by Jessica Marx

  Chapter 19


  “Dam, bro. You went out without me?” Jake says.

  We just got out of the showers after practice. He’s looking at the nail marks in my back.

  I laugh, “no. It was a date. It would have been weird if you were there.”

  “I don’t know, looks like things got a little crazy. I probably would have enjoyed it - oh wait! Is this the chic?”

  “I guess you can call her that,” I try to hide my smile. I don’t want to look like I’ve already gone too soft.

  “Guess you finally boned her.”

  I don’t answer. Sydney deserves more respect than locker room gossip.

  “And from the looks of those claw marks, she enjoyed it.”

  “Pretty sure she did.” Well, I have to say something. It was too good not to.

  “Good for you, bro. Just don’t get all emotional and shit. You need to have your head in the game.”

  “Football first - always.”

  “Bros before hoes and all.”

  “Right,” I joke.

  “Ladies,” Coach Taylor announces, “put your panties on. I need you all front and center - now.”

  Jake and I look at each other. When Coach talks, we listen. We hustle over to the center of the room and give him our attention.

  “Nixon, you need get your head out of your ass.”

  Oh. So it’s going to be that kind of post practice meeting. Coach continues pointing out what we were doing right as a team - and what we did wrong. Luckily, he only calls out a couple of guys by name. Coach Taylor is a hard ass, but he gets his point across and the job done. I look around and note that this may be the first group of men he’s had that really play well together. We’ve trained hard on the field and off and it shows.

  “…tomorrow is going to be tough. Jax, you were on point today. Whatever it is you’re doing, keep it up.” Jake laughs quietly and nudges me. I give him a look. “stand tall in the pocket. You know how to read these guys - you know the plays. Stay confident and if you need to make a snap decision, your team knows you’ll deliver. Follow up with one of your super accurate throws and we will take this game tomorrow. We’ve never beat the Tigers - we’ve come close, but always drop the ball in the end. Not this time. We’re going to slaughter those fuckers tomorrow. Go home and get your beauty sleep ladies - you’re going to need it.”

  The meeting ends with some shouts and chants from the guys. I head back to my locker and check the time. Shit. It’s late. I think I can make the second half of the Mesquite game if I run out of here. I know the boys will be disappointed if I don’t show. I pick up the pace and get myself together.

  “Where are you rushing off to?” Jake asks, “your woman calling?”

  “No, dick. The high school team I coach has a game tonight. I want to be there.”

  “I feel like I don’t even know you anymore, Jax,” Jake kids.

  “Yeah, shit is just different right now.”

  “Want some company? I bet those boys would love to see a real football star at one of their games.” He waggles his eyebrows.

  “Sure, why not?”

  “Cool, bro. Can we stop for some food? I’m starved.”

  I check the time again, “sure, we should eat anyway. We’ll pick something up on the way.”

  I shoot a text to Coach Johnson on my way to the car to see how the game is going. I’m not sure if he’ll answer, but it’s worth a shot. I don’t know if we’ll make it, but even if I get there for the last few minutes, at least the boys will know I tried.

  Chapter 20


  I haven’t done much of anything today. I’m still floating on air from last night. My phone rings - It’s Jaxson.

  “Hello,” I answer excitedly. I realize I must sound like I’ve been waiting for him to call all day so I take it down a notch.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “How was practice?”

  “Rough, but over now. I’m going to head over to the school to catch the rest of the game. Want to come?”

  I think quick. I told him this morning I would, but I don’t know if I’m ready to be seen at school with Jax. Once the students see us together, we’ll never hear the end of it. I don’t want to risk that until I’m sure he’s going to stick around. I do want to see him though. I’m sure Kelly will come with me if I ask.

  “How about I meet you there?”

  “Are you sure? We can pick you up.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Okay,” he replies, sounding a little disappointed.

  “Wait, we?”

  “I have my buddy with me. We’ll be down on the bench. Let me know when you get there.”

  “I will.”

  There’s an awkward silence, neither of us sure what to say for a moment.

  “See you later, babe.”

  “Later, babe,” I say, mocking him.

  I know he’s smiling even though I can’t see him.

  Kelly and Tim had ordered take out and are watching television in the living room. I’m sure a high school football game isn’t high on their list of Saturday night activities, but it won’t hurt to ask.

  “Hey. Would you guys want to go to a football game with me?”

  “The Rattlers? Hell yeah!” Tim says excitedly, sitting up on the couch.

  “Um, no. The Bobcats.”

  “As in, the Mesquite Bobcats?”


  “No, thanks - and don’t tease me like that again,” Tim says, sitting back down.

  “Are you sure? I don’t really want to go alone.”

  “Why are you even going?” Kelly asks, then quickly figures it out, “oh! Jaxson must be coaching.”

  “He had his own practice, he’s going to try and catch the end of the game. He asked me to go.”

  “Why doesn’t he just pick you up?”

