Broken but Breathing (Jinx Tattoos Book 2)

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Broken but Breathing (Jinx Tattoos Book 2) Page 12

by Shyla Colt

  “Remember, you asked for this.”

  “Asked for w—”

  He gripped her hips and lifted her to him, swallowing her protests down. She gasped. He took advantage of the opening, plunging his tongue into her sweetness. She had a complex flavor that hinted at alcohol and dessert. Two of my favorite things. Her fist pounded his back. He stroked her tongue with his, and she melted against him, wrapping her legs around his waist, and fisting his cut. He hummed his approval. Her heat seared him through their layers of clothing. He spun and walked to the door, closing it with her body as he pinned her to it.

  “You taste so damn good. Like candy.”

  He rocked his hips into her and nipped his way down her jawline to her neck. The urge to mark her stunned him. She whimpered, and he studied her swollen lips and tousled hair, proud of the mess he made.

  “I can keep at this all night. But I can’t promise to hold myself in check. A taste of you is never going to be enough. I want the entire thing.”

  Her eyes dilated further, and he moaned. “You ready to talk now, or do you want me to continue?”


  “I’ll take that as a no,” he said, lowering his head and sucking on the tender skin of her neck. She arched her back, and he rolled his hips.

  “Oh, Xavier.”

  Her cries pushed him past the point of return. “I can’t stop until you’re crying my name now, little girl. I want to see your face when you come for me.”

  Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. He thrust harder.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus.”

  She began to ride him, moving in time with his rhythm. Her body shook.

  “That’s it, Sprite, let go for me.” He ignored the tightness in his jeans and continued to stimulate what he knew to be the sweet spot.

  “I-I’m going to…” Her voice splintered as it yielded to a scream. She convulsed; her legs went limp and slid down. He hiked her up, supporting her thickening ass he walked to her couch and sank onto the cushion, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “What did we just do?” she breathed.

  “Rocked your world.”

  She smirked. “That you did, big man. I don’t think it was smart.”

  He ran his fingers through her hair. “Why not?”

  “Because it confuses everything. I was trying to draw lines.”

  His heart sank. “Draw lines? Is that what you want?”

  “Isn’t it what you want?” she countered, her voice so soft he had to strain to hear her.

  “Did I say that?” He tucked his pointer finger beneath her chin and forced her to look at him.

  “That day after we first kissed you left without a word,” she said with a shrug.

  “I wrote a note.”

  “Yes, and we never spoke about it again. I thought maybe you regretted it.”

  “This shit I’m knee deep in has had me all twisted up and distracted. If I had thought for one second you doubted me…” He trailed off sucking in a deep breath. “I want everything you’re willing to give. I’m trying like hell to pace myself. Neither of us has had a real relationship in a long time, and I know you’re not fully healed yet. I can’t be a rebound.”

  She blinked up at him owlishly. He cursed the way he’d put himself out there.

  “You want me?” she whispered.

  “Sprite, if you haven’t realized this by now, I already have you. What I want is more.”

  “I-I don’t.”

  “So you’ll buy a house for me, decorate, help me raise my child, and be placed on my bank account, but won’t try for a relationship?”

  “I didn’t have a choice there. You sprang that on me.”

  “You always have a choice, Sprite.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I wanted to help you.”


  “Because you needed me.”

  “Why did that matter?”

  She pursed her lips.

  “Go ahead, say it.”

  “Because I care about you.”

  “And I care about you. We’ll go at snail’s pace. But I’ll be kissing those lips more, and if you try to pull back, I’m going to remind you of all the reasons why the risk is worth it.”

  “You came straight to me?”

  “Drove the entire trip through Mother Nature’s temper tantrum and made the prospects wait in the van.”

  “Oh no. That’s awful, Snake.”

  He laughed. “There’s the sweet girl I left behind.”



  Es scanned the crowded club, searching for a familiar face. When she came up empty, her spirits sank. She’s not going to come.

  “What’s going on with you tonight?” Kali asked.

  “I invited my sister-in-law here tonight. I thought if she came out and saw me on the job it might smooth things over.”

  Kali sighed. “Honey, when you throw in with the Wild Ones, there are people you’ll lose because they don’t understand.”

  “It shouldn’t be that way, Kal,” Es said, refusing to give up her best friend or her…man? Boyfriend sounded too silly as old as they were.

  “No, but if wishes were fishes, the world would be an ocean.”

  “You’re not helping.”

  “What? You’re nicer than me extending that olive branch. You screw me over, and I might forgive, but I won’t forget.” She shook her head. “That’s how you get screwed repeatedly, and unless you’re my man, I’m not about that life.”

  “She’s not just anyone. This woman saved my life a million times over and refused to give up on me when the rest of the world turned their back or tried to get their pound of flesh.”

  “The real test comes when you no longer do the things they expect of you. Or can no longer do the things they want you to. If they stick around, the friendship is true. If they jump ship, you’re better off seeing them for who they’ve always been. They save you the trouble of removing them from your life.”

  “Jesus, Kal. Is it all so black and white with you?” Es asked.

