Lethal Game

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Lethal Game Page 11

by Katie Reus

  She arched into him, grabbing onto his Kevlar vest and tugging him even closer as her lips clashed with his.

  The hunger emanating from her was almost a tangible thing, her need matching his as she nipped at his bottom lip. He cupped the back of her head hard, some part of him afraid she’d pull back, and he simply wasn’t done. Couldn’t stop tasting, kissing her.

  He felt like a man dying of thirst and she was his salvation. He hadn’t realized how bland his life had been until she’d come into it a year ago. It had been even worse once she’d left him because he’d had a brief glimpse into what happiness was, only to have it ripped away.

  The sane part of his brain knew they couldn’t do this for long, that he couldn’t be distracted. Using willpower he didn’t know he had, he pulled back, breathing as hard as her.

  “I’m not sorry for that,” he rasped out, staring down at her beautiful face.

  Her lips were swollen, her gaze slightly dazed. “I’m not either.”

  Good, he thought savagely. Very soon, they were going to do more than just kiss. If they made it out of here tonight, he was claiming her forever. After the way she’d reacted to him, she couldn’t deny the chemistry that still burned between them.

  There would never be anyone else for him. He knew that with a bone-deep certainty. He didn’t care how long it took to convince her of the same.

  Now he just had to make sure they got out of this alive. First thing on his agenda: finding that damn satellite phone.

  Chapter 15

  Emerson stared at her cell phone. She’d already called Harrison, Grant, Porter, and Lizzy. No one was answering their phone. The only reason she could remotely think of for none of them answering was that there had been an emergency on another job. Still…one of them should be available. The only other reason she could think of was that Belle had gone into labor and things weren’t going well. That thought made her pause.

  She had no reason to call the police simply because Isa hadn’t showed up to the Red Stone office like she said she would thirty minutes ago. Now Emerson had no way to get in contact with her. Every time she tried to call Raptor’s main building, it went to a recorded voicemail. So her options were limited. But she couldn’t let this go. It wasn’t like Isa to flake on her. And even though she had been pretty vague when they’d talked last, something about her tone had been off. No, something had to be wrong.

  Feeling only a little foolish, she decided to call Carlito. He was the first person she thought of and she knew he wouldn’t make her feel stupid for being worried about her friend. The job she was working on with Isa and Graysen—whose phone was also still in the lobby of the Raptor Aeronautical building—was classified. While she couldn’t tell Carlito specifics about the job, she could still ask him for an unofficial police escort. She’d feel better having someone go with her anyway and she trusted him.

  Emerson tried to convince herself that once she got to Raptor she’d discover that Isa and Graysen had gotten tied up with work.

  She couldn’t even make herself believe the lie.

  No matter what, she needed to see for herself that her friend was okay. And if Isa wasn’t… No, she wouldn’t think like that.

  Carlito answered on the second ring. “Hey, I was just coming to see you.”

  Her heart stuttered just a little bit at the thought of him dropping by tonight to see her. “Are you nearby?”

  “Yeah, about two minutes away.”

  “Do you feel like giving me a ride somewhere? Isa called me a while ago and was supposed to meet me here. But she hasn’t shown up. And that’s not like her. I think it might have something to do with the job we’re working on. I can’t really say more than that.”

  “No problem. But what did Harrison say?”

  She let out a sigh even as she started closing down her computer and cleaning up her desk for the day. “I’ve tried calling everyone I can think of who has the clearance for this job and no one is answering. Do you know if Belle went into labor?”

  “Oh hell, that’s definitely a possibility. Last time I talked to Grant he said she was really close. Do you want me to see if I can get in touch with their dad?”

  She paused as she closed her office door behind her. “Ah, yes, if you don’t mind.” Technically Keith Caldwell didn’t work for the company anymore. He’d handed everything over to his sons, but he was the founder. She simply hadn’t thought about calling him, however. “If you get in contact with him, will you ask him to have Harrison call me back?”

  “No problem.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be downstairs in a couple minutes.”

  “I’ll pull right up to the front of the building.”

  “Okay, see you in a sec.” She was already feeling better about going over to Raptor Aeronautical now that Carlito was here. Getting to spend a little extra time with Carlito? Not the worst thing in the world. Not even close.

  Minutes later she strode through the lobby of Red Stone Security, waved at two of the security guys she knew, and stepped out into the cool December air.

  Carlito was waiting at the curb in his big, dark blue truck. And no surprise to her, he jumped out when he saw her and opened the passenger door. The man certainly had manners. In fact, he was pretty damn perfect. She couldn’t believe that it had taken her so long to realize that the sweetest man was right in front of her face and that she wanted way more than friendship with him.

  “How serious do you think this thing with Isa is?” he asked, his expression pure cop mode, which she’d only seen a couple times before.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure.” She slid into the seat, was surprised when he leaned over to strap her in.

  He did it so quickly, and there was nothing intimate about it, but having him so close to her made her lightheaded for a moment. That masculine, familiar scent rolled over her, made her want to inhale deeper. But she didn’t want to look crazy so she restrained herself.