  “I told him not to. I have half of the team in my classes. I’m not ready to show up to school together - like we’re a ‘thing’,” I say shyly, “at least not until we’re officially a couple - if that ever happens.”

  “I hope it happens. It would be the best thing for all of us,” Tim comments. Kelly and I both look at him, confused. “What?” he adds innocently, “free tickets to the games - not to mention the street cred.” Kelly bonks him on the head with a pillow.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. I wouldn’t want to let you down,” I joke.

  Just then, my phone rings. It’s Jax again. I pick up the call and walk out of the room.

  “Hey, Jax, I was just getting ready to leave,” I lie. I’m not even close to ready.

  “Sorry, babe. I just heard back from Coach Johnson. The game is almost over.”

  “Oh,” I reply, disappointed.

  “Yeah. I’m going to go over there to show some support, but I’m thinking they will be off the field already by the time I get there.”

  “Okay.” What else can I say? I want to see Jax. I want to tell him to come over after - but I don’t need to sound desperate. It may feel like it’s been a while, but he was just here this morning.

  “I’m going to head home after and get some sleep. I have my own game tomorrow.”

  “Sure, of course.”

  There’s silence for a moment, then he answers, “hey. Why don’t you come to my game tomorrow? I’m sure I can get you some tickets. If you don’t want to come alone, I can get tickets for Kelly and Tim too.”

  I perk up a little bit. I was beginning to feel paranoid that Jax was blowing me off, “sure. That sounds great.”

  “Awesome. I’ll text you the info tomorrow.”


  There’s silence again. I hear his friend say something garbled in the background and then laugh. What the fuck?

  “Okay, so, have a good night.”

  “Good night.”

  I disconnect the call after what feels like the most awkward good bye I’ve ever had. Staring at my phone, I slowly walk back into the living roo

  “What happened?” Kelly asks. She looks concerned.

  “Nothing. Not going to the Mesquite game after all.”

  “Bummer,” Tim comments.

  “Shut up or you’re not coming to the Rattlers game with me tomorrow.”

  “Holy shit! Really?”

  “Yeah,” I reply, still not feeling one hundred percent sure what just happened on the phone. Jax didn’t sound like himself.

  I can’t tell if the invite to his game tomorrow was genuine or if he just felt bad breaking plans. It’s not that I was excited to go to a high school football game, but I was really looking forward to seeing Jax tonight. I think if he wanted to see me, he would have made it a point to at least stop by. Then again - he has a friend with him. Who knows? Men are so confusing. This is why I don’t date.

  Chapter 21


  I’m so glad I made it to Mesquite in time to catch the last couple of minutes of the game. The guys were pumped that I was there - even more so that Jake was with me. His skill on the field is admired by many of them - especially the other defensemen.

  A bunch of the guys had their parents there cheering them on. They were just as excited to meet Jake and me. Several of them even thanked me for helping their child. I have to admit - it feels good to be revered like that - not just as a player, but as a mentor.

  There was only one thing missing - Sydney. I should have picked her up - even if it was only going to be for a short time. Jake was being such a dick about it - making fun of me on the phone, making whipping sounds and calling me ‘pussy whipped’.

  I know it’s all in good fun. I’ve never been into one chick. I’ve picked up the phone to make a booty call, but never just to hang out. Now, here I am inviting a girl to a high school football game the night after our first date. I didn’t even do that when I was on the high school team. Maybe Jake’s right - maybe I am pussy whipped. Funny thing is, I don’t care.

  I drop Jake back at his car and drive the few minutes back to my place. As soon as I get inside, I send Sydney a text. Our conversation felt a little awkward. I want to make sure we’re good before I go to bed so I can focus on my game tomorrow.

  “Hey babe, you up?” I stare at my phone like a desperate teenager, waiting for her reply. Luckily, she answers back quickly.


  “Sorry about tonight. Shit just got…weird.”

  “Um, okay?”

  That explanation didn’t make things any better. I try again. “It was already late so we wouldn’t have made the game. I thought of getting you anyway, but my buddy was giving me a hard time.”

  “What was he giving you a hard time about?”

  “For calling a girl.”

  “You’ve never called a girl before?”

  I can sense Sydney’s sarcastic tone without hearing her voice. Without seeing her, I can visualize that cute half smile she makes when she’s trying to be funny. I love it. “Not for anything other than sex.”

  A minute goes by and Sydney hasn’t responded. Maybe this wasn’t the best conversation to have via text. I pick up the phone and call her.

  “Hey,” she answers in a soft, sexy voice, “are you calling to talk or for sex?”

  I laugh, “both?”

  “You don’t sound so sure of yourself now, tough guy.”

  “I’m not,” I admit, “I wasn’t expecting you to sound so seductive when you answered.”

  “And I wasn’t expecting you to call.”

  “I just wanted to clear the air. I didn’t want you thinking I was being a dick.”

  “Really? You usually don’t seem to care,” she teases.

  “I care a little bit now,” I reply, but it’s an understatement. I care way more than I should, “are you going to come to my game tomorrow?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Yes. Thanks for offering. Kelly and Tim are coming too. I’ve never been to a Rattler’s game. It should be fun.”