  “Once you’re betrayed enough, you grow a thick skin and learn to see the signs on the wall for what they are. Good-byes are never easy. But there comes a point where hardening your heart becomes self-preservation. This world and the selfish people in it can break you down and drain you dry. You have to find that balance between understanding and flexibility and being a naïve doormat.”

  “I’m not a doormat.”

  “Never said you were. The fact is, sometimes you have to remind others of that fact and let the pieces fall where they may. For your sake, I hope she shows up tonight. But if she doesn’t, think about what that says and remember accepting any kind of treatment sends a message that it’s okay to treat you with disrespect. I can tell you now your man won’t be having that, and you do not want him to be the one to check her. He’s not as nice as you or me.”

  Despite her harsh words, it felt good to have people in her corner. The year had been lonely for so many reasons. Snake came with a ready-made family who accepted her as she was, which was a rarity.

  “Hey, Kal, can we get another bucket over here?” Stryker called.

  “Sure thing, honey,” Kal cooed. She was a master at making every person she came into contact with feel like they were the only one who mattered. Es envied her natural charisma. She also recognized a wealth of pain lay hidden beneath her easygoing façade.

  “I think your friend is showing her true colors,” Kali said as she tossed a couple of beers in a bucket and walked over to the rowdy table full of bikers Es didn’t recognize from the club.

  Her heart raced as she spotted her friend walking through the door with Todd at her side. She grinned and waved. Jolene gave her a small smile and an answering wave. She wasn’t comfortable, but her presence spok
e volumes. They took a seat in front of her by the bar.

  “You came,” Es exclaimed.

  “Of course we did. Had to check out the place where my little sister was working,” Todd said with a playful wink.

  Jole met her gaze. “You called me.”

  “I didn’t like the way we left things,” Es replied.

  “Me either. I shouldn’t have been so judgmental. But I was shocked, and I think…hurt. I felt like you were replacing me.”

  “I could never do that. There’s only one Jolene Noll. The one who’s been my best friend for a long as I can remember. The keeper of secrets who loved me when I didn’t love myself. The things we’ve been through are ones no one else could understand. You’re precious to me.” Es reached her hand across the counter, and Jole squeezed it.

  “Now what can I get you? You’ve yet to see me in action you know,” Es said.

  “A Tom Collins for me. Jo?” Todd said.

  “Surprise me.”

  “A lemon drop martini I think,” Es said.

  She stepped away to make their drinks feeling lighter than she had in the past few days. Snake was a bundle of raw nerves as he met with the lawyer, researched the Miles’, and worked on a point of contact. It pained him knowing where his daughter was and not being able to get her. The bidding war on the house didn’t help. He’d fallen in love with the two story red brick home with its wraparound front porch, large yard, and deck. It was a beautiful home just waiting to be filled by a family. The fact that St. Agnes was in walking distance added to its appeal.

  “What have I missed?” Jole asked as Es returned from delivering a fresh round of drinks to the group seated on the opposite side of the bar.

  “Nothing much. Work’s pretty much taken the place of schooling. I love it here. There are always new people with interesting stories.”

  “And your beau?”

  Es snickered at the world beau. “Good. Don’t know if that’s the title I’d give him just yet.”

  “Hmm. I would,” Jole said swirling her drink.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Es asked.

  “His eyes said a lot. The intensity was almost alarming.”

  “Eh, he’s my support,” Es replied in an attempt to downplay the relationship they had yet to define. “What’ve I missed on your end?”

  “Not much, the kids miss you and told us to invite you over for dinner soon,” Todd said.

  “I’d like that. Next Sunday maybe?”

  “Perfect,” Jole agreed.

  Her phone buzzed. “Excuse me a second,” she said, stepping off to the side. Normally cell phones were frowned on, but Kal knew all about the house hunting. She saw the agent’s name flash on the screen.

  “Hello,” she answered, moving to the corner of the bar.

  “Ms. Noll?”


  “They’ve accepted your bid! Congratulations, you and Mr. Kolton are home owners.”

  “Oh, that is excellent news!” she gushed.

  “We’ll meet up tomorrow at say noon to finalize everything.”

  “I’ll be there. Thank you again, Martha.” Finally, some good news.


  She left the bar just after three and made a quick stop at the twenty-four-hour drugstore before heading to the clubhouse. It was a standard practice she called Snake once she got home after work. Parking her car, she stepped out, amazed at how things had changed since she first came here. Grabbing her purse, she climbed out and rushed to the door, riding high on the good news. She knocked and smiled up at the peephole.

  “Hey, Sprite. I wasn’t expecting you,” Sneak said.

  “Yeah, neither is Snake. It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t think he’s going to mind, doll face,” Sneak said.

  “Do you know where he is?”

  “Last I saw him, in his dorm.”

  “Thank you,” she called over her shoulder before she made her way through the crowd and down the hallway.

  She knocked on the door, and he opened it. Locks of hair fell into his eyes. His sleepy expression made him seem years younger.

  “Es, what’s wrong, sweet girl?”

  “Nothing. I had something I need to give you that couldn’t wait.”