  He didn’t respond until he’d slid into the driver’s seat. “I turned on the seat warmer so if it gets too hot on your side just let me know.” She was touched by his thoughtfulness, but before she could respond, he continued. “I couldn’t get hold of Keith. So I think they must all be at the hospital. It’s the only thing that makes sense. So when I ask how serious this is, what I’m saying is, should I call in backup right now?” He shot her an intent look as he stared down the quiet road in the business district.

  “I don’t think it’s that serious. But…” She contemplated how much she could tell him without divulging anything classified. Emerson took her job seriously, but she needed to look out for her friends. “Today two people were arrested, thanks to the work we’ve done on this job—which is great news. And one was brought in for questioning. As far as I know he hasn’t been arrested yet. We were planning on wrapping this job up by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Then Isa called and she sounded a little off.” And that was all she was comfortable saying.

  “Okay.” He nodded, looking thoughtful. “We’ll park and head into the main lobby. I’ll show my badge, and say I need to speak to one of their employees. How does that sound?”

  Relief slid through Emerson’s veins. “That sounds perfect. Oh, you’ll need to ask for Isa Johnson, not Harper.”

  Carlito raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment. He cleared his throat as they reached a red light. “About that parade Saturday.”

  A sharp sense of disappointment threatened to overwhelm her. There was something foreboding in his tone, as if he was about to cancel on her. Maybe he really was seeing someone new and they had plans. She steeled herself for what he was about to say. “If you can’t make it, it’s okay.”

  He shot her a sharp look, his gray eyes piercing. “I’m going. I wanted to know if we were going as friends or as a date. For the record, I’m hoping you say the latter.”

  Her eyes widened as she digested his words. A brief honk from the vehicle behind them made her jump. He faced forward and pressed on the gas.

  She stared at his profile, drinking in the sharp lines of his face as she forced her voice to work. “You want to go with me on a date?”

  “Yep. I’ve wanted to ask you out for about six months.”

  She continued staring, digesting that as well. Carlito wanted to date her? Um, yes, please. “Are you talking casual dating?” Because she couldn’t do that. Couldn’t just be another woman he was seeing. It would carve her up inside. She was an all or nothing kind of girl.

  He snorted, gave her another one of those heated looks that made her toes curl in her boots. “Fuck. No.”

  She jolted at his use of the F word. She’d never heard him curse at all. If anything, he seemed to go out of his way not to. Considering how many former military types she was around all the time she knew he was tempering his language around her. She liked the forceful way he denied wanting something casual, however. “Your sister Camilla told me you were dating somebody.”

  By his expression, it was clear she’d surprised him. Just as quickly his eyes narrowed. “Is that why you were being weird Monday night?”

  “That’s not an answer.” And she found that she really, really needed one.

  “No. I haven’t dated anyone or looked at another woman since we met. I haven’t wanted to. And…I don’t think I’m going to want to look at another woman for a long time. As in, ever.” There was a determined set to his jaw, and his expression when he looked at her was filled with a kind of raw hunger she’d never experienced from anyone.

  Heat swept through her body like a wildfire, singeing all her nerve endings. She collapsed back against the passenger seat. Emerson wondered why his sister had lied to her but brushed that small hurt aside as she focused on the here and now and the fact that Carlito wanted her. From the sound of it, more than simply wanted to date. He wanted something serious and…so did she. It seemed too easy though, that this incredible man was just putting it all out there and admitting he wanted something real with her.

  “I want Saturday to be a date too.” Some days she could have pretended they actually were dating, for how much time they spent with each other. But she wanted the right to touch him, to kiss him, to see him completely naked and have her way with him, bringing him all sorts of pleasure… Her cheeks flushed at the thought, as she allowed herself to indulge in that fantasy without pulling back.

  “I don’t want to date anyone else, Emerson.”

  The way he said her name sent more delightful shivers down her spine. His tone was so serious, intent, she had no doubt he meant it. “Me neither.” The second the words were out she knew she meant them too. She felt as if maybe they’d been building to this for a while and she’d been too blind to see it.

  He took her hand as they reached the stoplight a corner away from their destination. When he linked his fingers through hers, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Arousal punched through her as she imagined his hands gliding all over her naked body, teasing and caressing.

  “I don’t want to wait until Saturday night for a date.” Tomorrow was Friday and if he wasn’t working, she wanted to see him then too.

  He smiled. “Good. I’ve already got reservations for us at Montez’s Grill tomorrow night.”

  She blinked. It was one of her favorite restaurants. “What?”

  “I came by your office tonight with the sole intent of asking you out, of making it crystal clear that I want more than friendship with you.”

  She’d completely forgotten to ask him why he’d stopped by the office tonight. Not that she was complaining. “It’s…hot when you get all growly like that,” she murmured, watching him closely. And she loved that he’d already made the reservations.

