Hunters Moon, The Fae Medallion (Seer's Of The Moon)

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Hunters Moon, The Fae Medallion (Seer's Of The Moon) Page 7

by Allie, Geraldine

  Percy knew he had to somehow make a connection with Victoria, more than just a mere touch or caress to the hand. It could not be a forced connection, but a natural and true connection, one forged out of love and trust.

  Percy’s mind was almost always on Victoria now, and he knew that he yearned for her. At first, before Magnus had told him that he was the Archer, the guardian, Percy could hold back those feelings. But now, all he could think about was fulfilling the other part of the prophecy, and becoming Victoria’s mate.

  Magnus had told him that it was that very drive, the drive that would pull him to her and her to him.

  When Victoria had finally come in with the morning meal, she had looked up at Percy and met his eyes. As their eyes met and locked together, a strong desire stirred between them both. This little exchange between them had been going on for almost the entire month. At first, she would still not look at him, then slight glimpses turned into long glances, and quick touches had become soft caresses. As for Percy, he still never said more than thank you my lady, but to do more would only endanger him and the Fay.

  Victoria was quiet but her eyes always spoke of her desire for him. There was no question about it, both Percy and Victoria longed for the other, two hearts had become one, a connection had been formed as the two fell in love. Through that connection, a bond much greater was formed. Victoria’s nightmares had been replaced with nights that were now shared with Percy, want turned to yearning and yearning turned to love.

  In his sweet embrace, Victoria found her escape from this place. There was no dark, there was no fear, and the other had found the lost part of their soul in the other one. When they each held each other, they had both became one, each of their hearts singing out to the other. The touch, the feel, there was no worry of death or punishment; it was their safe haven, free of all evil.

  Every night Victoria found solitude and freedom from the world she lived in, and she found it in the arms of her fay, her guardian, her mate, and it was through her dreams. Percy shared those dreams with her, their bond had become so strong, and their very dreams had become one.

  So every day that they saw each other, even though no words had to be said, their binding love spoke for itself. They knew one day that it would not be just their dreams that would bring them together, but one day they would both be free to love each other and be together free as one. When that day came, they would hold each other in their arms, no cell bars between them, binding their hearts and souls together to one another forever.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cecilia, Creature and Bruno were all becoming stronger every day. Their strength and youth were the result of the unwilling sacrifice of the Fay. With each passing day, the evil and darkness grew in them, just as the light and strength grew stronger in Victoria and Percy.

  Cecilia had indeed tried to submit her punishment on Victoria, several times already as a matter of fact. The new strength in Victoria had not gone unnoticed by Cecilia, and she knew she was losing a battle to hold an upper hand over the girl. At one time it had been so easy to strike fear into the young girl Victoria, but as she grew and aged into a young woman, so had the fear been replaced by a strong willed woman born in its place.

  On one occasion, Cecilia had slapped Victoria in hopes of breaking the girl’s spirit, the only thing that she had accomplished was a look of hate and despise from her. Victoria would hold her ground and bear up her chin as if the slap had not even fazed her, Victoria had refused to take anymore abuse. After that last attempt, Cecilia had decided to take the matter to her husband. Creature had only got the same reaction from Victoria as his wife when he had tried with failure to punish the girl. As they would not attempt to bite her and take a chance of the girl no longer being able to wield the power of the medallion, the only solution had been to throw her in the well.

  Pacing back and forth across the floor of the room, Cecilia wrung her hands together. “Creature, you cannot be serious about throwing her in the well, it is not even time yet. We still have awhile to wait before the next Hunters Moon.”

  Getting up from where he was sitting, Creature put his glass of fresh Fay blood down on the table in front of him, making his way over to his wife to try and calm her nerves; he put an arm around her. “Relax my dear; we are not doing it for the calling of the Fay, but for the fear the well will instill back into the girl. I know the Fay will only come under the Hunters Moon, but the darkness will bring back the fear that she seems to have forgotten.”

  Sighing and not looking too sure of the plan, Cecilia looked up at her husband. “You are right my sweet, have Bruno throw her in the well as you have decided.”

  An uneasy look displayed across Creatures features, and for a moment he was silent before he spoke. “I am afraid he will not do it, have you seen the way he looks at her?”

  “I have noticed he protects her when she is with the Fay. It’s just offensive how he follows her around wherever she goes like a lost puppy. And yes, I have seen the way he looks at her, almost as if he were drooling over her, it makes me sick!”

  “Well my pet, I believe Bruno may be becoming a problem for us. He does not even follow half of my orders the way he once did. He has become too consumed with Victoria, and I may need to adjust that problem.”

  Frantically looking up at her husband with frightened eyes, Cecilia dug her fingers into her husband’s arms. “No Creature, you know you cannot! He sired you, if you destroy him, you will destroy us both.”

  Shaking his head at his wife, Creature released her grip from his arms. “I will not kill him” laughing, “How could I anyways, he is already dead.” He thought to himself how a stake through the heart would surely do the trick. “But no my dear, I believe it is time for Bruno to join the Fay, as a cell mate.”

