told Percy that Theron would soon be paying the price for what he had done, and Theron’s anger outburst toward the woman would not go unnoticed.


  Later when Victoria and Bruno had left the room and the door was locked again, Magnus spoke, breaking the silence of the room. “You are a fool Theron; you know you will pay dearly for that outburst. You know the rules, but still you insist on breaking them with your temper tantrums.”

  Finally a stir of movement was heard from Theron’s cell. “At least I see her for what she truly is, unlike you insidious cowards who call yourself Fay. Are you all too blind to see that she has a spell over all of you? Including you Percy, you at least had more common sense I had hoped. Do not think I did not see that sly hand trick of yours either!”

  The anger that Percy had fought so hard to control was now unleashed. “Shut up Theron, you do not know what you say; trouble only follows with every word you speak.”

  Theron was at his cell door in a heartbeat. “Oh, don’t I? I have not been here too long that I have become blind to what goes on around me, my eyes still see very well. I could see very plainly how you brushed against her hand with your fingers as you took the food from her; you act worse than a love sick puppy for the witch!”

  Magnus shot up off the cot abruptly. “You touched the Seer? You must never touch the Seer, to touch her would only bring her great pain, you must never touch her again Percy.”

  Percy shook his head, his father had told him stories of the Seer’s of legend and of the guardians that protected them, and he would have never thought such things existed anymore. Could it be possible?

  “Magnus, why do you believe that the woman is a Seer? There has not been such a thing for thousands of years, not once have our people seen a single sign of their return. The old ones would have known and spoke of this. Nay, it is not possible.”

  “Do not listen to him Percy, he is only an old man that see’s nothing but prophecy in everything around him. It’s nothing but nonsense from a muddle brained old fool.”

  “Quiet yourself Theron. You yourself told me that she was a witch, I had even started to believe your words to be true, but now, I cannot bring myself to believe that which is not true. Fay only speak the truth, you have only told yourself that she is a witch so often that you believe it to be the truth yourself. I do not feel or see the evil from her as I do the others. I believe she is here against her will the same as we are, Aye, that is the only truth that I see.”

  “Then tell me Fay Prince, why is it I do not see her here now sharing a cell the same as us? If she was truly a prisoner, would she not share the same fate as the rest of us? Nay, she is a witch and just as evil as Creature and Bruno themselves, maybe worse since she can cast such an evil black spell over you to trust her. So believe what you will Prince, but as for me, I for one refuse to believe she is anything else but a witch. I will never put my trust into something with a heart as black as hers!”

  “Your opinion is yours to create Theron, I just do not choose to share it.” said Percy, “Now would you please tell me why you believe she is a Seer Magnus?”

  As they ate their stew, Magnus explained the stories of the legendary Seer’s and their guardians who protected the fay. Percy had heard all of the same stories from his father but listened to Magnus repeat them. Percy felt that it gave the old Fay pride in the telling of the stories, and it was better to hear the Fay talk than to have him withdrawn into himself and life that he would surely have given up on.

  Percy ate and listened as Magnus told how the Fay once held great power and magic, and how the Seer came to be. Magnus talked for hours until it was almost time for the evening meal. After Magnus had finished explaining all of the legendary facts and history of the Fay, Percy sat back and thought about everything Magnus had spoken.

  Chapter Eight

  Once the Fay had been legendary in the mortal world. They had been respected and looked upon as fierce warriors, and their people were many in number. They had thrived and lived long years alongside their mortal brothers, their life was long and their years as well. It was nothing for a Fay to live two thousand years or more. They were beautiful, graceful, exuberant and fast. Their lands were beautiful and fruitful, and abundant with life. Many magical beasts and creatures lived among them in harmony, the fairies, unicorns, pixies and elves to name a few. Those were the days of magic.

  The Fay could wield a power and magic, a power and magic that all came from the same source, earth magic. In those days each village of Fay had what they called a Seer, a woman that glowed with true love of the heart and wielded a power that no one could even compare to. All of the Fay would look to her for guidance, for she was the one who always knew the true and righteous path they must take. No evil could enter the heart of the Fay or even desecrate their lands as long as the Seer was guiding them.

  There had always been four Seer’s, one born of the Hunters Moon, one born of the Blue Moon, one born of the Wolf Moon, and one born of the Ice Moon. All were good and worthy, and through them the Fay prospered and thrived.

  Each day the Fay would journey to the Seer’s seeking their blessings. Each Seer possessed a special and powerful object. The seer of the Hunters Moon had a medallion which she would always wear around her neck, a golden Fay who in his hand he held an archers bow. The Seer of the Blue Moon wore a ring made of blue sapphire, and around the band swam the people of Mer. The Seer of the Wolf Moon bore a clasp pendant of a golden wolf, and the fourth Seer of the Ice Moon wore a beautiful and bright diamond choker around her neck, and it was said that it had been forged from the fire of dragons.