  “Okay, come in.” Stepping back, he allowed her to enter.

  She grabbed his hand once he shut the door and guided him to the bed. He sat beside her, and she rummaged through her purse, pulling out a small bag.


  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Come on, open it.”

  He pulled out the tissue paper and lifted the gift box with a black bow. “Went all out, huh?”

  “Mmhmm,” she said.

  He pulled the ribbon free, lifted the lid, and paused. “Is this the key to your heart?”

  “No, you cornball! It’s the key to your new home!”

  “Oh shit! We got it?”

  She nodded her head. He lifted her up and spun her around. Squealing, she held on to his shirt. A firm swat to her ass made her laugh.


  “I can’t help it. You’re getting some meat on your bones and I can’t help but want to touch, and bite, and caress.” He massaged her cheek, and she shuddered. “I thought you were tired.”

  “Then you came along with good news and this ass. How’s a man supposed to get any shut eye?”

  He set her back on her feet. “I think this calls for a celebration.” His voice grew husky, and his eyes darkened with lust. He’d been so selfless taking care of her needs mentally, and physically, it was time she gave something back.

  “I agree,” she whispered, running her fingers down his chest and stomach as she knelt in front of him.


  “Shh.” She hooked her thumbs into the sides of his boxers and eased them down. Blood rushed in her ears. It’d been so long since she’d done anything sexual. What If I’m awful? Her hands shook as she took him in her hands and stroked him from half-mast to eight thick inches.

  “Give me those eyes, Sprite.”

  Their gazes met, and a current of electricity flowed between them. Her panties grew damp, her breasts swelled, and her nerves calmed. She tightened her grip, and he moaned. This powerful man was giving her control. His eyelids were half-closed, and his dark eyes shone with passion. She flicked her tongue across his head and circled it slowly, savoring the flavor of salt and masculinity. She sucked him into her mouth and moaned. He was a slice of the divine.

  A sense of power flooded her. He was restoring her piece by piece. Hollowing her cheeks, she bobbed her head and stroked up.

  “Yes, just like that, babe” he whispered.

  She focused on loosening her throat, taking him deeper with each pass. “Take it all, Es. Like my sweet girl.” He buried his fingers in her hair and thrust his hips. His husky timber made her core ache. He pulled her hair tautly.

  She hummed her approval.

  “Oh shit, that magical mouth of yours.”

  She continued to hum and increased her speed.

  “I’m going to come, and you’re going to swallow every last drop, aren’t you?”

  “Mmm hmm.” She gagged as he fucked her mouth, surrendering herself to him. His body tensed and he roared as he shot a hot blast down her throat. Limbs trembling, he held onto her shoulders. She kissed his tip and pulled his boxers back in place.

  “Give me a minute and I’ll return the favor,” he said.

  “No, this was for you.” Rising, she started walking toward his bed. “Are you coming?” she asked, looking over her shoulder with a smirk. It felt good to be the one leaving him speechless for once.



  She was a fucking moonbeam—ethereal and impossible to grasp. Every time he
gave chase she eluded him, keeping her high walls up and side-stepping his attempts to take their relationship further. The cat-and-mouse game was old. Things were happening fast in his world. The house was purchased weeks ago, and they spent most of their free time filling it with furniture and decorations. He and the lawyer had written a letter which would be delivered to the Miles once he had all his shit together.

  Best case scenario, they’d settle things out of court. Worse case, they’d drag the entire process out and burn up unnecessary amounts of money before he could claim Jocelyn. It was a small blessing that they’d kept her name. If they chose to fight him over custody, he couldn’t get into things half-assed. It gave him comfort knowing there had never been any misconduct reported. But he knew money was the ultimate silencer.

  Another week and this place will be move-in ready. All the puzzle pieces were lining up. Except for Es. He’d promised her to go slow. After her delicious display of surprise oral, he’d refrained from pushing for more than heavy make out sessions. This ends tonight. He was going to claim what was his and show her that denial wouldn’t stop the process they’d set into motion. He needed his woman and his daughter together under one roof. Life was a winding road full of potholes that could derail you in an instant. After all the shit he’d been through he refused to accept anything less.

  He studied himself in the mirror. In a grey sweater he paired with a leather jacket and his nicest pair of denims, he was a dressier version of himself. He’d tamed his hair, slicking it back from his face with styling pomade, and trimmed and oiled his beard. He was going all out tonight, flowers and dinner after they stopped by the Clover Gallery to see Enzo and Aibhlinn’s paintings. Plus, his goddaughter, Aoife, would be there. It was a sneaky way to introduce Es to the rest of his circle.

  He was rusty at dating, but he remembered how to do it right. When he’d met his wife, Jade, he’d been clueless. She told him what she expected and told him to step up his game if he planned on keeping her. He’d adapted. It was one thing he was good at. Approving his look, he spun away from the mirror and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing the brightly-colored bouquet off the island in the kitchen. Tangerine, fuchsia, peach, and periwinkle blooms would brighten any girl’s day according to the florist. For the price he’d paid, they’d better.


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