  On one of the routine trips down to feed the Fay, Creature had made a plan to join Bruno and Victoria. Just three days back, Creature had been making private trips down to the cell room with Victoria, sending Bruno on other errands to keep the vampire occupied elsewhere. With part of Creature’s plans in place, he had managed to get his hands on some Holey water, and he never even had to leave the house to do it. Creature and Cecilia had become so warped in their minds; it was nothing for them to ask a priest to come to their home to do a blessing. Only the three vampires had made a quick meal of the poor unsuspecting clergyman.

  While Bruno had been busy feeding, Creature had slipped the bottle of sanctified water from the priest’s possessions and had secretly hid it in the pocket of his own overcoat. After all, it was not the container that it was kept in that would burn the vampire’s skin, but the contents of the bottle itself. Creature had taken the contents of the bottle and poured them in a pail, mixing it with a cleaning solution. He had then gave orders for Victoria to wash and wipe down every inch of wall and bar alike in Theron’s old cell next to Percy. Having supervised the job, Creature was now ready for his final part of the plan.

  The Fay were very confused by these actions, and did not understand the concept of what the chore could mean, Percy had just thought it was another way for Creature to submit his punishment on Victoria. At least it had not been by a beating, it had relieved Percy not to see any more marks and bruises upon her skin.

  Now that the cell was prepared, Creature was ready for the unaware vampire Bruno. Having Bruno follow him down to the cell room one day, Creature had purposely left one of the shackle keys on the floor at the back of Theron’s old cell. Acting with a bit of shock at seeing the key, Bruno went into the cell to retrieve it, only to have Creature kick the door of the cell shut, locking Bruno inside. By the time Bruno had realized what had happened, there was nothing the vampire could do.

  With an inhuman speed, Bruno lunged at the bars grabbing them only to release them a second later when the mere touch of the bars left his hands burning as if they had been doused in acid. Jumping away from the bars, Bruno bared his fangs and hissed at Creature. Creature only laughed at the encaged vampire. “You may have s
ired me, but you will never be my master, I believe that it is I who now owns you, and that makes me your master if I am not mistaken!”

  Bruno wailed in agony as he once more lunged towards the bars, trying with all of his strength to shake the cell bars enough to bust the lock. Bruno could only withstand holding the bars for so long before his hands began to smolder. Letting go of the bars, Bruno hissed and growled in protest, but the vampire was trapped inside. His creation had betrayed him, and the sire had become the master.

  As Bruno continued his rage towards Creature, the Fay watched as the vampire who had caged one of his own kind, turned his back on Bruno and left the room.

  That very same night, Creature had forced Victoria into the well. It was the only place left that still held the nightmares that she had fought so hard to keep away. As she sat in the cold dark well trying to keep the foul images that it held from invading her mind, the evil relics that Creature had placed inside the well still remained, slowly draining her new found strength from every inch of her body.

  As she shivered and wrapped her hands around her knees, Victoria tried to understand why Creature would place her in the well. It was not the Hunters Moon, so why had he put her here? Slowly the answer came to her and at once she knew the answer she was seeking. It was to drain her of strength so that her aunt and uncle could once again control her with fear. “No, that would not happen.” She would never give in to her fear again, nor would she ever be controlled to do her aunt and uncle’s evil bidding.

  She could feel the evil presence in the well trying to eat away at her, piece by piece. She forced herself to calm, thinking of her mother and sister. She thought of home and the sea, and of all the magical creatures. Once she had found the fairies, pixies, and all of the rest of them including Stella the unicorn to be an annoyance to her life. But now, she missed all of them dearly.

  As she sat and thought back before she had left her home by the sea, she remembered the very morning of her last day with her mother and sister. Even though her sister had been attacked by the fairies, she knew they had only done it out of fear; they never would have taken her sisters life. The morning she had left her home, Victoria had seen the little fairy her sister had held in her hand that frightful morning in the garden. In fact, the fairy had not died after all; she had only been hurt and unconscious. All of the magical creatures had looked upon her with great sadness when she had been forced to leave. How she wished she had said good bye, now she may never see them again.

  That small piece of sadness is all it took. The darkness closed in all around her, pressing its evil against her. As hard as she tried, she could not breathe, it was as if the very evil of the well itself was sucking the life straight from her body. Victoria reached for the medallion, clutching it close to her while gasping for air…she thought about Percy. Then in darkness there was light, and she could feel their connection. She could see Percy, and he was with her, all the while feeding her his strength. The well was no longer the blackness that it once was, the entire perimeter of it lit up with a brilliant light.

  As she peered down she could see that the Fay Medallion was glowing with such intensity, and Victoria could now see the objects that were there in the well with her. One by one, the objects that lay about her began to melt and smolder until they were no more than burnt ash. A small light poured in from above her, and as she looked up she could see the lid to the well being lifted away.