  Each object held its own unique and powerful magic, the magic gifted upon them by their mates. But until the day came when each Seer would meet their mate, they would be plagued by nightmarish dreams that would threaten to take their very soul. Once the day came that they would meet their mate, the Seer would no longer be plagued by fear since their very souls had been connected to that of their true love. Through this connection they would become the Seer, and their mate would become the guardian.

  It was not just a
ny mate they would belong to. The Hunters Moon Seer mated with that of a powerful Fay that possessed the soul of the fiercest warrior and hunter. The Blue Moon Seer would take the mate of a powerful Mer, a soul of the sea. The Seer of the Wolf Moon was mated with that of a wolf with the ability to change into the form of a man. The last one, the Seer of the Ice Moon, her heart belonged to a dragon, which as the wolf also had the ability to change into the form of a man. The Seer’s loved their mates fiercely and with a whole heart, and many children had been born to them, but their happiness was not to last.

  War had broken out among the mortals, and each of the Seer’s mates had been killed in battle. The Seer’s had become so overwhelmed with grief that they took their own lives, leaving behind their many children and their four magical items. With all hope of the future lost to them without their beloved Seer’s and guardians, the Fay left behind the world of the mortals, resettling into a different plane of existence hidden from the world and the eyes of the mortals.

  But not all of the Fay would leave; about a handful of Fay had decided to stay behind where they would remain living among the mortal world. The Seer and guardians children were kept with them and raised as their own. But as time went on, magic had disappeared from the modern mortal world, and so did the magic of the Fay who had been left behind. The Fay waited for the return of the Seer’s and guardians, in both modern world and behind the secret veil. But as time went on, the Seer’s and guardians did not return, their children would not become the next chosen. They grew old and lost all immortality, never to return to their loved ones and home behind the veil.

  To this day, it is said that the descendants of the Fay left behind still wait for the return of the Seer’s and guardians.

  Chapter Nine

  Before the dinner meal, Bruno and Creature stormed into the large room where the Fay was held. They were not happy and the evil that shone from them was more monstrous that it had ever been before. All of the Fay were silent in fear and huddled to the back of their cells trying not to make eye contact with the two Vampires, except for Percy and Theron.

  Creature had his prodder in hand, and he followed Bruno with great strides in the direction of Percy and Theron. It was soon learned that it was not Percy they were there to see, but Theron, the very unlucky Theron.

  With great menacing evil, Creature and Bruno stood in front of Theron’s cell. Creature tossed in the key which landed at the feet of Theron who was then ordered to do up his restraints. Theron hesitated but obeyed when he saw the menacing look on Bruno’s face. Once Theron had done what was asked of him, Bruno opened the cell and grabbed the chains hanging from Theron’s arms and legs. Creature held up the prodder as a sign to Theron that he would use it if Theron gave him the slightest amount of disobedience or struggle.

  Not once did Theron struggle or open his mouth to protest.

  As Percy watched Theron being led from the room, he knew that Theron was about to pay for his little commotion and outburst earlier today. But unbeknownst to any of the Fay, Creature had put up with enough of Theron’s rebelling ways, and Theron would pay with his life.

  Victoria would not be permitted to serve the evening meal to the Fay. Creature had told her that he wanted them to learn respect and their place as a prisoner. They would not eat tonight, nor would they be permitted to eat the following day either. Also, to make sure that the Fay knew who the master was and that he would not tolerate rebelling from any Fay, Creature had Bruno lay out Theron’s body on the table in the cell room where the food was usually served from. This would stand as a reminder of the consequences. Worse, Creature gave orders that the body would stay there for two days hence before being removed.

  In his unlucky fate, Theron had been made into a meal for Creature, only this time Creature had not taken just the sustenance that he needed, he had drained the very life from the Fay. Sinking his fangs into Theron’s neck, Creature had drained him of every essence of life in his body. When Creature had completed the evil job, he released the hold on the Fays limp corpse letting it fall to the floor with a sickening thud.

  Creature approached a mirror that had been hanging on a nearby wall, and as he looked at the reflection in the mirror, the vampire gazed upon himself with satisfaction as he removed the blood from the corners of his mouth. Looking back at him was a much more youthful appearance; Creature had regressed in age to that of a thirty year old man instead of that of a sixty year old one. With much more vigor he turned to Bruno, “Get me another Fay for my wife, and take one for yourself as well, but only one of the weakest ones.” Tapping his fingers to the side of his chin in thought, “I believe Batel will suffice just fine for my wife, yes, Batel will do just fine.”


