Sons and Fathers

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Sons and Fathers Page 31

by Harry Stillwell Edwards



  A feeling of apprehension and solemnity pervaded the hall when at lastthe old family coach deposited its single occupant, Dr. Campbell, at thegate. The colonel stood at the top of the steps to welcome him. Edwardand Mary were waiting in the sitting-room.

  The famous practitioner, a tall, shapely figure, entered, and as heremoved his glasses he brought sunshine into the room, with his cheeryvoice and confident manner. To Mrs. Montjoy he said:

  "I came as soon as the telegram was received. Anxiety and loss of restin cases like yours are exceedingly undesirable. It is better to beinformed--even of the worst. Before we discuss this matter, come to thewindow and let me examine the eye, please." He was assisting her as hespoke. He carefully studied the condition of the now inflamed andsightless organ, and then replaced the bandage.

  "It is glaucoma," he said, briefly. "You will remember that I feared itwhen we fitted the glasses some years ago. The slowness of its advanceis due to the care you have taken. If you are willing I would prefer tooperate at once." All were waiting in painful silence. The brave womanreplied: "Whenever you are ready I am," and resumed her knitting. He hadbeen deliberate in every word and action, but the occasion was alreadyrobbed of its terrors, so potent are confidence, decision and action.Edward was introduced and would have taken his leave, but the oculistdetained him.

  "I shall probably need you," he said, "and will be obliged if youremain. The operation is very simple."

  The room was soon prepared; a window was thrown open, a lounge drawnunder it and bandages prepared. Mary, pale with emotion, when theslender form of her mother was stretched upon the lounge hurriedlywithdrew. The colonel seated himself and turned away his face. There wasno chloroform, no lecture. With the simplicity of of a child at play,the great man went to work. Turning up the eyelid, he dropped upon thecornea a little cocaine, and selecting a minute scalpel from his case,with two swift, even motions cut downward from the center of the eye andthen from the same starting point at right angles. The incisionsextended no deeper than the transparent epidermis of the organ.Skillfully turning up the angle of this, he exposed a thin, whitegrowth--a minute cloud it seemed to Edward.

  "Another drop of cocaine, please," the pleasant voice of the oculistrecalled him, and upon the exposed point he let fall from the dropperthe liquid. Lifting the little cloud with keen pinchers, the operatorremoved it, restored the thin epidermis to its place, touched it againwith cocaine, and replaced the bandage. The strain of long hours wasended; he had not been in the house thirty minutes.

  "I felt but the scratch of a needle," said the patient; "it is indeedended?"

  "All over," he said, cheerfully. He then wrote out a prescription anddirections for dressing, to be given to the family physician. Mary wasalready by her mother's side, holding and patting her hand.

  The famous man was an old friend of the family, and now entered into acheerful discussion of former times and mutual acquaintances. The littleboy had entered, and somehow had got into his lap, where all childrenusually got who came under his spell. While talking on other subjects heturned down the little fellow's lids.

  "I see granulation here, colonel. Attend to it at once. I will leave aprescription." And then with a few words of encouragement, he went offto the porch to smoke.

  After dinner the conversation came back to the patient.

  "She will regain her vision this time," said Dr. Campbell, "but thedisease can only be arrested; it will return. The next time it will dono good to operate. It is better to know these things and prepare forthem." The silence was broken by Edward.

  "Are you so sure of this, doctor, that you would advise against furtherconsultation? In Paris, for instance, is Moreau. In your opinion, isthere the slightest grounds for his disagreeing with you?"

  "In my opinion, no. But my opinion never extends to the point ofneglecting any means open to us. Were I afflicted with this disease Iwould consult everybody within reach who had had experience." Edwardglanced in triumph at Mary. Dr. Campbell continued:

  "I would be very glad if it were possible for Mrs. Montjoy to see Moreauabout the left eye. You will remember that I expressed a doubt as to thehopelessness of restoring that one when it was lost. It was not affectedwith glaucoma; there is a bare possibility that something might be donefor it with success. If the disease returns upon the right eye, thequestion of operating upon the other might then come up again." Edwardwaited a moment and then continued his questions:

  "Do you not think a sea voyage would be beneficial, doctor?"

  "Undoubtedly, if she is protected from the glare and dust while ashore.We can only look to building up her general health now." Edward turnedaway, with throbbing pulses.

  "But," continued the doctor, "of course nothing of this sort should beattempted until the eye is perfectly well again; say in ten days or twoweeks." Mary sat with bowed head. She did not see why Dr. Campbell arosepresently and walked to where Edward was standing. She looked upon themthere. Edward was talking with eager face and the other studying himthrough his glasses. But somehow she connected his parting words withthat short interview.

  "And about the sea voyage and Moreau, colonel; I do not know that Iought to advise you, but I shall be glad if you find it convenient toarrange that, and will look to you to have Moreau send me a writtenreport. Good-bye." But Edward stopped him.