  His wicked grin made her insides flip-flop again. Oh God, this man was going to wreak complete havoc on her system. She’d been fantasizing about what it would be like to be intimate with him, but it wasn’t just a fantasy now. By all accounts, it was going to be a reality very soon. If she thought about it too much right now, however, she was going to combust.

  She cleared her throat. “Why…do you think Camilla lied to me?” It hurt more than a little because they were friends. Or she thought they had been.

  Carlito just shook his head. “I don’t know why. But I can guarantee it wasn’t to hurt you. She adores you, and has been after me to man up and ask you out forever. Her lying was probably some misguided attempt to…” He let out a short sigh that was more frustrated laugh than anything. “Honestly, who knows when it comes to my sisters or my mom? Sometimes I can’t even try to understand their logic.”

  “So your family will be okay with us being together?” It wasn’t a real fear—she adored his family—but she’d also just been his friend until now. Something else she was still trying to wrap her head around. If he wasn’t dating anyone else and she wasn’t… It felt weird to say the word boyfriend where Carlito was concerned, but that was essentially what he was now. Right? She wanted to crush her lips to his right freaking now and seal the deal, to get a taste of this man she considered hers.

  “Oh yeah. They’ll be more than happy. My mama’s been after me to lock you down since the moment she met you.”

  Emerson flushed with pleasure at his words. His sisters and mom were important to him so it meant a lot that they approved of her. Not that she would have let that stop a relationship between her and Carlito if they didn’t, but it made her incredibly happy. “I had no idea.”

  He pulled into a parking lot across the street from their destination, turned off the engine and twisted to face her. His fingers tightened around hers and yep, those little butterflies in her stomach took off again.

  It was as if she’d been given a pure dose of adrenaline. Being around him, with him holding her hand so intimately and looking at her as if she were the most precious thing in the world, it was hard to keep a thought in her head.

  “I kept putting off asking you out because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but…I couldn’t do it any longer. I want the right to hold your hand in public, to call you my own.” He cupped the back of her head possessively. “To do this…” His voice was all growly again as he leaned forward.

  Just as eager as him, she met him halfway.

  The second their mouths met, all her nerve endings flared to life as if she’d been shocked. Energy rolled off him as he teased her mouth open, his kiss demanding and sensual. It was as if he invaded all of her, stripped all her barriers away with this one kiss. Moaning into his mouth, she clutched onto his shoulders as she nipped at his bottom lip. Right now was too much and not enough. And sweet Lord, if just a kiss was turning her into a puddle of sensation, she could only imagine how great it would be once they finally got naked.

  When he pulled back, his eyes were full of tempered heat. “Let’s go check on your friend.” His voice was a soft growl.

  A shiver streaked down her spine at the heat in his words. After they checked on Isa she planned to have some very private time with Carlito. Shelving that for now—and only because she absolutely had to—she nodded and fell into step with him. It was always quiet in the business district after dark. No restaurants or clubs were down here, and even though there were high-rise condos a few blocks over, there was no reason for people to be here. No, they’d go to areas like South Beach, Wynwood, Midtown, or even Brickell, which wasn’t that far from here and had plenty of chic bars for the business crowd. It was always a little eerie when she left work late, and being near Raptor Aeronautical was no different.

  “What are their security protocols?” Carlito asked as they crossed the four-lane road directly across from their destination.

  Her hand fit perfectly in his and she savored the feel of holding his hand, his callused palm against hers. “About the same as Red Stone,” Emerson said, looking up at the huge building looming in front of them. She frowned as she realized how dark the place was. Everywhere else was lit up sporadically, even though she knew most places were closed for the evening. Still, there should always be
a couple lights on for late workers, the security team, and cleaning crews.

  He nodded, as if he’d guessed that was the case. “I left my service weapon in the truck.”

  She lifted an eyebrow at him as they stepped up onto the sidewalk. “You still have another one on you though, don’t you?”

  He just gave her a sly grin. “If we have to go through security, then I’ll bring it back out to my truck. But all we’re planning to do is ask to page Isa, right?”

  She nodded “Yes. And I really hope I’m just being stupid about all this.”

  “You’re not being stupid.” He tightened his fingers around hers as they neared the glass front door.

  It was weird how natural it felt, after all this time of just being friends, moving into this new stage of their relationship. She really, really couldn’t wait until they moved on to the next stage. He’d said he didn’t want casual. And even though she told herself to slow down, she could see, well, everything with him. The whole deal. No white picket fence, because that wasn’t her style, but…marriage, kids. Yep. She could see it all with Carlito. And it scared her only a little.

  When he stopped about fifteen feet down the sidewalk from the main doors, she glanced at him. “What?”

  He looked at the mostly dark building, then the neighboring buildings. “Maybe the reason she hasn’t been able to call you is there’s no power.” His frown deepened even as she nodded. “I don’t like the look of this.” He pulled out his cell phone.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Gonna call one of my guys, see if there have been any power outage reports before we head in there blind.” He didn’t drop her hand as he typed in his security code.

  “Okay.” Fine by her.

  He tugged her hand as he scrolled down to someone’s name. “Come on, let’s go back and wait in my truck.”


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