  “It will be - especially if we kick ass.”

  “I’m sure you will.”

  I know I’m going to try harder than ever with Sydney in the stands watching.

  “Well, I have to get to bed. I wish I could have seen you tonight, babe - especially after you offered me sex.”

  “What? I did not.”

  “When you answered the phone - you know - you asked if I wanted sex.”

  “I think you’re paraphrasing a bit,” Syd laughs.

  “Maybe,” I smile, “I’ll have to take you up on that next time. Besides, I’m still feeling good from last night - not that I couldn’t go again if you wanted to.”

  “Yeah,” she agrees softly, “that was …nice.”

  “Nice?” I blurt back, “I’ll have to try harder next time - and deeper.”

  Just saying those words gets my blood flowing again. I hear a quiet moan on the other end of the line and know where this conversation will go. I have to stop before I get back in the car and go straight to Sydney’s.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say quickly, putting an end to anything before it begins.

  “Okay. Good luck.” I can sense the defeat in Syd’s voice. She wanted me to keep going. I don’t want to leave her hanging, but maybe it will be good for both of us. She can let her desire build up and I can get a good night’s sleep - after I rub one out that is.

  “Good night, babe.”

  “Night, Jax.”

  Chapter 22


  I felt much better going to bed after hearing from Jax. The couple of comments he made at the end of our conversation got me pretty hot. I can’t say a guy has ever been able to do that to me before. For a minute I thought we were going to have some phone sex, but he ended the call. I know he had to get to sleep, but I didn’t.

  I spent some time thinking about him after we hung up and finished off the job myself. It didn’t take long this time. Now that we’ve actually been together, it was much easier. I didn’t have to leave everything to my imagination. The one long night we spent together gave me plenty of real life experience to go by. I never expected Jax to be so incredible. It was one of the few times where reality was better than fantasy. Hearing Jax’s voice and thinking about being with him that night was all I needed.

  I’ve never been to a real football game before. Tim suggested that we go early and tailgate in the parking lot. It seemed like a silly idea since it’s just the three of us, but why not get the whole experience?

  I know Jax is a fan favorite in his sport, but I’m still surprised to see how many people in the parking lot are wearing his jersey. It’s kind of weird, but also really cool. I watch them walk by and high five each other. Everyone is getting psyched for a good game. The three of us set up our chairs and blend in with the scene.

  I’m glad Tim suggested this, it’s pretty fun so far. I feel like a real Rattlers fan. He goes over some key points with me and Kelly while we share a couple of beers. For the most part, I have no idea what he’s talking about, but I’m hoping to catch on while we’re watching the game.

  “Oh my God!” Kelly shouts out excitedly. She’s staring at her phone, ignoring the football lesson Tim has been giving us. We both look at her expectantly.

  Kelly holds her phone out and we lean in to look at the screen. I stare at a picture of Jax and I from our dinner at Bella Notte just the other night.

  “What does it say?” I ask. A million things are going through my head. With Jax’s past, I’m hoping it’s nothing that’s going to ruin my reputation at school.

  “Not much,” Kelly says.

  Looking back at the blurb, she reads the description out loud, “in a very unusual scene, Jaxson James is spotted by fans having a romantic dinner with a local woman. Unlike his typical nights out on the town, James looks quite smitten.”

  I blush. What’s going to happen when I go back to school? Even if this is just a small blurb online, I’m sure everyone in town has seen it at this point. Then again, the photo is just us at a t
able - eating. We’re not doing anything inappropriate. We could have just been two friends enjoying a meal. Good thing there are no pictures from later on that night.

  “You’re officially the most famous person I know now.”

  “Second most.” Tim corrects her, “Jax is the first.”

  One of the passersby must have overheard that comment because he turns to look at us. Unimpressed, he keeps walking.

  “I don’t like being the center of attention.” I say uncomfortably. “

  “You’re going to have to get used to being in the public eye if you’re going to keep hanging around Jaxson James.”

  “I guess. It’s so not like me though.”

  “Neither is dating. You’ve never been into jocks either - or big guys,” Kelly rattles off, “maybe this is the new you.”


  I really like Jax, so if things are ever going to work out between us, I’m going to have to get used to it.

  We relish in my fifteen seconds of fame until crowds of people begin walking toward the stadium. We decide to clear up our area and join them. I pick up our tickets at will call on the way.

  “Holy shit!” Tim exclaims when I show him.


  “Fifty yard line? Are you kidding? I’m usually up in the nose bleed section.”

  “It’s good to know people,” Kelly says with a wink.

  We make our way to the seats. Tim is right - these seats are ridiculous. We are right on the field. The excitement down here is palpable already. We’re so close to the game - and to where Jax will be.

  The cheerleaders come out first and get the crowd riled up. For a second I wonder how many of them Jax has slept with. I let the thought go. He asked me to be here. That has to count for something.


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