  Down upon her flew small dancing lights; at once she knew they were fairies, her fairies. There were much more of them than she had remembered. As they gathered around her, they began to lift her up, higher and higher, until finally she was out of the well. Setting her on her feet once safely above ground, the fairies gathered around her chiming their little voices and tinkling their little wings.

  As Victoria looked around she could see that they were all there, Stella the unicorn with her magnificent white coat and golden hooves, with her horn shining in all its glory. The little pixies surrounded her feet, rubbing their small faces against her ankles so happy to see her. The ever insistent shoe cleaning elves were even there, perched on discarded logs around the well. They were all here and had come for her, she truly loved them.


  Inside his cell, Percy calmed himself and sat on the cot. He was drained, all of his strength, he had freely given to Victoria. He could feel when her fear had begun, he could feel when she was in danger, but then something had happened. He had seen a bright light; his whole vision had been blinded by its brilliance. His body had felt as if a million volts had run through it. His connection that he had shared with Victoria was severed only to be replaced by something much more different. He could still feel Victoria as if he were a part of her, they had become as one.

  Percy raised his hand to his brow to calm the odd feeling making his head swim. That is when he noticed his hand, and it was gold! He peered at his other hand, it was also gold! His whole body was aglow with a bright gold. Stunned, Percy looked to the right wall of cells, and shock ran through him. The Fay were bowing, as he looked to the left set of cells, those Fay too were bowing, bowing to him!

  “The golden warrior returns.” Shouted Magnus, and with another regal low bow, “My Lord.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cecilia and Creature sat in the front room upstairs discussing their plans of what they intended to do with Bruno. Even the cell would hold him indefinitely. Creature did not like the idea of having to see or worry about the Vampire every day. Victoria would have to be watched when she went down to tend to the Fay. Bruno would have to be replaced; there was no way he wanted to tend to the Fay himself when he and his wife needed to feed. As far as feeding Bruno, that is what they were trying to decide at the moment.

  Do they keep him fed? That would only make him stronger. Do they starve him? They might run the risk of killing him, although he was already dead. But if the vampire were destroyed, would they risk destroying themselves as well?

  Bruno had sired Creature, but Creature had sired his wife Cecilia. They may not die, was it possible they could revert back to being human again? Both options were not desirable, they had never asked the vampire, nor had Bruno ever offered any info.

  Creature had met Bruno one night while in town. Standing by the entrance of a building Creature had just departed from, Bruno had sunk his long venomous fangs into his neck before Creature had a chance to flinch. The next thing Creature knew, he had woken up a vampire, and shortly after, had turned Cecilia.

  It wasn’t until Creature had spotted the Fay Medallion in the hands of Victoria that he and Bruno had come up with the plan, more him than Bruno, to use the Medallion for their evil deeds. Of course Creature had known what the item was, before becoming a vampire; he had been an art historian for a local museum. He had recognized it from an old archive file on which he had studied and did some research on.

  The night before they had seen Victoria wearing the medallion, the two had been planning to make a meal of the poor girl. She had inadvertently saved her own life.

  Getting an idea, Cecilia proposed it to her husband. “Maybe we could put him in a coffin and chain it shut, maybe even bury it.”

  “No my dear” said Creature shaking his head. “He may starve, and even if he did not he may still be strong enough to break the chain and dig his way out. I believe the main issue would be how we go about getting him out of the cell without him over powering us.”

  “You could…” Cecilia stopped talking.

  Confused by his wives composure, “What is it my dear?”

  Cecilia pointed towards the window. “Someone is outside of the house!”

  Turning to look in the direction his wife was pointing, Creature walked over closer to the window. “What do you mean someone’s outside the house? What did you see? I see nothing but darkness.” Creature was glancing out the window, but still he could not see anything, even with his enhanced vision at night. “I’m sure it was nothing my dear.”

orried now, Cecilia began pacing across the floor. “Do you think it’s possible that Bruno could have escaped?”

  “No, he hasn’t.” said Creature

  “Maybe he knows we have put Victoria back in the well, you know how he looks at her.”

  Trying to put his wives mind at ease, Creature patted her hand. “It’s not good for you to worry so much my love.” But before he could say another word, a creak came from the front porch causing them both to turn towards the window, and this time, they both saw it, a movement outside the window.

  A second later, a loud bang was heard coming from the front door. Both of them jumped up and began hissing at the door like a couple of angry cats. There was a second bang, louder this time; it only took one more bang before they were both high tailing it for the cell room.

  Outside, Victoria and all of the magical creatures were up on the front porch to the house. The unicorn Stella was using her back hooves to try and kick in the door. Over and over the unicorn bucked at the door.

  Finally, the door began to splinter and with one more final kick, down the door went and smashed on the floor.

  Once inside, Victoria and all of the rest of the fey tale creatures began searching the house for the keys that would free the Fay.


  Down in the lower depths of the house, Cecilia and Creature had made their way to the large cell room, only to find that Bruno was still locked safely away in his cell. Upon seeing Creature, Bruno became enraged and began to growl and hiss like a wild beast. Cecilia huddled closer to Creature, fearing the angry vampire who stood imprisoned in front of her.


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