  "I am going back directly, doctor, and can take you and the carriageneed not return again. I will keep you waiting a few moments only." Hedrew Col. Montjoy aside and they walked to the rear veranda.

  "Colonel," he said, earnestly, "I want to make you an offer, and I do itwith hesitancy only because I am afraid you cannot understand methoroughly upon such short acquaintance. I believe firmly in this tripand want you to let me help you bring it about. Without havinginterested myself in your affairs, I am assured that you stand upon thefooting of the majority of southerners whose fortunes were staked uponthe Confederacy, and that just now it would inconvenience you greatly tomeet the expense of this experience. I want you to let me take the placeof John Morgan and do just as he would have done in thissituation--advance you the necessary money upon your own terms." As heentered upon the subject the old gentleman looked away from him, and ashe proceeded Edward could see that he was deeply affected. He extendedhis hand impulsively to the young man at last and shook it warmly. Tearshad gathered in his eyes. Edward continued:

  "I appreciate what you would say, Colonel; you think it too much for acomparative stranger to offer, or for you to accept, but the matter isnot one of your choosing. The fortunes of war have brought about thedifficulty, and that is all. You have risked your all on that issue andhave lost. You cannot risk the welfare of your wife upon an issue ofpride. You must accept. Go to Gen. Evan, he will tell you so."

  "I cannot consider the offer, my young friend, in any other than abusiness way. Your generosity has already put us under obligations wecan never pay and has only brought you mortification."

  "Not so," was the reply. "In your house I have known the first homefeeling I ever experienced. Colonel, don't oppose me in this. If youwish to call it business, give it that term."

  "Yours will be the fourth mortgage on this place; I hesitate to offerit. The hall is already pledged for $15,000."

  "It is amply sufficient."

  "I will consider the matter, Mr. Morgan," he said after a long silence."I will consider it and consult Evan. I do not see my way clear toaccept your offer, but whether or not, my young friend"--putting his armover the other's shoulder, his voice trembling--"whether I do or not youhave in making it done me an honor and a favor that I will remember forlife. It is worth something to meet a man now and then who is worthy tohave lived in nobler times. God bless you--and now you must excuse me."He turned away abruptly. Thrilled by his tone and words, Edward went tothe front. As he shook hands with Mary he said:

  "I cannot tell yet. But he cannot refuse. There is no escape for him."

  At the
depot in the city the doctor said: "Do not count too hopefullyupon Paris, my young friend. There is a chance, but in my opinion thegreatest good that can be achieved is for the patient to store in memoryscenes upon which in other days she may dwell with pleasure. Keep thisin mind and be governed accordingly." He climbed aboard the train andwaved adieu.

  Edward was leaving the depot when he overtook Barksdale. Putting hisbuggy in the care of a boy, he walked on with the railroader at hisrequest to the club. Barksdale took him into a private room and over achoice cigar Edward gave him all the particulars of the duel and thenexpressed his grateful acknowledgments for the friendly servicesrendered him.

  "I am assured by Gen. Evan," he said, "that had my demand been made in adifferent form I might have been seriously embarrassed."

  "Royson depended upon the Montjoys to get him out of the affair; he hadno idea of fighting."

  "But how could the Montjoys have helped him?"

  "They could have appealed to him to withdraw the charges he had made,and he would have done so because the information came really from amember of the Montjoy family. I do not think you will need to ask hername. I mention it to you because you should be informed." Edwardcomprehended his meaning at once. Greatly agitated, he exclaimed:

  "But what object could she have had in putting out such slander? I donot know her nor she me." Barksdale waved his hand deprecatingly:

  "You do not know much of women."

  "No. I have certainly not met this kind before."

  Barksdale reflected a few moments, and then said, slowly: "Slander is acurious thing, Mr. Morgan. People who do not believe it will repeat it.I think if I were you I would clear up all these matters by submittingto an interview with a reporter. In that you can place your own andfamily history before the public and end all talk." Edward was pale, butthis was the suggestion that he had considered more than once. He shookhis head quickly.

  "I disagree with you. I think it beneath the dignity of a gentleman toanswer slander by the publication of his family history. If the peopleof this city require such statements from those who come among them,then I shall sell out my interest here and go abroad, where I am known.This I am, however, loath to do; I have a few warm friends here."Barksdale extended his hand.

  "You will, I hope, count me among them. I spoke only from a desire tosee you fairly treated."

  "I have reason to number you among them. I am going to Paris shortly, Ithink, with Mrs. Montjoy. Her eyesight is failing. I will be glad to seeyou again before then."

  "With Mrs. Montjoy?" exclaimed Barksdale.

  "Yes; the matter is not entirely settled yet, but I do not doubt thatshe will make the trip. Miss Montjoy will go with us."

  Barksdale did not lift his eyes, but was silent, his hand toying withhis glass.

  "I will probably call upon you before your departure," he said, as hearose.


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