  A day and a half had already gone by, and none of the Fay had eaten like the order had been given. Creature and Bruno had both made a point not to return to the cell room during this time. The room stank of rotting flesh, the smell overwhelming the air around the room was enough to make any Fay vomit, and many had. They wrapped their faces with rags in hopes it would keep the smell from their nose, but even the rags could not help against the attack on their senses. Theron’s lifeless and limp body lay outstretched upon the table in the middle of the room, a rotting corpse with white non seeing eyes. His body was a pale greenish color that was no longer thin, and his appearance had taken on that of a bloated grotesque toad.

  Percy sat in his cell trying not to look at the body of the dead Fay that lay just a few feet from where he was now. Although he had not eaten in a day and a half, Percy was thankful for at least that much. His stomach must have thought otherwise because every now and then it would grumble in defiance to let him know that his body needed nourishment, he was sure he would not have been able to keep it down.

  Percy could hear the sound of another Fay gagging from his cell; he tried to compose himself at the mere sound of the gut wrenching action. Just the sound of someone else losing their guts made him want to heave. Percy could feel the pressure in his stomach start to churn, the bile taste in his mouth starting to form and rise from his gut. “Nay,” he thought to himself. He would not do it; he would not give in and get sick. He had already been vomiting most of the day, and there was nothing left to expel from the contents of his belly.

  Percy could feel his body start to betray him as nausea slowly came over him, sending him into a cold sweat. He couldn’t fight it any longer, Percy heaved and his body hurt as his abdomen clenched in shattering rakes of overwhelming pain. Over and over his body tried to expel its contents, but all that came up from his empty stomach was the fowl yellow bile.

  Splashing some water in face, he was finally able to calm his body and relax the tightened muscles.

  To the surprise of the entire room, the door suddenly opened and in walked Creature and Bruno, no one else was with them. The night Creature and Bruno had taken Theron, Bruno had returned to retrieve two more Fay, one of them being Batel. Although Theron’s body had returned, Batel’s and the other Fay’s unfortunately had not. The atmosphere around all of them became both dread and cold, it was feared that they would not be returning for death had found them just as it had Theron.

  Batel had been young, maybe in his early twenties. He had been shy, but very well-mannered and soft spoken. Percy thought of the fate of the poor young man and knew he did not deserve the fate that had been handed to him. It was true that Batel had been punished for Theron’s actions, even though Theron had died for those actions.

  Percy was starting to understand why the Fay did not dare rebel against Creature, as the very proof that now lay out on the table in front of him showed, it would only be a death wish.

  As Creature and Bruno walked to the center of the room, they paused looking at the body of the dead Fay sprawled out in front of them. With a wicked smile on his face, Creature spoke with an eerie evil in his voice. “Do you smell something Bruno?” Bruno with his huge hulking size and dumbfounded look just nodded his head. “So do I my friend, s
mells like something…died in here.”

  There was only a deafening silence about the room. Creature glanced around, hoping that his comment would bring another Fay to rebel. Creature satisfied and disappointed both that the prisoners had learned the consequences and lessons of his unforgiving wrath, spoke yet again. “As you have seen, I do not tolerate being crossed or disobeyed. Those that do will suffer the consequences just as your friends have.” Trying to be more relaxed and sympathetic the vampire continued his ranting. “Now you do not have it so bad, I feed you, house you and this is the mere thanks that I get in return?”

  Magnus who had been silently listening from his own cell stood and approached the bars. In a low voice almost inaudible but filled with grief he said one word, “Batel”

  Turning on heel in Magnus’s direction, Creature glared at each Fay trying to sense which Fay had the nerve to speak out. Before turning back to finish his speech, Creature whipped around like a lion ready to attack its prey. Magnus had spoken again, but this time with more determination to be heard in his voice.

  “Batel, you have not said what became of… he...”

  “Dead?” said Creature. Magnus kept his eye’s focused on the vampire dreading the answer to come. “Oh yes, most definitely he is. But do not mourn him, his sacrifice was but for a great cause. He has given his own life to give my dear wife back her former beauty, and that is such…a gift to behold indeed my dear Fay!”

  Magnus’s body shook but he did not weep, he knew one day if given a chance that he would seek vengeance for the young Fay. Lowering his head once more, he returned to his cot. If there had been a smell in the room, it was as if no one had noticed it now. The death of three Fay was a blow in itself, the fact that Batel had been the son of Magnus was only worse.

  Creature who was now obviously happy with the reaction he got from Magnus, now turned his attention to Bruno, motioning him to remove the body of Theron from the room. Bruno lifted the limp bloated body from the table and with one quick motion and threw it over his shoulder.


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